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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1942)
U21 JtaweffMaw Friday, January 16, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN Quintet Concentrates on Game with Kansas 1 Coach Leeke Relies Little on Lettermen . Loses Many Mentor Tom Leeke, Cornhusker swimming head, announced Thurs day that his team would partici pate In eight meets during the season. Headed by Big Six champion, toackstroker Les Oldfield, the Huskers will open the season against Colorado university here, Jan. 31. Windup of the campaign is at Iowa State's swim quarters March 6. Then -the Scarlet and Cream will battle to regain the Big Six title they lost by a point fraction last year. Hilgert Dons Khaki. Don Hilgert, ace dash man, is 3 scheduled to leave for the army Jan. 24. Hilgert's absence leaves the sprint situation short. Bill Ed wards is the leading candidate to fill Hilgert's shoes. Tom Woods, dash man; Ky Rohm an, back stroker, and Cliff Lambert, dis tance man, are other vets counted upon to steady the greener splashers. LeRoy Foster, breast stroke specialist, completes the veteran contingent. Bob Hazelrigg, promising new breast stroke prospect, leaves Monday for the navy. Bill Ed wards, who is nursing a broken nose, will be available tor me opening meet. . Teatatlve Schedule. Jan. SI Colorado, here. Fro. 6 Iowa Htate, there. Feb. IS Knnnan Mate, there. Feb. 1.4 Oklahoma, there. Feb. to Iowa Ntate, here. Feb. 17 t'arletnn, Wlaconiiln, and Mln Broota at Cnrlrton, Minn. Feb. t Minnesota, Wlaeonaln at Mln eapolli. Mareh Big Ms ehaniptoflnhlp at Ames. A 12,000 volume library includ ing many classics in German, his tory, philosophy and literature has been bequeathed to the University of Wisconsin by the late George Wild. klAWf Bluinr MVTT i Adv lurf THE RI.ACK IlllXK! 1 ma. ess mmMB WITH Rlrhara PIX - France FARMER Ana Bl'THKKFORD PLUS! Tnnefal, I a e-ln-fllnomful lilt I "B I N (I ANOTHF.B CH'IR II H" Jan RAZr.K Johnny DOWNS to ( p.m. w The shirt that's All-American every year The ont shirt that remains a national favorite year-in, year-out is the white shirt It's always appropriate, neat, and becoming. Be sure you have enough whites and Jbe sure they're Arrowt, No finer white shirts are made. We suggest Arrow Hitt, with a non-wilt collar, Arrow Cordon, a sporty oxford, and Arrow Trump with a long-wearing soft collar. Each is $2.25 Arrows are Sanioriiad-Shrunk, iCfnT!7 abrc thrinkaf ess than l fJ JAe. SfiOhJtA. ma 1 By Bob Miller ! The University Dally Kansan Speaks "It's always been rumored about that the best way to start off the week was with a smile. There fore, this column goes on record as an aid to national defense morale by providing the laugh of the week to you basketball followers of the Big Six. "Following the Cornhusker vic tory over Kansas State Tuesday night Ad Lewandowski, coach of the Nebraska squad, remarked, 'We had some mighty good mo ments and some poor ones Tues day against Kansas State but I think we have the stuff to bring back a conference champion ship.' " A Big Laugh The above quotation was the one that Lew made following Ne braska's victory over K-State in the conference opener last week. . . It was carried in a story in the Daily Nebraskan where sports ed, Chuck Elliot, evidently got his material. . . Perhaps the state ment did give the Daily Kansan's staff a big laugh. . . We continue our quote. "A Deferred Decision" "For a one-man team such as Nebraska has this year it seems to be a mighty optimistic state ment. Sid Held, all-conference guard, is the bell-cow of the at tack and if he isn't ringing the baskets up for N. U., the Corn huskcrs might just as well stay out in the pasture. "After last night's victory over Missouri it would be interesting to know what Lewandowski pre dicts for his charges now. He might even have aspects of reach ing the N.C.A.A. play-offs in Kansas City. Perhaps it would be best for Cornhusker fans not to get too excited about their coach's statements until after they play Kansas this Saturday. If the Jayhavvkers go down in defeat, then this column will jump on the Nebraska band wagon and even boom Sid Held for All-American." We Appreciate It It was certainly nice to see that the Kansan has hopes for the Huskers. . . Another evident fact is that KU is the team whose Collegiate -HfeS OLDEST ? ySh E NEW HOME OF ALPHA ilSiETwVi-1 f PPA B FRATERNITY AT '$T -k ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, ANNAfOLlJ, f sSSPty J IS 220 YEARS OLD.' iif y III ,r ftp ' A 7 fViSSS I S DR. JAMES A. NAISMITH WHO IKWPWTFt) TilP GAME OF BASKETBALL, PLAYED IT ONLY TWICE.' K-State Plans Seek Revenge Over Sooners . On Saturday MANHATTAN, Kas., Jan. 15. A stirring basketball battle, per haps reminiscent of the overtime thriller here a year ago, appears in the offing as Kansas State seeks revenge against Oklahoma Saturday night. The game, Kan sas State's first Big Six conference contest on CTe home court, will start at 7:30. One of the most spine-tingling finishes in the history of Nichols gymnasium resulted when the Wildcats and Sooners met here last season. Oklahoma led, 36 to 34, and had the ball out of bounds qualities are the basis upon which a cage team can be Judged good or bad. . . Elliot himself must be a good judge of the merits of the Husker cage outfit but as yet, as far as we know, he hasn't had an opportunity to see them in action. An Advance Warning We do not have to warn the KU institution that Nebraska will probably do their best to show them an interesting time. . . We fully realize also that Kansas has one of their better teams but also the Huskers do not have to do too much apologizing. Three rare volumes published in 1700 have been donated recently to the Washington State college library. K-l.:MIMMEfi! it proud to hf host to Chi Omega Formal Parly Friday Night Kappa Kappa Canima Formal Party Saturday Night at . -fc Mn uu a I r Oddities rxrih n cam niw On a class rdsh at iue university of GLASGOW, SCOTLAND, 20,000 EGGS AND A TON OF FLOUR, SOOT AND FISH HEADS WERE HURLED. GIRLS ALSO J0INFD THE BATTLE with only five seconds remaining. Norris Holstrom, K-State gruard, intercepted the pass into the court, threw the ball half the length of the floor to Chris Langvardt whose last second goal tied the socre. Kansas State went ahead to win, 41 to 36, in the overtime period. Wildcats Improve. The Wildcats have sharpened their shooting in this week's drills and even Coach Jack Gardner pre dicts a close ball game. Kansas State hit only 25 percent of its shots while losing to Oklahoma, 47 to 40, at Norman last week end. The Oklahomans came thru with phenomenal marksmanship, connecting on 47.5 percent of their attempts at the basket. "You can't beat that kind of shooting," Gardner commented. "But maybe the Sooners won't be that hot Saturday." Heap to be Haltered. Stopping Oklahoma means hal tering Paul Heap, six-foot-four center; A. D. Roberts, forward; and Richard Reich, guard. This trio accounted for 37 of the Okla homans' 47 points against K-State at Norman. Mitchell Simon, for ward, and Bob McCurdy, guard, are expected to complete Coach Bruce Drake's starting quintet. Gardner plans to start his usual team of Jack Horacek and Bruce Holman, forwards; Danny Howe, center who scored 12 points against the Sooners; and Larry Beaumont and George Mendenhall, guards. 1 Probable lineups: I Oklahoma Poa K-Stme Simon f Horr.eok Roberta ( Holman Heau e Howe iv I'1 s Benumont MoCurtH r Mendenhall Officials: Mutt Volz, Nebraska, and Ted O'bulllvan, Miwouri. Radio VV'IBW of Tops a, tsfcuj, iu:ia p. m. SAT. & SUN. rvn iru Jo the music of ERNIE ELI Tiger Win Adds to KU Confidence Black, Beuscher, Miller And Hall Are Offensive Standouts for Invaders Their opponents in a mood of easy confidence, Nebraska's Husk ers were quietly going through their final workouts before the all-important tilt Saturday night with the invading Kansas U quintet. Prestige was added to the K TJ record Wednesday night when they defeated Missouri 48-34 at Columbia. The Tigers had just re turned from a road jaunt that saw them taking the count at the hands of both Iowa State and Nebraska. Huskers Proved Selves. The Huskers measured the Mis sourians in a high scoring contest on Monday night by a 51-45 to take the conference lead. After Kansas' defeat fo the Tigers, it threw the conference race into a two way tie with Nebraska and Kansas having two wins and no losses against them. The Kansas team boasts a high scoring offense that features the play of three forwards and a cen ter. Leading the Jayhawk scoring column is Charley Black, who in lour games has 52 points to his credit for a 13 point average. Next in line is center John Beuscher with 40 points in four games. He was high-scorer in the Mizzou contest, hitting for 15 points. Ralph Miller, senior for ward, has 31 points in his four tilts, eight of which were at the Tigers' expense. Vance Hall, letterman at for ward, sank seven points in the last contest to bring up his scor ing total. Fast Break Scores. The Kansans rely on a fast break to bring them their points and as a team, they have close to a 42 point average in their pre vious contests. They have played but four games, two inside the conference and the other two without. Denver and Bethel were the non-conference wins and Okla homa and Missouri contributed to their won column. Nebraska is rated as a team just come to life. Since the season s opener in De cember against South Dakota, the Huskers have had to face tough teams all the way through and Saturday will be no exception, since Dr. Phog Alien s proteges always have a good team. The come-to-life nomen was hung on after Lewandowski's cag era with but two wins in eight non-conference games, began their conference cage wars with heads up playing and blazed past their first two foes. Kansas vs. Nebrask a this promises to be one of the fastest and best games on the Huskers' slate. It combines two teams who are leading the conference and who can exhibit classy cage tac tics. Starting at 8 p. m. in the coliseum tomorrow night, the game should play before a packed house. The probable starting line-up: K anna a pa, Miller I. Nebrnxka rtlEilbbon Hlaclt f , Thoninnin H'-nnrhrr e Held KvHn. a r.VPlre Nullrnberger Yining Student f J" Union ljc JOHNNY (c W d iyj u Plays Tonight and Hit Famous 16 Colored Artists Okeh and Vocation Record Stars AT THE TURK - HDl'DFTI"; ' , THSlYPhalitVdiii''.