The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 04, 1941, Image 1

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..Picked by UN Cadets, Grable
Becomes Pershing 'Rifleman'
Betty Grable, whose pictures
made Will Hays censor sweater
art in the movies, became an hon
orary member In the Pershing
Rifles, national organization to
promote superior soldiery. Uni
versity of Nebraska's commanding
officer, Captain John McPhail, and
National Commanding Colonel
Fred Voight chose Betty l'or this
distinction for her performance in
"A Yivnk in the R. A. F."
Betty could easily convince any
man that his country is worth
fighting for and she did just that
in her latest movie. Recognizing
beauteous Giable's histrionic abil
ity and her work in morale build
up to the men in and out of uni
form, Captain McPhail and Col
onel Voight felt a membership in
the exclusive military organization
was just the thing.
Commented McPhail, "I invited
rfh 1ailyIebraskm
Official Newspaper 0 More Than 7,000 Students
her out of courtesy to the Military
Ball. She wrote me that she
couldn't come because of a previ
ous engagement. Who knows?
She may stop and see me some
time," he continued, very hope
fully. Colonel Voight said, when he
signed the distinctive membership
to the Pershing Rifles, "Bravo,
Betty, and we hope your bosses
put in more pictuies like 'A Yank
in the R. A. F.' "
(Keligion, Life
Week Nov. )
Z 408
Lincoln Hutiduy .louinui una Mm.
Vol. 41, No. 32
Lincoln, Nebraska
Tuesday, November 4, 1941
Barbs Choose Officers
For Reorganized Group
Tonight at 7:30 in Union
Representatives from all barb houses on both the ag and city
campuses as well as Lincoln barbs are to meet in room 307 of the
Union at 7:30 p. m. tonight. Election of officers for the reconstructed
barb organization will take place.
Additional names will be put on the list of nominations made
two weeks ago, and representa-,
tives will choose the cabinet. The Tv .
Sale Begins
On Thursday
cabinet is composed ot a president,
vice president, secretary, and
This is the third time that the
election has been scheduled. At
previous meetings because of in
sufficient notice or conflicting en
gagements enough students for the
election have not turned out. Bill
Dafoe, originator of the reorgani
zation plan, urged all barbs to at
tend the election tonight.
Present nominations for cabinet
position include: for president, Bill
Dnfoe; vice president, George
Campen, I-cster Wiltcrdink, Elils
Ruby. Mary Ellen Sim; secretary,
Dorothy White, Norma Watkins;
treasurer, Dave Marvin, Lloyd
Glover, and Ralph Fox.
Pharmacy Club
Elects Class
Barger, Quiulon, Hatfield,
Wffnberley Head Classes;
Form Governing Council
Members of Pharmaceutical club
composed of all students in phar
macy college held their annual
election of class presidents yester
day. Howard O. Barger will serve
aa senior class president, David
Quintan, junior class president,
Wallis Wimberley and Wilford
Hatfield as sophomore and fresh
men class presidents, respectively.
In accordance with the by-laws
of its constitution the organiza
tion elects presidents from each
class to form a council which is
the governing body of the club.
Each class must elect a president
tout other officers are left to the
discretion of the class.
Leon Hobart and Leslie Wright
were elected vice-presidents of
the senior and junior class, re
spectively. The underclassmen did
not elect other officers.
Class officers are chosen at the
beginning of the year and serve
for the calendar year while the
general officers of the club are
elected at mid-year and work for
a year. This arrangement assures
continuity in the organization:
Crabill To Speak
Before Engineer
Meet Tomorrow
A regular meeting of the Amer
ican Society of Mechanical En
gineers will be held Wednesday in
ME room 206 at 7:30 D. m. M. B.
Prnhill nnnitarv engineer aSSO
elated with the State Department
of Health, will discuss sanitary en
gineering and its application. A
len cent luncn win oe servea.
The 1941-42 student directory
will be on sale from 8 a. m. on
Thursday through Friday in the
Union, social science, ana
all of the book stores on the city
campus, and in ag hall on the ag
Copies are 50c each and every
student is urged to buy his own.
Only 1,500 copies will be printed
so the supply will last for a short
time only.
Two Ag Croups Hold
Weekly Meetings Today
The ag WAA organization will
hold its weekly meeting this after
noon at 5 p. m. in the college ac
tivities building, ag campus.
The ag college WCA organiza
tion will meet this noon, at 12:20
pt m. in the social parlors of the
home economics building, ag
YW Secretary
Visits Campus
Eleanor French Confers
With Local Organization
About Future Program
Eleanor French, executive of
the student division of the Na
tional Board of th5 YWCA, will
be in Lincoln on Nov. 10 to
confer with YW officials of the
university concerning future pro
grams of the organization.
Cabinet members and freshman
commission leaders of the city
campus will have an opportunity
to meet Miss French at a luncheon
meeting Monday, and that night
she will be present at a supper
meeting on ag campus.
Personal C6nferences.
Any student wishing a personal
conference with the national stu
dent secretary should see Miss
Mary Lockett in the YW offices at
Ellen Smith, as Miss French in
tends to spend the greater part of
her day in Lincoln with such con
Formerly student YW secretary
at Ohio State university, Miss
French was a member of the na
tional student staff before attain
ing the position of executive secre
tary. Born in Albany, N. Y.,
Miss French graduated from
Smith college and later received
her master's degree at Columbia
university where she is now work
ing for her doctor's degree.
Japanese Educator
Speaks on Religion,
Life Week Program
Hachire Yuasa, outstanding Japanese religious and educational
leader, will be one of the speakers who will participate in the Religion
and Life Week program which begins on the campus Nov. 8.
Born in Tokyo, Japan, Yuasa attended the Doshisna Acaaemy,
Kyoto, Japan, in 1908. He received his Bachelor of Science degree at
Kansas State agricultural college
Hachire Yuasa
. . religious leader
The weather
Meteorologists predicted Monday
that there would be little cnange
in Nebraska temperature. How
ever, increasing cloudiness is ex
pected Tuesday.
in 1915 and his M s irom me
University of Illinois in 1917. In
1920 he received his Ph D in En
tomology from the University of
Illinois. For two summer sessions,
1917-18, Mr. Yuasa attended Cor
nell university and in 1923 he at
tended the University of Berim.
Held Many Posts.
Yuasa has held many educa
tional positions in this country and
in Europe and Japan. Among
them were assistant in zoology,
University of Chicago, 1921; re
search entomologist, Natural His
tory Survey, State of Illinois,
1921- 22; Japanese government
ministry of education traveling
fellowship in Europe October,
1922- January, 1924; professor of
entomology, college of agriculture,
Kyoto Imperial university, Japan
1924-1935; and president of Dosh
isna university, Kyoto, Japan,
A third generation Japanese
Christian of Congregationalistic
faith, Yuasa has been in America
for the past three years working
for the cause of the church and
world peace. He has spent about
one-third of his life in the United
States and at present is traveling
extensively in the United States
and Canada giving lectures.
Council Sponsors Red Cross Drive.
The Student Couricil, In recognition of the part the Red Cross
may be called upon to play in the critical world situation of today,
has agreed to sponsor a drive for Red Cross membership on the cam
pus. The committee, headed by Mary Rosborough, will begin the drive
on November 11, the day the national drive opens, and will continue
work until November 21. Lincoln Sundy Journal nd Star.
Above, the members of the committee are, standing right to left,
Bob Alberty, unaffiliated students; Betty Ann Tisthamer, ag college;
Preston Hays, fraternities; Maryellen Robinson, sororities; Clarence
Hines, co-chairman of the Lincoln drive; and Shirley rhelps, residence
halls for women. ' Seated, left to right, Mary Rosborough, general .
chairman; and Marjorie Bruning, pubHcity.