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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1941)
Thursday, November 6, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN 13 fMjoing On a Football Trip This Weekend? Here's Your Wardrobe he lir ri- he ry of er e- n- ia be ci-n- BY NANCY HAYCOCK. So you're going to the game? I can see you now, the night be fore you leave... you hiive your Despite the Men Coeds Wear Too Large Sweaters "I don't like those baggy sweat ers" is a verbatim quote from one of Nebraska's better-known (but here to remain unknown) bache lors. With that as a starting point, various inquiries have been made as to just how the opposite sex feels about the long, loose favorites of every co-ed on the campus. The result proved one point pretty definitely women don't dress for men. Believe it or not, only a few gallant souls would admit that they preferred or even liked the style. The Answer. So what! is of course every girl's answer, we like them, and it will ny FVJ'La long while before they are replaced by the old short and skimpy style of several years ago. If this has convinced you that three-sizes too large sweaters are here to stay, why not try them in some of the newer shades like chamois, chocolate brown, and light lettuce green. V-necks are practically standard with cable stitching giving added beauty to many. Cardigans have slipped a little in popularity since last year with pull-overs gaining where the cardigans lost. The feminine sweater has also come into prominence featuring tucked yokes, peaked sleeves and all sorts of unusual knitting. Standard and uniform as the sweater may seem, you could still go crazy trying to keep up with their infinite variety. Take a look at the Nebraska co-eds you aren't convinced. of th ite ed ed ny lis P3 ite lie nd ty ler .il- if i A ic r New Ornaments Put Velvet Boivs n 'Has-Becn9 List Want something different to wear in your hair to the Military Ball, something: that will make the crop of flowers, velvet bows, and sequin ornaments of last year look dated? Well, here are some suggestions take 'em or leave 'em. Wear your hair in a huge mop of curls n top of your head, and anchor h curl with a diminutive bow- kvt ribbon: if vour hair is verv IojV. draw it back behind your ears and pull it thru a lace doily; braid it, catching the braids above your ears with tiny golden hands. You can sweep your hair back from your face and wear a fillet of ivy leaves (artifical, naturally); or wear a new gadget just manu factured which is composed of two brilliant-set-daisies one which sets on the lobe of the ear, and the other, smaller one, which per ches above the ear rim. Anyway, wear something new and different. With styles chang ing so fast, anything you can think up will be acceptable. ATTEND LINCOLN'S LEADING THEATRES! .Voir Shotting "lady Be Good" C t C-1 D....11 4!,nn Sothern Robert Youne LINCOLN Now Shoving SPENCER TRACY DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE INC KID BERGMAN and LANA TURNER STUART We 'til Tax Incl. Voir Showing IDT VALI.EE III I EV PARRISII V, "Too Many Blondes' rmt Tbil Second Hit "MAIL TRAIN" llarriiif CORDON HAKKEK FI.IH LATEST EW1 II luggage out, and you're standing in the middle of the floor wonder ing WHAT to take. In the first place. . .please.don't forget your comb and brush, tooth brush, make - up and pins for your hair, .it's so em barrasing to be caught without them. If you're smart and lucky you'll get one of those little fitted bags to carry all the aforement i o n e d necessi ties, along with nail polish for any p o s's i b 1 e needed repairs (and you might tuck in an extra pair of hose.... just in case). Personally, for a good all around outfit we'll take a three piece suit every time. Said suit is composed of skirt, jacket and topcoat. You can wear a tailored shirt, and take along , something in a more sheer line. On the same strain of thought. . .you can wear spectator pumps for traveling and to the game, and take dress shoes for the "FifthQuarter." If you're staying for Sunday, you'll undoubtedly want a smooth dress too, and perhaps a fur jacket or coat to go with. Don't forget something sweet and feminine in the line of shut-eye attire; and slippers and a house-robe are in dispensible. Well, have fun kitts....I wish I were going. At Bedtime Coeds Dress For Fashion The typical Nebraska coed Is well dressed even when she goes to bed. Originality is the keynote of many of the outfits worn by the retiring girl. Attired in a real old-fashioned man's night shirt is Pi Phi Sue Shaw. Featuring a white back ground with pink and blue flowers, the gown is of lyle and flannel with long sleeves and scalloped collar. To complete the dreamy vision, Sue wears a flannel bonnet which she coyly ties beneath her chin. Virginia Way, Alpha Phi, pro- Kay Wears Red to School - Vv - Y f t ft 111 , ' , Y Y Y V t '--' ft ' , ' -4 X ' ',i v 5pi ':5;k::: Kay Detweiler, Delta Gam pledge, chooses this Jacket dress to wear to class. It Is of red corduroy and beige Jersey from Miller & Paine's second floor. Her beret hat Is of the same red corduroy. Rhythm-step shoes are just the thing for a peppy girl like Kay and she chooses black suede with red pipings. The last touch is her black handbag, which she carries with beige gloves. pels herself into bed in white and blue flannel "p j's" made just like an airplane mechanic's uniform. Most of the AOI's wear real boxy bed socks tied with pink ribbons into the cold, cold dorm. Looking like a streamlined ver sion of Santa Clause is Sig Delt Miriam Dansky in her one piece red wool pajamas and bed socks. So let winter winds beat down upon the roof-tops, let snow drape the window panes, Nebraska coeds will never freeze as long as they have their shirts, pajamas, socks, and hoods to keep them warm. A OS- Combination... ARROW SHIRTS AND TIES ArroH'i grouped color '! of ililrlj, tie anJ handkf rdiiffi . . . and tra horli . . . originate on design iWu long before the falriri are woven. Tbu each complementary color tone and motif it controlled from the beginning. The ensemble let are in three basic thadei to harmonize with blue, brown, or grajr luiti. Yon get, too, Arrow'i luprrb tailor Ing, exclusive fabrici, and that inimi table Arrow collar. Load up on thee handsome Arrow fourtomei today. Shirt., 2 up Tiei, tl.fl.50 Short, 63c Handkerchief, 35e Satin or Fur? Dorm Slippers Show Variety The cold winter winds are blow ing so it is time to make your choice between comfort and gla mour, as far as bedroom slippers are concerned, that is. If your toes are the kind that are blue, red, and six other colors when the thermometer goes below 50 then get a furry pair that will really do the job. If you get them in some luscious pastel shade you can still feel like a glamour girl. If, however, beauty is the fac tor that really counts, then go looking for a high-heeled, satin, ruffled pair, or maybe one that is all straps and nothing else. In case you go for plaids, those too, can be had for dashing madly from the cold dorm to your warm (?) room. Don't let me see anyone bare footed after all this advice, please! "HOLD THAT LINE!" Arrow fcliirts go tlic whole day long without a "sub. In the Arrow hackficld is Hitt, a fine white broad cloth shirt that is all American in its long wearing and non-wilting constitution. Cut to fit your torso and Sanforized shrunk (fabric shrinkage less than 1). Cet Hitt today! $2. NEBRASKA ti r