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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1941)
Tuesday, November 18, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN 3 Injury Jinx Finally Halted . . . Regulars Hack Nebraska's varsitv erid eleven. beaten five times in the last five starts, has finally overcome the in jury bugaboo. The Husker team will be at full strength against Iowa U. here Saturday when Allen Zikmund, lujured in the Minnesota game, and Herb von Goetz, incapacitated since the Indiana fray, return to active duty. Zikmund Adds Speed. Zikmund's return to the Husker backfield should add speed to the Husker running attack. The Ord blond's defensive work also missed Saturday against Pitt. Von Goetz, who adds weight to the line, looked like a definite comer in the early frays. Wayne Sindt, Naponee halfback received the only Husker injury in the Pitt game. Sindt, who had the top backfield rushing average, bruised his side but should be active against the Iowans. The University of North Caro lina, although an institution of the state, did not receive state appro priations for nearly 100 years after its founding. fMVf YOU TAlKlt) TO DICK JONES? NO? Then you'd better see him to day. He'll tell you how to ship your baggage home and rrturn fight from your dorm rooms, and save your cash by doing it Call Dick at 2-7475. Rai lwavNExpre s s Minn lac. NATION-WIDE (All-All SEIVICI 8 SpohiA WML By Bob Miller Not since 1658 or some year equally remote has a football crop shown greater possibilities and less actualities than the Huskers, 1941 vintage, have exhibited.... There must be a reason for this and we have endeavored to figure it out.... Five losses in a row! Ouch, that begins to hurt every one concerned and we have de veloped our theory to explain it. When a team loses five straight games there is going to be the in variable statement, "It must be the coach." Right here we would like to nip this in the bud as quickly as possible.. . .We have been on hand at all but a very few of the practice sessions this fall and consequently we have been able to see what has been happening Injuries, ineligibles, tough breaks have all conspired to send them down the losing trail. ... It has not been any lack of coaching skill, experience or any thing connected with the coaching staff and the sooner that all of this talk blows over the better it will be Jones has turned in some good football teams at the Husker institution. Consider the Record. In 1937, the Biffer's first year here, he started with a bang by defeating a vaunted Minnesota team, 14-9.. . .Other wins that first season were turned in at the ex pense of Iowa State, Missouri, In diana, Iowa U., and Kansas State . . .The only loss was to Pittsburgh OH to Bed... Vfv.. . 5nl JHH n XV V m if WV Bat . t VI I J uJllAiyuf 111 and two other contests against Kansas U. and Oklahoma ended in ties.... That was his first year here. The next season started off with a loss to Minnesota and at that time, the sports writers taiew that there would be a poor season due to the loss of such a number of the preceding year's seniors The sophomores did their best but ended up with only three marks in the win column as opposed to five in the loss section with one tie. . . . In 1939, the juniors showed that their sophomore year had taught them a lot as they steamed through for seven wins, one loss and one tie.... The loss was to Missouri and the tie with Indiana. . Three were wins over Minne sota and Pittsburgh in the seven. .No one said anything about the coach then. Last year was the same with eight wins and one loss credited to the Huskers.... A bowl bid was in the offing also when the 1932 sophomore team were seniors.. . . This year comes another sopho more team into the line-up. . .They are having reverses but are show ing the kind of stuff that leads to bowl bids.... They have to have the right kind of support however or this cannot be accomplished.. If all of the knockers would think of one thing they would be all right.... 'It takes a lot to back a losing team because anyone can support a winner.' Experience Counts. Another factor that contributes to the losses besides having a lot of inexperience in the ranks is the injury jinx.... Not for a long time has a Husker team been riddled with so many injuries. . . . Kathol with his broken leg, Zikmund with an injured kidney, von Goetz with a collapsed lung, Ludwick with a bad ankle along with Athey, Hern don out for a time with a shoulder and leg injury, Simmons out with a broken cheek bone and then with a torn knee-joint, Abel was limping for two contests. . . Tike Francis becoming ineligible didn't help the cause any besides. . . , With all these things taken into consideration, they have been put ting out to the best of their ability and have sacrificed in an attempt to put a winning team on the field . . .Nobody can ask for more. Iowa Comes Forth at Full Strength Here ... Saturday Immediately following the face- off with Pitt, Nebraska began to make plans for the tussle on tap in Memorial Stadium next Satur day when Iowa university's Hawk eyes come here to do battle with the Huskers. Getting off to a slow start, the Hawkeyes in the last two weeks have come to life, coming to life in the last half of their game with Indiana's Hoosiers to take a 13-7 decision. Last weekend, the boys from Iowa City soundly thumped their Big Ten conference opponent Illinois, to the tune of 21-0. Farmer Shows Off. Main sparkplug in the Hawk revival to date has been Junior Halfback Tom Farmer who fig ured in all 21 of the points chalked up against the Illinoi team. Pitch ing two scoring aerials to Junior End Bill Parker, Farmer scored the last touchdown on a short smash after setting the pins with a 36 yard sprint, adding each of the point after touchdown to his scoring total by placements. An understudy of Nile Kmnick, 1939 wonder-boy, Farmer is flanked in the backfield by such standouts as Senior fullback Bill Green, and Quarterback Al Coup' pee, who both saw service with the '39 squad. Senors Have Memories. Other seniors who carried over from the great team Coach Eddie Anderson fielded two autumns ago include three 200 pounders: Tack les Jim Walker and Bob Otto, and Center-Captain Bill Diehl, who al ternates with Senior George Frye at the pivot post. The magic of Anderson, as uius- Prorok (Continued from Page 1.) will show pictures of the places where history is now being made and the men who are making it A friend of the late Italian Gen eral Balbo, de Prorok has some thing to say M mvst prions death. At noon Yv eanesu.i.) u.c Jnion will sponsor a forum luncheon with the lecturer. The discussion will be held in parlor X. All stud ents and faculty members are in vited to attend provided they make reservations in the Union office before 10 a. m. Wednesday, The cost per plate will be 45 cents Not exmctly 0$ illuttratri In a Bobtail Nightshirt You'll love this comfy bobtail night shirt. It'i made of a , soft broadcloth in tearose, blue, nniA anrl whit, nined in contrasting colors. aiiiy ' - Select one to win you applause in the dorm. And they'll solve that prob- lem of what to eive your room- JJjO mate! GOLD'S Third Floor. ATTEND LINCOLN'S LEADING THEATRES! Now Showing Claudette Ray Colebert Milland Brian Aherne II II SKYLARK NEWS LINCOLN ZlZl Now Showing Deanna Robert DURBIN CUMMINGS in "9k Siahhd Extra . (jJUL vsl . !! w Color C artoon and Ntwi eTIIADT SSoHIIS Tax Incl. Note Showing Tw. f.rrat Kltft ! w. c. nn.i.H iii "NEVER GIVE A AN EVEN BREAK ritil ThU Ind Hit "MAN AT LARGE with M ARJORIr: WF.ArK treted by the Indiana and Illinois games, and the unusually long afternoon the Hawkeyes gave Minnesota's mighty Gophers Sat- terday will call for much atten tion on the part of the Biffer and all the Jones boys, come next Sat urday. Ag WAA, YW Group Hold Meetings Today Ag WAA will meet' this after noon at 5 in the college activities building for its regular weekly meeting. A TW commission group will meet this noon at 12:40 in the home economics social parlors. NOW wider -arm Cream Deodorant safely Stops Perspiration 1. Does not rot dresses or men's shins. Does not irritate skin. 2. No waiting to dry. On be used right a&er shaving. 3. Instantly stops perspiration for 1 to 3 days. Removes odor from perspiration. 4. A pure, white, greaseless, stainless vanishing cream. 5. Arrid has been awarded the Approval Seal of the American Institute of Laundering for being harmless to fabrics. Arrid is the LARGEST SELLING DEODORANT. Try a jar todayl At Ilatorct selling toilet gooda 394 a jar (milM U 1 0c and 59 jar.) How to Win Friends in one easy lesson Treat yourself and others to wholesome, delicious Wrigley's Spearmint Gum. Swell to chew. Helps keep breath sweet, teeth bright. The Flavor Lasts. 1 t 4 "Pf" PMl & C'. MCDDACIA' S5e Till nLUInjlrt Tax Ina.