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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1941)
Thursday, November 13, 19 DAILY NEBRASKAN 6 Pitt Mentors Shift Line-up To Stem Foe Three Panther Starters For Six (James Remain On Number One Eleven Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 12. - If all the alternating and changing that has occurred within the ranks of the Pitt Panthers this week per sists, Saturday's Panther -Nebraska game will resemble a cross word puzzle. Nebraska's lineup has been a makeshift organization since the third game, but the Pitt eleven ftas been lorced to play by shift biiHe the campaign opened. Pitt Changes Many. Only three Pitt performers have been at starting positions in all six games. The iron men are Stanley Gcrvelis at left end, P.ill Benghouser at right tackle, and Walter West at quarterback. Ed gar "Special Delivery" Jones, re nowned Panther backfield star, and Ralph Fife, the sturdy guard, missed the first game. Following the Michigan disas ter, Meritor Charlie Bowser made a number of changes in his lineup. George Allshouse was moved from the third team to the start ing pivot post, replacing Jack Heister. Joe Connell was shoved into the right half slot in place of Bill Dutton. Matt Gebel, elon gated sophomore, replaced John Ross at fullback, enabling Edgar Jones to move into the regular right half berth. Mentor Bowser kept his No. 1 lineup intact after the squad's adept showing against Minnesota. The Duke game a week later brought more shifting. Bill Dutton moved into his old right halfback job and Frank Saksa, third string halt, was moved into the starting fullback position. Jack- Dunshan, pound husky, took the left tackle spot from Harry Kindelberger, G-3 senior. John Stahl replaced Tex Hinte at right end. Latest newcomer to the Pitt varsity is Bill Dillon, scrappy sophomore who scintillated against Fordham. The current Panther eleven features more speed, punch, and defensive ability than any combination found by Mentor Bowser this season. Comparisons : hraUa A Can Pitt Do This To Us? Minnesota Did . .. aqiawaaaylMWIWWIMs . j- V ' V $ -Sc... fcnsvs.. I vT- f J ilfc,.. r " Lincoln Journal. Dale Bradley, shown above, shows what happens when a back pauses one second too long bcfoie passing Three Minnesotans are shown inhabiting his posterior in an attempt to prevent Bradley from passing. The puss was well smothered as can be imagined after viewing the picture. Bradley is the second from the botton with a Gopher forming the soft (?) cushion for him. Jackie Stettler Promising As Sub for Edgar Jones r ? V Ml. I(llulh 193 .... (.rrvr 2-'" . . . Otirihhmi )H5, IHIIcin 20 . AMkhOlllK' !.' Kill- lil.'i . BpniihitumT ISft Stuhl I0 Wft IdO Jonrf 17K Dui'imi IBS Baku 2; Pilt- t. I'i. Pr.ston 1S" S'hKith .... 'I'M I-T Unrr lh L; KMly 10 (' A 11 2H1) R; Hnnddn ... 211" PT Thnmiwun .171 RK Mcthpiiy .... 173 QB Bradlrr . . . 1T8 LH Ath-y 1V.0 RH Bt.if :u: kb Trma rcrsgc- Nehrk. huifh. 193 3-11. mi. IM llnrklirld vi-mi:r Tike ta taf klr vf nut - Ntrk, .u 4 a: Fil'.lmiiih. 203 1. r. LI l; cc R'J Rl R K QB LH RH FB Nfbiaakn. 1 ' 2-5 Nydrn 10 Bylw 212 Myria 1 Barhwaa ... 1 Bryant 1 Maidl! 21 lidwl'h ... Cooler Iaob 17 Hindi It Baliabury .. Traaa vfrasi' Nnrk. PitlalHjrCh. 191 9-11 Une frsK-Mrbraaka. bur-,h, 195. Karkflrld ovcrace - Neliraaka. 177 uiRh, 186 V. Tacklf ta Kle avrai )! ; Ptt(hurish. 199 Wt. mukurib H 1K0 Smack 2IH). Kindelbrrurr 1H.S ... Brcnidy III) . Sinclair 190 .. Antonfllo 210 . Salvui-cl 190. . . Ronrpink 190 . . Hammond 17.'. Wrtlrr 19S Conn-ll 1H." i;ell 1H3 1 11 U7 4-7; Pitta Pitta Nrltraaka, Drive (Continued from Page 1.) drive complete until every univer silv student has been asked to contribute to this worthy cause. Membership One Dollar. Membership in the Red Cross is one dollar, and contributors of smaller amounts tire also urged to do their part in the drive though they cannot be given memoer shifts. A roll call, listing names of stu dents and members of the faculty who have iolned the Red Cross during the ten-day drive, will ap near each dav in the Nebraskan Today's roll call is on page 5. Although It is in conjunction with the Lancaster county drive the campus Red Cross drive is being conducted by the student council Beparately. Reports are made to the Lancaster county chairman daily through university channels. Workers must report to the Red Cross desk in the Daily Nebraskan offices each day to turn in the contributions they have solicited and to replenish their worker's supply kits. Zi SUM'' -HP Religion . . . (Continued from Page 1.) cussed "Religion for These Times. ' Father O'Brien of the Univer sity of Notre Dame led a discus sion on "Ethics" at a morning seminar in the Union, as well as at a meeting held during the noon hour in agricultural hall. Afternoon seminars at the Un ion included: "Building an Inter Faith Fellowship," Willard John son, regional director, national conference of Christians and Jews. St. Louis: "The Christian World Mission." Dr. Hachiro Yuasa, pres ident, Chicago theological semi nary; "Personal Religion," Rev. Allen A. Hunter. Los Angeles; "Kthics," Father O'Brien; "Prob lems of Organized Groups." Dr. John Oliver Nelson, director, de partment of student relations of the Presbyterian board of Chris tian education, of Philadelphia; "Preparation for Christian Mar riage and Home Life," Prof. Syl vanus Duvall, George Williams college. Chicago. Kvening seminars at the college of agriculture included: "The Christian World Mission." Rev. De Witt C. Baldwin, student secre tary, board of missions and church extension of the Methodist church. New York city; "Planning a Stu dent Religious Program," Dr. Wal ter Malone, vice president. Presby terian theological seminary. Chi cago; and "Student Cooperatives," Rev. Carrol Moon, secretary of the Rocky mountain region of the student Christian movement. I JACK 8TETLER Pitt Back Husher-Panther Relations With nine wins, three ties and three losses to Nebraska Pitts burgh Is the only team to hold an advantage over the Hunkers along this line with the exception of Minnesota. A little about the Nebraska-Pitt relations: Ittl: Huattrn Inrnrd la lartllni llt-t UM vrr Top Wrnrr irmm, iwrr aoii and a dropklrk h l.lnin rrrtion. low (iamr. 11)2?: In a rl.. aad nrltlac darl. Ihr ritnlhrrt llnally rr in a tl-IS di-rUloa. Hlur Hvmi-H ararrd ImiIIi Nrfcraka t.iui - down aflT k marrori. 19H: Hilt brld .Nrbraaka trllhual a llrl dim hul Ixilti Iraina lalli-d In arorr In Ikr flral nl Ihrrr arorrkraa llr aflalr. 1929: HitlNliiirKh Hon thl our In a rloar matrh. Tlir rr a 12-1 IUi III' lo-ri lulllnK on a P lu Mr(an. I9.H0: Thla rr aaw anollirr acorrlraa llr with Ihr wnndrra from l'rnnUania. TliU aa In ri-lll a moral vlrlory lor the ('oruhiiikrra. Ilon'l Mrnllon II. 19X1: Ouch, thl iMir htirta! I'll I won bv a 40-tl count In Ibi' worst dfffiil rvrr pinMrrrd on n Nrlirnnka Irani. Mlkr Wc liaatian and Marrrn llrllrr wrrc hrld to two toiiilidouna aplrcr in llili arorinn aprrf . l:i'J: Anollifr a-orrl-s Hp w wrlltra Into Hip hooka thla yrur aKo lor the hint III Hip scrlea lll In illllP. IHil.t: I'ilt iiii'ppd by thl yrnr hy a (11) iiiuriiiii villi Hip roiintir roiiiliix on a pasa lo Mrkslik. A rlnap kuiiip nod a Kood nop to watrh was tlip raimiH-ul on Hiia one. Mrkilrk a. HilUrr. I!i:il: Mi-k-kk ttaiiin wan thr slur lint Oils limp Iip rkhlliilPd that bp loiild do ollirr HiliiKs lpsidp catch pasacs as Ihp I'aiilhi'rs crcissrd Ihp a.oal four linira. I!i:i.": A. Hither I'll C win this yrur but a closp oop. I'ntrlik aci.rcd tir only all points il Hip contest (mi a drive throUKli crnlpr.! Kani Krancia wirwd a pmsa lo l.loyd (unlwi-ll to yivn Hip lliiskpra Hip first tiHirhdowa but I'lllsbarib drp arroas Ibrpp iiiutp ! win 19m. Ilodd Raaa-la-vala. 10.17: Jack lodd rapculpd a idrllnp raw for lit yards and all poluta. Ihp lluskprs drnpitPd Ibla mp lltoaah after a fnmblp cost Ibp ball 1pp la I bp Huskpr Iprrltory. rinal arorp waa 19-7. I93H; Kick I aaalaiM piiIpph Ibp plrlnrp and bplpa tarn In a I9- taauarit alter arurln( I wire himself. I9S9; Bettpvp It r nut: Nebraska pdaed I'lll by a U-1X final arorp alter Vlke Kraneis and Hank Itobn IroiiiiiPd arms, ibp wbltp lines aad two pttra points had been added. Ihp game waa In doalit ant II Hyp seconds rrmaiiird. Hopp I'lils I rancla. 1911: l ast year Ibp Muskrrs did II avaiu Willi Hurry Hopp lallylal Hie wlanini touchdown and Kraarls plucr-klrklnf thr Imal Ibrep points. IIMI: Thla nite la anybady'a trarsa. Huskcrs Set For Invasion On Saturday riltslmrph WotU Ituiiy Sign Over Nebraskans With Nine Wins to Thrf Scrimmage was the big event the Huaker football lot yesterd afternoon as the Biffer risked juries in preparation for the F tussle that looms on Saturday. Coach Jones pitted the numl one string against his number t unit along with the frosh teams tin effort to get the Panther fense more firmly entrenched the player's minds. Tbe scri mage lasted until darkness sett down over Memorial Stadium. Injuries Present. Injuries are still hampering Husker first team with end Al Zikmund and Kenny Simmons d initely out and with Marv Atl trotting painfully around on sprained ankle. The starting li up will include but four senic Game Captain George Abel i Fred Meier at guards; Frrd Pi ton at left end an i Clarence He don at tackle. Th5 juniors wil carry the br of tiie battle with five juni kneeling down for opening ki off: Marv Thompson at end; Schleich at tackle; Howard K at center; Dale Bradley and Wa Blue in the backfield. For sophomores, F'red Metheny quarter and Athey at a half complete the combination. Charley Bowser, Pitt coach, ' named the coach of the week his team's upset victory over Fordham Rams and his team sponded in the first drill per of the week to prove to the spi writers that they deserved praise that has been heaped on The Panthers entrained night for their long jaunt into, midwest which, will see them h ing practice sessions in Chic and in Omaha, pr?paring for t invasion of Lincoln on Satui morning. Starts in 1921. This year marks the twent year since Husker-Pitt relat started and with the exceptioi the years 1921 and 1927. the have met regularly. In that 1 there have been 15 games of wl three have been lies, three ti the Huskers have emerged vi ious and nine limes. Pittsbi has held the whip hand. In 1938, Nebraska won a sf tingling tussle, 14-13. followe a 9-7 victory which they huri the de-emphasiz'-d Pitt el last year. Ralph Fife, senior g has been on hand to partici in both contests and this year tell the tale on whether or not Huskers can do it again. Breathing of air low in oxygen Impairs capacity to learn and de creases ability to act, reports Dr. Nathan Shock, assistant professor of physiology at University of California. Because of dangers of excess eye strain, children should not learn to read until 61.- or 7 years old in the opinion of Dr. Helen A. Field, professor of education at University of Pennsylvania. Neveda and Utah are the only states in which there are no liv ing alumna of Emory university Old East, the single building that comprised the University ot Carolina's physical plant when it opened in 1795, is still in use. Student loan funds totaling $19, 960 are available at the University of Louisville. Magee's Double Feature V 1 " 1 Wear it with n lie Wenr it open TWO-WAY SPORT SHIRT SPECIAL SALE! Regular $2.50 Value $98 winter llie hloal spurt sliirt for fill ninl Wear it to selmol and for all sports occasions. I Val uiimI in fine cotton fjaliar. time. All sizes. (let yours tomorrow ! THURSDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY! a HRST H.OOR a