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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1942)
Friday, January 16, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN Society J WO- I3 1 l.dduxdA. Jr I gpt5rftoL...j We've heard of pinhangings, and we've heard of pin hangings, but here's the one that beats all . . . Walt Rundin hung a Sig Alph pin on Tri Delt Midge Beasley not his own, but that of Leo Lewis, who couldn't get a leave to come home and do the honors himself. . . . Alpha Chi Tiny Da vison and Max Mertz, Phi Gam, are interested in each other and both are interested in flying which should make that pretty solid. . . . Gamma Phi Ella Mae Oberlander has now joined the ranks of the engaged with a sparkling dia mond from a man in New London, Conn. . . . Ring Those Bells. Wedding bells for Billy Suing, Kappa Delt, and Lowell Jackson, Delta Theta Phi, who will be mar ried in Omaha Friday. . The steady deal is all over' between Pi Phi Janet Hemphill and Earl Jenkins. ... At the Chi O formal Friday night Prexy Jean Carna han will be with Bud Kryger, Phi Delt, but on her shoulder will be a corsage from The Phi Delt Dick Hyatt. . . . And the Alpha Phis have decided to invite the Inno cents for dinner. . . . Those lucky boys! . . Wrongly informed again, wish we could track down our sources anyway Connie McCau ley, Chi O and SAE have no sys tem at all, as we so stated, but rather it is off and definitely. . . . No reconciliations planned. . . Only Ashes. Where there was once a flame only ashes remain. . . . Because of some small squabble during the day Sig Ep Jay Hoffman sent a dozen roses to Tri Delt Marion Dewey that night. . . . Speaking of gracious gestures, for no reason at all Sigma Nu Steve Dewey sent a coke over to Carm GanU one evening with the claim that it wasn't so unusual as he was al ways doing nice things for her. . . To Omaha Friday night will go Alnha Phi Barbara Jones and Theta Xi Gerald Schultz to hear Ted Weems. . . . Wednesday night htniifrht the Tri Delts and the ATOs together for a fun exchange dinner. . . . Formating It. To the Kappa formal Saturday night will go Maxine Taylor ana Phi Gam Dean Nutzman. . . . The Betas are eivine an extra-special formal this year, though not scheduled. . . . Sweets Campbell KKG, will be there with Bob Fuller Another Kappa Sally Hamilton with John Anderson. . And Alpha Phi Barbara Moore house of ATO fame with Beta Jack Wright. . . . The Kappa Sigs want to know if anyone else is wondering about Bob Flory and this. oh. so serious, affair with DG Joan Belzer. . . . Three candy passings at Howard Hall this week. . . . Doreen Fisher and How ard Jensen Lucille Miller and Bill Elpers (who are to be mar ried come the end or exam weenj -Xenia Lindberg and Leo Butler. . . . You do it we print it: . . Frankforler Addresses Legion Men Saturday C. J. Frankforter, associate pro fessor of chemistry, will speak be fore the 40 k 8, American Legion chapter, Saturday evening on the topic, "Manufacturing and Use of Explosives." For Good Application Photographs . . . it's RINEHART-MARSDEN ' Sponsored by Council, . Alums . . . Panhel Announces Sorority Scholarship Ratings at Tea ... In Ellen Smith Sunday All sorority women are Invited to attend the annual Panhellenic scholarship tea sponsored by the Panhel council and the alumni ad visory board. The tea will be held in Ellen Smith Sunday from 3 to 5 p. m. Scholarship ratings for all soror ities will be announced and six cups will be presented for Ujose sororities rating highest and show ing the greatest improvement last year. Five Seniors Give Concert Wednesday Five students took part in the school of fine arts senior recital Wednesday afternoon in the Tem ple theatre, including Hazel Fricke, violinist; Hester White more, contralto; Virginia Kent, pianist; Marian Percy, accompan ist, and Neva Bishop, accompan ist. The program included: Coneerlo In D Minor. AdaKio. Bruch: Short Storv, Gershwin: Polonaise Bnl Unit In D Major, Op. 4, Wieniawaki. Miss Fricke Les Griiiea D-or. Holmes; A Spirit Flow er. Campncll-Tipton; Ah! mon His: (from Le Proplietei, Meyemeer. Miss Whltemore do rnh.nH. 7? n men u-Mnr Dnwell : TmnromD- tu. On. 1 4 "J . No. 3. Sehiioert; Prelude In G .'inor, Op. 48. Sohuett. Miss Kent 'Arsenic and Old Lace' Appears On Omaha Stage is The sensational thrill comedy, "Arsenic and Old Lace." will be at the Paramount theatre in Oma ha, Wednesday, Jan. 28, for a mat inee and evening performance only. Such well known stars as Laura Hope Crews, Erich von Stroheim, Jack Whiting, Effie Shannon, and Forrest Orr head the cast or tne road production of the play, hailed as the outstanding comeay oi me year, both in New York and on the road. Nehrashan Staff Dances at Pike Sundav at 8 n. m. members of the Daily staff will be entertained at the Turnpike. The staff will dance to the music of Ernie Fields and his 16 piece colored band. Fields has just finished a long engagement in Chicago. Kappa Sigs Elect Bukacek Prexy Newly-elected officers of Kappa Sigma fraternity include presi dent, Re-.i Bukacek; vice-president, Paul Matthews; secretary, Bill Flory; treasurer, Taylor Hale; guards, Bob Koefoot and Harold Hopkins. Polish club at University of To ledo has awarded three scholar ships for the current year. ASSIFIED LOST A pair of rtmlesi glaaaes In case. Call 3-32UU. Eatella Lennenann. itor$ 1 t AM A Joann Emerson Six scholarships of $25 each will be presented to sorority women who have filed. The names of these women will be announced at about 4:15 n. m. during the tea. They were chosen yesterday at a meeting of the schoiarsmp com mittee with the help of Dean Boyles. Members of the alumni advisory committee who are in charge of the tea are: Mrs. Ellery Davis, Jr., Delta Gamma, decorations; Mrs. Harry Pecha, Alpha Phi, publicity; Mrs. Ellsworth DuTeau, Delta Del ta Delta, refreshments; Mrs. Ger ald Carpender, Kappa Alpha Theta, refreshments; Mrs. Don Stewart, Kappa Kappa Gamma, in, charge of the dining room. Mrs. H. C. Gellatly, Pi Beta Phi, will head the scholarship committee; Miss Mildred French, Sigma Kappa, scholarship; Mrs. Warren Woodard, Kappa Delta, scholarship; Mrs. Allen Wilson, Gamma Phi Beta, hostesses; Mrs. Ed Weir, Phi Mu, hostesses; Mrs. L. J. Williams, Chi Omega, pro gram; and Mrs. E. H. Moses, Al pha Xi Delta, program. Skirts j LIST unpacked a pastel skirl. Soli, cream colors styled IJOTANY FLANNEL in a double gore that if with a studded leather bell. In natural, water blue and toast. INVISIBLE PLAID SKIKT with kirk pleats 60 wool and 40 rayon. Powder blue or mustard. 4.50 IIKKKINGIIONK - WEAVE flannel with stitched pleats. Pastel lints. 4.50 .Sizes 21 lo 30 Mlller'i Hportawear Hefmi Ftuur. Lutherans Hold Chapel Service Sunday in Union Sunday Lutheran Chapel Serv ices will be conducted as usual at 10:45 Sunday morning in parlors Y and Z in the Union. Rev. H. Erck, university Lutheran pastor, will speak on the subject "Are Marriages Made in Heaven?" Students have been asked to read Genesis 24 to get the back groun for the sermon. Miss Mar garet Austin will acocmpany the singing. Gamma Delta will meet for Bi ble class and election of officers at 7:30 Sunday evening in parlors Y and Z. Dafoe Improves, Hospital Reports Bill Dafoe. barb leader, who suffered a leg and shoulder injury when a car skidded into him near ly two weeks ago, was reported improving in the hospital yester- iiav. He nas also neariv recoverea from a severe attack of pneumonia which was brought on by exposure the night of the accident.. Leave your orders early for Corsages at Rosewell Floral Co. I New Location 133 So. 13th new group of lovely ice for success! 6.50 Kosmet Klub Meets Today ' Kosmet Klub members wiH meet today at 4:30 p. m. In the Kosmet Klub office in the Union. All members must be present for this important meeting, according to Walt Rundin, president. Pharmacy Club Elects Officers v offirpts of the Pharmaceutical club elected at their meeting last Tuesday night are David uinton, president; John Mayer, vice president- Jack Mills, secretary: and Ben McCashland, treasurer. Dr. P. J. Jannke addressed the cluD on "Methods of Putting Profes sional Windows in Drug Stores." In addition to the officers, the club elected members to the stu dent advisory board, a newly formed committee in tne college nf nhnrmacv whose duty is to act with Dr. R. A. Lyman, dean of the college, in deciding matters close to the students of pharmacy, ine . : t. : 41 committee is 10 iuncuon wiuim mc college as does the senior board -a4 of the university. A SHORTHAND DICKINSON IN 30 DAYS Individual ln$truction Crefc Shorthand and Complete Secretarial Training DICKINSON crrnFTATUAI. SCHOOL t02-t!8 Lincoln Mb l.lle BMa. Spring! Jjfyy iff A V (TllLLER6PAin Fifth Floor 2-2442 i 5