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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1942)
Wwk pns rfh 1ailyMebraskan Z-408 Official Newspaper Of More Than 7,000 Students Vol. 41, No. 78 Lincoln, Nebraska Sunday, February 8, 1942 Union Presents 'Unusual' Melodrama This Afternoon A stage without footlights. Scenery without doors or win dows. Kntrances and exits made through the audience. These are some of the innovations made by the department of speech in their production today at 4 p. m. of John Drinkwater's un usual three act comedy, "Bird in Hand." This play is the second in a series of plays sponsored by the Student I'nion and put on in the ballroom, free of charge to students with identification cards. The stajje will be set in the middle of the floor on an extension of the regular platform, and the seats will be ar ranged around it on three sides. Ellipsoidal spotlights will take the place of footlights, and scenes will be changed in full view of the audience. In "Mini in Hand," Drinkwater, a contemporary English dramatist, satirizes the class distinctions in England and proph esies their coming abolition. In the play he finally allows the daughler of a poor innkeeper and the rich, young, and hand some heir to Ihe neighboring manor to obtain her father's con sent to their marriage. 4 ('allelic llohensee will play the daughter, Ronald Met, her rich suitor; Robert Hyde is the unobliging father. Josephine Weaver, Robert Aldrich, Bernard Schwartz, Clarence Flick, and William Recce complete the cast. Clarence Flick is also directing the production. Harris Gives War Lecture Monday at 5 Prof. C. D. Harris of the geog raphy department will deliver the first lecture Monday afternoon in the university's new series on "America and World War II." The general public is invited to attend the lecture at 5 p. m. in social sci ence auditorium, and those follow ing each Monday for 14 weeks. Taking up 'The Clash of Occi dent and Orient in the Pacific," Professor Harris will place em phasis on the differences in the standard of 'ving and cuture be tween Japan and the United States. He will also appraise Ja pan's industrial position and an alyze the theater of conflict in the East Indies and elsewhere. Dr. Harris received his BA de gree in 1933 from Brigham Young university and his PhD degree in 1940 from the University of Chi cago. He received a BA degree with honors in geography from Oxford university in England and (See LECTURE, page 3) Paul Weaver Speaks On 'Design for Living7 All Creek Week will open tonight with a church service at 8:15 p. m. in the First Presbyterian Church at 17th and F streets. Speaker of the evening will be Dr. Paul Weaver, head of the philosophy and religion department at Stephens College. A choir of (iO affiliated students, brought together under the lead ership of Dr. Arthur Westbrook of the school of music, will sing two anthems and lead in the hymn singing. Rev. Walter Rundin, pastor of the Wahoo First Congrega tional church, will assist in the services, which will be presided over by David Walcott, general chairman of Church Night. Fra ternity pledge presidents will act as ushers. All fraternity and sorority members, faculty mem Ilia's, and unaffiliated students are invited to attend the services. The subject of Dr. Weaver's talk is "Design for Living." Dr. Weaver has the distinction of speaking to the world's largest Sunday school class each week. His Burrall class has 4,000 students enrolled from the University of Missouri, Chris tion College and Stephens College, all of Columbia, Mo. The program is broadcast each week. Reception Tonight. A small reception for Dr. Weaver will be given by commit tee members for invited faculty and student guests at 9:30 p. m. tonight in the Student Union fac ulty lounge. John Douglass, chairman of the Greek Week committee, said "I (See WEAVER, page 4) Sunday Journal and Star. DR. PAUL WEAVER. Chem Majors Get Po SltlOllS Iii War Plants The chemistry department has announced the appointments of students who have graduated this mid-semester and of those receiv ing their Ph.D. degrees this year. Elbert L. Hatlelid received his Th.D. degree this January and is now working for the Monsanto Chemical Co. in St. Louis, Mo. Also receiving his Ph. D. degree in January was Robert L. Clark who is now employed in Merck and Company at Rahway, N. J. Clifford Hollenbeck will receive his Ph. D degree in June. He is already employed at the Campell Taggart Co. in Kansas City. Wil liam Glassmire and Gregory C. Meyer will receive their Ph. D. degrees in August and will be em ployed at the Texas Co., Port Arthur, Texas, and E. I. duPont See GRADS, page 2) Mortar Boards to Honor Stpninr Wnmpn rit Tort o Invitations have been sent to 500 women for the annual Mortar Board scholarship tea. Those in vited must have had an 80 average for tjie two se mesters of the 1910-41 school terms. At 4 o'clock three senior women will be hon ored for scholarship, leadership and service. Each year Mortar Board pays this honor to outstanding senior women for their past year's work. The tea will be sei-ved in Ellen Smith hall from 3 until 5 p. m. Flavia Tharp, president of Mortar Board, Mrs. F. D. Coleman, retiring na tional president, Mrs. Verna Boyles, dean of woemn and past member of Mortar Board, and Shirley Russel, vice president, will stand in the receiving line. From 3 to 4 o'clock Miss Elsie Ford Piper, Miss Bethara Peterson, Mrs. Hattie Plumb Williams and Miss Elda Walker will preside at the tea tables. Members of the AWS and Coed Counselor boards and the WAA council will serve during this hour. From 4 to 5 o'clock Alpha Lambda Delta, the BABW board and the new and old YW'CA cabinets will serve. Presiding at the tea tables during the second hour, from 4 to 5 o'clock, will be Mrs. Ada West over, Miss Margaret Fedde, Mrs. C. S. Boucher, and Miss Louise Pound. The string trio will provide music during the afternoon. The trio is composed of Virginia Clarke, Mary Ellen Monmch and Janet Douthit. OrL Oil QcwqwA. ... More Food for Freedom Is Goal Set for Farmers By Randall Pratt. "An aimy marches on its stomach'' and if Nebraska farm ers have anything to do with it, the army will be able to march a long time. "Food For Freedom" was one of the slogans upon which the organized agriculture sessions last week were based. Nearly every speech that was given gave emphasis to the neces sity for greater food production. Big six foot four inch J. C. Nisbet, dairyman, said "Now is the time to tighten our belts and go to work. . . . We'll have to sweat to produce for war purposes and to get enough income to keep up our . standard of living." Dr. Van Es, nationally known for his research work and espe cially for his work with swine eri sypelas, suggested that war against both human and animal disease is always geir.g on, and that the best defense usually is a ruthless offense. Dr. W. K. Pfeiler, associate pro fessor of Germanic languages, concluded his talk on "Education in Nazi Germany," by saying, "Please . . . Please realize, and be gratified, that our own freedom, liberty, and precious possessions are now at stake." There seems to be a flare of hope after this war, according to Dr. Russell C. Engberg of the Farm Credit Administration in Washington, when he said that there was no particular necessity for a bjg depression. "At present prospects are for a much better foundation for international trade on a sound basis after the present war," said Dr. Engberg, "If pres ent policies are continued, it seems probable that as the year go on, the foreign market will be ex panded instead of being restricted as it was after the first World war." Daily Critic Reports . . . 'Cavelleria Rusticana' Is Popular Musical Venture Crime Rules In Players' Next Show Murder with dignity is the theme of "Ladies in Retirement," University Players' next produc tion which opens Feb. 18 for a three day run at Temple theater. Playing the part of Ellen Creed, the tall, austere housekeeper and companion to a retired chorus girl of around 65 (played by Phyllis Welch) is Marie Anderson. Her slightly peculiar sisters who come to live with her take a dislike to their hostess, with complications arising when she pains to send them back to the city. Emily, played by Josephine Weaver, likes to collect dead birds and drift wood to keep the beaches clean, and Louisa, played by Joyc Burke, is the meek sister who en joys watching the ships through her telescope. Albert, Ellen's nephew, is a rascally fellow whose affair with the housemaid, Lucy, adds the ro mance to the production. Max Whittaker and Maribel Hitchcock carry the parts of Alfred and Lucy. Student director of the por- duction is Romulo Soldevilla. By Preston Hays Enthusiasm was the reaction to "Cavalleria Rusticana," Nebras ka's first grand opera production in many years. The enthusiasm of the audience was plainly shown after the final curtain on both evenings by the most rousing ap plause accorded a university pro duction in a long time. On both nights cast, chorus, and orchestra were showered with an Reveille . . . Tonight's the night! Don't forget to set those clocks ahead one hour. Begin ning at midnight tonight, Ne braska, along with the rest of the nation will be under day light saving time. University clocks will be set ahead at the same time as those all over the nation so students will really be going to eight o'clock classes an hour earlier. enthusiastic response which de manded encores. Aside from the artistic standpoint, the opera was a financial success as evidenced by the "standing room only" sign which appeared early Friday. The singing was exceptionally fine, even casting aside the consid eration that the cast was of col lege students. At the peak of their crescendos the cast, chorus, and orchestra provided some truly dy namic and inspiring musical mo ments. The singing of F.lizabeth Farquhar, as Santuzza, demands superlatives for description. Commendable Performances. The spine-tingling moments she provided the audience were re warded by the near ovation nhe received after the curtain. The en tire cast, including Earl Jenkins, Ann Fickling, Carol Wherry, and Cleve Genzlinger, is to ti com mended for a truly remarkable performance. The brilliance and sharp edge of excitement in Genz (See OPERA, page 2) YWCA A n ii on n ccs Second Semester Staff Schedules The schedule of the new semes ter YWCA staffs was announced at the member ship tea held Thurs day at Ellen Smith. Those mem bers who were unable to attend the meeting may sign for staffs at the Y office in Ellen Smith. All groups will meet this week. Monday at 4 p. m. 'miiparativf- r llxiim. Nharman frtMip. Vir rliolr. 1 f lr utaft. Tiirmlay at IS A mrtln. 4 . ni. IVarr-. I'rophrU. Kretnii ronimisnlon (roup. Young pmiolr' tntup. Pott -war reronitractloa. t p. m. Venr-r. Wrdnrsday at 3 p. m. lronai re ligion problems. 4 p. m. Handay arhool training (roup. Tiny V utalf. Crratlvr aria. Irlrplionp tominltte a ad hinlnr MafC Mrnibmlilp and finanrr. Kiitri c.x!. i p. m. (ilrl Renrrvr training. Hooka. T handbook. o. in. CUT rablnrt. Thursday at IS A a upoerrlaw mlMion. A Ircihnim nirrtlaft. 4 p. m. Social arrvlc. Sprtkla rfaoir. 7 p. m. 4. X moftlng. Friday at .1 p. m. Kaltting staff, i 4 p. I". A cabinet.