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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1942)
Wednesday, March 4, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN rawiSj le&as ft Wm SpohiA. IVJikL By Bob Miller Big Six Dons tjist weekend along with the conference track meet and the Husker-Missouri basketball match occurred the meeting of the Big Six athletic directors down in Kan sas City... Dean T. J. Thompson was Nebraska's representative. This board had quite a hash session of their own. Outdoor Dates The first accomplishment was the setting up to May 15-16 the date for the annual Big Six out door track and field champion ships which will be held again this year on the stadium track. . . This shift conflicted with the state high school track finals so a change had to be made in this Unto... The Big Six champion ships plus the National Intercol legiate track and field champion ships on June 19-20 makes this a banner year in regard to track at Nebraska. Bars Stay Up After deliberating over the freshman eligibility changes, which would allow freshmen to compete in Big Six varsity athletics, the bigwigs decided to give it more thought before any action is taken ...Dr. H. H. King, Kansas State chairman, suggested a survey of conditions existing in the Big Six as to the need for freshmen. . . The results of the survey will be made known next May when they get together again for more de liberation. Questions The questions that were hold ing them back in their work were these: How great a need has been caused by the draft and na tional defense efforts? How many freshmen would enroll just to play football and then proceed to flunk out?... How could the migrant athlete's rule be enforced? What good would it do?... How about subsidization creeping in?.. What are other schools going to do Big Three in Husker Football 'V fef V' Y I - $P'1T w Ki ft C Jif h - vi r Mf '.. VV" " V. 1 l - -. 3 frm-nrt-r niiiii rn i iiTliii.ii,mi if-- ... hum" ,iri-MHi mil miiiiinnr.rnrriOnnn iiiiJ Sunday Journal and Star. The above trio will rule Husker football for the duration. Glenn Presncll, left, is head football coach and it will be up to him to keep up the Husker name. John K. Selleck, center, is head of all athlet ics. Elmer "Gus" Holm on the right has charge of the line for the spring drills. This threesome saw the spring grid drills under way Monday as a record group checked out. about it?... When they answer these they will know what to do. Seniors Wind Up Six Husker cagers wound up their respective careers down in Missouri Saturday night by run ning rampant over the Tigers 41-40. ..Sid Held, Hartmann Goetze, Leslie Livingston, Charley Vacanli, Lyle King and John Hay are the sextet that will be gone A R ft O w rom A ft O IV romisc: Ve promise that yooH b at well-groomed and comfort. Lie at anybody if you war n Arrow Shoreham Shirt. It hn a perfect fitting 'mi tarched collar attarhed; k hat tmart aemi-toft bMni; and it's rut U avoid hanrhi nrn. Sanfori'd-lahlrd, to. Im than 1 fabric ihrinkage. (rr wklt Hoi Arrow LIDO -with mfm4mr p B.B.O.C. ut be prr., ti mt JVMORSKMOR PROM yrvi j 4 r come next season via the gradua tion route. . .There will undoubted ly be others but this is the regular sequence of events for them.. .All six of them will be playing in the A. A. U. meet now that the regular season has been completed. Dodd Proves a Whiz Gilbert Dodds, who just a few yea.'s ago won the state high school mile title, is now really Both Fraternities Win I-M Semi-final Basketball Tilts Beta Theta Pi versus Phi Gam ma Delta. This will be the schedule on Thursday evening when the two teams will meet in the finals for I-M Results Claim A Br Theta Pi, 19 Farm House, 18. - Thl .anuria Pelta, 34 Delta Vp- llm, 12. t!la It Alpha Tan Onwtra, 1 Farm Hou 12. Kappa Sigma drrw a wml-flnal byr. Story at right. going to town on the tracks in the east... Now residing in Boston, the slight divinity student hails originally from Falls City where he was coached in the running rudiments oy Lloyd Hahn...He has turned in some two mile ef forts that have pushed Greg Rice to near record times in order to win... Last Saturday he shifted to the mile run... He wasn't ex pected to do much... But . MacMitchell Falls Leslie MacMitchell, New York's gift to the cinders, was the big favorite to win the mile as he has done in his last 26 starts. . .Dodds said previously that he would win the race and that he did... He tripped into the tape in 4:08.7. . .A little practice and then that famed four minute mile? B. D. O. C. Athletes Along the more conservative athletic lines is the B. D. 0. C. contest. . .Three Husker per formers are up for the honor Marvin Thompson, Johnny Thompson and Eugene "Red" Littler... It looks like a spirited race to us. Prof. Charles H. Best of the University of Toronto, co-discoverer of insulin, was the first to demonstrate that choline is essen tial in the living body to utilize fat. Sixteen outstanding freshmen at Brown university recently re ceived Horace Mann and Benjamin Ide Wheeler scholarships. ' fsi For Dancin' or Romancln9 WEAR the Arrow Litlo dress ohirt with your tails and while tie. Lido has a smooth narrow bosom with upendcr loops on each wide to Loop it in place. If you're wearing tux, you'll want the Arrow Shorrhain with it pleated hooni and mart collar attached. Both hhirta are an comfortable aa they are eaay-on-the-eyc. Complete your formal rig with Arrow today! 'm in r?A n1 nl KUJVA. y the Class A fraternity intramural basketball championship. Last night both teams saw ac tion in semi-final tilts that saw the Betas decis'toning the Farm House quint in an old time "thrill er" and the Fijis halting the Del ta Upsilon five. Betas Win Close One. The Betas provided the most spectator interest cince they won in the last five seconds of play. The final score'was 19-')8. With two rriinntes of playing time remaining' the count was knotted at 17 all when ' Warren Gableman sunft a ' gratis toss to send his Farm Hdtise mates out in front by a one' 'point margin, which they kept until the timer was all ready to end the game. Less than five seconds were left on the watch when there was a jump called on the Peta foul cir cle. Justin Eeiger grabbed the ball, dribbled once arid then shot from close range. The ball settled in the net; the timer's gun came up and the game was over. Berger and Huffman Tie. Berger and Stan Huffman tied with six points each 'for the win ners. Fred Pmton goc seven for the los'ng team.. . As for the Phi' Gam-DU game, the final score was 34-12 in fa vor of the former. It was an ex ample of one five being perfectly coordinated while the other was cold and off balance. Phi Gams Take Lead. After the opening tin, the Phi Gams took an early lead as Ned Nutzman, smooth-functioning for ward, collected ten points with his dead eye accuracy. Den Andreson counted on a foul shot to make the score 11-0. Then Leonard "Chatanooga Choo Choo" Dunker got hot and sunk four foul shots in a few minutes time to pull the gap to seven points. Roy Long sank two free shots, Dean Nutzman hit two long shots and brother Ned ac counted for another as the half ended at 19-4. First Basket. The second half saw the DU's making a small attempt to put the leaders in hot water but it fell far short. Until five minutes were gone in the second canto the los ers had not connected with a sin gle two-pointer. Pert Brown dropped three swishers through to lead his mates in scoring. Marv Athey and Dunker each got a free throw during the last half as the Phi Gams were count ing for 15. Ned Nutzman topped the scorers with 14 points followed by Dean Nutzman and Don An derson with nine apiece. Team Leaders. Roy L ng and Con Healy were effective rebound manipulators and played an important part in the victory. For the Delta Upsi lon group, Eert Brown was the whole show ably helped by Work horse Dunker. The two team that won will meet Thursday on the coriseum court for the chanpicnehir of the fraternities. Trr losers wrll meet for the consolation. ATO B Team Wins. In class B ball; the Alpha Tau Omega five waa pk-nty patent as they slipped by the Farm House seconds in another one. The final score was 14-12. The winners were behind in the closing moments when Neal Mc Kee took over personally. He landed from way out twice for four point" and victory. He had four points before to lead the scor ing with eight counters. Dave Holland was- bent for the losers. The Kappa Sigs will meet the Alpha Taus in the finals on Thursday, the former drawing a semi-final bye. Scholarship valued at $37,217 have been awarded to 103 students Li the Columbia university chool of medicine for the current year. Coal can be pumped through pipeline instead of whipped in cars, suggests Prof. H. E. Babbitt of tha University of Illinois. Your Orug Store We sell standard drugs cheap as any one in the city. OWL PHARMACY 148 No. 14th A P 2-1 06 i i j - j - ' - - --- r A ft ft O IV f