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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1941)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, November 26, 1941' UN Taxidermist Velich Likes Most of His He liked to hear canaries sing when he was a baby, his mother said. Then when he grew up his love for canaries extended to other birds; he liked them all. But he liked better to mount them, and now he is the only taxi dermist of Morrill and Bessey halls. Ralph Velich, blond, six foot junior, has for occupation tax idermyand French lessons. Velich's career in taxidermy be gan ten years ago when he was in South Side high in Omaha. He shot an owl one day on a hunting trip, mounted it and retains it to day as one of his most treasured possessions of his adolescence. After working for three years off Willi Guidance, Counselling . . Cornell A empts to Relieve War Restlessness of Students ITHACA, N. Y. (ACP). Cornell university has launched a program to quell war restlessness among its students. . The plan proposes student guid ance and counselling, with em phasis on health and recreation. "College authorities have been concerned," a statement said, "with the disrupting effects of the world situation, not only on enrollments but also on the morale of the students pursuing their normal courses. "The signs of restiveness and uncertainty, as well as the loss of interest of some students in main taining high academic perform ance, made their appearance last year." A councellor of men has been Grad Assistants Plan New Club Fifty graduate assistant pro fessors met for dinner in the Union Monday night. Allen Sher, master of ceremonies, suggested that the graduate assistants form a Grad uate club to express the ideas and opinions of all graduate students of the university. Forty Famous Acres Forty Famous Acres is a com ment on the day's news in blank verse form written by Bob Owens, University of Texas student, for the Daily Texan. Tho it does not appear every day, the column often hits literary heights for its method of catching the feeling behind the news. Today we bring Nebraskan readers one of the better exam ples recently published. OWED TO WAR. Gref. Kearny. Reuben James. Not the names of man, But milestone In America antranct Into tha second Warld war To aava tha world lor democracy And other mercenary things. M Americana are atlll holding doggedly To tha Idea that "Hitler la a beaut, "England and Franca ara all light, tnd "God wouldn't let Germany win And'besldea, "Hitler don't want Amer ica " Secretly I think they know that Hitler Has beard about tha democratic freedom Hera in America and wanU to coma ovet and try It- . ,, . . Teah, a lot of Americana art believing ia our Invincibility , Just aa they believe In tha fallibility of tha Agglea. There will coma day Maybe you'd batter watch Tha nlghU alio. America'! older men may be aecura, But take a look at the young men, Tha draft aga fellowa without exemp- tloni. . . . Tha young onea have felt fairly aecure. . . . . k. - H.A.ninff tm Riltin Jim,l Blink . - CUl UIV iiiwi . " -- ' Thert wer many pal, dteturbed young xacM nn,. baKa ii . tat mo n v t nlnra They were tiot ao iurt they would bf Tou could young fellows to typing 'Now l tha Ume for all good men to coma to tha aid of thtlr country." There waa aomethtng oralncua about that una ''It's hlph Ume you answered thai call of your home a ran Doara. Toung men ara mora aerioua, Your Drug Store Specials! 50c Tek Toolhbrusk 29c 3 5c Bromo-Quinlne 27c 50c Hinds Cream 25c 60o Sal Hepatic 49c OWL PHARMACY Birds, but He Spends Time Mounting Them . . . Starling tvith an Owl and on in an Omaha taxidermy studio he entered the university and started doing taxidermy work for the zoology department in his first year. Mounted Thousand Birds. Birds which he has mounted to tal over a thousand, he estimates. Two aino coyotes which he mounted last year are placed among his best specimens because "one albino is rare enough but when you get two it is pretty un usual. 1 Just have to put whiskers in them before they are ready to display." Mournfully, Velich tells of an experience in Arkansas when he ... In New Program appointed to direct a clearing house for their problems. He is expected to give advice on finan cial aid, personal and vocational problems social adjustment and student employment. 'Human Alarm Clocks' Don't Sleep Soundly UNIVERSITY, Va. (ACP) "Human alarm clocks" may hav something which they can im press their friends, but they don't do themselves any good by being able to hop out of bed at any given time. This is the contention of Dr. J. H. Elder of the University of Virginia. Dr. Elder says that if you make up your mind to wake up at a certain time you probably will, but the "preoccupation of the sub conscious mind prevents sound sleep and causes waking, tossing and general restlessness." It's hardly worth the trouble, he in timates. Mora aober In thought when they're Dot drunk. Mora careful In speech (Kspeclally on subjects that Kmbrace democracy, freedom. Racial differences, the Isms, and John L. Lewis.) More young men now ara falling In love Or at least they are getting exemptions Because they have dependents. They don't necessarily go band In hand, The young couple, I mean. One must consider when one rote, for war, That one Is voting for High prices, fighting, death, Undemocratic processes, Ten yeara of prlmltlveness. When ona votes against war, He hurts his "national pride." "Ona simply must not bear the Indigni ties," One must burl oneself and all one's re sources Into the fray while yet there la Ume." "It Is later than wa think." Or do you own steel and munitions stock? Thus far when wa speak of conscript ing capital, It has been of a "conscription tease." Boucher . . . (Continued from page 1.) agriculture," declared Boucher re ferring to agricultural education at Nebraska. "All research proj ecta in our agricultural experi ment station program are directed to the solution of immediate prob lems of the profession: Our edu cational program in the College of Agriculture constantly reflects the discoveries of the experiment aia tion: and our agricultural extent sion service carries these discov' eries immediately to practitioners all over the state in a contlnua tion in-service professional educfr tional program." In closing Chancellor Boucher assured his audience that projects such aa the P-F-L program will always enlist the ardent interest and enthusiastic support of the university. Tulane university has a scholar ship for descendants or tjomea crate, soldiers. Seniors at Appalachian State Teachers college (WtJ) Drone iraui tion to elect a co-ed Dorothy Grif was the museum expedition last summer. He had left his box of specimens in the hills "and Arkan sas is just full of pigs, you know, and the next morning I came back and there wasn't a thing there." Birds Most Important. His birds were completely ru ined, and Velich rates the incident as "the most detrimental thing to my collecting that has ever hap pened. Birds are the most impor tant thing to me, anyway." But if he did meet up with sad events while on the expedition, he also ran onto some excitement. For in Snowball, Ark., the expedi tion chanced upon an old Indian cave. With every shovelful of dirt and sand turned over they found arrow heads and pieces of pot tery, bone awls and human bones, Velich relates. "Most fun I ever had," he said, "and the dirtiest job, too." Poli Sci Profs Allentl Meeting Dr. R. V. Shumate, and Dr. J. P. Senning, political science profes sors, will attend the annual con vention of the American Political Science association in New York, Dec. 28-31. Presiding at a round table meet ing on the State Legislature will be Dr. Shumate. Dr. Senning will participate in the same meeting. Sinfonia Plans Unusual Program Harmony Hour, Sinfonla's weekly program of recorded music at 4 p. m. every Monday in the music room of the union, will present an introduction to the con cert of the Lincoln Symphony Orchestra. This Monday the music on the program of the orchestra will be heard on records and will be dis cussed from an introductory angle. Mimeographed notes will be dis tributed as usual. Concert... (Continued from Page 1.)' concert promises to be of unusual Interest. Chenoweth, born a Nebraskan, taught for several years at the school of music. He is now on the faculty of Occidental college and Holmesby University In Los Aa- geles, where he teaches piano and organ. The orchestra, under the di rection of Leo Kuncinski, will play the overture to Hansel and Gretal by Humperdinck, Mendelssohn's Italian Symphony, the Irish Rap- sody by Victor Herbert, the Satir ical Dance Polka by snosta kovlch and the Sorcerer's Ap prentice by Dukas. Youll welcome Ice-cold Coca-Cola fust at often and as surely as thirst comes. You taste its quality, the quality of genuine goodness. Ice-cold Coca-Cola gives you the taste that charms and never cloys. You get the feel of complete refreshment, buoyant refreshment Thirst asks nothing more. OTTIEO UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA.COIA COMPANY If LINCOLN 2120 G St COCA-COLA With $35,000 Home . . e Texas V. Reaches Milestone With Unusual Co-op Society AUSTIN, Tex. (ACP). A new milestone in student housing was passed this fall at the University of Texas when 80 thrifty students moved into their new $35,000 co operative home. Student co-ops have operated on other campuses for 25 years, and at the University of Texas for 5 years. But the campus guild is the first group known to have fi nanced, built and operated such a Michigan Prof Urges Changes In Patent Law ANN ARBOR, Mich. (ACP). Dr. Robert W. Kelso, University of Michigan sociologist, urges drastic revision of the patent laws so that "the people, acting in the interests of common welfare, should be a definite partner in the ownership of every patent." Kelso advocates shortening of the period of monopoly granted inventors and that "profit should inure to the public after reason able takings have been allowed to the owner of the patent.' U of Kentucky Celebrates Birth LEXINGTON, Ky. (ACP) Gov. Keen Johnson has appointed 15 members of the University of Kentucky faculty and administra tive staff to make plans for cele bration of the 75th anniversary of the university in 1942, and at the same time plan for inauguration of Dr. Herman Lee Donovan, newly elected president of the uni versity. To Aid Consumer ... Course Shows How to Avoid Rising Prices in World Crisis ... By Getting Most from Money BELLEVILLE, 111. (ACP). A course designed to enable every consumer to fight his way thru rising prices caused by the defense program and still save money has been announced by Lee Clere col lege. The course is offered In night school and is open to men and women for both practical value as well as college credits. Directed by Prof. Charles VVuller of Le Clerc college and St Louis university, it will follow advices of the federal government in how to purchase. It will cover the in tricacies of new defense taxes and detailed operation of 12 federal housing agencies. Students will be instructed in how to get most for their money in virtually every type of consumer goods and will be shown the var BOTTLING COMPANY Th. 2-5357 mi mm feftyJ house. Previous co-ops used rented houses or, in a few cases at other colleges, residences donated by philanthropic persons. One of the finest structers in Austin, the campus guild co-op houe was conceived and brought to reality entirely thru efforts of the students. They borrowed the money on their own, prepared the plans, awarded the building con tract and did most of the work themselves. Nine university boys began clearing the lot last July, and in the course of construction 145 students labored on it, receiving the same wages aa the few non student workers. The campus guild started in 1936 with a qroup of boys seeking to reduce their college expenses by living together, buying wisely, economizing wherever possible and doing a share of the housework. Texas U Plans List of Poems For Declamation AUSTIN, Tex.. (ACP) Texas student declaimcrs aren't going to be losing any more contests be cause judges don't like the poems being recited. The University of Texas Inter scholastic League has compiled a list of 2,988 poems that may be used in junior declamation con tests this year. Use of any other poem would disqualify the par ticipant from the contest. Two years have been devoted to preparation of the list, according to Frank L. Winship, director of speech contests, who believes it ia the only complete list of poetry suitable for use in grade schools. iety of government bulletins cover ing nearly every subject of inter est to consumers. "During the current national de fense program there is a greater need for consumer education than ever before," Prof. Wuller said. "I want to keep the course aa flexible as possible. I want to get the opinions of the people in the class, find out what they want to know, and plan the course for their needs." University of Texas geologists predict a peat industry for Texas from recent extensive finds of the substance thruout the state. Largest concrete dome in the world, 110 feet in diameter, ia at McAlister auditorium of Tulane university. Hayden Planetarium dome, 90 feet in diameter, is next. You trust Us quality nth, clasa president.