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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1942)
! Fn ridgy, March 6, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN )1 TO ruiu - JJVL SpDhiA. (t)hxhL By Bob Miller Sooners Lead Oklahoma, according to latest figures is leading the conference, in the annual all-sports race with tlie Husker8 In second place. . .The Sooners have 54 and the Husk- is have 7,, Nebraska won tne ard last year after the firing was over. . .Missouri is iraning along in the third spot at the pres ent writing without basketball fig ured in... The Huskers have a good chance to win the award again this year since the track team can be counted on materially. Copple Sett Record Newt Coppie, one of the best wrestlers ever to emanate from the Husker mats, has set some sort of a record while he wres tled conference competition... For the first time since the be ginning of the mat sport at Ne braska, Copple won a co-cham- .pionship for the Huskers... He wrestled in the 145 pound divi sion and the only blot on his con ference record was a draw with a Kansas State entry... i Three Bear Brunt There are three Copples In the eollegiate wrestling field... Newt was the first and his knowledge of the art was passed to brother I Ed who wrestles in the 155 pound L f -acket. . .This was Ed's first year 5nd he was able to halt some of me Deuer wresuers over uie coun f Pass on Learning- Ed and Newt pooled their mat knowledge and passed it on to a cousin, Darrell, who performs in the 128 pound group... The last of the three was not avail able this semester due to unavoid able circumstances but should he be back next fall to gain recog nition in his weight. . . If all three could have seen service after a season of experience for all of them, it is our speculation that the Nebraska mat team would not have seen many defeats. Gridders Get Out Wednesday was 'the initial day for the Huskers to get outside for a 4ittle football practice. . .But the guards and tackles didn't get a chance as Elmer Holm kept them inside the stadium for a bit of group work. . .Aching joints, blis ters and the like were the order of the week as far as the players went. . .Coach Presnell said that the first week of practice would be to merely get the players in condition so that scrimmages cm start the end of next week. Phog Blasts Out Issuing another fog-horn blast, Dr. Phog Allen let everyone know that the conditions surrounding the N. C. A. A. playoffs had the smell of taint in an interview on Wednesday .. .And he did not especially care whether or not his boys got a chance to represent the Big Six conference due to the smell. asy to Follow this Arthur Murray Stop to Daintiness! i30 ctoi r ItSO dot, guard your sweetness and charm the way Arthur Murray dancers do with Odorono Cream. Non-greasy, non-gritty, gentle, no trouble to use Odorono Cream ends perspira ticn annoyance for 1 to 3 days! Follow this easy Arthur Murray step to daintiness get Odorono Cream today I 3, S9i sizes (plus tax). Thi Odorono Co., Imo. New York 1 ' 1 A MC Jiik ft (V I run ft 7 JAa.AMi v Mtf mm r7 i nticEFomtoV- WES YOU MORI FOR YOUR MONCT Huskers Drop Mat Curtains Wrestlers Meet Gophers In Final Match of Season Dropping the curtain on the 1942 wrestling season the Uni versity of Nebraska grapplers will tangle with the University of Min nesota tomorrow afternoon at 4 :30 on the coliseum floor. The Gophers, champions of the Big Ten, will probably offer the toughest competition that the Adam men have faced all season. The visitors hold victories over many teams that defeated the Huskers. Levy Doubles on Mats. Minnesota boasts of the services of such outstanding men as Bar ber, 121 lbs.; Head, 145 lbs., and "Butch" Levy, heavyweight, all Big Ten guard on the gridiron, was national intercollegiate heavyweight champion last year. Leading the Nebraska "grunt and groan'' men will again be Newt Copple, Big Six 145 pound champ, and Herb Jackman, heavy weight. Jackman was edged by Levy in their meeting at the Iowa State invitational tourney at Ames last Janaury. Copple's Last Match. This will be the last match for Newt Copple in college competi tion. Copple is Nebraska's first Big Six champ since Adolph Zimic who won the honor in 1929. Starting lineups: Ueoka 121 lbs Barber Messersmith 128 lbs... Wheeler Miller 135 lbs Abdo N. Copple ..145 lbs Head E. Copple or Husemoller .155 lbs.. . . Johnson Poe 165 lbs. . . Newquist Douvaa .... 175 lbs. . Ashenma'r Jackman .heavyweight. Levy Sport Garbs Have Slacks And Jackets ... In Main Role By Bob Durrie. No lah-di-da sportswear for the well dressed PBK this spring. Slacks and jackets will stay Btrict ly masculine. You'll find simple, correct styling in good, strong col ors that will wear well. You won't tire of these outfits. Slacks will again turn towards a wide variety of brown, with a new rustic brown leading the field. Sport jackets and loafer coats, will be even more popu lar this spring with their wide roomy shoulders and pockets large enough to accommodate a drawer-ft.ll of accumulated junk. Sweaters Needed. You'll need sweaters for vest less suits. Men are a vestless sex these days, as you'll be buying more and more two piece suits. That means that you'll want sweaters to go with them. You'll be buying them sleeveless in many different weaves, even in argyle patterns. Of course you'll see plenty of new long-sleeved pull overs in various knits on the smoothies of the campus. Wide Stripes. Shirts with their wide stripes in a variety of colors and patterns, will be combined with many new and colorful foulard ties. And to give your neck a rest from those stiff collars of formal season, you'd better have a couple of soft rayon gabardine sport shirts. Swell for both spring and summer. Shoes will be brown with many new combinations of tans, In both wing tips, moccasin toes. Socks will be both full length and ank lets In many new mixtures of browns and blues. Drop Betas in I-M Final; ATO Five Wins Class B By Bob Miller. Reversing their first half performance, the Phi Gamma Delta five hit the net during the second half to pound out at 21-27 victory over Beta Theta Pi to annex the fraternity intramural Class A champion ship last night in the coliseum. The Fijis were cold during the initial period and the Beta quint took cognizance of the fact as they ran up a 13-8 lead as the half ended. Hyland Starts Things. Tom Hyland after two and a half minutes were gone in the period looped a shot in from the side to give his Beta teammates the lead. Roy Long tied it up by converting two free shots called against Jus tin Berger. Beta Ernie Smethers and Con Healy traded baskets and then Don Andreson tossed in a gratis toss to give the Phi Gams the lead. This lead had a short life as Stan Huffman and Gene Tallman rustled the nets. Berger and Arnot Score. Berger and Bill Arnot duplicated the feat with Tallman adding a free point to give the Beta five a 13-5 lead. Ned Nutzman slipped three points through to pull the gap up as the half ended. When both teams came baak out on the floor, a noticeable change of atmosphere had occurred with both team's supporters whooping it up in fine shape. The second half was a complete about-face for both teams with the Fijis carrying the play to the Betas and beating them at it. For eight minutes the former held their foes at bay without a point while they were climbing into the lead. Lead Changes Hands. D. Nutzman, Healy, Andreson and N. Nutzman worked the ball into scoring position and then made use of the opportunities to send the Phi Gams into 17-13 lead Seven minutes were left when Berger dropped through a long ef fort to pull the gap to two points as Ned Nutzman was fouled. The latter took use of the situation to add another point to the Fiji total. Swap Baskets. Not content with this he dropped through a basket which was matched by Bill Arnot, giving the Betas their last points. In the last minute of play N. Nutzman sank a free throw to win the game The Betas were in possession as Colorado Huskers ' Last Bar ... In Gymnastics Tomorrow night at 8:00 on the coliseum stage the University of Nebraska gymnastics team con cludes their 1942 season when they entertain the powerful Colorado State college gymnasts. Dr. E. Vonden Steiner, coach of the Rocky Mountain Confer ence representatives, will bring a well balanced squad to Lincoln. Leading the visitors will be Flie ger, one of the best gymnasts in their conference, and McAferty, who by the way received his early coaching from Coach Charley Miller. One Victory. Although the Millermen have one victory for the present sea son, Coach Miller has not been disappointed. A win tomorrow night will indeed make the sea son a successful one for the hard working Huskers. Leading the loeals will apain be new-comers Collins McMasters and Bob Cooper whose perform ances this season have been better than expected. Total Judges Points for the Season McMasters 271 Cooper 200 Porter I68V2 Griffith 160 Pelcak 151 Hodges 140'i TONIGHT Jr. -Sr. Prom Coliseum $1.50 incl. tox the final gun sounded. The game itself was interesting from the spectator's view since jt pitted two evenly-matched teams against each other in a game that had a great deal to do with the Jack Best race in fraternity intra murals as both teams are in the first four leaders. Nutzman Scores Most. Ned Nutzman -was high point man with eight points followed by a teammate, Con Healy, with seven. Justin Berger and Bill Ar not tied for Beta high honors with four apiece. In the class A consolations, Farm House measured Delta Up silon, 26-16. Fred Preston col lected 11 points for the winners and Leonard Dunker scored nine for second high. This gives the Farm House team the third spot in I-M basketball and the D. U.'s fourth. Alpha Tau Omega downed Kap pa Sigma, 28-10 in the Class B final. John StaMer dented the scoring column for 12 points. Bob Jungman was second with four. Jim Evinger hit for two points to tie for high man for the losers. AOVE cJF LlFt" SK1ATC7 fix; 1 v-,. - l D. GRABOW 1 J 2 yjvv 3 AMD I w i.'i. .ii.i.n . in The oly correct way to break in 1 Eipe k to smoke K ink man's mechan ical smoking ma chine Pre-smokes every DR.. GRABOW with fie tobacco. s RltU vt r. mw I CO.