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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1942)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, February 17, 1942 8 When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one writer to dissolve the bonds that separate said writer from meeting a damnable deadline, this sort of simpering chatter clacks off the keys. Congrats and all that messy stuff for this Sig Episode: Loren Calhoun, Bob Hastert, and Ray Miller are til wearers of the Sig Up pledge badge. It sez so on this here publicity release.. . .Rock ward, b'lecve us, is headed the flaming fiasco involving Alphy Xi Delt Frankie Smith and Sip Eprexy Jackson Busby.... A legal eaglet from the DU hut fits into our picture of play for today. The lad is old "Buck" Johnson who claims his hunk of jewelry rests on a dressing table back home in boomtown Wahoo. But can we digest a dish like that when we know he nurses a fondness for a nurse in this village who was an Alpha Phi of another season and is tagged with the name of Janet Ralston? Rejected, Not Dejected. Here's a bliss blister. After shedding crocodile tears over the expected drafted departure of Kappa Sig Jimes Evinger, a battle scarred veteran of too many ro mantic antics, Pee Fee Jean Baker got this telegram from him the other p. m., after they flunked him out physically when he was on the very doorstep of the army "Hold onto your heart, dear, I've been rejected but I'm not de jected!" . . . And Fiji Howard Mengshoel is going to have to do more than cook with kerosine to get ahead in the face of that kind of competition. . . A stop over at the Alpha Xi citadel on the part of Hartzell Spence gave the babes there quite a thrill the weak end just passed. He's the lad . who penciled out that tip top tale called "One Foot In Heaven." Believe It Or Not. If Ripley played on our team we'd toss this item on his spindle: Richy Seagren, problem child of the Sig Phoo Epsilon has gone and gotten himself in love with the gory details to come later. We'll always remember Sig Nu "Blossom" Bloom, the boy who had his bearings greased before he went to the IF brawl the other eve and shortly after intermission fog horned out the following an nouncement "Attention please! All Biz Ad students to bed! . Coeds May Smoke Tobacco Hose in Future, Says Science By Randall Pratt. The chant of the auctioneer, the odor of burning cigarettes, or the acres of tall, green Kentucky bur ley is brought before one's mind when the word "tobacco" is used. To chemists of various univer sity experiment stations, tobacco opens a field of commercial possi bilities that has been only toucnea in years of experiments. Perhaps some day that school girl complexion will be kept with the "tangy freshness of tobacco soap" instead of the "delicate frag rance of violet suds." Yes, it's true that at the present, the soap that is made from tobacco smells like an old corn cob pipe, but the result may be one of the wonders of modern science. With tobacco rayon, a possibility, women may expect to start wearing tobacco stockings during the present silk shortage and perhaps afterwards also. In case of a run the girls may Union Reopens Hobby Workshop Union Hobby Shop will open again for a six week period of activity this afternoon from 4 to 6 p. m. under the direction of Miss Irma Bush, art department in structor. The shop, which was open be fore Christmas, furnishes free tools and instruction every Tues day in clay modeling, silk screen work and block printing. Students who wish to work on leather tool ing and hammered pewter may obtain materials at cost from the union. take off their tobacco hose and smoke them. . .maybe. More practical side of the to bacco research is the use of to bacco In making waterproof stains for woodwork. In ordinary stains use now it is necessary to cover the stain with a protective shellac, which the new tobacco stain would not need. Expensive burley would not be necessary for manufacture of these stains since a darker and richer stain is obtained from low grade tobacco. Boogie-Man. Nicotine, boogie-man used to frighten grade school children out of smoking, Is used in great quan tities as a liquid insecticide. Many well-known brands of "bug-killer" used by farmers all over the nation are made of nicotine sulphate. Nicotinic acid is being used in flour to furnish vitamin B com plex, and organic acids, not yet isolated, are a commercial pos sibility. Tobacco that had been denicotin ized could be used to blend with higher grades to make a smoke that would not be too expensive and yet contain less nicotine. After the tobacco has been processed until all solubles are out, the re mainder is ready to be made into wall board. A light, bluish-gray in color, the board is sturdy and light, and excellent for Insulation purposes. The hope of bringing up the price of the lower grades of to bacco is at the root of the whole matter. The greater use that is made of the law grade tobacco and its by-products will raise the price and bring more satisfaction to the grower. ' L. B. Smith Speaks At Charm School On Conventions Charm school sponsored by Coed Counselors, will meet tonight at 7 p. m. in Ellen Smith hall. Mr. L. B. Smith of the architecture de partment will be the speaker. His subject will be on customs and convention. All university women aare invited and are urged to be on time. Dorothy "Dat" Tacgart, a fresh man from Cody, Wyoming, at tending Stanford University, re cently won the title "Gal-doing-the-least-Ietter-writing-in-a-year." We'll anticipate Bloom's forthcom ing statement and say, "We're done now!" Vitamin Bl Sale Picking Up In Campus Health Campaign Vitamin Bl is winning out in the campaign sponsored by the Union cafeteria and ag college cafeteria according to Mrs. Nelle Oxley, Union cafeteria supervisor. She reports an increased interest in vitamin Bl and a greater sale of wheat germ in the last month. Vitamin Bl, the "morale" vita mine, is one of the richest sources of thiamin. A deficiency will de velop mental symptoms which be come progressively more serious as duration of restriction is con tinued. If a person shows an inability to concentrate, irritability, depres sion, and anxiety, he is suffering from a deficiency in Bl. Wheat germ, a remedy for this deciciency can be eaten plain or mixed with fruit juice. Other important sources include whole grain cer eals and breads, beans, peas, kid neys, eggs, and peanuts. Students are urged by the uni versity cafeteria supervisors to check their diets to see if vitamin Bl is lacking, and to start using wheat germ. "Be healthy Americans and thu3 aid defense," is the campaign slogan. 1 - Mysterious, EK "LADIES 111 RETIREMENT" UNIVERSITY THEATRE Dept. of Speech School of Fine Arts Febr. 18, 19, 20 Curtain 8:00 P. M. Men: Get Your Penny Carnival Dates Today! Fellas grab a date, for you, too, can attend the annual Penny Car nival sponsored by the Coed Coun selors Saturday afternoon from 2 to 5 p. m. in Grant Memorial. Every organized house on tha campus is sponsoring a booth. Those attending will vote for the booth they prefer and the winner will be presented with a cup at 4:30. Tickets at 15 cents may be pur chased from any Coed Counselor in all the organized houses. Your Drug Store We sell standard drugs as cheaply as anyone in the city. OWL PHARMACY 148 No. 14th & P 2-1068 On being selected one of the eleven colleges throughout the country to conduct the . C." CONTEST ESQUIRE B. . 0 CALIFORNIA WEIGHT C0A1S Single breasted fleece coots, fully lined for added comfort and long wear! In teal, tan, blue or brown. Men, add one of these smart coats to your wardrobe at this unusually low price! MEN'S STORE 1 Orm. Ad in. , tie lt 08c Rrwrved .500 Tax 06e TEMPI.E THEATRE mb & it u. ToUl .300 Total . .S5 m: y.v'js k. tU