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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1942)
Friday, March" 6, 1942 10 DAILY NEBRASKAN Blackout? . Wear Something Practical, Like Just What You Have On . . . What Blackout? Blackout. . . . What blackout? The student on this campus hasn't the vaguest idea of the world con ditions of today. He is hardly aware that there is a war. New suit? Of course, he buys a new suit. Food? He eats what he wants to and leaves the rest for the garbage can. And wasting money is such a habit he just can't stop. Just Dreams So what kind of a suit would he like during a blackout makes little difference. He isn't concerned with any blackout. All he's interested in is continuing in his present state of oblivion, the tircamy paradisic side of life in which he is existing now. In case of a blackout he would probablyvant the latest creation from Hollywood or New York. And what are they wearing in Holly Vests Out . . Room-mates, Coeds Cause Style Trends . . . Clasps In Clothing manufacturers have al ready announced that new suits will not include vests, all of which Is good news to the makers of tie clasps. The way the clasp producers have figured it out there will be a great demand for clasps to keep ties in place now that vests are out. The fact that a fellow may own a tie clasp now does not worry the manufacturers, for they point out every fellow who has a clasp also has a room-mate who does not. and when room-mates want to look good on an important date, it is hard to say no. The new tie clasps feature a military motif. There will be a lot of small planes holding down bright neckties. And don't be sur prised to see cannons, rifles, swords and even armored cars as tie clasps, the manufacturers warn. Miller (Continued from Page 1.) either sex who in their previous studies shall have shown special or exceptional ability. Recipients of the scholarships shall be se lected not merely upon basis of their scholastic ability but the committee shall also take into consideration the aims, character, temperament, and financial need of the applicants." Students should apply for fur ther information to the dean of their college graduate students through their departments as early as possible. The committee has requested that applicants in the arts and sciences college file in Dean C. H. Oldfathers office by noon Saturday. Northwestern Professor Recommends 'Bonus Bonds' EVANSTON, 111. (ACP). "Bonus Bonds" that not only pay interest but offer thousands of prizes rang ing from $200 to $50,000 each have been recommended to the treasury department by Dr. Paul Haensel, professor of economics at North western university, as a means of stimulating mass of de fense bonds and helping to curtail inflation. Under this plan, 100 prizes of $50,000 would be given by the gov ernment to bondholders in the Jr. -Sr. Prom Coliseum $1.50 incl. tax wood and New York when they have blackouts? Just what they happen to have on. Luminous Paint. In fashion, so called, magazines, pictures of suits with stripes, polkadots, figures, initials, etc., in luminous paint are shown, but who would be fool enough to put such a thing on even if he did have time? Who would be patriotic enough to wear such a suit and lead the enemy right to the city night spots? Emergency suggestions: If you know there is going to be a black out wear old clothes, overalls, something practical, so you can plop down where you are if planes come over head and won't be trampled in the confusion, have your best suit mailed or torn or have the press taken out of the trousers of your best suit. No Priority On Flappy Flannel Shoes By Bill Hartnell. There's no priority on the new "Frat" moccasin. These rugged boxes are so roomy and boast of so much hidden comfort that they'll give that house-slipper ease with an Esquire tang. It has a pecan brown base topped with a double dipper of creamy almond biege held in place by this unusual skipped-stitch seam. With that new sport coat and those flappy flannels these "tugboats" will make you as happy as the barefoot boy with shoes on. For those gentlemen of discern ing and reserved taste, such as those unlucky birds who weren't BDOC, the two-tone wing tip is the foundation of good springy dressing and happy hoofing in these rubber-neck days. You'll like these smooth blended browns that will take a shine like the un powdered nose of a patriotic "knit ten miss." And believe it or not, military shoes are hitting the class room as well as the hard, hard parade ground in a number of styles. For fellows who will see service come May-time, these husky but gentle foot-muzzles ought to be drafted. Head . . . (Continued from Page 1.) eight states. She reviewed the work which may be done here and made suggestions for extending the work. Attending the luncheon were: Miss Pat Lahr, Miss Mabel Lee, Mrs. Verna H. Bovles. Miss Mar garet Fcdde, Nancy Haycock, Jac queline Woodhouse, Eleanor Craw ford, Flavia Tharp, Ben Alice Day, Jennctte Mickev. Mariorie Bru- ning, Helen Kcllcy, and the guest of honor, Mrs. I rost. course of 20 years. Also there would be 200 prizes of $20,000, 300 prizes of $10,000, 400 prizes of $2,500, 2,000 prizes of $1,000, 10.000 prizes of S500, and 100,000 prizes of $200 Jouble the pur chase price of the bonds. The plan calls for a billion-dollar subscription consisting of 10 mil lion bonds of $100 purchase price, issued on a 20 year maturity basis. However, every three months a designated number of these bonds, to be determined by a drawing made by the treasury department, would be retired at amounts rang ing from $120 to $50,000. "This is not a lottery," said Dr. Haensel, "since on all bonds the principal will be repaid plus not less than $20 in interest on every $100 bond. The extra compensa tion, or bonus, Is made possible by a splitting of the interest among the bondholders. "Every purchaser will receive a minimum rate of interest of about 1 percent, compounded annually. At the same time some purchas ers will receive from $500 to $50,000 for their $100 bonds, and many others, whose bonds fire re tired before the 20-year maturity, will receive high interest rates. Sure Seller Sports "Now here's a sport coat that Gayle Shinn, department manager at Ben Simons is selling Tom Miller, ATO, who looks like he might Want to Be Best Dressed On Campus? Here's How: Formal Dress By Chet Bowers. The spring formal season will get off to a good start this year and most of the dancing will find white Palm Beach coats topping black formal trousers with match ing maroon cumberbun, bouten aire, tie and hankerchief. Best idea is to match the cuff links with the studs; they'll be worn on the comfortpble down collared shirt, with the one-piece shirts making a solid bid all the way around. Dress Clothes By Jerry Thompson. BDOC aspirants can keep up to par this spring with pin-stripe suits in either double or single breasted styles. It'll be all of this in English drape styles when step ping out. Oxford cloth, buttoned down collars are back in full force again this season, and if you com bine them with the right suits you'll find your place in the style parade. Accessories By Nick Douvas. Shoes will take on a casual air this spring, along with everything else. Shagg Buck and the er popular brown and white crispens will fill a big order in the well-dressed-for-spring college man's wardrobe. Pig-skin strapped stirrup models and the cool, comfortable linen and gabardine vagabond will be some of the most popular models for the campus walkers - and shoos do help. SP or I Clothes By John McCarthy. Tops in the spring wardrobe YOUR DRUG STORE Make a hit with your "Prom" date. Take her a box of Johnston's Choco lates. OWL PHARMACY 148 No. 14th & P 2-1068 k ' V :t fr pfilZ I ;-y J v Af: i t . r c . N Vs- ' . .. ? I is a sure seller," line-up for the coming season will be the new Pan-American Shet lands. They're collegiate and flashy, with loose body lines that spell "comfortable" for the wearer, with three-button sack coats, and free-and-easy slacks. The emphasis all the way around the sports clothes circle will be on comfort and there's Coat . . L.lil'!j"Mn"l1irt'r'" 1 f iiiliiilwiiriitT)ii)iilniillil-v-vn,'nrt--,i"-TT- be in the market for a new spring outfit. Tom not only wears but also sells Simons clothes, for he is a member of their collegiate sales staff. plenty of it to be found in almost all styles. Sport coat wearers can take their pick all the way from plain tans, to stripes and glenn plaids and with contrasting slacks you'll be ready for come what may. Double sport shirts have defi nitely found a place in the spring fashion lineup and in pastel shades, including pink; these are to be found in broadcloth and Ox ford materials. Add to all of these the loud sleeveless sweaters, saddle shoes, and slacks in gabardine and covert cloths and you're ready to greet a new spring. rnrnmp Get them the natural way in the foods you eat. Be sure to include milk in the diet every day, either by drink ing it or combining it with other foods. Milk contains Vitamins Aj B1 (Thiamin), G (Riboflavin B ) in liberal amounts and some C, and D. lA will baloncid (5) dill improve! I M thihiolth M ofthi I 911 mm il I I I IJ f 111 lt:i lllll il J I 1 1 II H I II J J 1 A