Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1941)
Sunday, December 14, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN H uskers Swamp South Dakota, 48-28 Hel Leads Cage Crew To Victory Sophomores Fight Way Into Spotlight; Opening Tilt Proves Successful Captained by Sid Held, high scoring guard, Nebraska's Corn huskers shifted into high gear in the initial game of the new cage season as they roared down the coliseum maples last night to a 48-28 hiding of the South Dakota Coyotes. The opener surprised everyone who was on hand at the opening tip-off. The size of the Huskcr quint was looked upon with fear at the start but the experienced along with the unexperienced showed so much fight that the Sodak team did not have a chance. Young Starts Early. Starting the scoring proceedings early, Max Young potted a long side shot to put the Scarlet team in the lead that was never re linquished. Held added twp more and the Husker team was on its way to victory. Not content to be game captain, Held soon proved that his winning fourth place in the scoring parade last year in conference play was no fluke. His basket eye brought six field goals and a free throw for 13 points and the scoring leadership for both teams. Solberg Ranks High. His chief rival was Elmo Sol berg of the Sodak team. Solberg impressed as a raw basketballer that had a good basket eye. He potted 10 points to rank second for the evening. Coach Carl "Rube" Hoy's in vaders were never in the contest as far as matching basket for basket. They had more attempts at the basket but failed on a very great majority of them. Tight Defense Lacking. The one thing that seemed to be lacking in the Huskers' set-up was a tight defense. The numerous shots that the opposition were able to take was an indication of this and improvement along this line will have to be made before the next games that loom for the Ne braskans. The sophomores were given a chance soon after the game got under way and it was the sopho mores that provided spark and fight in great quantities, making the game interestnig for all the fans that watched. Lew Used 17. .Couch Ad Lewandowski used 17 men in his conquest with eight sophomores in the list. The South Dakota coach usd 11 players. For Nebraska, Held's shooting ability along with his floor lead ership was the guiding force that Bent the Huskers to victory. The speed of the sophomores and the floor work of the veterans were other things that decided the out come. Young Ties For Second. Max Young hit for seven points and Les Livingston was good for six points to rate behind Held. Sol berg, game captain also, was the standout for the guests followed by Don Smith, forward, who scored seven points. The box score: N'rhrenka. k. f.t. (. MUllkkM, f 1-1 1 Thmnpwm, I 1 -! l.urtw, 1 -l t !(,( S 1-1 I ' HrM, f t-S 1 H l.)Tt(.U, S l-l I :im. f l-l I Hrturlmu, f 1 I I 1 Htrtterff, f 1 1 kiag, f - Atlnw, f I t (rtfeblr, I 0 t-t Hay, t I - Varmatt, g t 1 ottrt, g -0 I RraaMea, f Mar!, I a IS HI 4 II SmMb Uakrta. v k. I.t. 1. aU. Hnilth, f S l- 1 1 Nolhrrg, f 4 t-4 1 1 l Maxtrr, e 0 A-l 1 0 H'M, ( t l-l I Khrt. ( 1 S rurnrj, g 1 1-3 3 3 Burn., a a-A a Bln, aa 0 Oolwo, a 0 0-0 0 B ( 0 0-0 0 Hnart, K 0 0-0 Jl S-U 10 27 Dr. F. Alton Wade of Miami university was' chief scientist Of he recently returned Byrd Ant arctic; expedition. Leading Husker Scorer if j& y : s, (V if Sid Held, senior guard from Lincoln shown above, lets loose with a shot that figures in Husker scoring. Held's 13 points were high for both Nebraska and South Lincoln Journal Dakota, Friday, with the Huskers winning, 48-28. He served as game captain for the Husker cagers. Jhs. mil By Boh Miller R Spectators had a lot of fun at the cage tilt Friday night.... It was a natural thing for them to have fun since there were two per sonalities in the lime light that have laugh-provoking qualities to a high degree. .. .One was coach and the other was an official. Rube Hoy always a laugh The coach was "Rube" Hoy, the South Dakota mentor. ... Poor Rube, he lives the basketball game in an of its phases from his spot on the bench. ...As a coach, he ranks with the best of them... .As an individual, he ranks head and shoulders above the best of them ....He produced more lauqhs un consciously than many a come dian can in a conscious (?) state. a Those Antics At the game last night when his boys got the ball down in scoring position, Rube went to town... In stinctively his hands would go up and he would bat out an imagi nary player. .. .Then he would ac quire all the slivers on the bench as he slips up and down to indicate the direction of play.... He would get his feet mixed up in it somehow and on top of it he chewed his gum with such gusto that at times it appeared like he was a boogie-woogie fan. .. .Well, that gives you some idea. a a Then There's Quigley With Hoy on the sidelines and E. C. Quigley, gray haired ref eree, on the floor fans were amply entertained. .. .Quigley has a very unique style in calling his fouls ...."You can't do that here," and "That's a foul" are his favorite sayings and he booms them out with such pep that it sometimes embarrasses the offender. . .When Quig starts to smile, it !s a cover up for what fies beneath and the players begin to worry. An Institutio Quigley is an institution in the Husker cage sport and his absence from the maples would be a de traction from the game.... Good natured and affable, he makes friends with the players from the start and they know that Quig calls them right Sickness has slowed him down but he still main tains the same old desire for fair play. a a All-State Ralry Football players and coaches alike from hiah schools all over the state gathered around at the Chamber of commerce on i-noay for the All-State football rally.... The rafly was quite a success and all had a good time. . . . pens were Husker Squad Heading East Meet Indiana, Kentucky In Succession on Maples With a squad of 14 cagers, Coach Ad Lewandowski leaves tonight for a two game invasion of In diana and Kentucky on Monday and Tuesday nights. After the game with South Da kota, Lew announced his traveling squad composed of five sopho mores. The players making the trip are John Fitzgibbon, John Thompson, John Bottorff, Hart mann Goetze, Max Young, Sid Held, Bob Bramson, Kenny Elson, George Gribble, John Hay, Lyle King, Warren Marquis, Charley Vacanti and Lew Livingston. Indiana and Kentucky. The cagers will meet Indiana on Monday and then will move down to Kentucky on Tuesday evening. The squad will be back late Wednesday evening. On the basis of the South Da kota tilt, Coach Lewandowski had this to say about the sophomores. "I like the way those sophomores played. Their accurate passing surprised me." Barb Basketball Begins; Opening Tills This Week Barb basketball begins this week with 22 teams competing. This is ten less teams than en tered last year, but Roily Horney believes that competition will be tougher this year. Pairings will be made Monday and the first games will be Wednesday. First round matches in badmin ton were played last week in the interfraternity leagues. The Betas whipped ZBTs, the Sigma Chis lost to the Delta Sigs. Delta Tau Delta Delta was victor over the Sammys. The DUs captured their match with the Alpha Sigs, and the ATOs took the Sig Eps. Water polo began at the Coli seum pool last week. In the first five matches the ZBTs took the AGRs, Theta Xi forfeited to Al pha Sigs, ATO won over the Sig Eps 12-5, Sigma Nu captured an 8 to 3 decision from the Betas, the DUs beat out the Phi Psis 13 11 and the Kappa Sigs easily sub dued Farm House 21 to 1. stretched along with the meals that were served, making it com plete. He Was Hungry. One boy showed quite an appe tite.... At the dinner at the stu dent Union in the evening, some one made the mistake of putting the rolls too near the boy in ques tion .... He evidently felt it was his moral obligation to clear the plate and he undertook the task. Big Six Fives Play 76 Tilts Thruout Nation Schedules Take Teams Far and Wide; Huskers Go East on Long Trip LAWRENCE, Kas, Dec.12 A 76 game schedule which will find Big Six teams playing from Lexington, Ky. to Berkeley, Calif, and Seattle, Wash, is on tap for the confer ence's basketball quintets. Four of the conference schools are playing the maximum number of games permitted, 18, while Iowa has a schedule of 17 contests. Ok lahoma also has only 17 games scheduled to date, but hopes to pick up another tilt to be played on their swing back east. Go West, Young Men! A trend towards competition with west coast basketball teams is noticeable this year, with Mis souri and Kansas State leading the parade and making trips to that section. Missouri tangles with Washing ton, Washington State, California, Idaho and Gonzaga during its western swing. Washington State is the defending champion of the Pacific Coast conference and was a finalist in the N. C. A. A. tour nament last year. Kansas State also plays Wash ington State and Washington, and in addition takes on Montana and Montana State, while on the road. Nebraska, which went to the t oast last year, slays at home this win ter to play host to U. C. L. A. and Oregon. Only three Big Ten teams scheduled to meet Big Six uin tets this season. Both Kansas .nd Nebraska play Iowa, with the Cornhuskcrs also clashing with In diana and Minnesota. Oklahoma Travels East. Lone Big Six team to play In Madison Square Garden will be the Oklahoma Sooncrs, who play St. Johns, Dec. 20. While in Uie east, the Sooncrs also take on George Washington U. and Scran ton. . Bradley Tech, one of the middle west'B powerful independent inms, is on the schedule of both Okla homa and Iowa States. Kansas plays another strong independent, DcPaul, at Chicago and Nebraska has a game with Detroit. Cyclones Tackle Navy. First game with a service team for any Big Six school puts Iowa State up against the Great Lakes naval training station team. The strong Great Lakes team downed Notre Dame to open its season. Kentucky of the Southern con ference, Southern Methodist from the Southwest conference, Denver and Colorado State from the Rocky Mountain conference are other foes to be met by Big Six teams. Satuct All qi$L ivh&toL Jul would. bm it IwitAnI rv:r A $505 AND UP SfioAL AND UP $L m $10o mg"4 0A&AA $165 $2oo AND UP AUo Robes If Pajamas -fc Soclss Jewelry -Jr Scarfs w&immi dbisods. Open Thurs. Eye Til 9 1 230 "0" St.