The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 04, 1941, Page 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, December 4, 1941
By Bob Miller
All-American Trouble.
All-Americah lists are hitting
the news stands with rapidity
these days. . .This has been a year
when teams of high national rat
ing have met their Waterloo in
small and comparatively unknown
schools... A glance at the roster
of undefeated and untied teams
will substantiate this... All in all,
this has been a season with ' few
undefeated teams but at the same
time there have been many indi
vidual standouts. . .Trying to pick
the best eleven of the bunch be
comes quite a muddle.
We Picked One.
For the Associated Collegiate
Press survey, we sent in the top
eleven as we believe they rank
...All of the picking was done
on a basis of writeups thruout
the season from the major pa
pers over the country. . .This
was the result: Ends: Johnny Ro
kisky, Duquesne, and Dave
Schreiner, Wisconsin; tackles:
Dick Wildung, Minnesota, and
Gene Flathmann, Navy; guards:
Pay Frankowski, Washington,
and Endicott Peabody, Harvard;
center: Don Snavely, Cornell;
backs: Frank Albert, Stanford,
Bruce Smith, Minnesota; Derace
Moser, Texas A. & M, and
Frank Sinkwich, Georgia.
Player of the Year.
On the same poll was a place for
the player of the year. . .This was
a tough one to fill in...Altho he
had to sit out several games due
to injuries, Bruce Smith got the
nod at this place. . .Smith demon
strated his worth to the Gopher
team at all times, even when he
was sitting on the bench... Sev
eral occasions saw him providing
the margin between victory and
loss for his team and every min
ute that he was in the ball game
there was a fear present on the
part of the opposing players that
Smith would break away to pay
dirt... Several days ago he was
awarded the title of best in the
conference, which was followed by
his award of the Heisman me
morial trophy.
A Second Team.
Competition for a place on the
top team was so close that we
sent in a second team for good
measure. .. Ends: Dove, Notre
Dame, and Blacock, Clemson;
tackles: Blandin, Tulane, and
Bauman, Northwestern; guards:
Daniel, Texas, and Melton, Pur
due; center: Darold Jenkins,
Missouri; backs: Layden, Texas;
Lach, Duke; Westfall, Michigan,
and a tie between Hillenbrand,
Indiana, and Jones, Pitt.
Success in growing vanilla
plants from seed, which had been
considered virtually imnossihlp
has been repotted at Cornell uni
The Story of Abraham Lincoln's Youth!
Dramatised by Nebraska's Own
Presented by
Department of Speech, School of Fine Arts
TEMPLE THEATRE, 12th and R Dec. 10, 11, 12th
Reservations made at Box Office Dec. 8-12 2-5 P.M.
f . tf.L
"Itreatlies there the man with oul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said, 'llmmmm.."'
"UR windowful of eyefilling Arrow shirts would
stop any guy in his tracks! Newest of the new u
the Arrow Sussex Shirt with the
low, wide, and handsome collar.
Sussex gives jour tie a chance
to shine ... fits without a wrinkle
, . . like ajl Arrows, rides com
fortably low on the neck . . .
and is flattering to every man.
Sharpen up your neckline with
this authentic new collar. In
whites, colors, and stripes. $2 up.
irrow lies si ana .X m
Alpha Taiis
Take Lead
In Volleyball
Phi Psis Share Spotlight
As IM-Leaders Prepare
To Battle for Top Position
ATO's and Phi Psi's were able to
gain undisputed championship of
their volleyball leagues in Tues
day's final games. The Kappa
bigs, JaAEs and Sig Ep's came
out in a three-way tie for league
two, with three wins and one loss
each. League four found the DU's
and Beta Sig's tied for first.
The Phi Psi's took the AGR's
into camp 2-0 in Tuesday's final
for league one. The ATO's took
care of the Sammy's by the 2-0
count. These' victories gave the
two teams definite claim to the
league titles and puts them in the
Kappa Sigs Out.
The Kappa Sig's lost a chance to
go through league play und-feaced
when the Sig Ep's blanked them
2-0. The SAE's made it a crowd
in league two by taking the Alpha
Sig's 2-1.
Beta Sigma Phi defeated the
Sigma Chi's 2 to 1 Tuesday night
to give them a possible chance for
a tie. The intramural heads are
settling a dispute between the
Fiji's and Beta Sig's of the sched
uled game between the two teams
that was not played. The records
show a forfeit by the Phi Gam's,
but the game may be replayed. If
the game is replayed, the winner i
will tie with the DU's. As the
records stand now, the Beta Sig's
and DU's are deadlocked for the
Playoffs on Tuesday.
Volleyball leaerue Dlavoffs win
be Tuesday. The schedule of games
wiu noi De sec until the settlement
of the Phi Gam-Beta Sis- Hisnntp
The championship bracket will
prooaDiy Degin a week from
The first matches of the bad
minton round will be played next
Tuesday night. After the first
round of play, each team must
designate its players as to ability
and these men wil keep the same
positions throughout the tourna
ment Failure to adhere to this
rule will result in forfeiture of the
Player" College
Fred Preston, Nebraska...
Hubert Ulrich, Kansas...,
Roger Eason, Oklahoma...
Norville Waliach, Missouri,
George Abel, Nebraska..,
Robert Jeffries, Missouri.,
Darold Jenkins, Missouri.
Harry Ice, Missouri
Jack Jacobs, Oklahoma..,
Dale Bradley, Nebraska . ,
Robert Steuber, Missouri..
End ...
End . . .
Guard .
Guard .
Full ...
. Senior
. Senior
. Senior
. Senior
. Senior
. Senior
. Senior
Height Weight Age
6-3 190 24
6-1 197 20
6-1 205 22
6-3 215 23
6-2 200 21
6-1 190 22
6-0 190 22
5- 10 165 23
6- 1 Vz 187 22
5- 10 175 20
6- 2 194 20
ENDS: Bert Ekern, Missouri, and Frank Barnhart, Kansas State.
TACKLES: Clarence Herndon, Nebraska, and Robert Brenton,
GUARDS: Ralph Harris, Oklahoma, and Fred Meier, Nebraska.
CENTER: John Hancock, Kansas State.
QUARTER: Maurice Wade, Missouri.
HALF: Ralph Miller, Kansas, and Orville Mathews, Oklahoma.
FULL: Donald Reece, Missouri.
Council . . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
versity. Detailed information is
now being gathered by the group,
headed by Dorothy Filley.
Work of Other Groups.
The Scholarship committee will
have as its work the setting up
of scholarships for underprivileged
students, and the purpose of the
Foundation Ball will be to raise
money for the work of the organi
zation. Eugene Reece, newly elected
sophomore class president, ap
peared before the Council and gave
a brief outline of the activities
which the sophomore class will
undertake under a sophomore cabi
net, to be set up in the near future.
At the next Council meeting,
Reece will submit a detailed re
port for approval by the Council.
Burton Then and Ruth Iverson,
secretary of the Council, were
unanimously elected as delegates
to attend the National Student
Federation convention to be held
in Minneapolis during Christmas
Other business of the Council
included the approval of a con
stitution committee to investigate
the constitution and compile the
by-laws. Personel of the committee
has not yet been announced. Becky
Wait, Marian Cramer Aden and
Roy Byram were appointed to
serve as student members of the
Honors Day Convocation Committee.
Montana university has received
a valuable collection of Indian
weapons and tools from the estate
Barb Basketball Entries
Are Due on Friday
All barb clubs should have
their basketball team entered
either at the intramural office
in the coliseum or the barb of
fice in the Union Friday of
this week. Barb basketball
games will start sometime next
of Chancey E. Woodworth, Mon
tana pioneer and collector.
II i;n
"if i
0Ms n .
The Shirt That Speaks
For Itself . . j
One look, at the Arrow Surx shirt tells you why it's
a "must" for the college man's wardrobe. Sussex in a
handsome shirt with the new lower neckband and
the wide-spread collar that is flattering and comfort
able for any wearer. In whites, solids, or stripes. Trim
ly tailored to fit the torso and Sanforizcd-shrunk (fab
ric shrinkage lees than 1). Get some today, $2 up.
Note Showing!
William Myrna
ia the
Color Cartoon and News
Now Showing!
Lynn John
"Moon Over
Her Shoulder"
PLVSThi$ 2nd Hit
Wm. Boyd ax
25c till
Tax Inc.
Be sure you choose em
With Arrow Shirts
upon your bosom!
New Arrow .Sliirl,
white snJ fanry, $2, op
New Arrow Tie to harmonlie,
$1 and 91.50
Ft Mjtfc 5