The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 15, 1942, Page 4, Image 4

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Sunday, February 15, 1912
Daily they parade by, the peo
pie we deal with here. Stately,
solemn, sad, withdrawn, baffled
mad, turbulent, cynical, feeble,
dissatisfied. Desperate, proud
fond, drafted, accepted by men,
rejected by men, they pass. Step
ping: forth from the latent life we
lead, they seek pleasure in a mad
search that is endless because it
had no beginning. It is our lot to
observe them.
Not Huskie Enough.
Note, if you have the time to
spare, the cold weather coverings
of SAE Robin Smith and Triple
Delt Janet Lierk she was the
"interesting no end" child with the
bow and arrow that donned the
Sunday Journal magazine section
last Sabbath. This ceosome two
some have swapped coats. Janet is
a husky lassie but not enough so
that the garment does an ample
job of covering Bobby's hulk, all
of which leaves him out in the
cold, literally . . . Janey Emery
startled blase Dee Gee sisters the
other morn in the drug when she
construed BDOC as Biggest Drip
On Campus. We'll let Phi Delt
Bobbert Poe set her straight on
that score.
Here's a vice versa on the gov't
breaking up a consistent deal.
Alphy Fee Marion Patton is Civil
Servicing nowadays and contem
plates a trip to the nation's cap
itol in April. Crying in his beer
will be old ATO Harold Larmon
... It more than brings a flush
blush on the part of a man's man
Sig Nu Fred Voigt of military
fame to walk into the Delta Three
times house and have the ferns
there tag him with their nick
name "Baby Doll." And at his
age, too. . .
Via the Postman.
Marty Reed, the droning bomber
of the Alpha Coo Omega house
got a finger rock in her mail box
Friday morn from Bob Ford and
worried the day long thru cause
the linking gadget arrived on Fri
day the 13th . . . Delta Gam Jean
Ann Donley has joined the fast
growing spy system of this colyum
. . . Whenever we have the calling
to be trite and talk of triangles,
we tab the romantic antics of
Alpha Chi Jerry Duller. Currently,
this babe with the eyes splits her
time between Fiji Norms Anderson
and ATO Don James. She'll pick
up her dinner at the Phi Gam
buffet deal with Andeson, this
very eve. . .
And this sheet's sports editor
Bob Miller hangs around Dorothy
Filley and the Alpha Chi house
enough to be charged a house bill
. . . Our condolences to you with
hangovers. We're done now.
What happens when a two
gun gangster meets a one girl
gestapo? Give up? Then hustle
your bustle down to the Stuart
and catch Humphrey Bogart in
hurry! Adv.
(Continued from Page 1.)
nor Fights." which will deal with
the attitudes of the British labor
party toward war.
Miss Bondfield was la bor adviser
to the international labor confer
ence at Washington and Geneva
under the League of Nations and
has been on the general council of
the British trades union congress.
She was also a national officer of
the National Union of General and
Municipal Workers and was a
member of parliament in 1923.
All Makes of Typewriters
Special Student Rates
rfcnt t-ffttl
12 N. 11
For that hot lunch tonight
try the fountain at the
She's First I-F
li Li,,,, , , ,., . -
Courtesy Lincoln Journal.
lTX greeks elected Toni McQuistntt. Kappa Alpha Tliela,
shown almve dancing: with her date. ATO Tom .Miller, t he
first Interfraternity Sweetheart as a feature of the Jnteifra
ternity Hal I held at the Union Friday night.
About 400 couples danced to "Low down rvthni in a top
hat" as played by Al Donahue's top-notch orchestra, and stu
dents rated the band as one of the smoothest to have played
here recently.
Miss Mcluistan was chosen hy affiliated men from a group
of fourteen candidates nominated by all sororities on the
Miss Piper Goes
To California
For Meetings
Miss Elsie Ford Piper, assistant
dean of women, left last night for
San Francisco where she will at
tend the national convention of
the association of deans of women.
At a banquet Feb. 20, Miss Pi
per will receive a citation for dis
tinguished service. She has served
as director of women's dormitories
and dean of women at Wayne
teachers college and acting dean
of women and assistant dean of
women at the University of Ne
braska. C. D. Hayes Leads
Discussion Group
C. D. Hayes, secretary of the
University YMCA, led a discussion
on the subject, "What Means Most
in Life at the meeting of the
YMCA farm operators which was
held Friday night at 6 p. m. Nor
man Ricks was in charge of the
meeting and refreshments were
Mrs. Seacrest
Talks on Defense
Sunday evening: club of the First
Plymouth Congregational church
at 20th and D will meet today
at 6 p. m. Mrs. Joe Seacrest will
speak on the "Volunteer Defense
bervice. everyone is invited.
Of 123.389 American college stu
dents given the tuberculin test in
1939-40, 25.4 percent showed a
positive reaction.
Hare Yon Heard?
IT'S here again!
Sweetheart . . .
Rev. Erek Leads
Church Services
The usual Sunday morning
chapel service for students will be
held at 10:45 a. m. in parlors Y
and Z of the Union. This will be
Quinquagesima Sunday, the Sun
day preceding Ash Wednesday.
Rev. H. Erck, University Lu
theran pastor, will conduct the
worship and speak on the topic:
"The Lenten Opportunity."
Moms . . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
word that Marsha, left in the care
of her Chinese amah, is all right
in Sibu, she realizes that her son
has probably heard nothing of the
child's safety.
"Mom's" son has been in the
Far East for ten years with the
Standard Oil company, having
lived in Singapore. Bangkok, Ma
laya. Siam and the Philippines.
He has been manager of the lower
half of the Philippines and terri
tory. Mrs. Fee visited Mr. and
Mrs. Fee in Bangkok three years
ago. She says that she loves the
Orient, being very familiar with it.
"Moms" is now patiently wait
ing for further word, having re
ceived none since Dec. 19. She
feels confident that her son and
his wife, with their long years of
experience with Orientals, will
withstand the hardships of being
on a ship that is blown to bits, of
being war prisoners and of being
separated from their young child.
The Standard Oil company.
State Department, Red Cross, and
International Harvester are all
trying to help her get more in
formation as to her son's present
situation. "If all those people
can't help, I don't know who can,"
"Moms" laughingly said.
YehnU it swell?
Everything will he in
ME Prof Says ...
Induction Coil Furnace Answer
To Huge Demands in Industry
. . . By l lhx
By Ed Hirsch.
One of the newest innovations in
industry that will make passible
the huge demands of President
Roosevelt is the induction furnace
in the opinion of W. F. Weiland.
professor of mechanical engineer
ing The induction furnace consists
merely of a coil through which
electricity is conducted. When
metal is placed inside of the coil,
the piece within a few seconds be
comes heated. Only in the last few
years has the induction furnace
been used and has been continu
ously improved since its introduc
tion. Refines Grains.
In the armament plants the in
duction heating has been used
extensively. And to accelerate the
production of engines installed in
our airplanes and tanks, the induc
tion method is used to harden the
surface of the crank shafts. Also,
to strengthen welded joints, the in
duction coil is wrapped around the
metal and heated. This refines the
"The interesting thing about his
method," Professor Weiland said,
"is that only the surface of the
steel is heated. When the metal ia
placed in the coil, it is only held
there for a few seconds. Then it is
pulled out and cooled quickly in
water oil. This process hardens
the surface and only toughens the
This method is quick and easy as
the furnace takes up only a small
space. "For one particular job a
special furnace must be built,"
Professor Weiland explained. "But
if the industrial plants are making
a quantity of one certain part, then
the induction furnace works in
Charcoal Boxes Used.
In World war I, Professor Wei
land said that the factories used
charcoal boxes to harden a desired
surface. The piece of metal was
placed in these particular boxes
and were heated from eight to ten
hours. The metal was then taken
out and cooled slowly. Many of
the plants were lucky to complete
the hardening of one piece in one
day. Induction heating is a form
of this case hardening which will
however, not entirely replace it.
Dusty rose
Sizes 42-44. .S.St
fmm I,.,,, i, ij - ,', ,,
$r;s?-iT A' Jj A B
Site 32-40 II j I'l
o)oc II it m
Tearose I I ; I Z , 1
Dusty rose I J ; 11 1
I Black I 7 l 1
Brown I U ! Is 1
ConbwlkzL ZOmlimL
No rehemmin needed. Just snip your way to Hip perfec
tion with your scissors. Dressmaker tailoring and snur tip.
per side make this the finest custom fitting slip yo ev
wore. Can't ride up or twist.
In Crisp Celonese0 Claironese Rayon Taffeta
,. U.S. r.l. Off. Thlrnw
One of the amazing things about
this furnace is that you can plane
your hand on the coil and nothing
will happen. But if you place a
piece of iron in the coils, it will in.
stantly become red hot. Also, they
have found that an egg, if placed
in an iron pan, can be fryed on the
induction furnace.
Ag Campus . . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
bore the marks of cruelty,--no
Loomis, no cats, no excitement.
Earl Maxwell, extension for
ester at the college of agriculture
revealed last week that he had
been requested by the War Pro
duction Board to take a census of
sawmills in Nebraska, and the ap
proximate amount of lumber
sawed by each during 1941.
Maxwell pointed out that while
numerous states rank well ahead
of Nebraska and other plains
states in production of lumber,
yet the number of the mills and
their output is more than is popu
larly believed. Most of the mills
are in the eastern part of the state
and the bulk of the lumber is
used on the farm where it is pro
duced. Two counties bordering on
the Missouri river have about a
score of sawmills and one of these
produced about 100,000 board feet
of lumber in 1941.
Portable radios were among the
possessions of 71 percent of col
lege students questioned on six
campuses recently.
antt Iin 7-Pit
House Parlies
Private and
Club Parties
Special University Rate
6-1041 Lincoln, Nebr.
148 No. lllh & P