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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1941)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, October 31, 1941 ere Are Your Winners D 6 H Nebraska , MinnesotaPMissourf- Army Indiana l'cnu U. Texas 1 Duke Okla. U. Experts (?) Percent vs. vs. ts. j vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. I K. State Norlhw. Mich. St. Notre D. Iowa Navy Oregon S. M. U. Ca. Tech. Kanras IT. Nebraska NorUiw. I "Missouri'l Army f'liidiana Navy Wash. Texas Duke Okla U. Alan Jacobs .000 2-1 1-0 2-1 J H 3-2 2j 3-1 4-t 3-0 4-J Nebraska Minnesota , Missouri Notre D. Indiana f'enn. U. Wash. Texas Duke I Okla. U. Paul Svoboda 633 5-1 1 pt. 1-0 1-0 3-1 1 pt. 4-2 3-1 1-t 4-0 I Nebraska I Minnesota Missouri' Army Indiana Penn. U. Wash. Texas Duke Okla. IT. Bob Miller 005 3-0 2-1 1-0 j 3-2 1 3-1 4-1 2-1 j 3-0 Nebraska Minnesota! Missouri Notre D. Indiana Pen. U. Wash. Texas Duke I Okla. U. Norm Andersow .. .801 1 2-0 1-0 2-1 !- 2 0 2-1 2-1 3-0 1-0 3-1 I Minnesota Mien. St. I Notre D. Indiana Penn. U. I Wash. Texas Duke I Okla. V. Vike Francis .... Guest ? 1-0 1-0 2-0 2-1 3-1 3-2 5 0 2 j 4-l Consensus Ne'br. j Minn. I Missouri Notre D. Indiana Penn. U. Wash. Texas Duke Ok a. V. Game of the Week. All Scores Are by Touchdowns. K State Defensive Star . . . -t l'U.lME ?V UMlfotJM? . jr Jtm-f V ujith e ri 'kMQ If i If- M&l , 'iftrk O) I loiemfrt V u If, KtvSx M$ V : . J3Tmki J I &M''.- : ,"'etrTie't',T'H"!" i?355 (f If IW ANK ONE OF TD (Lj&-i J nnni ) ftowKtNj ewos xL'i UnriMnnn i 190 6ft. im.tu Vl'Sa College ' y Stellar Guard Ed Huff. Kansas State Guard. Willis Jacobs, 27, Is the young est Ph. D. oh the campus of the University of New Mexico. Chicago Happy With Football Deemphasizcd CHICAGO. (ACP. The Univer sity of Chicago is getting along quite well without Intercollegiate football. President Robert M. Hutchins reports. He said that when the snort was abandoned at the end o( the 1&39 season some persons feared the school's enrollment would suffer and alumni interest would cool. But he added: "As far as I can see, neither of these fears has been realized. En rollment has been well maintained. Alumni interest in, 1 believe, at a higher pitch than at any time since the foundation of the univer sity." HnUhin said intramural ath letics are being promoted and ex pressed opinion that "the feeling of the university community ulxiut tiu? abolition of football is one of relief." Mathematics, Greek and I.atiii made up the first curriculum of the University of Michigan. YOUR LAST CHANCE! One Morn (lain Ver'nrmuu e Friday, October 31 Curtain 8:00 P. M. "EAST LYNNE" Vaudeville Drama Music at the UNIVERSITY THEATER Dept. of Speech School of Fine Arts. Res. Seats 50c plus 5c tax Total 55c Gen. Adm. 27c plus 3c tax Total 30c Baskethallers Turn Attention To Season's Opening Game Old Man Winter's current chill ing escapade has prompted John Q. Fan to start supplanting grid talk with cage chatter. As public fancy peers ahead to the cage season, the reigning question be fore Cornhusker fandom is: "What will the Huskers do?" Readying his wards for the early-December opener. Mentor Adolph Lewandowski is nibbling his nails overtime, striving to sort a capable center and a deceptive forward out of seventeen new aspirant- . .ii, Randall Gone. Don Fits, 1940-41 scoring lead er, and Center Al Randall donned cap and gown in June, leaving a wide gap in the Husker offensive attack. John Fitzgibbon. aggres sive forward; Johnny Thompson, versatile handy man, and Guard Sid Held teamed with Fitz and Randall last year to push Kansas' bid fof the Big Six gonfalon. Les Livingston, adept floor man; Max Young, reliable money player, and Haitman Goetze, a consistent replacement last term, are the other available lettermen. Lyle King and John Hay. both former Lincoln high cagers. won minor letters last winter. Charles Vacanti. former Omaha Tech courtster, won a minor letter for his play during the 1939-41 cam paign. South Dakota First. Tutor Lewandowski opened his career as head Husker cage coach last year when Harold Browne was called to active army duty. . Fight Looms j'or Berths Lewandowski's coaching debut drove tandem with the top Husk er record in years, endearing genial "Lew" to Nebraska cage fans. South Dakota will invade the Coliseum maples Dec. 12 for the opening fray. Squad roster: lM Ailrnwi, Mllhtni; ,Krm trtmn, Kpurnpy; 4ahn Riillnrlf, l.iiiroln; R iffrl Rriwiiwii. Oninlm; ,llrn nnflihl, i Iny Ontrr; Thnmn liriik, llnniln: Hrn nrtH Khm,m. Nrlh PtatW: Mm 'NaN hn, Thlii; nx Kroit. A Hi In inn: IVrrjr rallxr. NxIIki; Mrrt C. r, IHwuH: Itartatam ivx, Ht. Jtph, M. : Uwtt UriMtlr. (rawi4t ; John Mnv. I.lnroln; M Hefti. l.lBrahi; "Jo HHnwlmM. rMi City; l.ylr Mm. I.lnmln; Hlinunt l.rln Incrr, l.on City : I.pMIp I,lvliictnn ttn limt; Wmrrrn Mrtjirf. (hnM; Tom Itlr, Lincoln: Wllilnin Kuti. 4.r.rid In land; John Thompson, llnrnln; f 'tutrix Omaha, and Mil Viiml, rvin. ! rj By Susan Shaw Penn S. Employs Mobile CI i em Lab To Meet Demand STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (ACPl. A mobile chemistry laboratory, housed in a two-ton truck, has been placed in use by Pennsyl vania State college to meet the emergency demands of defense ed ucation thruout the state. The laboratory equipment will travel approximately 10.000 miles by 98 class centers where high .chool graduates are being trained by the college for technical jobs in defense industries. Last Tuesday night, the WA. council entertained the Ag coun cil and the Spoils Board at a supper in their cabin. The staff unable to attend, missed one of the better WA A parties of the year. In the world of soccer baseball the Pi Beta Phi team 1 defeated Kappa Alpha Theta 4 Tuesday 7 to 2. The following day the same PI Phi tear.i outscored the Delta Gamma team 3 by a 12 to 2 margin. Hall came through to win over the Gamma Phi team 4 to 3, while the Chi Omega team 2 lost to Delta Gam ma 1, 3 to 13. The championship game for Lengue 1 will be played next week between Northeast Hall and i Phi team 1. Tackle Standout j.'Wf.. X Lawrence Duncan. Kansas State Tackle. Semi-Final Tilt Toniglit In a game that will decide the other finalist in fraternity intramurals, Sigma Nu will meet Farm House, this after noon at 4:30 on the field west of the coliseum. The other finalist. Beta Theta Pi defeated Phi Gamma Delta on Tuesday by a 1-0 score. have college degrees vlitHHtr blounvH ... as featured in M.idefTKM.sHIt' . . . short and long sleeve . . . fine broadcloths and luxable rayons and silks . , . whiles and bright color fasts. to :t.i,r x.X'lonfi Hirvaier , . . hliHivcis and cardigans . . . in lung, long Irngtlis . . . color Inn's ranging from soft, dWicate blin'b to biii.i-n reds . . . to IJftt nliirlH. Hliiri. Ulr1 . . . plaids, subtli' in color com bines . . . tweeds, woolly and ruff . . . pleats the way you like to wear them . . . colors with dash and pep . . , - 2.9, to ,",.9.7 Den Simon lien Simon lien Simon