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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1941)
1 Sunday, November 16, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN 8 QiWtt Soriety Editor$ s 11 By Jo and June. Hi! Ho! each and everyone of, you tired gals and guys. . .It's been a hilarious weekend, what with I the game, the house parties, anu everyone dating here and there Saturday morning at exactly five thirty, the Sig Eps crawled from their warm beds, dressed and trudged half-heartedly around the town to collect their various dates for their annual breakfast party ...Everyone forgot the gloom of such an early rising as the break fast was served and the party progressed with bingo and dancing in the living room which was ap propriately decorated as a football field, with even the goal posts... Those seen walking in their sleep were Dick Seagren calling for Kappa Helene Marcy and Vic Bradshaw for Kappa Patsy Mead. Buffet Supper. Tonight the Kappa Deltas will assemble the girls and their dates for a buffet supper. .Ruth De Long has invited Elmo Thompson, Theta Xi. and it's small wonder, for an unsteady pair they're the steadiest we've seen... Ha va you ever seen anyone really behind the eight ball?... Pi Phi Betty Krause un intentionally stumbled into just that position, when Beta Jim Bell came to call for her. and Jim Nicola, ATO, happened to be there for a friendly chat... The climax came when in walked Med school. Kappa Sig, Phi Itho. Don Schultz. More on the Steady List. From the Dclt house comes more news of a newly p.rianged steady couple, Warren Van Norman and Alpha Phi Rebcnca Ely... Many more such arrangements and the news will be few and far between ...For here is another couple, Agnes Fox, Alpha Chi, and Phi Gam Bruce Pendleton. . .We are wondering how long it will take Theta Xi's Herman Schmoll and Gifford Rogers to distribute their newlv acauired pins to Carolla Schaller and Mjrjorie Mull, re spectively. . . And in Addition. Quote from the Pink Rag that Bob Merriman, Phi Gam, is or was going steady with three girls, two of them conveniently living out of town. . .However, these two got wind of the deal and told Bob in no uncertain terms they were thru... so that !eaves poor Bob with just one steady... It must be awfully hard for him too be so true to one girl .. .Brothers of the bond sharing a girl is not so un common in this modern world... Watch Chria "Everyone's Favor ite" Peterson and George Russell, Kappa Sigs with DG Jane Emery ...Alpha Phi Marge Rivett is proudly displaying the sweetheart pin of Phi Psi Harold Hit-key... All's well that prints well... Wedding Bells. We'll wager no one is able to steal the affections of Bill Haw kins, SAE, from Pat Miller, Duchesne queen... He writes daily letters to her... Goes to Omaha each weekend. . .Need we say more?. . .Wedding bells in Decem ber for Peg Martin of Fremont and Dick Herman, Phi Delt...The diamond of Betty Green, Alpha Chi, from Gregory Meyor should definitely be noted ...Dinner dances are being discussed, most particularly the Sig Ep...for it's rumored a Hollywood smoothie has been invited, and what's more has accepted. 7:00 P.M. VJwo. I f u Congratulations . . ; 'Six Greek Houses to Initiate Fifteen New Members Sunday Sunday will bring many newly initiated members into six Greek letter houses on the campus: Daily Seeks Aid For Soeielv Pane Social chairmen and repre sentatives of fraternities, so rorities and organized houses should notify Daily society edi tors of any parties, dinners and other social functions at least three days before the event. If the editors are noti fied, they will be more than happy to include stories of these events on the Nebraska society page. Explorer Tells Story of Discovery Of Lost Worlds, City Under Sea A l Second Union Convocation Holder of a number of "conspic uous firsts" in the field of arch eology, the noted explorer and author Count Byron de Prorok will present his motion picture lec ture. "In Quest of Lost Worlds" at the year's second Union convo cation, Nov. 19 at 11 a. m. Searching for forgotten civiliza- Chem Group Holds Banquet Next Tuesday Annual banquet preceded by ini tiation of six members of the Phi Lambda Upsilon, honorary chem ical fraternity, will be held Tues dafy at 7 p. m. in the Cornhusker hotel. More than W persons are expected to attend. Dr. Lee L. Christensen, state chemurgist, will speak at the ban quet on the subject "Production of Ethyl Alcohol From Starchy Ma terials." Also, Robert Tookey will receive the annual freshman schol astic award presented by Clifford Hollenbeck, president of P.L.U. Also on the program will be the talk, "Response by Initiate," by E. J. Cragre, and Robert Rivett will welcome the new members. Uni Awards New Contracts For Building Contracts for the new home ec building on ag campus were ap proved by the board of regents Saturday as follows: General contract: Wilson Con struction Co., David City, $104, 150 less alternates 5, 10, 11 of $2,535 or $101,615. Heating and plumbing contract: George H. Wentz, Inc., Lincoln, $34,162. Electric wiring contract: Elk horn Construction Co., Norfolk, $7,846. Finish hardware contract: Johnson Hardware Co., Omaha, $1,149 plus alternate 1 of $65 or $1,124. RfflUT MM O Johnny Cox Orchestra O Prince Kosmet Tickets 55c from any I I 1 1 June Jamieson Joann Emerson U ... At Formal Rites Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Kappa Psi. Phi Gamma Delta, Zeta Beta Tau, Kappa Delta and Phi Mu. At the Sigma Alpha Epsilon house, Darrell Ludi, Richard Nash, Wayne Nelson, Milton Rothen berger will be receiving the con gratulations. Phi Kappa Psi house will initiate Ed Danielson and Dwight Holloway. John Carr, Bill Long and Paul Wilkert will be the new initiates of Phi Gamma Delta. The new initiates at the Zeta Beta Tau house are to be Norman Smeerin, Norman Rips and Theo Cohn. In the sororities, the Kappa Delta house will have Marydeon Lowlor and Helen Ammerman as new members, and an early morn ing initiation will find a new Phi Mu initiate, Delores J. Self. tions for 20 years, the count has ' sing the Libyan and Tripolitnn Sa been decorated for his achieve- haras. ments by most of the nations of Possibly the most sensational of Europe. He has recorded on his discoveries is the city sub movie film the results of his dis- merged under the Mediterranean, coveries and will supplement his I It was in 1926 that he found this talk with pictures. J ancient city called Tipasa. The To de Prorok belongs the credit establishment of a scientific At- for unearthing the relics of Han nibal in Carthage, of Alexander the Great. Cleopatra, King Solo mon's Mines in Ethiopia, and Cuauhtemoczin, lost emperor of the Aztecs. It was de Prorok who first used the airplane for archeological ex ploration, who first utilized the specially designed truck for cros- SinfoniaGives All-American Music Hour Students will listen to a pro gram of "All-American" compos ers at Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia's fifth hai. tony hour, Monday at 4 p. m. in tiie Union music room. The Curtis chamber music en semble will open the program with Ernest Bloth's "Concerto Grosso for Piano and String Orchestra. ' Following this, the composition "Five Miniatures" by Paul White, a University of Maine graduate, will be played. "A Symphony for Voices, Tears," will also be presented. This selec tion is one of the best known of the works of Roy Harris, a com paratively young musician. The poems set to music in his sym phony are extracted from Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass." Morton Gould has arranged a number of Stephen Foster melo dies into what he calls the "Foster Gallery." His selection will be played by the Boston Pops or chestra. America's first great composer, Edward MacDowell, did most of his work for piano. One of his best. "Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in D minor, opus 23,' will be played. Morton Gould's "Pavanne," a dancing melody, will close the program. THIS THURSDAY O) WhLL Salesman Now or at Temple Starting Monday. On Stands Monday ... Second Blueprint Features Article on National Defense ... By Prof. DeBaufre The second feature of The Ne braska Blueprint, official maga zine of the college of engineering, will be made Monday for the month of November. The feature article, "Industry Seminar" by Carroll Schrader explains the seven-day seminar trip which was sponsored by the American So ciety of Agricultural Engineers. "National Defense Training at the University of Nebraska" by Win. L. DeBaufre, professor of mechanical engineering, tells of the progress that the university has made in its efforts to assist the U. S. government with the national defense program. Dean Ferguson Contribute. O. J. Ferguson, dean of the en gineering college, in his article, "Inspectors," writes that an engi neer is an inspector. "It does not matter whether or not this fact is recognized in the title of his job, it still is true. He must judge quality of materials, and of per formance. He must compare workmanship with certain well es tablished standards and express lantean link' between the Mayas of Central America and the an cient Libyans of northwest Africa was also the work of de Prorok. Wednesday at noon, Count de Prorok will answer questions at a Union luncheon. The luncheon will be held in Parlor X, and the meal will cost 45 cents. All stu dents and faculty members are in vited to attend. Coeds Vic For Horse Show Prizes Eight sororities will compete for the WAA trophy to be awarded this afternoon to the sorority who accumulates the highest number of points during the fifth annual fall horse show sponsored by the University Women's club. The show starts at 3 p. m. at Shreve's Riding school, Pioneer Park. In addition to the trophy, indi vidual ribbons will be given in each of the six events, for which over 40 girls, affiliated and non affiliated, have signed entrance blanks. The entire show will be judged by Charles Davis, promi nent Lincoln horseman. North Platte Rotary Club Hears Boucher Chancellor C. S. Boucher will address the North Platte Rotary club Nov. 20 on "Education in a Changing World." All Makes of Typewriters Special Student Rates ni.oo.M tyim:whiti:k kxciiangi: rk.nt t-5 lit N. 11 O Nebraska Sweetheart O 10 Brilliant Acts the results of his comparison In terms of acceptability," explain Dean Ferguson. According to D. James Costin, senior engineer of the state high way department, in his article, "Primitive Soil Engineering," alt engineers should "fully understand and appreciate the technical values of the uses of soil and factors con trolling its effectiveness. The monthly pictures in this issue show the construction of bridges by the engineers of th U. S. army. The pictures are un der the caption, "Bridges and Derricks." String Group Gives Concert In Union Appearing in concert today at 3 p. m. in the Union will be the university string ensemble under the direction of Emanuel Wish now. Open to the public, the pro gram is spon sored by Delta Omicron, na tional music fraternity, and is a presenta t i o n of the school of fine arts. Personnel of the string en semble has been announced by P r o f e ssor Wishnow as follows: First violin James Nehez, Virginia M c - Knianurl WllhnoW, Uncoln Journal. Neel, Aronita Daslcovsky, Virginia Clarke, Thomas Pierson and Eve lyn Nerud. Second violin Ernest Ulmer, Patricia Kent, Bonnie Jean Mar shall, Stanley Wiles, Elizabeth Pierce, Marian Percy and Lew Es ther Henderson. Viola Jane Welch, Paul Koe nig, Louise Lchmer and Hazel Fricke. Cello - Phyllis Clark, Dorothy Hendricks, Dieter Kober, Janet Douthit, Marcia Lehmer and Mary Monnich. Bass Viol Sam Worsham and Roy Emory Johnson. ATTEND LINCOLN'S LEADING THEATRES! Voir Showing Claudette Ray (olebert Milland Brian Aherne "SKYLARK" NEWS LINCOLN IS'ihc Showing Deanna Robert DURBIN CUMMINGS in "9t ShiAhJ tlln ('Ur Cartaaa an.4 Niwi stuart r.vv:,r Now Showing Twa iirral HIM! M. ( . MM.IM la NKVKK I.IVK A Sudani AN KVKN IlltKAK riv ThU 14 HII ".MAN AT LAIU.K" Willi MIR-IORHC WKAVKR NEBRASKA S.1;.".' n : ff. Nebraska Theater