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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1941)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, October 31, 1941 BABW Holds Suppressed Society Party on Nov. 8 'esires 8 m t ; n i i By Mary Adelaide Hansen. And so another old face returns, along with all the Hallowe'en spooks and witches, to haunt her old haunts and drag out all the Bkeletons. . .Bill Fox and Dinny Ford led the Manhattan Migration and took off last night in "Ready Eddy," Bill's custom-made push motor... The amazing deal is that he's dumping off Dinny on the way and then will pick up his date for the week-end in Kansas City . . . And Phi Delt Bob Guinn has collected some of his pals and will deal them out to his various gal friends in St. Joe... The lads were bo anxious to start that they, too, left last night .. .Looks like the Big Weekend for lots of people... And from all advance plans, this year's train trip ought to have its share of spirits and we don't mean the Hallowe'en species, either... Alpha Phi Dorothy Tipton is going to meet SAE Dick Spelts, to whom she's pinned, in Manhattan. . .He's working in Wichita... Other Weekend Plans. Other week-end plans include those of "Big Stoop" Huffman and Lowe Folsom to rip up Omaha with College Cut-up Ned Bell... While practically the whole Scotts bluff contingent is going home for a rest cure... Betas will be cele brating the initiation of Joe Sonne land, Bill Latla, Eob Munson and John Edwards. . .The gals on so rority row had best take to cover tonight because the Terrible Tau's are going out to do a little spirit spooking themselves. . .Ending up at their house for a fireside 'party . . . And the boys over at the Corn husker Co-Op will take their gals on a hayrifle-sic-aiury. . . rney say Bob Woest, ROTC Looie-Kernel, will show off Eileen Chappell. his raven-haired gal friend from home ...Carroll Smith is thoughtfully taking his boss' daughter. . .The AOPi housepi:!ty ought to be fun tonight. . .Dorothy McClintock will be with ATO Carl Petty, while Fiji Bob Miller will be helping Opal Johnson chase hobgoblins out of the dark coi ners .. .Helen Gruesel will be with Delt Bernie Weygint. which leaves Playboy Norrie An derson just where?... Your Hand, Madam? What's this about Howard hall's Lucille Millei end Bill Elpern, graduate chemistry stude from Stanford? .. .Wednesday when he came to see her his first words were "Howie your hands?"... Seems Bill had got some chemicals on his hands the day before that raised terrific blisters only after his Tuesday n'ght date with Lucille ...And a duct that bears looking into is that of SAE Bill Leiniger and Norma West phal .. .When Bill went home last week she went King-stepping with Sigma Nu Waldo Wintei, a likely lad with a likely way we hear... And cute DC Mary Lee Tomlinson i3 wast ing no time since she broke up with Jake Marvin .. .The sisters all rallied around, ami Jake couldn't get time in to make up even if he tried. . . "Swab" New Sleuth. Paul Svoboda has taken over Carl Harnsbc rgr's poetry-writing job on the network these evenings ...John "Mick" Ainlay is back taking up The la Ann Beard's time . . .We wonder whom Phi Delt Pal mer Murphy will be playing with this week-end. . .If Chuck Shubert Beauty Queen Candidates Deadline for Filings is Nov. 4th Have Your 20 1942 Cornhuskers Sold by Then Calendar Friday. Alpha Omicron Pi house party, chapter house, 9 to 12. Cornhusker Co-op hayride, leaving chapter house 6:30 p.m. YWCA knitting staff, Ellen Smith hall, 3 p. m. Saturday. Nebraska-Kansas State game Manhattan, Kas., 2 p. m. Union Variety Show, ball room, 8 p. rry. continues his luck, the Alpha Phi's will be giving him the Bird (the cute brunette species) . . .The Delta are taking their dates bowling this Sunday, and Max Wilson will be with Becky Wait. . .The SDT's had a Hallowe'en party of their own on Wednesday night. . .Believe it or not, Marge Appel won the apple-bobbing event, and Mrs. Witt genstein, housemother, came out victorious in the tail-spinning con test . . . Did everyone see KKG Maryella Bennet down at Mizzou? ...She's gracing the U. of Ark. campus this year... We hear that Beta Bill McBride, the stuffy hero in "East Lynne," is having the big conferences with Kappa Barbara Simpson, regarding a steady deal ...Cornhusker Shirley Russel and Phi Gam Al O'Connor are an up-and-coming combination that ought,, to improve over the Kan sas week-end. . . Other dates to the big game in clude Tri Delts June Griffen with Sigma Nu Don Albin, Jean Hazen with Duane DeWolf, Phi Gam and Betsey Mallat with Max Whit t a k e r. . .Turnpiking from the same house are Francis Bodinson who will be with Fred Voight. Sig ma Nu and Mary Helen Dietrich with Dick Gellately, Delt. On Tuesday . . President's Navy Day Speech Reaches 45 Million Listeners ... NBC Reports President Roosevelt's "the shoot ing has started" speech Tuesday night was heard by 45,000,000 per sons in the United States alone, according to announcement made Thursday by the Columbia Broad casting System. The survey was made for CBS by the research firm of C. E. Hooper, Inc. The Hooper rating for the broadcast was 51.9 which slujLvs that the President drew the fourth largest American radio audience of his career. Record listener rating for the presidential speech is 70, chalked up with the "unlimited emergency" speech of May 27; on September 11, the President tal lied a Hooper audience rating of 67.4 with the "shoot first" talk and on Dec. 29, 1940, his fireside chat on national security rater 59. chat on national security rated 59. aurience of May 27 was 05,650,000 persons. The President Thursday night was heard over America's four YMCA Groups Hear Rabbi Jolt Both Bible discusion groups of the YMCA will hear Rabbi H. A. Jolt speak on "Exploring the Old Testament" at noon today in the former museum. AH interested students should atend the meting. MA Minnesota V Develops New Glider Form MINNEAPOLIS, M i n n e s o ta. (ACP). Something new in gliders has been developed at the Univer sity of Minnesota's aeronautical engineering laboratory. It is the product of a Northwest Airlines engineer's designing and the tireless effort of a crew of university students. NX34222 is the only name the new glider has. It will remain unchristened until after it has passed federal tests. It weighs a scant 500 pounds, takes off and lands at 30 miles an hour, has reached 75 miles an hour in a dive and is expected to go faster in later tests. The designs of the glider is owned by the University Flying club. If later tests bear out the excellent performance of the pri mary flights, chances are good it will become popular thruout the glider-flying world. NX31222 differs from ordinary commercial gliders in three re spects: 1. It has two seats instead of one, each with a complete set of controls permitting first-hand in struction. 2. It is rugged enough to stand student training abuse. 3. It has given high perform ance in maneuvers and has suf ficient strength to permit towing behind an airplane. Ninety-four high schools are represented by freshmen attending Potsdam (N. Y.) State Normal school. major networks and an undeter mined number of independent stations. The talk, delivered in ob servance of Navy Day, also was given worldwide shortwave circulation. ChwtiuiA. SmcaL dUL . . . Jul JthsL (DowtAicWiL Wtrnk bsf. Bedford Cord3 Coverts Cord Weaves Stripes Diagonals Slight Irregulars Of Regular 5.95 Trouser Values OPEN EVERY THURSiUY EVENING UNTIL 9 P. M. SQ98 Relax, women. Let your hair down and your innermost selves out for the Sup pressed Desires Party to be held in the Union from 2:30 to 5:30 p. m. Nov. 8. Let those desires rule what you wear. Be whacky, be serious. Be anything you please. This is a party for women only and is open to all women on the campus. Altho sponsored by the BABW, a barb organization, invi tations have ben extended to all Westminster Church Choir Plans Program "The White Pilgrim," a folk song contata, will be presented Sunday evening, Nov. 2, at 7:30 at the Westminster Presbyterian church by the Lincoln Westminster choir. Guest soloist will be William Pfeiffer, baritone, minister of music at the Dundee church in Omaha. He will take the role of the central figure of the contata, Elder Joseph Thomas, an itin erant preacher of a century ago, who preached a vigorous gospel to the mountain folk and always dressed in white. Those participating from the choir will be Thomas Pierson, and Delbert Pinkerton, tenors and Eloisc Camp, soprano. The pre sentation will be directed by Donald D. Kittring, organist di rector at Westminster. Defense Delays California Atom Smashing Device' BERKELEY. Calif. (ACP). Dif ficulties in obtaining steel have caused three months' delay in con struction of the University of Cali fornia's gigantic atom smashing cyclotron but engineers say it will probably be ready for operation in the fall of 1913. V M m Pm t r U Choose from a hundred and fifty new fall trousers from a well known manu facturer from whom we are buying regularly. You'll be amazed at the very slight irregularities in most cases . . . and all are plainly marked. These values will go rapidly so better pick out several pair todayl DOWNSTAIRS $AVINGS $H0P AT ill Women Invited sorority houses on the campus, and it is hoped that the party will be endorsed by all women's organi zations. "The primary purpose of this party is to acquaint girls on the campus who otherwise might never meet," Dorothy White, president of BABW stated. If the party is a success, the BABW may sponsor a similar affair next year. Tickets costing 15 cents apiece went on sale yesterday when rep resentatives from sororities and other women's houses on the cam pus met in room 307 of the Union to receive tickets for their houses. A general ticket sale will begin in the Union foyer tomorrow. Because the party is scheduled on the day of the Minnesota-Nebraska game a radio for football fans will be available for the broadcast. The program for the afternoon centers around three one-act plays presented by stu dents in the University Theater. Games of shuffleboard, ping pong, and darts have been arranged as well as square dancing. The music room will be open. Tickets may be obtained from any member of t. e BABW, and from the house representatives. If extra tickets are desired, Marilyn Fulton should be telephoned at 3-5131. Artificial Light Pins Hen Give Eggs in Winter AMES, la-Light has been thrown on the subject of winter egg production, literally and with quick effect, at Iowa State col lege. According to W. R. Whitfield, extention poultry specialist, Iowa poultrymen can increase winter egg production to spring levels by providing artifical light for their hens. Most popular method is use of a "morning light," which lengthens the birds' working day natural illumination. Use of lights is effective only when mash and grain feeds are provided, however, since the pur pose of illuminatiDn is to increase feed consumption during short winter days. E.HUIIU- Gabardines Twills Cavalry Twills Mostly all wool fabrics Slight Irregulars Of Regular $6.95 to $8.50 Values YOU MAY BUY ON BUDGET TERMS AT MA GEE'S 4fe A 98 M lift' I