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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1941)
Thursday, November B, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN 16 At the Stadium and Waiting b ! r- r - f ' ; ; ? I C 5 'v - Miss Frances Manic Former UN Student Writes Book for Girls Seeking Jobs . , . Using Personal Experiences "dirt With a Pav Check," a book proffering advice to girls seeking jobs, has recently oeen wruien uy Miss Frances Maiile. a former uni versity student, who attended here when Chancellor cantieia ana ui. John J. Pershing were associated with the institution. Miss Maule, in her book, urges pirls to heln create the right 'im pression on a potential employer by using proper maneup ana nav ing their shoes shined. She de clares in her volume, which comes out Thursday in a Harper publica tion, that a eirl annlving for a position must have a proper blend of eagerness ana snyness. Frances Maule is a native rse- braskan. She was born in Fair bury, and later moved to Lincoln where she attended the public schools and university. When her family moved to Denver, she be gan to work as a girl with a pay check, and from then on she col lected facts for her recent work. . At the present time she lectures on vocational problems before schools, colleges, women's clubs and organizations of commercial teachers, personnel directors, and vocational counselors. Besides "Girl with a Pay Check," the former Nebraskan ia author of "She Strives to Con quer," "Men Wanted," "The Road to Adventure," "Your Next Job," Bcnglson Speaks To Lincoln Alums Dean Bcngtson will speak to the Lincoln Alumni association this evening on the subject, "The Junior Division as It Functions in 1941." The buffet dinner meeting will be held in the Union ballroom at 6:30 p. m. University of Minnesota Flying club has trained more than 400 students as fliers without accident of any kind. This year's freshman class at University of Minnesota is topping all predecessors in patronage of symphony concerts. Home Ec Head Attends Meeting f Miss Margaret Fedde, chairman of the home economics depart-., ment, will attend the meeting of"' the Land Grant College association in Chicago, Nov. 10 to 12. Pro fessor Fedde is chairman of the homo economics section of the as sociation. She will also attend the meeting of the home economics sub-committee of the Experiment Station Organization and Policy group preceding the association conference. Average yearly student expenses at Harvard university are $1,295. m -BS? t s aii HrrcfH nn for th oame are Barbara Moorehouse, Alpha Phi pledge, and George Blackstone, atv nirfiirPri nterinn Memorial stadium. Barbara, the typical casual college girl, is wearing a sea- foam pastel flannel, an original Carlyle, exclusive at Ben Simons and Sons. The belt of the dress is dark green leather, trimmed in red suede octopuses, dark green leather, trimmed in red suede octopuses, sports things. Her hat is a brown felt Donnet, ana ner snoes, snuo-nosea sdumc i-n hui"h "BDOC" is George's title in these smooth sports clothes. His trousers are blue twill, and his jacket (note the pockets) is a beautiful herringbone tweed. The porkpie is tan corduroy, and slung over his arm is his covert reversible. TUXEDOES 1 II y Jo and June j 1 H Society Greetings to our host! ? ) of con stant followeia at the beginning of a new era . . . we make no prom ises excent to present the gossip as it is told to us . . . remember we said gossip, so take it for what it's worth and be cautious when talking to strangers. . . . Not much time for anything but Jerry Buller, Alpha Chi, is the way Fritz Wolfe, Phi Gam, would explain his five dates since Satur day with this attractive miss . . . If Curt Merrick, Phi Gam, is in terested Margery Grant, Alpha Chi, would like nothing better than a future date with him ... It .appmn these two houses are cer tainly linking themselves together . . . Remember ljod &anuoerg, A TO the fellow who holds noth ing but disgust for steady deals, SPECIAL NOON-DAY PLATE LUNCHEON 25' ! VITALIS Z 79c 79c Prophylactic Hair Brush 1.00 Size Wildroot With Oil, Both for,.. 89c Pipes Smokers Supplies BOYDEN PHARMACY Stuart Bldg. his dailv calls to Catherine Car son, Thcta, certainly point to something . . . Could find out no more than that Walt Johnson, DU, is personally acquainted with the city of Beverly Hills, or else a girl by the name of Beverly Hills . . . Tom Miller, ATO, is .starring in the Kappa version of "Caught in the Craft" ... As puns go, that's not at all. bad? . . . Back Again. Bark atrain is Art Lincoln, Delt, at the Gamma Phi house and with Mnrv Ellen Robison. something that started last spring but was never finished ... A couple ot me boys on furlough to look and lounpfi around, the campus are Gene Wolfe, Sigma Nu, and Clark Kuppinger, ATO . . . not) uurrie, Phi Gam, and Mary Stevenson, AlDha Phi. had better start pur chasing the usual cigars and candy, for the tubbings and teas ings shall not stop until the 'pass ne" ia accomplished . . . Some thing tells us it shall not be far in the future . . . luck riunier, ATO, has pretty much of a mo nopoly on the future dates of Max- ine Thomas, Theta, can i say apoui the Junior-Senior Prom . . . It's a Mess. One of the worst mix-ups is that going on between Betas Don Stewart and Jim Stoddart and Kappa Marge Holmes and Theta Marg Kenncr ... It seems that Don did date Marge K. but has Marge H. lined up for all impor tant campus affairs, while Jim seems to be stepping in to take care of Martre K. . . . Well, any way it's a mess and you can fig ure it out yourself . . . With no wnrninc to anv of the brothers, Fay Parker, Delt, hung his pin on a home-town girl . . . The weekend found Ellena Politis of Howard Hall at the Doane homecoming with her steady from Wayne State Intercollegiate! . . . Jn the way of setting a few persons straieht on the subject of the steadv deal between Milt Rothen- berger, Sig Alph, and Kay White head. Fi rni. it is a sieaav aeai it is serious -no one, and we mean no one, is capable of cutting in . , . These are reliable facts. Specialists in Hair Styling & Permanents RUBY'S BEAUTY SHOP Secret? Thought we ought to let you all in on this, Delt Bob Galloway, you know he's nrettv partial to Alpha Phi Marv Stoddard, has ordered another pin . . . One boy can't use two pins alone ... A high school sweetheart has been remembered even among all the beauteous co eds, for Frank Meroney's DU pin is on Dollv Clinton of North Tlatte Hieh . . . The Farm House actives are treating the pledges to a bit of a house party Saturday night . . . Among those looking rorwara to the actives' efforts are: Harold Hansen and Dorothy Freeborn, Paul Eveland and Kav Huston. Randv Pratt and Jean Buckley. Theta. And Johnny Fitzgibbon and Janice Marshall, Gamma Phi, which we predict will terminate in a nin-hancinc. . . . Hats off to the Theta Xi pledges for being just one step ahead of the actives ... As the story goes the Actives had planned to start "hell wet-k" last night at dinner . . . When the actives arrived home to start the session, they found the nledees had invited Set. Reg- ler, the campus cop, and two of his assistants ... As yet Jack Mc Phail. DU. has had no acceptance to his Military Ball invitation sent to Betty Grable . . . More in the steadv eataeorv are Gamma Phi Helen Jean Sornberger and ATO Jack Kennel . . . Our congratula tions to the two new initiates of the Alpha Xi house, Helen Closs and Jean Wachner. V and (3 Deluxe Quality ACCESSORIES Your Drug Store Hot Chocolate hits the snot on these cold Fall days. Get a cup at our fountain. Tux Shirts 2.50 to 3.50 Tux Sets 1 .00 to 5.00 Tux Ties 1.00 MAKVEV Bros. Open Thurs. Eve. Till 9 1 230 "0" St. V 607 Federal 2 1 C 3 Security Bulldinr Owl Pharmacy 148 No. 14th & P 2-1068