The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 12, 1942, Image 1

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    t, lAILYWlEBRASKffl
Official Newspaper Of More Than 7,000 Students
Vol. 41, No. 81
Lincoln, Nebraska
Thursday, February 12, 1942
Greek Week Nears Closing Stages
With Sorority Banquets Remaining
Over COO fraternity actives and
nledees heard Dr. Edward H.
Hashinger, regent of Sigma Nu.
speak, at a Greek Week banquet
at the Union lust night as UN's
Greek Week activities neared its
closing stages.
Dr. Hashinger's talk was di-
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Sunday Journal anJ Sun.
Mrs. F. D. Coleman.
. . . Actives hear retiring Mortar
Board president.
vided principally into two main di-'
visions, the fraternity chapter
house as a home, and the chapter
as a family.
Dr. Clayton Andrews of Lincoln,
national president of Delta Up
silon, was the toastmaster and in
troduced prominent dignitaries at
tending the banquet.
Only remaining event besides
the Interfraternity Ball Friday
night are the individual banquets
to be held by sorority pledges and
actives at the Union tonight.
Yesterday afternoon found large
numbers of Greeks attending sem
inars and at noon over 80 faculty
affiliated faculty members held a
luncheon at the Union. Kenneth
Holm, president of the Interfra
ternity Council, Chancellor C. S.
Boucher and Dr. R. D. Scott spoke.
Mrs. F. D. Coleman, former na
tional president of Mortar Board,
is to speak to active sorority mem
bers at the Chamber of Commerce
dining room. A large crowd is ex
pected to attend, according to
Suzanne Woodruff, president of
the Panhellenic council.
While actives are dining, soror
ity nledsres will rather at the
Union for their banquet. Mrs.
Walter E. Militzer, national presi
dent of Kappa Delta, will be the
main speaker.
"Greek Week thus far has been
a great success, K.ennem tioim
said yesterday. "The seminar
meetings have been well attended,
and both fraternity and sorority
members have given their full cooperation."
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Ihuideinril: Council
Meets Qmoettlly
. . . While Candidates Wait
Student Council members held their regular meeting hist
night, and if w;ts regularly quiet with a little over a quorum
present. The business of the meeting oowerned the future set
up of the Nebraska Student Foundation, a quibble-session over
faculty-student coffee hours, possibilities of forums in thi
future, and routine committee reports.
While two candidates for the vacant positions on the coun
cil waited to present their platforms, council members visited
about the matters at hand. It was rumored that at the next,
meeting, the council might be ready to fill the vacancies. Avhich
have been open for more than six i
Sunday Journal and Star.
Mrs. Walter Militzer.
. . . National Kappa Delta presi
dent speaks at pledge dinner.
Filings for the Nebraska Stu
dent Foundation are now open;
and any student of the university
is eligible to file for the position
of general Foundation chairman,
or for a position on the board
of five members, one from each
of the regents districts in the
state. Candidates may file for
foundation positions in John K.
Selleck's office in the coliseum.
Filings close Saturday. Interested
students may obtain information
about the Foundation in the Stu
dent Council office, Burton Thiel
Rules Revision.
A second accomplishment of the
council was the decision that the
election rules should be perhaps
revised; but further consideration
of the issue was postponed until
the next week's meeting.
Next, President Thiel lead the
group in a discussion of student-
facultv relations, while as the
hands of the clock moved toward
the dinner hour, member after
member made a quiet exit. The
meeting adjourned abruptly, when
it was noted that there was not
a quorum present.
Oil Clq QampuA. . . .
Block, Bridle Club Plans
AK Showmanship Contest
The Block and Bridle club will
soon take it first big step toward
the organization of the Junior Ak-Sar-Ben
showmanship contest. The
drawing of animals for showing at
the contest will take place Friday
in room 201, animal husbandry
Students have a choice of what
breed of animals they choose. For
example, they might want to show
a steer; they may show a Here
ford, Angus. Shorthorn or any of
the other breeds available at the
college. The college furnishes the
animals. The students groom and
show the livestock that they have
The showmanship contest is
scheduled for March 21. This is
one of the big colorful events on
ag campus during the year and is
normally well attended. The night
preceding the contest is the Junior
Ak-Sar-Ben ball. Last year Raiph
Slade and his orchestra played for
the event.
An "all-out" drive on a three
point educational program tied in
directly with the war effort is now
in progress all over Nebraska.
Specialists from the ag college ex
tension service went into the field
the first of the week to help county
extension agents put the drive into
operation. Increased 4-H club en
rollment, the Nebraska victory
home and garden program and the
Nebraska pasture-forage-livestock
program make up the three things
which will receive all attention for
the duration of the war.
Director W. H. Brokaw said the
specialists will work in the field
with county agents during the pro
duction season. They are confer
ring there not only with county
extension agents Dut also with
representatives of the USDA war
boards and other agricultural and
civic agencies in putting the three
point program into active operation.
No Corsages!
Ball Heads
Ask Men
Not To Send Flowers
War, or No War . . .
Don't Let 'Em Take Off
That War-paint, Men Cry
. . . 'Would Be Ghastly
By Jean Baker.
"Oh, no, not that" seemed to be
the consensus of the male opinion
on Nebraska campus when queried
as to the desirability of women
forsaking all cosmetics on behalf
of our country and national de
fense. .
With the rumor circulating thai
uch was the plan in various parts
of the country, the ingredients be
ing valuable in war materials
(other than the battle of the
exes), this reporter find that as
a rule the men place, national de
fense second to the "Awful Truth."
"It would be horrible" screamed
Danny Schmitt, while Ed Calhoun
aid in a shocked tone of voice
"They sure would look ghastly."
Essence of frankness was Fritz
Wolffs statement "We would hate
to have to look at them," and
Maurice Dingwell added "Where
would the dears be without cos
metics." "It wouldn't be worth it" com
mented Preston Hays, while Bill
Schaumberg pessamistically
groaned "It would never work."
"No, no, a thousand times no"
sums up the answers of Vern
Ingrahain, Ned Nutzman, Nick
Douvas, Bill McBride and Joe Son
neland. Surprisingly in favor of the plan
was Bill Marsh, who philosophical
ly pointed out "They ask men to
(See WAR-PAINT, Page 4.)
"No corsages, please!"
That was the ruling made by
Panhellenic and Interf raternity
Council heads yesterday as they
requested men going to the Inter
fraternity Ball Friday night not to
send flowers to their dates.
Although several organized
houses have done away with
flowers at their dances earlier in
the year, yesterday's ruling makes
the I-F ball the first large univer
sity party to do away with cor
sages. Recognize Emergency.
Reason for the action, "was the
desire of the Council to resognize
the present war emergency and to
keep down all extra expenses so
that students can join the rest of
the nation in going all-out for the
war effort."
Suzanne M. Woodruff, Panhel
lenic president, said that many
Nebraska Drillers
Come to Campus
For Annual Meet
More than 100 members of the
Nebraska Well Drillers association
are expected to gather in Lincoln
from all sections of the state eD.
19 and 20 for their 14th annual
convention and short course at the
Speakers will include M.
Kirby, associate geologist in the
U. S. engineers office in Omaha,
who will discuss test drilling in
connection with dam construction;
Harry Mortlock of the Soil Con
esrvation Service who will talk of
the water facilities program for
this area; and Dr. Ceorge E. Con
dra, director of the university con
nervation and aurvev division
which sponsors the convention and
short courso.
coeds had asked that the action
take Dlace since "so much more
good could be done by taking the
money spent for corsages and buy-
in? defense bonds or contributing
to the Red Cross."
Al Donahue's orchestra will play
for the ball which will be held in
the Union ballroom. Facilities of
the entire Union will be thrown
open for the party, restricted to
couples of which one person is a
fraternity or sorority member.
WAA Extends
Filing Deadline
The filing time for WAA
scholarships has been extended
until Saturday, Feb. 14. Can
didates may file in the WAA of
ffice in Grant Memorial.
Two Uni Music
Students Give
Senior Recital
Two seniors in the school of
music, Helen Kraus, organist;
and ivHiifie Trie flutist, accompa
nied by Cleve Genzlinger and Ken
neth Klaus, presented their senior
recital yesterday afternoon at
4 p. m.
Union Gives
Free Dancing
For beginners and people who
want to learn social dancing
the Union is again sponsoring
a series of six free lessons in ball
room dancing and etiquette. The
class will meet in the Union ball
room every Thursday night from
6:45 to 8 p. m., starting Feb. 19.
A similar class held last semes
ter attracted over 400 students,
who were divided into two sec
tions. Mrs. John Champe, instruc
tor last semester, will again have
charge of the lessons.
Exhibit Is Sent
By Extension
Group to Coast
Booth Features High
School Material; Uses
Neon Tubes, Placard
Highlighted by neon tubes and
flanked with placards, the publica
tions and courses of the extension
division will again be on exhibit
this spring at the annual conven
tion of the American Association
of School Administrations in San
"The Enriched Curriculum" i3
the theme of the exhibit, and the
display counters are draped in
gold sateen and the booth is fur
nished with a small settee and
two metal chairs. Attention will
be confined to high school mate
rial and offerings of the Publica
tions Board. The booth will occupy
a prominent place in the exhibit
chamber of the Municipal Audi
torium in San Francisco.
For First Time
Enterprising Housewives Have
Art Exhibit at Um Galleries
Twenty artistic and enterpris
ing housewives comprise ui
of exhibitors in the university art
galleries current showing oi t
paintings and studies in Morrill
Renresentinsr the active mem-
horahin rf the Grand Island sketch
club, the housewives' exhibition is
the first ever held of their worn
outside of Nebraska's third city.
Two distinct impressions given
a visitor to me exninu are un
inhibited use of color and variety
of subject matter, with landscape
and still life studies in tne major
ity. .
Nine still lifes include plants
and cut flowers while some deal
with such subiects as objects
brought home from vacation trips.
One of the exhibitors reiaxea long
Black Cats Are
Admission Price
For Ag Voo Boo
War talk and decorations Will
be taboo at the "Voo Doo" mixer
to be held tomorrow night, Fri
day. the 13th, in the college ac
tivities building on ag campus. A
black cat, alive or dead, will ad
mit the person bringing it free,
otherwise, admission is 13c. The
biggest wishbone presented to the
judging committee win earn a
prize for its owner.
Members of Omicron Nu, home
economics honorary, have been
working on the mixer committees
enough from household duties t
paint her breakfast table complete
to checkered cloth, coffee and a
Sandhill Landscapes.
Of the 20 landscapes, eleven por
tray landmarks in the locale of
Grand Island and vicinity; six are
typical Nebraska scenes includ
ing sandhill landscapes, while tw
are mountain subjects and one
was sketched in a Washington,
D. C, park.
Other paintings in the house
wives' exhibit include figure
studies, woodland scenes, water
colors, an oil painting of a Swiss
girl in the typical costume or
Canton Aargau, and a group paint
ing of eight well-known Grand
Island business men playing cards
aptly called "Skat Players at uea-
Prof. Lancaster
Announces Award
For Best Essay
The William J. Bryan fund of
$25 will be offered this year for
the best essay written by an un
dergraduate student according t
Prof. L. W. Lancaster, chairman
of the political science depart
ment. The essays must be written on
either "Western Hemisphere Co
operation," or "America's Stake in
the Orient," and should contain
from 3,000 to 5,000 words. The
papers must be submitted to Pro
fessor Lancaster by Friday, May 1.