Tuesday, December 2, 1941 .4 DAILY NEBRASKAN Society Sovirty F.ilitor Jllll JjlUIClOl) Joumt Lmenon linn y I dirndl & una-. SfllLQtL . . . We-eh end ovel it oil t col ttK-in iur to college to gether (tout now on oul ini' HeU .lollll 1 Kl And Thl'U UrUl' Vl'lk who have do ided to t idv it And Alplu t'hi lotlie I'ipsou i oi i hoot mid will be Itirtl- ii.id to Ntt; Alph of U t VCtU Pick Spell (loin liini si lecetved t dmuond ovel Hie liolldAYs And 0e til hi.'ldlV IT Kiln prtltV ed III OuiiiliA and IVm Andeison d-ted Alplu Hii Klewnion ' vvutigei uilei. Agnes. ud liked It . SotlK'tU' slipped by n Itu' lush ol Usl weeks excitement was in n t I o n ot val pAs-on; Usl NUiulv uilil st thi Kspp IVIt houio with .Un fVltn and Jeuv Mllhllll doillji tile tlvMlOli t'l I'tu rtmlolte SUht will mivh with SK I ouie Nehold st the UU Kudts mshi and KptM NUrv Anne will wuti t'ru I'si lto r'toi tint UoubU-.i 'lv't hiv iU.$ vu' Si r lvk Senior who's hd two d.Ue toi the esvtit bioken OU tvUH WfKII thC aW deVlded to go sle-idy people tttiv'v cUitt'Cd tVU s'o'm NUskUtt to see ' Wt i Sw wl he. it t'..v NX lt v) ftu Ai : bvu xxauvu Vtul Sis Si Nu v'llKl, l'.iM U J.itC m OjS' Ui'nt V .v to v'A'o ,hi. Utu'.x on j.t -,K- V.Vttt llui'i k'.s.tu tk (. Vt.t- (iiu V . V'hciv' no U;k t to vihn is.vU" will iX'l oj Vtl I in- Tickets Available lor y Hmt!ifi2 Of C'leens Dinner Vk hi m KCva SuuAt. V'l $'ti. i Ml'iiX vthtv'Jv b U X' ' tH.. !.l't v i U lv' JK.NS litwi t! !.,v..t wi. i. kitJi !v Ai'iw tu.i Mtrv I a VroL Hamilton Writes Articles In ( hem Journal ?H 0 ?i. S l Illr-.H, s-.t.J IK.1. M . !,'!. yK'jS. i.!K'iv .t t v si lf i: Oi.'Ca f..i) 4 , , vS4.' i ! ' ivt,'ih 'nnh' i -" .!m ,i i tj Vnn ii.. v."o.n-..t.: s.s.-irt. v ..; .St i"K 'W'.'.Vi !. s Ajic.-v t'v,t iKA'.M HllV '.TiO v.t-' N S Ov"! H '. ii. f I. v ,)M.: V'l,-4l t in t i.' I.:;V til '.l.t. .HMIiO. inlll, lcll, WUKi'll'il Unit In- run Kl i ilatf Mtli Sue Slttiw, I't Till, wlut i.i nt'cinrly iiniifit tit ItoihU' llii. ll, iil if tli 1-It tli-u. . .Our 1 1 unit iinliiit In Hull Alt is i H t lu'it In liino . . . TluinkMKlviiiK titiitiil SNM Ituli lli'liivli'iinm with no rosnTt lot it ilnlt I'Mi-pt H iiiiiillml wonwui wlio.ic hiislianit Is lonlmi'il to tlio lioNptttil . . . W well' lircivv to tn'rtl tlml ttoli liuln't tulu' ntl vttltcKO of tin .iitu.it ion, lint .itdVfit lionii likf nil ;ool Imys w onKI tto . . , , f iiiilri i Kcooi f Aniwi-t tins i( you NN'hi'iy m IM1 1'ii xy, XVrttly Mimn' pin ? . Sti-tiily, tiow i'vri, not too mil iiunj aw il't JiMn Totieo mul NiK J.i'k llilliiittn. , .TtuMf only miii' (iiii-slion aliout that tom iiititiln I'oinlnniitlon, Iml poilinpri it's tii'sl not to mention tin Sig Alph that u.si'it to bo nuntlH't'-ono-nuut In Joan's life. . .Cluu'k OUl futhrr to IVsMoinos and Toms Cas siily to Uiuoln. . ,NV totild go on toivwr . . . More questions but tins wo'ii roally liko to know Who will bo tlu winix-r tn Vi Phi Jean IVuter's eoniusinji thangto, her present steady Phi Pelt, Phil Reed or the Pelt from Missouri, who has delivered an ultimatum. Surprise of surprises eame to the Pt PhU last night when an nouiu ement was made of the mar- nage of pledge. Ruth Wilson, to Jim NX'anen of NVayne, Neb NN'ell. all s welt that prints well. Sx mplioHx (Juel Soloist . Clwiumcth Scores Success As Pianist in Concert Here . . . Also Outstanding as (inposor IVrsliiii Kiflcs Hold Spoil-Down The Pershing; Rifles will hold a spell-down at .V00 p. m. Tuesday in Nebraska hall for actives and pledges. Medals will be awarded to first, seeond and third place winners. All members f Pershing; Rifles are to meet in Nebraska hall 5:00 p. m. Thursday to take their picture for the Cornhusker. Sohour Lectures On 'Histology' Here Isaac Schour, D.D.S., Ph. D., D. Sc., professor of histology and chairman of the dental depart ment at the University of Illinois, lectured on "Histology" to all den tal students Monday. i'i Hv P-ieter H ('. The ppeai-e of Wilbur OioiioNeth as guest svloist ith ( the I noln Svmphonv Oivhestr pivvej to tv tbe highlight ot Mon vl i night i eoiuvil m St PauI s vhutvh the stv.nd wt' this season's seiie-s Vhe toiniei NebsWn' double tvpuUlion s vompvvser .nd evmplishet puinist met the an tiviptel hijjh exjHS-lations m the tiit vrtoniiHV ot his "est." a ivuvvil piev'e tvi pstv and or--he.Hlt Vfteaovseth s vvitiv.sittii v n tuuM some tu tunes tvM oi SiMish tWIv invitv.- 'Vhe-se ell ti:igvi m vvit eutK'ii a'l vvnibi-n.tUv'-'i ot svK uisliuments 'io! Ol vhesli. vie-itsM te dontvo eitvvt of '.hf.ievi 't set.v euvMetv p!.s!V$ to to e-At At tst .e.r- hi-s own gtouj" ot' pu:w .'ieV th "V AiiAtions oil t'Xtt ceuV.tr y vletmn v.orl ' etv ox ;oAtttci..!Ar ihuxis'aI utetif.t tVuttee tnd W'A.tt ' a:k tV Wvicert xv tltj vuece foiloA At eicve. t'l A SACKi.'' hi aH ti:w voks v.'hcle; m Apijiyfvi w otijjUtAty A'i utlu3lcw'.t., VC CIVAt v :i t mtiftprvtA'.'.vv All'.l. it i uiKk't t"s d:' e.-.,'.i oi 't te-;u-cvNViUOCvr t.v u.i!'jiH.i .vt evt i:.tKv(. evjjo.!iv ui pvij.'Mti; ot t!K Ure Ai wi 'j.fifof Tht 1nai t;tf. K'Avedlnvll 5j Hu: a.-' Oivti!' fmu.s'Vvi i .....!, Ji!.tA.i!uvt.i.sl t. t1f The prformaiu-e of Mendels- j sohn s "Italian Symphony'' showevl a well balanced symphony orches- j tra in a very satisfying execution ' ot one of the symphonic standard woiks ot music "The Sorcerer's Vpprentice" probably one of the; most difficult woiks ot the eve-! ning as given a fine reading by Kucmski. and Although the piece was timed somewhat slow, the en vyment at the fitie execution atni over the hunuuvu va'ue of the music itself was not lessened a bit. An attiKvtt sumUr effect was techevi m SftostAkovu-h s " Satyr icaI P:ive A well known and well Uked tuevUey of Ins me todies by Victor Herbert brtight the concert to a svvrttevi conclusion and sent a well sAtisxvM Audience hoine. prvbdb'.y hummus or whtsth" hAppity. Uoui'hor Spoaks To Hoy Scouts OhAncet'or O. S. tV'wichec dl A.Klres.- t!v .rvrtut bnueC of tie cV'tvcl nn aw Couttoil of th-, Pv'y Svvcts oi AmencA At N.'rtv.Ci IVv. Hi subject Nf )$-y Scott Vloet!ienc -Ai KducA ,mi in Vnited. St :." H? tU itlerv-wii ..vr r .r.o stAitott XV J AO At i SO ?. m by SujH.. A!ifn P. 5?tiik.h.P'-"". oc ttt Nortvik. puWtvr sch-.vi.. 1wa Stite o-'il'.'e recently Seii i t".-ve-d;. :iXooJ t-.v ei.ctnc ueter testers A.id :rKee rc.A. r- SEE the it CAMPUS QUEENIES" at the BEAUTY QUEEN REVIEW 26 Beautiful girls 9 Innocents judging Cokes served in ballroom Free dancing . . 5-6 Tune: 1:00 o'clock Tuesday Admission: 10c per person Place: STUDENT UNION BALLROOM ll.L.l Your EVENING at the BALL A SUCCESS t ...S,. it v' CilN. m . cvHft t i ',ye. c i v i .v . .v.t '-.v.''-". VM ,V.i'.t tiir.h.if. - ....-pi f ft J J1 Jt t it ma. i i grant mm ' -;if t, ei v-i-v- ft c 3 ... ... tor last minute shoppers ice ve just received New Formals tor the Military Ball l(y 2295 2995 mU !rrC tie u WTiifJ FrMk re oa i-tc I ir4 lux Tei . HitfT? ii"i . . . win a ttry (UiMfW 'r-tai 0'i.r H urt f f-. '"i ! -liiilr nnr rrH '. hile -xili .i.nu 'Mlvnr lwaih nmmh .nun r hi i, n Miiillk hki tmr ii-tiHmxiR t "! rsw. rSTM 'llNK I UOVLAND-SWAMSOT a.. "j