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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1942)
3 Wednesday, February 25, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN srR- '-'-1 Z, ,17 SpDhiA. The Result You're guess is as good as ours concerning the outcome of the con ference basketlall race. . . Here i- h way it stands now.. . . Kansas by remaining aloof of con tpnms for the past half week saw themselves in a tie for the top spot on one occasion, saw themselves lose it and then finally saw themselves gam un disputed lead. . . An without play ing a game. 0 The Situation A week ago Monday night the tumi were tied for the top position with six wins and a single loss for each. . . Then Oklahoma swung north and outlasted Ne braska to creep up to seven and one'for a record. . . On last Mon day night Iowa State, nemesis to league leaders, clung to a slender lead to win out by a 46-43 score. . . . That swept the Sooners off the top rung since the leader's place Is decided by percentages. The Friday night game at Nor man will be a darb since it will decide the eventual winner. . . Gerald Tucker, Oklahoma's sopho mnrip srarkDlue. hit for 25 points against Iowa State as his answer to what he will ao wnen ne ge npainst K U. . Charlie Black garnered an even 25 when Kansas met OKianoma in uic for both schools. . Tucker was on the sidelines due to an eligibility ruling and so was not able to help his team mates as they lost, OA-S. Solons Meet Thi week marks another Im portant event as the Big Six solons gather around tne council mu.s in decide the matters demanding attentiton. . . Chief among these is the proposal for all Big Six schools to make freshmen eligible r.mnri in conference athletics. . . . There are two decided schools of thought on the subject ana A,mn,i hav hien set uo in antic- VHIKf w. ... ipation or tne oaiue mi k'"""7 will be forthcoming. Presnell Not in Favor- New coach Glenn Presnell has he does not favor the Wallace Wade. Duke coach, 'said when the movement to have freshmen compete gained .mtnm that in his opinion if subsidisation had happened be fore after the proposal was in force there would be wholesale auctioning so to speak. . . At ;Fhnir Allen what will this mean to the Big Six if what Wade says it true 7 Some Action Imminent it emn to me that some action must come out of the meeting since the war has nearly wrecxea throughout the na tion. . . It may come in the form of allowing freshmen to compete or it might come by making physical HnBtinn compulsory throughout the conference. . . As to the latter there hasn't been much action supporting it but if the former falls through it may be one way to accomplish the desired results. ... As far as sports are con cerned the desired result is to get the majority of college men actively participating in some kind of sports. Smaller Schools Desire It The pressure put on by the smaller schools in the conference is probably strong enough to -low the frosh to compete with the wareitv . . Their ranks have been depleted by the draft, etc. and the idea would help out maienauy. We'll know by this time next week. Food takes 37.4 percent of the expenditures of American fraternities. . i Underconfident and . Modest KU Jayhawks Brood About Their Approaching Tilts . . . We'd Worry Too LAWRENCE, Kas. Feb. 24 Its record of 13 victories and only 2 defeats notwithstanding, the University of Kansas basketball team will go into its next two games as the underdog. The Jayhawks embark on a road trip Tuesday which takes them to Stillwater for a game with Oklahoma A. A M. Wednes day nieht and then on to Norman where they clash with the Univer sity of Oklahoma quintet, Friday evening. Home Court Jinx. The home court iinx which pre vails in the Kansas-Oklahoma A.AM- rivalrv has resulted in the Jayhawks not beating the Cow boys at Stillwater since ltwu ana A. & M. never having: succeeded in winning a game played at Law rence. Kansas' narrow marein of vic tory over the Cowboys last Fri day in the game at Lawrence, 31- 28, would indicate that A. & Ax is readv to uphold its end of the jinx when the two teams meet at Stillwater. BigSixDopeBucket BEST INDOOR MARKS BIG SIX TRACK STARS. of the year, making only 6 and missing 12. Ballard Improves. Jack Ballard. 6 foot 6 Inch sophomore, helped the Jayhawks' rebounding game consiaeraDiy when he went into action and may be used more frequently during the remainder of the season. v Ballard's heieht mav come in particularly valuable when Kan sas plays O. U., the tallest team in the Big Six, With Gerald Tucker at 6' 4'2 , raui Heap t v ana Richard Reich 6' 2 , the sooners have all the height in their start ing lineup that any team needs for rebounds. Before Tucker. Kansas trounced the Tuckerless Sooners 54-32 at Lawrence in the opening Big Six game of the sea son, but Oklahoma rallied to win seven consecutive conference tilts. A problem Kansas didn't have to worry about in the other game, stopping Tucker, will be of prime importance in the contest Friday night Likely choice for the job is Tucker's old high school rival. Ray Evans, who has played brilliant ball on defense all season. M-YARD DASH. LKilr. Nebraska MaUV-wa, Oklahoma , 8 2 JoKgertf. Missouri u.d Walters, Missouri 2 -3 40-YARD DASH. Lyda, Oklahoma M O Littler. MeorasKa -ou.i oi l Conner, Nebraska 61.3 Upham, Kansas State M. 8 0-YARD BIN. Ljrda, Oklahoma 1:56 S 1:58.5 Ginn, Nebraska U:57. 2 2:00.0 Rayl, Missouri :&. Miller. Kansas Sttae 2:01.1 MILE BIN. Oinn, Nebraska 4:18.4 Rues, Kansas State 4:20. Edwards, Kansas 4:29.T Smethers, Oklahoma 4:30.7 TWO-MILE RVN. Smethers. Oklahoma 9:36. Oinn, Nebraska 9:M.8 Rues, Kansas State 9:55.5 Borthwlck, Kansas State 9:56.9 BROAD JIMP. Farrls, Oklahoma 22-11V4 O'Hara, Missouri 22-5 Martin. Iowa State '22 Indirates marks made in previous se IUOH Hl'RDI.KS. Smuti. Nebraska 7-3 7 5 Darden. Kansas State J- King, Nebraska Wright, Oklahoma LOW Hl'BDLES. Shy. Missouri Bmiita, Nebraska '7.0 7.0 O'Hara, Missouri J-l Darden, Kansas State 8JIOT PIT. Wibbels, Nebraska Aussieker, Missouri 49-4 Schlelch. Nrtraska '49-1 48-8 Bogdanovich, Iowa State 4-5 POLE VAULT. Hunt. Nebraska 13-10 13-9 Rothwell, Missouri 13 Debus. Nebraska "-8 Nelson, Kansas State 12-3 HIGH JIMP. Steffey, Missouri 6 Ruhcam, fowa State i " 5-10 Meyers, Missouri B King, Kansas 5-10 MILE RELAY. Nebraska Kansas State Missouri Missouri . asona. .3:31.2 .3:32 4 .3:.4 .3:35.2 BIG SIX INDOOR RECORDS. Rl.Mrri Uh a Llttlur KoKraalia 1940;" Walters, Missouri, 1941. 440-yard dash 50.1 Littler, Nebraska, 1941. 880-yard run 1:54.5, Lyda, Oklahoma, 1941. Mile run 4:28.4. Munskl. Missouri, 1940. Two-mile run 9:36.9, Smethers, Okla homa, 1941. 60-yard high hurdles 7.5, Smutz, Ne braska, 1941. 60-yard low hurdles 7.0, Smulz, Ne braska, 1941. Mile relay 3-:29, Iowa State (Winders, Hau&ebak, Dahl, firavrs) 1941 Shot put SO ft. 2 in.. Hackney, Kan sas State, 1940. High Jump 6 ft. t in., Stoland, Kan sas, 1941. Broad jump 22 tt. 10 in., Jones, Kansas, 1940. Pole vault 13 ft. 6. InHunt, Ne brasaa, 1941. PREVIOUS WINNERS BIG SIX INDOOR TRACK MEETS. Defensive Tactics. The defensive tactics of Coach Henry Iba's team limited the Jay- hnwks to seven field goals, aooui one-third of their usual quota. Of those seven buckets, four came on long shots. Fallin? back on free mrows, Kansas cashed in on 17 of its 24 chances to provide the winning tallies. A. & M.. usually aeam on free throws, had its worst night History May Repeat; Iowa State Hopes . . . That It Does Charley Miller Leaves Friday With Gymnasts ... On Northern Invasion On Friday, Coach Charley's spirited gymnastic team embark upon what will be probably be the hardest trip of the current cam paign. Friday night the Scarlet and Cream meet powerful Carleton college at Northfield, Minn. Coach Millar has hoDes that the losing Etreak of his proteges will come to a- end after the encounter wnn the "Carls." The following' day the Miller- ill fournev to Minneapolis ... . a a i J 4 4V where they will meet me aciu rai of the season. There the Huskers will put in their bid for the North- u'ostom e-vmnastics cnampionsnip TaUinir nart in this tourney will be the formost college teams of this territory. Coach Miller will depend upon his usual sextet, composed of Col lins McMaster, Emil Pelcak, Bob runner. Jim Griffith. George Hodges and Cecil Porter to garner the necessary ponts for a victory. imks. Iowa. Feb. 24 History mav repeat itself in the Bier Six swimming meet at Ames March 6-7, but it is going to need a lot of help. Year after year the winner of the Iowa State College-University of Nebraska dual meet has cap tured conference honors. Accord ingly, Iowa State should be the 1942 champion. Tie with K-State. Rut a two-dav tour through Ne braska and Kansas last weekend brousrht ud a few arguments which may change the color of the flam ing red hair of Jack Mcuuire, cy clone coach. McGuire, coaching his first college team after a success ful career at North Des Moines high school, saw his team defeat for the second time this year and then escape with a lucky tie against Kansas .state. Kansas State finished seven noints back of the winniiur Cy clones last vear. Winners of ex actly one-third of tne wildcat points are back this year plus new RECORDS VICTOR DECCA BLUEBIRD ALBUMS NEEIjLES Wont Yom Calif SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. 12.2 0 St. 4 BETTE DAVIS $J) J. ' AKSf SKEXIDAH AMI iUKIDAn yK. s f cm 1 1 - J- 1 1 mm PU 1920 OkUhoma 39 1830 Nebraska 31 1331 Nebraska 40 1932 Neiiraska 42 U, MlAI nillhnn,. an.l ..... VI - a, iw nii'i am a. tic u . .00 1934 Kansas 41 ' i-joo nansas stale 36 1W Nebraska 46 1037 Nebraska 50 1938 Nebraska 36 1939 - Missouri 3,'H 1S40 Nrtrsika 35 1-& 141 Nebrasna 47 strength which may move the sec ond place team into first. Yeo is certain to win both the 60 and 100-yard free style events, and Rucknian is good enough to beat Slater of Iowa State for first in the breast stroke. Les Oldfield Back. From Nebraska will come the hflelr KTrnlfP winner in T a a rtl1f;a1 " V Al 00 defending champion and record noiaer. a new record is in prospect here since Ward Sear, captain of the Iowa State team, forced the Cornhusker star to a 1:44.6 figure at Ames this season. Oldfield is the only individual champion returning from the 1941 meet but the entire,.Cyclone med ley relay team is bacK. t$ui nos worth, Ward Sear and John Slater turned in a 3:17.9 record last year. Miss Leverton Attends Home Ec Meet in Chicago Miss Ruth M. Leverton of the home ec department left Feb. 19 for Chicago to attend a national conference of experiment station workers. Professor Leverton is a member of the work-pla:i commit tee of the north central region of experiment stations planning co operative rese arch on conservation of nutritive value of foods. NOW under-am Cream Deodorant tafely Stops Perspiration 1. Doe not rot dresses or mea'l shirts. Docs not irriate skin. 2. No waiting to dry. Can be used tight sitet (having. S. Instantly opt perspiratiot for 1 to 3 days. Removes odor froa perspiration. 4. A ptre, white, gretsilesi, . stainless vanishing creanu 5. Arrid has been awarded the Approval Seal of the America Institute of Laundering for being harmless to toxics. Arrid If the LARGEST CEUm PEODOKANT. Try a jar today! Mail your "Johnny-Soldier the "SEND-A-B0X" Suggested Contents AKTHXB AM 01 N'T C.Mjy -30 tlmying Card -35 Life Smrert -OS Cum -05 LenJr Bars d0 "Clad Kag"lo Mm button! t0 fmju-r hark Book (My.tery) J2S 10 Pottalt AO Siting Kit 1M Qotke Vruth 1.09 NmU Broth 9 Tooth Bruth aaekaf e ) .49 FAL Rotor Blades (ockate of 10) .25 Comk JZ5 Talcum Ponder .19 Dental Croam J7 Shearing Cream JZ7 F you've puzzled over the gift problem what to send your man in Service here's the solution! A miscellany cf articles he's sure to be wanting all rift packed into an attrac tive box ready to maiL TLdIsl: TOTAL-- 5.62 The list (left) is our ag restion you can chance the amount U $2, $3 w whatever you prefer. Add or subtract Items or chance brands. Mitler'a Tailet i4i Tlrst nai. mau Mm Next We U Tai Inc. ;.-LiiKDtn JU mil OTarap cuiag mm pi 39ta (aWatalMasri ))