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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1941)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, November 7, 1941 2 The Daily Nebraskan rORTY-FlKSl YEAR. Subscription Rates are $1.00 Per Semester or 11.60 for the College Vear. $2.50 Mailed. Single copy. 5 Cents. Entered as second-class matter at the postotlice In Lin coln. Nebraska, under Act of Congress. March 3, 1879. nd at special rate ot postage provided tor in Section 11U3, Ad ot October 3. 1S17. Authonred September 30. 1922. Published Dailv during the school year except Mondays and Saturdays, vacation, and examinations periods ty Stuaemt ul the University oi Nebraska under ine supervision ot ths 1Mb- U-atmns Board Oil icts Lnioo Building, Day 2-7181. Night 3-7193. Journal 2-3330 Editor .. .. .. Mary Kerrigan Business Manager Ben Novicoff The Letter Arrives As expected, a, letter has arrived from the act ing secretary of the UN chapter of the America First Committee asking several questions about the policy which the Daily Nebraskan has adopted in regard to the present war the only policy that can be adopted since the situation has become so grave. The writer of the letter claims that the editor has changed - policy from a plea for religious thought in an .editorial Oct. 12 to demand an ex peditionary army to die in Europe in an editorial Nov. 2. The editorial Oct. 12 was a plea for a swing back to r "m as protection against the lack of religion anu religious principles in the dictatorships, particularly Germany. The Nov. 2 editorial did not demand an expeditionary army to die in Europe, but to fight the irreligious, unprincipled designs of Hitlerism. It hardly seems necessary to answer the ques tions put by a group that wishes to "keep us out of foreign war" when we are already in a foreign war. However, we will deal with the questions in order to satisfy the person concerned. Question 1: "Is it the Christian duty to carry democracy to foreign lands with "airplanes, tanks and destroyers manned by Americans?'" In par tial answer, we would like to ask a question of our own. Does Mr. Paul believe that it is possible to defeat Hitlerism by the use of missionaries today? Over and above this, it is not so much a matter of carrying democracy to foreign lands as to pre vent them from carrying totalitarianism to our shores. We think our fiist line of defense is not the three-mile limit around our shores but that it extends to the battle in Europe. Question 2: "How many American men will die In this crusade . . ." We hate to see anyone die, but if England loses, it will be the United States alone against the rest of the world, and more American lives will be lost in that event than if we help England and Russia defeat Hitler now. Question 3: "Where in Europe could a U. S. ex peditionary force be landed to enforce the "four freedoms' on the rest of the world?" An answer to this is quite out of our sphere. When the time comes we will allow the military experts of the country to answer that question -and it will be answered. Question 4: "Why should American men fight and die in foreign mud? Perhaps the lady will con tribute something new and different besides the trite phrases of 'save democracy, end war, etc" We will not be trite. We will answer from a purely selfish viewpoint and tell the America Firsters that England is fighting to piotect our way of life including representative government, freedom to practice our religions in our own ways, freedom to speak and act as we wish, our educational system, and countless other privileges which Hitlerism would take away. In helping England we are fight ing for those privileges The last question: "Do you support or oppose QommsmL (BidkiiyL humanitarian aid to the Christian democracies of Finland, France, Norway, Belgium and Holland, whose citizens will sufler and starve this winter if the American people do not help them with gifts of food and clothing?" Our enly answer is that we would support humanitarian aid to those countries if we could be sure that those countries would re ceive our aid instead of Germany, the nation we are fighting. Of this we cannot be assured. Mr. Paul winds up his questioning with the hope that this editor will not be led into error again by quoting the propaganda of the war party's "Fight-for-Freedom" committee. By "propaganda" we assume he is thinking of the word with all of its worst connotations. It seems to us that Mr. Paul should not have mentioned propaganda because he laid himself open for this question: "Is not the ac tivity of the America First committee based upon propaganda?" 3s.WAdu ict J Jul jHHdl DEAR EDITOR: May I respectfully quote three recent articles by you in the Daily Nebraskan: Oct. 12 "In time of crisis it is time we gave some thought to the spiritual side." Oct. 31 "Young people must help make peace!" Nov. 2 "Our duty is to fight hand in hand with Britain to 'make the world safe for democracy.' We are convinced that this can only be accom plished by the immediate entrance of the U. S. into an active war. We must strike." From a plea for religious thought and a call for young people to "help make peace," the editor reverses herself to demand an American expedi tionary army to die in Europe! We of the America First Committee would ap preciate your answer to the following questions: 1. Is it the Christian "duty" to carry democracy to foreign lands with "airplanes, tanks and destroy ers manned by Americans," as you so sweetly put it? Did you ever see a missionary inaugurate a revival with a bayonet attack or a bombing raid? 2. How many American men will die in this crusade to "save democracy," a million, ten mil lion, perhaps twenty million? Have you ever vis ited a Veterans' hospital and viewed the lasting re sults of our last crusade? 3. Where in Europe could a U. S. expeditionary force be landed to enforce the "four freedoms" on the rest of the world? 4. WHY should American men fight and die in foreign mud? Ferhaps the lady will contribute something new and different besides the trite phrases of "save democracy, end war, etc., etc," which we of the younger generation inherited from the last world war! 5. Do you support or oppose humanitarian aid to the Christian democracies of Finland, France, Norway, Belgium and Holland whose citizens will suffer and starve this winter if the American people do not help them with gifts of food and clothing? May I humbly call to your attention a recent news story in the Daily Nebraskan of Oct. 28 re porting on the student opinion surveys. I quote: "14 percent of the students support the declare war and fight policy." And 79 percent of the youth op pose sending an expeditionary army to die in for eign wars! These figures speak for themselves. The facts are that the young men and women who will suffer refuse to support our entrance into other peoples' battles. Sincerely, LUCKEY PAUL, Acting Secretary of the UN America First Committee. I SALE TTODJAY! the 1941-42 STUDENT DIRECTORY On Salt et All Campus Book Stores, Union, Sosh, and Ag. Hall 50c Dancing Memorandum: Henry attison's Orchestra Saturday 15c STUDENT UNION Religion- (Continued from Page 1.) Working two years in China with the co-operative movement, with Kagawa in Japan, and with Gandhi in India, the Rev. Allan A. Hunter is the author of Three Trumpets Sound, White Corpus cles in Europe, and Secretly Armed. Dr. Hilda L. Ives, president of the New England Town and Coun try Church Commission, Newton Centre, Mass., was a delegate to the International Missionary Council held in Tambaram, India, in 1938. Active in the National Confer ence of Christians and Jews, Rabbi Julius Gordon conducted the "Message of Israel" radio hour on a national hook-up. He has trav eled extensively in Europe and Palestine. Regional director of the Nation al Conference of Christians and Jews, Mr. Willard Johnson served as Dean of Men, Drake Univer sity, from 1934 through 1938. For 19 years pastor of the Uni versity Presbyterian church and director of the McKinley Founda tion at the University of Illinois, Dr. Walter Malone is also a vice president of the Presbyterian The ological Seminary in Chicago. Dr. John Oliver Nelson, in ad dition to heading the sub-committee on Social Education and Ac tion of the Pittsburgh Presbytery, Pittsburgh, Pa., is director of the Department of Student Relations, the Presbyterian Board of Chris tian Education in Philadelphia. The author of 12 books on phil osophy, religion, and science, Father John O'Brien is professor of philosophy of religion and poli tics at the University of Notre Dame, and has traveled through out Europe many times and spent the summer of 1939 in Germany, France, and Spain. A delegate to the Oxford and Edinburgh Conference held in 1937, Dr. Albert W. Palmer, presi dent of the Chicago Theological Seminary, is the author of Paths to the Presence of God, The Min ister's Job, and The Art of Con ducting Public Worship. Popular student conference leader Rev. Edgar M. Wahlberg is minister of Grace church and Community Center, Denver. Ho has had over ton years experience in this many-sided social and reli gious project Dr. Gould Wickey, executive secretary of the board of educa tion of the United Lutheran Church In America, is editor of the "Christian Education" maga zine and is general secretary of the Council of Church Boards of Education. A native of Tokyo, Japan, Dr. Hachiro Yuasa served as profes sor of entomology at the College of Agriculture, Kyoto Imperial University, from 1924-35. Kentucky's Danville college, with 341 students, offers 80 scholarships. LED Saturday, Nov. 8 LLOYD HUNTER and his 13 Southern Gentle men of Swing Feaf tiring The "Subject of Southern Conversation" Am MAE 17IHBURN Get the gang together for a big time Saturday nite. No advance in price. Bus service every 30 min. l l Arrow's BRIGADE STRIPES make (generals t mviousi Here's how civilians ran rate 4 at ripe in personal appearance! By wearing . lhe Brigade Strip aliirt . . . flattering as a JR: chestful of medals. Mito- s. ga" figure-hapel, Sanfor-iied-Shrunk. $2.50. 2. Brigade Stripe Ties... go perfectly with the shirt. Knot handsomely, repel wrinkle. $1.50. 3 Brigade Stripe Hand kerchief. ..the final touch for only 50c 4, Brifade Stripe Shorta ... with the patented seamless crotch. 65c Get yov Brigade Stripe today. &3 r ARROW