Thursday, November 6, 1941 a" 12.95-19.95 A DAILY NEBRASKAN JvA. (BalL BuIUcuujl! The Ball means uniforms in the fore ground! So look prettier,-more feminine than ever for "him." This romantic bouffant dress is fashion right as can be ! As the perfect complement exquisite gloves, or the sweeping sparkle of crystal and gold jewelry, and as feminine as anything could be is the tiny black satin purse you'll carry to complete your outfit! Bright wool wrap for the bright spot in your evening. Suave and smart it's resplendent raiment for all you gals goings-on all year! Se lect a wool evening coat in one of the new brilliant colors. You'll turn every head as you pass when you wear this dramatic dinner dress. Choose "jewelled" black, be cause black is always new and always startling. Choose all this fashion smartness selected especially for you. Too, all modestly priced. GOLD'S Third Floor. (GCO)UD) ffiT V"- 6 IT I 1 it fe-n it i I" v t I f iv ' I tit V ii: i J ? 3 25.00