Friday, January 9, 1942
People come whipping around to
tell us that there aren't any finals
we hate to disillusion all you
nice people, but until the powers
that dictate the every move of the
entire campus have decided on
this, there am to be.
The loyal brethern over to the
Fiji teepee have been really rum
oring that old Jawn Carr has de
posited the hardware with an
Omaha dream-boat. .Those orchids
attract only the best of people as
Mary Athey with Julie Krazee.'DG,
Tom Drummond and Pat Parrish,
KAT, the diminutive dynamo Dee
Deputron drags Sweets Camp
bell, Kappa; Milt Meyer with Pi
Phi Mary Larken; lucky Dick
Geezaman will show with Anny
Seacrest who is reported to be
going to accept his golden D andU
that eve; Rog Anderson will play
count with countess Marg Kenner,
Alpha Xi Delt Charlott Peck's
eyes should turn a bright green
every time she lamps that emerald
given her by Betasig Del Liene
mann...Two steady fiascos now
resting on the rocks are those of
Alpha Phi Dorothy Huffman and
Hal Moore, Fiji; and Connie Mc
Cauley, Chio O, and Bob Murray,
SAE... Bonnie Jean Marshal, Chi
O, pledge, pulled a quickie last
Sunday by tying the knot with
Andie Anderson sophomore here
at the U. You have our best.
The Alpha Tau's will lead the
field at the Alpha Chi formal tonight-entries
will include Phi
Ford and Polly Jo Taylor and Ed
Butler with Marge Stewart (ah);
Nate Holman, the red domon
from Sigma Nu house will be there
with Betsy Jean Wright; pass
sr.agger Jerry Kathol, Delt will
aDDear with Mryldene Buller...
correcting our yesterday's error,
Roberta Davison with Max Mertz
Phi Gam not with Bill McNary of
the same address who incidently
will eambol with Wilma Schact.
V for Alpha Phi Patty Payne
who has Cady Pyne's wings Navy
wings to you Congratulations
to Kieth Delashmett who is a new
Si?ma Nu pledge and to their new
officers who are Preston Hayes,
Lieut. Commander. Duke Schatz,
steward, and Stan Maley, recorder
...All's well that prints wen...
(Continued from Page 1.)
authorities, a temporary program
has been piannea, inciuung suiyi
tips that the defense committee
has already inaugurated.
Red Cross Cooperation.
Continuing its cooperation with
th. Rod Proas, the committee will
sponsor knitting lessons and hopes
to be able to oner lessons i mav.
Needed, however, are instructors
since the Red Cross does not nave
..nrh workers to furnish ade
quate instruction. It is hoped that
student in3tructors can be secured
thru the filing system.
Plana rail for the continuation
of the news-letter to former stu
ioni nnw in the armed forces
wih names of the fellows available
to coeds desiring to correspond
with soldiers; cooperation in the
victory book campaign, sponsureu
by the USO; and coordination with
state civilian defense oniciais.
TK onmmittpp will SDOnSOr a
A 111 ...----
nnaorvation ramnaizn in an at
mnt in aave on DaDer. clothing,
use of cars, etc., and if permission
can be secured, special emeiiam
kJMAf BlMlnr
Adventure (
Richard MX - Frunrm FARMKR
Ann KfTHi:B'OR
Tuneful, I.nve-t-Hlonifl Hit!
Dorm Coeds
Elect Officers
For Semester
Janet Curly and Betty Peterson
were unanimously elected vice-
president and treasurer respec
tively at the Carrie Bell Raymond
hall election Wednesday.
Other officers are: Laura Lee
Mundil. secretary; Janice Cook,
social chairman; and Roeene Pet
erson, assistant social chairman.
Dorm president will be chosen
near the end of the school year
when the term of present piexy,
Frances Dre.iiruis, expires.
Frosh YWCA
Ends Semester
With Party
The newly-formed YWCA fresh
men cabinet will sponsor a party
tomorrow afternoon at 2 p. m. in
Ellen Smith for all members of
freshmen commission groups.
Marking the end of this semes
ter's commission group meetings,
the party will introduce freshmen
to sophomore staffs, on which
many of them will serve in further
YW work.
The program also includes gen
eral discussion, dramatic skits
that have been arranged by all
freshmen groups and singing led
by Frances Keefer. president of
the city campu's YW.
All members of the YWCA
freshmen cabinet are asked to at
tend a meeting today at 5 p. m.
at Ellen Smith to make final ar
rangements for the party.
ment and recreational facilities
will be offered men stationed at
the flying school.
The defense stamp campaign
will receive attention from the
campus oemmittee with discussion
at the meeting yesterday centering
around the possibility of holding
matinee dances with defense
stamps as the cost of. admission.
Also contemplated is a variety
show of some kind with all pro
ceeds going to the Red Cross War
Chest campaign. This would avoid
another directed at the student
"Nothing can be done, however,"
said defense committee members,
"until we have a large file of stu
dent workers whom we can call
upon for services. Students must
participate in this defense job, or
our plans are futile."
(Continued from Page 1.)
concentrate this semester on only
two activities of the Nebraska
Student Foundation, state pub
licity and "College Days." The
election committee's report con
sisted of possible recommenda
tions for a revision of election
Charles A. Duffy, 37-year-old
New York city policeman, is en
rolled as the oldest freshman at
City college.
with Brass Choir
Si Vocalists
Student Union
Society Editors n
June Jamieson
Joann Emerson
Have Formal
Dinner Dance
Given annually by the men for
the women members, Palladia ns
will hold their annual formal boys
banquet and dance at the Univer
sity Club tomorrow night.
The theme, "University Life,"
will be carried out by four speak
ers giving a toast for each of their
classes. Warren Guinan will rep
resent the seniors, Bob Veach the
juniors, Keith Robinson the sopho
mores, and Don Dobry the fresh
men. During a musical intermis
sion Bert Anderson will sing, ac
companied by Betty Toothacher.
The toastmaster for the affair will
remain a secret until that night in
keeping with Palladian tradition.
Charles Coale is in charge of the
affair, assisted by Henry Marvin
and Harold Alexis. The dinner
and dance are closed.
Big Sisters Meet
Big sisters in Margaret Forrey's
Coed Counselor "roup will meet
with their little sistera for a taffey
pull this afternoon ir Elien Smith
nan at o p
cl flaAhLon,
L OU'KI". one up on the first
crocus, Cork Kobin and the
oilier harbingers of spring
when you select vonr first
duel from the ADVANCE
SIIOWIM; of i: Anions and
l.ynhrooks, those favorite tai
lored froeks. They're evlra
smart with gay prints, bright
plaids and eandy-shek
It s a fashion first
Pure-Dye Silks
fn J L L
A Serious Situation
Lack of Teachers Develops
Because of National Crisis
Citing the serious situation de
veloping in public schools because
of the shortage of well qualified
teachers due to the national dis
turbance, Prof. R. D. Moritz, di
rector of the department of educa
tional service, urged students in a
message yesterday to consider en
rolment in courses leading to
teachers certificates.
"The withdrawal of men of mil
itary age from the ceaching Btaff
of our public schools and the em
ployment by the government of
both men and women who are
now engaged in teaching to serve
the government in various capa
cities has brought about a uerious
situation in depleting cur supply
of well qualified teachers in nearly
every phase and branch of public
school work," psii; Prof. Moritz.
May Curtail Program.
He warned that the shortage of
teachers may comrel many schools
to curtail their academic program
for next year unless students who
are now in school will help solve
the problem of teacher shortage
by selecting courses next Bemester
and during the summer session
necessary to meet certification re
quirements. Altho there is a shortage in all
fields, the need is particularly
felt, according to Dr. Moritz, In
the fields of biological and phy
sical sciences, mathematics, music,
prinq styles
you can
650 to 1 295
Mlller'i Sportswear Section Secofid Floor
E R 6 PAiOEl
. . . Moritz Asserts
physical education, agriculture,
home economics, industrial ana
commercial arts.
Alph Chi 0
Fri. formal
D. U. Sat.
Orchid din
ner & dance
Spun Rayons
Cotton Jerseys