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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1942)
Sunday, MarcK 8, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN 1 SpoJrfA. By Bob Miller Tied Up Friday night saw the University of Kansas Jayhawks sprinting through little opposition as they downed Missouri in the league finale for both team. . . The Avin gave Kansas a tie for the Big Six conference cage title. . . Okla homa holds the other half of the top position. Wins and Losses While the two teams are tied as to number of wins and losses with eight wins and two losses apiece, the K. U. tribe is virtually a cinch to renresent the Big Six in the N. C. A. A. play-offs in Kansas City to determine the team which will represent the midwest in the national cage tourney. . . The Jays have a much higher offensive record thanks to Ralph Miller and Charlie Black and their defensive job has netted their op ponents fewer points than the Sooners could manage. . . This is another time to thank Mr. Miller as the big forward could be de pended upon to hold his foe at bay at all time. Maybe Maybe the Kansas quint wjll do the representing of the Big Six since on Friday, Mr. Phog Allen, mentor deluxe, issued his usual unprejudiced statement to the effect that he thought there was something rotten in Denmark, which, translated, means that he doesn't approve of the NCAA set up. . . He gave his reasons for his attack. . Gets An Answer He said that the management of the tournament's finances had a suspicious look and smell to it. . . Georee Edwards of Mis souri said that he was willine to publish the reports of last year's tourney to prove fnog s error. . . It looks liks something has started atrain and tab this in vour books. . . . Photr's name will appear in headlines several times before this little deal clears up. . . One thing upon which you can rest assured is that Thog will not quit now that he has this started. l-M Finals Talk that went around after the Phi Gam-Beta scrap for the l-M cage crown was mighty favorable. . . . Most observers declared the affair the best fraternity cage con test that they had seen. . . The Phi Gams in winning 21-17 were forced to go all out as the Betas help a whip hand during the first half. . . There was even some talk about a game being arranged be tween an all-star intramural team and the varsity. Speculations If we were to pick an all-star team and a second team this is about the way we would pick them: First Team: Justin Berger, Beta F Ned Nutzman, Phi Gam....F Dean Nutzman, Phi Gam....C Tom Hyland, Beta G Warren Gableman, Farm H..G Second Team: Leonard Dunker, D. U F Fred Preston, Farm House.. F Stan Huffman, Beta C Con Healy, Phi Gam G Bert Bcown, D. U G These Swimmers Will Defend Hiiskers' Name at Ames l - ? v- ' i i V - i j 8 I III iU Ik,- Cr Rnniiitv J mi mm unA Ktnr. Aoua stars of the Big Six will meet In Ames with defending champions, Iowa State, as the hosts this weekend The above Sup of swimmers $5 'b? on h35 to drfelui the honor of the Huskersls they attempt to gra.p the crown rem XTtoJS? to Sf State and the Cvclones The picture, taken at the seasons start, has one swimmer in it who will not be on hand to compete flue to trie armv's call He is Don Hlert From left to right they are: Bill Edwards, Ililgert. Cliff Lambert, LeRoy Foster, Les Buckley and Dean Porter. StudeTmanaferVaS is doing "the starting. Other squadmen include Bill Yoachim in the diving event - I II Gymnasts Edged by Colorado; Grapplcrs Lose to Gophers Mat men Barmen Iowa Takes First in Swim Meet at Aines Iowa State won the Big Six swimming meet at Ames yester day to take the crown for the fifth con8cutive year when they rolled up 67 points for first place. Kansas State with 45 was sec ond; Nebraska waa third with 40 points, and Oklahoma chalked up 16 for fourth place, as two records fell. Nebraska's Ls Oldfield, back stroke star, set a new conference mark in that event when he pad dled the 150 yard stretch In 1:46.1, chopping 1.6 seconds off the old mark. The Iowa State 300 yard Victories by the Copple brothers, Newt and Ed, saved the University of Nebraska matmcn from a shut out yesterday afternoon, as they concluded the 1942 wrestling sea son by bowing to the powerful University of Minnesota grapplers 20-6. Coach D. C. Bart el ma's Big Ten champs were one of the best teams that the Huskers met all season. Gopher victors were: Bob Barber, 121 lbs.: Irwin Wheeler, 128 lbs.; son, 165 lbs.; Russell Newquist, 175 lbs.; and Manly Wilcox, heavy weight. Newt Copple, 145 lb. Big Six champ, wasn't hard pressed in his victory over his northern rival, tsromer rxi s tussle with Jack Morton proved to be the bout of the afternoon. Be hind by one point with less than one minute to go, Ed garnered points for the decision. Levy Injured. Although "Butch" Levy was un able to make the trip because of an injury, his successor, Manly Wilcox, gave a good account of himself by edging a decision over Herb iackman. medley relay team also put a new record on the books with a 3:12.7 timing. Nebraska had one first, in me vard harkstroke. four seconds. the 220 yard freestyle (Lambert), . M A the 60 yard ana iuu yara ireesiyie (Edwards), and the 440 yard free style (Porter). Two third place wins for the Huskers tankers included Lambert in the 440 yard freestyle, and the 440 yard relay. Fourth nlace wins by Nebraska were gained by Foster in the 200 vrd hrtftststroke. the team in the 300 vard medley relay, and by Pnrtr in the 220 vard freestyle. Yoachim waa fifth in the fancy diving for the Huskera. rv.rrihv "Dat" Tare, a Stanford Junior from Cody, Wyoming, was elected queen or tne annual vnase Bali. Dr. E. Vonden Stiener's gym nasts from Colorado State college eked out a 14 9', i -14 6 k victory over the Scarlet and Cream gym nastics team last night in the final dual meet of the season. Leading the victors was Flieger, who ran up a total of 32 '4 points. Runner up for the visitors was McAferty, former UN student, who amassed a total of 22 points. The scoring for the Huskers was nvpnlv divided with Collins Mc- Master and Emil Pelcak tying for honors with 21,,i counters. All in all. the season was a suc- ppsafjil one for the Millermen. Al though only one victory was regis trred durine the season, the per formances of the boys improved from meet to meet. Coach Charlev Miller has high hopes for a banner year next sea son, because every man on this vear's squad will be available. Results: Horizontal bars: Flieger (CSC) first: Pelcak (N) necond; Pfenning (CSC) third. Side horse: Pelcak (N) first: Norris CSC) second; Griffith (N) third. Flying rings: McAferty (CSC) first; McMasters (N) second; Flieger (CSC) third. Parallel bars: Flieeer (CSC) first; McAferty (CSC) second; Mc Masters and Cooper (IN) ilea xor third. Tumbllne: MiriteUo (CSC) first; Laughlln (CSC) second; Cooper (N) third. WAA Begins Phys Ed Class Registration As the nhvsical fitness program planned by the WAA is beginning soon, all junior ana senior gins are urired to resrister for the phys ical exercise classes offered. Arrangements have been made so that evervone will be able to enjoy at least one outdoor sport. Girls who have alreaay signea up are also asked to attend as they agreed to do. An actual movie is to be made by the WAA featuring basketball, swimming, archery, badminton, baseball, table tennis, tennis, bi cycling and the WAA cabinet. All of these activities are to be a part of the physical fitness program. Attendance is also requested at the recreational leadership meet ings every Wednesday at 7 p. m., where girls may learn to teach both children's and adult games. Dansburg Tech won the Dust rick conference championship from Issac Pluto college in a closely fought cage game played at Disney Hall, Ketchum, Idaho, last night. The score was 9 to 6 in seven overtime periods. 1942 Football Squad Rosters Army. MlrM mt M. Thnniwwi, j;. 1 wn, I'rtrn, Hr.tly mid M. 1'ii'ire. Kicht tM-Vlev Dnnwlrr, C. Wright, Tlrhy, llanmn nnl Hf l. Richt roards lriry, Wilkin, itrikman, Smoriu nnd raw ford. traten Hurhnun, llnllirld, t ut fthall and Klanlry. Ilt ciiirdi on Gorti, hMnupka, Whrlim tud Hollorff. Ilt tarkli hlk-h, J. Nrlwn and IVtr nww. Irtt rnn J. Hen. lwMt, Pro rhkNka, Aliintn and 1'hnmr. No. I nark M l II. Kriehrl, Mr Hrr, Slmkiy and Okrina. No. 2 bark Alhry, K baliNbnr, ii. V'rtirht and Fnrne.noicr. N. 4 n-ki Kradiiy, Hnns-rfrd. Hrhi.i and Halntn. Ni.vy. Right d Jafkom, Iher 4nmrt and h-llTt-h. Khl tail!li- Murlie. M. iirubanKh, Mtiwha, SrhlrirH and Holi. luihl rn:rd W. Kryanl. A. im hatiKh. Wilwn, Hrnda and Jensrii. ffnlrr 4, K luntis, Knrk h i.nd V.nnrr. iAll cusrds lnd., M yi-r, Hydr, K h..rt, u.otu and liuturd. end Boan. tjfft nrkli Byk-r, Kindh-r, Sim and Rwn. , 111 -nJi ;i--.lrr, Clark, Sonlhnick, l.iilanpir and Vt intrr. Na. 1 burk Kikn.uad, Murphy, I. l-Wne and V. Kalixbnry. Nt. X bark ioirr, Nnrrl, . him. s iNwhw la. Ilwlt. Wlnor N. 4 brk D-be, H"PP " Nnhk- aad R. I' I Have Von LesIM Orficld (Continued from Page 1.) ond book. Hla Criminal Appeals in America" waa published in 193 by Little Brown & Co, of Bos ton as one of the Judicial admin istration series sponsor! by the national conference of judicial councils. He is a member of the U. S. su preme court advisory committee on rules of criminal procedure, and secretary of the Nebraska su preme court advisory committee on nO'-H of civil procedure. Your fraternity pin? Your sorority pin? Your safety pin? Your boy friend? Your girl friend? Your pants? Your shirt? Uc the i:iaitlvd AdvertUing o Tli Daily CJebra tor I nut result 10c Per Line