The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 20, 1942, Page 6, Image 5

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Friday, February 20, 1942
Trackmen, Cagers Go Into Action Saturday
- i rn -mir
Two of Nebraska's Chief Hurdle Threats
Ati V s
3,Vf :. VVV" v if
r ' J L
4 S4i
w 5
' -jjfjMiMtfflirlT(
Swimming Team Meets
Big Six Opposition Also
"5 r
T.tnrnin Journal.
. . r,: o-rH msnns for Nebraska's superiority in the hurdle event
So far sLtz has not gotten a perfect step in a race and Kin, has been sitting in his block, juntU well
after the gun barks. Both will improve by the tune of the conference meet in the opinion of Track Coacn
Ed Weir.
Partner !
Odorono Cream keeps
Arthur Murray dancers
"Sweet" in a close-up
wnetner tne music s -sweet or s
swing,you'vegottobe"sweet." r
Use Odorono Cream choice of
Arthur Murray dancers. Non-
greasy, non-gritty gentle
Odorono Cream ends perspira
tion annoyance for 1 to 3 days!
Get a jar and hold that partner
spellbound! 10,39S, 59i sizes
(plus tax).
The Odobono Co., Ihc
- New York. w.
I FULL OZ. JAR ONLY 39 (plui lu)
1 1 cx A.
KU Pins Pons
Champs Meet
NU Tomorrow
A semi-annual ping-pong meet
will be held in parlors X, Y, and Z
of the Student Union tomorrow at
2 o'clock when the champions of
the University of Kansas tourna
ment sponsored by the KU Me
morial Union invade the title
grounds of Nebraska's Carl Erick
son, Harry Ankeny, Marian Mann,
and Jane Johnson.
In the recent elimination
matches sponsored by the Union
men's singles were won by Carl
Erickson, while Harry Ankeny
was runner-up, and the two as
partners captured the men's dou
bles title. In the women's division
Marian Mann came out as champ,
Bnd she and Jane Johnson won
doubles honors.
Eight matches will be played
between the contestants, four sin
gles matches, two doubles, and two
mixed doubles. Students may
watch the playing any time during
the afternoon.
Iowa Stater's
Swim Squad
To End Season
Cyolone Splashers Sock
Wins Over Big Six Foes
As Dual Seasons Finish
AMES, la. Iowa State college
will be seeking to end its season
without a conference loss when
the .swimming team invades Ne
braska and Kansas pools Friday
and Saturday.
Coach Jack McGuire, who will
will be making his first ap
pearance around the conference,
has seen his swimmers win two
of three meets this year. The
Cyclones defeated Carleton and
Nebraska, while bowing to Minnesota.
The traveling squad will be led
by Brian Brown, undefeated
sophomore star from Austin, Minn.
Brown has six firsts in three
meets winninir the diving three
times, the 220 free style twice,
and the 440 free style once. He
has scored 34 points.
Other members of the squad
will include Thornton vvnson,
Fred Musser. sprinters: Capt.
Ward Sear, Ernie Adams, baek-
strokers; Bill Slater, Clyde Noll,
hreast strokers: George Wales,
divpr. and Bill Neilson. 220, and
440. The team probably will be
without the service of Lincoln
Stewart, hreast stroke, and Bill
to;;worth, sprinter.
Preparations for the 1942
Big Six swimming met, to be
held at Iowa State college
March 6-7, were started yester
day George F. Vcenker, director of
athletics, yesterday mailed entry
blanks to all conference schools.
Iowa State is the defending cham
pion .
Hig Six Standings
Fashion Hints . . .
ftxixu' go ktmrndl
Kimtiift A 1
Oklahoma 6 I
lima Xtnlr 4 4
Nrltraftka ...... 3 5
Mtftwiirl 2 ft Matr .... I 8
Cage Scores . . .
Kinali In Barb Iraxur.
( R( AnicrU ft.
A league.
Rrtu Slco S, Sigma lit 5.
M.K II, l Hsl I'hl 3.
Brla 18, I'M Pl '
B IaxiK".
HlK Alpha 17. (.Ri II.
Vr 17. Mima Nun II.
AliMia Siii 14, I'hl ;tm 4.
Itrltu S! ?0. Ili II.
I'lil , Drlta Tan Orllaa 6.
t-arm llcllkr H, lV-la U.
Oklahoma will be the guest of
the day tomorrow in three dif
ferent sports track, basketball
swimming, as Husker teams at
tempt the difficult task of bringing
back three victories.
The Sooners will all travel in
the same bus and will be on hand
lor the first engagement at 3
p. m. Saturday afternoon for the
swimming teams or rscnrahKa "u
Oklahoma to get off to a good
start. .. .
In the evening there will be two
activities confronting Husker fans
since the track and oasKeiDau
teams are in action at the same
time. The track meet will bo held
iinw th east stadium, and me
basketball game will be witnes
sed in the coliseum, ine swim
ming meet is in the coliseum
tank .
Lyda Stars.
As for the track team, Okla
homa builds its strength around
one Bill Lyda who doubles in the
440, 880 and anchors the mile
relay team. It is the same Lyda
who defeated Gene Littler in his
pet event last spring in the Big
Six outdoor. The two will get to
gether in the feature race of the
The Oklahoma team while small,
boasting of but 13 competitors,
promises to be strong enough to
offer the Huskers some competi
tion where they least expect it.
Coach Ed Weir indicated that the
track meet would be over by the
time that the last half of the
basketball game gets under way.
Tucker vs. Held.
Starting time is 7:30 p. m. On
the maple courts, Coach Bruc
Drake will bring his league lcad-ino-
Runners to an important test
of strength. There will be added
features to the game coming from
Ralph Tucker's skill under the
basket and Sid Held's attempt to
break down the Sooner defense.
In the last engagement on the
Norman court, Nebraska fell by a
37-29 count with Gerald Tucker
getting 17 points for high man.
Held was completely handcuffed,
scoring but one point during the
entire evening. Tipoff time will be
8:00 p. m.
The Rev. Joseph Schabert, dean
of St. Thomas college, St. 1'aul,
Minn., is president of the Amer
ican Catholic Philosophical as
sociation. Tufts college has concluded its
24th consecutive academic year
without a deficit.
lU-Mlltn 1-aM rrUrnii. Ml. N-lirask .SO.
Mlximrl 44, knnoaa Stair Mi.
Iihii Matr 44, Kanta Matr 4S.
Oklahoma 57. Nrhntcka
kansu Ml, low a Mutr 44.
,ain Till Wn k.
Kniia a. Okluhuma A. A M.
.Hatiittla) .
rhnska v. Oklahoma,
kaiioan Matr v. Minviurl.
1. 1 I v
"1 v
buttons on hIvvvvs
In 1304, John Brandon had numerous buttons up to
the elbows of his undervest so he could get his hands
through the tight sleeves. Buttons were also used on
cuffs of jackets so that the wearer could push through
his ruffled cuffs. Frederick the Great ordered buttons
put on the sleeves of uniforms to discourage the u?e
of cuffs instead of handkerchiefs. 0 esauw inc
Tonight at the
"Hope you call
your date noon
rr than I did.
Prof Co-aulhors
Science Bulletin
Dr. C. Bertram Schullz, director
of the university museum, is co
author of a new bulletin of the
American Museum of Natural His
tory in New York on 'Ticholep
tinae, u New Subfamily of Oroo
donts." Dr. Charles II. Falken
bach, field associate of the Flick
laboratory in the American mu
seum, is the other author.
Two university of Texas faculty
membeis the only North Amer
icans to receive this honor - have
been elected corresponding mem
bers of the Argentine association
for Historical studies.
A Portable aleoholnietcr to hi
usi'd in di-termininc ci'i,c.i nf
drunkenness, invented by two Yale
univi rsiiv scierilislu tins l,ccn
formally accepted by Connecticut
state police.
The Clemson college ROTC unit
has 1,611 cadets.
She kifcrd
Him and llr
i -rTMii iirvv
".Marry thr ll' Oauihlrr"
with Ilrrnda Jacr
r. m.
SOW: .... Your
Army In the f ield!
t' ,sf''; I
pw.- m -
LaifHl Ne 111 C3 SO Ltl
I . M
TH5TY Pfl5TR,Yj5llDP
vi m
Phi (lamina