The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 10, 1942, Page 4, Image 4

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    Tuesday, February 10, 1942
Chhi (psd&AAW.
Tuesday dull ,,r",) in 1151 n"
diindiint 'qualities licit overflow
r mm blue Mondays mi tvil envi
ronment for H manifestation of
niooiU. People bogged i '
of inactivity, burned out after the
weekend conf rut iin. M 1 n d a
thinking in t ho past tense because
nf t ho latest present and n fill uro
with lit t lo promise. Itodies doing
thus.' very essential things neces
sary for evistenee and lot t inR it g
at Unit. Ami wo lire exported to
resurrect n coherent mass out of
thai moss. Kven the fluid pen of
ii cynic would dehydrate under
mich conditions.
Tali first the sprawling, brawl
ing grace of loopy Louie ldo of
the IVe Fee domicile who wa.s the
head link in one of the too many
Conga chains at the Kappa Sig
.shindig the other eve. In n rhy
thm spasm tins parcel of dancing
prot miasm stalled, palled and then
flopped A new chain was formed
with ldo, the link, absent . . . Inno
cents hang on the toed hag at the.
lVHa V'psidedown hut this p. m.
...Around to make .loan Carna-
ban's world go was Phi !
IVIt's gift to the Army, old Kichy '
lliatl .. .Whole hawg or none was
the way feet hall protege Jerry j
Kathol wanted his comings and
going wiili Alpha Chi nicey Myrl- j
dine Uullei. He got none, so tack
her name to the available list, well 1
towards the top .. .W inging in I
from IVnvor this last weekend to .
do a stret.h with Alpha Phi Jean'
Christie ;;s P V. bivdman. lC
roy Karmer. Bull so: sion deluxe'
was the chit chat of entranced
stewdents at the ATO house Sun- j
day ovo with Pr Weaver, who ;
opened the Creek week, spilling ,
words and thoughts in abundance. ;
But don't pass old Kd Calhoun '
who. in the philosophical frame. ;
addicted himself to Freud and at- i
tempted to stumble out the roots !
of this thing called love. lA'thario
didn't do it . Funny in their per
version wero the antics of a eon-!
pie of chap who sat up until 2 '
a in Sunday so they could wake
fraternity brothers and tell them ;
to sot their clock an hour ahead
...We alvv.ns see either ZBT
Stewait Simon or SP1 Father Kx
standing around in some sundry
hall waiting for the other which !
suggests the seriousness that '
causes souls to have belxveen class
dates. . .We're done now.
VirC Installs
Officers at First
t csvvr Service
Helen Kel'.ey, newlv
p:esident of th. " W C A
f.vmaV.y m'.rwSuced he; cab
T members tvvt.iv at p
ir.i; the first Yesjvr ste: v
tt:s semest-.-r A:ter . br-ef
b Frances Keofer. v.tJ:.':
do:-.;, the ne officeis ;'.
et to
v:.--e o:
; p:es
, N iv.-
I vt ar, er..t win p,
soUv Tie pro;;rAr.i ;s v
Betty Bonebr.cnt
Foundation . .
i Continued frw.i Psie
these jvvts must .';b" : p
and an vM!t'.::e o. s c.;
' A -
tvvws rd ea;h .'.:
io. od as to h;s j'
tixe pvs;t'tfis as jet
An)W. des:r;:S
ri'atNV. as t. eite:
i.vle: be
N.v.e of
Are ;v.v.r.ted
f;.rter i-.f.r-the
open or t.e Wuv..Utivvi s a vJv.e
s refenrt t. the C.:rcd
cffice in the Vrkv.
R A I) T . R n W I
M n M I
!U ATIt lUlt Stl! V IIIUIS
' :
Hany Reed's Sport Shop
Panhcl Council
Bans Spring
Hour Dances
No more hour dances this
Homester and exchange dinners
only on Friday and Saturday
nights was the unanimous decision
of the Student Pnnhollonic Council
consist inn of two representatives
from every sorority on campus at
their meeting Monday In Klien
Smith Hall.
The discontinuance of hour
dances will enable students to
spend more time on defense work,
which officials believe .should be
uppermost during the present
Wednesday night exchange din
ners interfere with school nnd
other activities, while dinners on
Friday and Saturday will become
a pint of week-end diversions, the
Council announced.
I) van c,f Women
Kntvr tains Today
Verna H. Boyles, Pean of
Women, is entertaining all diaper
ones and housemothers of the city
and agriculture campus at a pro
gram and tea at F.llen Smith hall
this afternon at d o'clock.
Wade K. Martin, executive vice
chairman of defense for the slate
of Nebraska, will be the speaker.
Marine Officer
Will Interview
Students Today
Lieutenant J. Edward Rowland.
Liaison Officer of the Marine
Corps, will be
Tuesday and W
on the campus
dnesday to inter -
view students for enlistment in the
Marine Keserve. Interested stu
dents are asked to report to the
office of the dean of student
To qualify for the Marine Re
serve, a student must be a sopho
more, junior or senior. He must
belong to no other military or
ganization including the Army or
Navy KOTC. Excellent physical
condition is necessary.
Accepted students will probably
be allowed to finish school before
being called to active duty but
they are liable to call st any time.
After an intensive officer s train
ing course, the applicant will be
commissioned a second lieutenant
in the Marine Corp Reserve.
Pfoiler to Discus
s at (raml Islam!
Pivf W-.lham K. Pfeder of the
nwvlern languages department
vill d.scuss 'Hir Privileges and
Duties as O.t.Jevs'" before the Ne
braska Uf.'.'.tv Safetv Conference
m C.rar.d Is'a V. Fob 23.
W eek . . .
iCor.ti:v..ed :":vi:i
se 1 vvvv:r he..t :n
the s:.:
.;r ttN't ov. to rx'-
Pt;rA-.vj to1. tr..s afternon s
vt. are as follows
Fvr frAtern.:.e: S.vui Ser?:rar
.i by IVa. Verr Boy'.e Pat'.oi
7- I'r.i.x:-.: Se'.ect.xe Serxice ar.i Mivr H K.
r.v-v. St; Tra;r..r.r. Be
v".a'.'ox Ay Pat'.t C. S..clirshir
IVa". Tor'.pso" Fa.-u'.ty Lc-u. -.?
and F
:r B
"..xr Y;
-.A-u-e. Weriiei: C.rxh Pir-
sor.xr.: e Pres.-de-.ts. Mrs.
Oe'.'.A'.'.y Prir X Fige
-.s. St'.:v.a K.U
rvftr.j- -i S-
ro-r.t'.e. Pat Law.r Jlx
At Firt Oanctr
Defense Stamp
While Ini Students Have Fun
A i t..rru; At tV f-.rst ie
fer.s rvAUr.ef iar.c he.d ".Ast S-a". -ur.iAT
Aftrerxvw reste-i vr. the
se".' c $:;. c-rti ci tti c-er.t stAre.'?. A a rc-tv -t cv
Your Drug Store
We fill ?r 4 Kr's resrri
tKs l He ax iW Are nierei
n? n. ha a r
Books For Victory Mount
4 Thvta's Collect 600
'.Vir X'"H V
fA , A ' t-x
P" V-7
?."V-': T sTr - -x
- . It.'. 1,: " .
The National Defense commit
tee's Victory Book campaign
reached a now peak Saturday
i wnen iappa Aipua mcu miuum
! 600 books for the collodion. In the
picture. F.leanor fciuoi. presiueni
of the UN chapter is tossing
one more book to kneeling Dacky
Wait while Marv Rosborough. Mrs.
i"vt-l I th. ariroritv S
alumnae presid-nt. and City
At Scholarship Tea . . .
Three Outstanding Senior
Women Get Recognition
! ... From Mortar Board
I Mortar Board honored Jane
j Bird. Betty H.itchinsxn and Mary
i Rvxsrxxrough at their annual
scholarship tea Sunday. Each of
these women was chosen for
scholarship, leadership and serv
ice. They received monogramed
Over 300 women with SO or
above averages for the two semes
ters of 140-41 attended the tea.
In the recixing line were F.av.a
Tharp. pres.der.t Mrs. F. D Cole
man. Mrs Verna Boyies and Shir
ley F.usse'..
Eilen Smith hali was dec-xratei
with ferr.s snj potted p'.ar.ts The
tab'es were centered h;:se
bvx-jquets of pink and white carna-l-.or.$
A' members of tortar
B.ard p..x:red ar.d boari members
of the various womer." oreanira
tions on the campus served
Preser.tat.vV. i tr.e three ser.ior xAi made from t.e ba!-
;n tr.e cv
P.av.a Tharp
Members cvf Mortar Bo-arJ sti
r.v;.-vj tJi'.cor.y ar.d on the
s'.A-.r as t-e wor.ier. xere escorted
t.w.e preKdert. The service was
read a v'rx'. uhi.ri has be?n
t th s service for many
V:r-.ra C-arke. Mrv El'.en
Sales Profits
High Jinx t
K J:rji she . Bex -!-t".
paly j ar. Ac-.'
the c-.- ..
tr.r W.e-:
rug Jur.rg the
A -e-:wi iAr.:e be
hl-i Fe At h.;h y.i tea
cert ini Z$ cert iiei-ie stA-.-po
w.j ie Sti p ckf -. xhxh
I v-e stx.Ti CAr. be -ks:?i .11 lso
be cc h-A-i
Te 6U?t rrat-re- dAr.ces
e ht'ii exry Sat-riiy i:trr r.
as aj .r i .-Y ft . rrA.r.tA-ed
kz l hr.ffr the Vr.;t biU rri
it AT-Aih-e. i.-o:ri.c t.x J.-.n
r--j.c" i-5 ft-r.w o r. r. i 1 1 t
Librarian Kristoftersen
Kristoftersen announced yester
day that over 2.600 books had al
ready been sent to Fort Crook
as a' result of the all city drive in
; which the UN committee is co
operating. The drive is to go on
for another month, he said.
With a national goal of ten nul-
lion, officials are asking especially l
Monnich and Janet Douthit played
in a sti ing trio.
Scholarship Filin
Close WtMliiesdav
All students interested in filing
for the WAA scholarships to be
g;ven for this semester should file
by Wednesday. Feb. 11. One will
be given for scholarship alone and
two others for participation in
WAA activities and scholarship.
Buy your tickets
to the
Ftldoy, Feb. 13 Student Union
Hurry! Sales Arc Limited!
Sunday journal and Hi sr.
on 1 for technical works, political his
I torv and books on numerous prac
tical subjects. Also in demand are
texts on calculus plane geometry,
trigonometry and books published
' since 1935 on aviation, welding
j and related technical subjects.
Books are being- collected on the
campus at the library, the Union
and the national defense quarters
in the Daily Nebraskan office
Ag Campus . . .
(Continued from Page 1 )
call for use of molasses, sorghum,
brown and white corn syrup,
honey, maple syrup, and otlii
sweetening that can pinchhit for
cane or beet sugar.
Corn Sugar?
Corn sugar? Well, perhaps not
for a little while since according
to the government, there is little
corn sugar available at the present
time. The recipes will stress use
of raisins, dates and other dried
fruits with high sugar content
The material on cooking with
the sugar substitutes will be avail
able to all those interested. Circu
lars on the subject will be pub
lished and will be available thru
county extension agents or upon
request to the extension service of
the ag college. Plans are also be
ing made to reduce the amount of
sugar used in cf.nning foodstuffs.