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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1941)
DAILY NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 28, 1941 ' By Joann Ehterson u and Jean Raker jj r .... u ah& i jj Monday again, . . . weekend and Its ever-varied excitement at an abrupt end . . . back at the dirt digging schedule and back-breaking scholastic efforts. . . . The Kappa Sigs had their house-party, and may we add, what a house party! Forced to omit the more gruesome details. Part of the dec orations, chickens in a crate, were captured and recaptured. The first time they were given their freedom was in Bill Robinson's car. Chickens in the front seat. Chickens in the back seat. Next they made an untimely appear ance at the Phi Delt house late Saturday night. They were found under beds, in a closet and roost ing in rooms. Palmer Murphy was awakened early Sunday morning by a dutiful rooster perched on his bed. When Kappa Sigs took over the band during intermission: those displaying talent were Pickles Hines at the piano. Bill Robinson swinging on the clari net, Bob Sinkey on the trumpet, and Jack Clark and Bob Gillespie alternating on the drums. We might mention Theta Dorothy Theissen's disgust at the perform ance, (Bill Robinson's perform ance) and her demand to be taken home immediately. Not Out of Mind. Surprise for Beta "Bish" Dala ger! At last his name in print to be linked with that of Janet Gibson, Gamma Phi, for whom he's shown an unusually lively in terest. It's rumored he looks each day in this column for his name. Keep reading it, Bush, we'll sur prise you again. . . . Steve Davis, Beta of last year, is returning to the campus Sunday for a short visit before leaving for the Philip pines. . . . Nancy Haycock, Pi Phi, seems an awfully good rea son for his visit. . . . Gene Schroe Tler, Phi Gam, has sent a jeweled sweetheart pin out to Denver for Halcyon Johnson, a student at Colorado's Woman's College. . . . Who says "out of sight out of mind." ... A regular deal. but not steady is that of Jerry Kathol. Delt, and Myrldene Bueller, Alpha Chi. What a combination; the football idol of hundreds of coeds plus the ever popular and always dated pledge. . . . Many more such combinations, and the campus eli gibles will decrease. . . . Saturday night found the Sigma Kappas with much and varied excitement in the form of a house party and a candy passing for Helen Hig gins, now teaching school and Harold Mizner, hailing from Wis consin. . . . Without a turkey, without ice cream, without silverware, with out Pres Buddy Goldstein these were the conditions at the Zeta Beta Tau house last night when the pledges sneaked to Omaha with actives close on their heels. . . . Rumor says it was a tie in the race to see who got the dates previously lined up in Omaha by the pledges. . . . Pheasant dinners are being staged all over the cam pus in numerous houses. . . . Tom Galleher, Max Wilson, John Burn ham are responsible for the fowl at the Delt house . . . while Chet Bowers, Dwight Holloway and Charles Hauppman are the suc cessful hunters at the Phi Psi house. . . . Phi Gams held their annual Pig Dinner Saturdny night. . . . get them to tell you about the mode of transportation of their alumni from Omaha and the inevitable result. . . . 'Gentleman George.' And how does everyone like the Betas' newest Gentleman George. We understand there are only 35 of such dogs in the country, does that indicate rarity or unpopular ity? .. . Flash! We have a direct quotation from Fay Parker, Delt, that Helen Gagela, AOPi, is plenty okay. We couldn't contact Helen to find out her reaction. . . . Chicken at Haps was preferred by the Alpha Phi pledges last night rather than their usual Mon day night dinner. Their punish ment will be recorded later. . . . Wanda Crumbaugh, Alpha Chi, will spend a happy week with Fletcher Conn. Sig Alph, who was on leave from the army. Too bad those furloughs can't last longer. . . . Congratulations to the five new Tri Delts, namely Wauneta Fisherf Mary McKenna, Maryon Dooley, Olive Sorenson and Fran ces Bodinson. . . . Who said Alpha Chi Mary Thorley was deep in a hometown romance? It seems to us that Sigma Chi Bill McKerney is doing all right in that territory judging from their frequent ap pearances together. . . . Palladians are limping all over the campus after their wild roller skating party at Capitol Beach last Fri day. Harold Alexis especially had difficulty in deciding just when to turn the corners. . . . Chalk one up for the DU house mother for calmness in the line of fire. For interpretation of this cryptic statement, just ask Agnes Fox, Alpha Chi pledge, and Dee DePutron how nice and warm said housemother's car was last Sun day night. . . . Pledges Get Revenge as . . . Tri Delt Seniors, Pajamas, Bedlincn Sneak to Omaha Debate (Continued from Page 1.) federal government should reg ulate by law all labor unions," the term regulate is interpreted to mean at least: 1. requiring in corporation of unions; 2, fixing legal responsibility for unlawful acts of unions and unlawful acts of members during strikes, picket- j ing ana oiner union activities, or 3. regulating the use of union funds. UN Opinion . . . (Continued from Page 1.) and allowing their entry into war zones. More pessimistic than the aver age campus, students at Nebraska, almost 88 percent of them, feared that the United States could not stay out of the war. Giving as their reason the ne cessity of immediately speeding up our defense effort, 25 percent of Nebraska students interviewed, almost double those throughout the country, voted in favor of de claring war immediately. The ma jority, 63 percent, however, voted to stay out and supply the allies while 12 percent refused to offer an opinion. The poll on this campus was conducted as a part of the Stu dent Opinion Surveys of America nad was computed in the national averages. Interviews were held with a sample of the campus as suggested by national headquar ters. Cross-sections worked out by Joe Belden included a representa tive of the various classes, the various colleges, men and women, and NYA and non-NYA workers. Culver-Stockton college, Canton. Mo., is campaigning for $150,000 for construction of a libraiy building. Even if Delta Delta Delta seniors, who copied the traditional freshman stunt of sneaking last night to Omaha, did manage to get into a locked house early this morning, they would have had a better chance of finding bedclothes, including pajamas and sheets in Omaha than in their own house. Tri Delt pledges went into action at dinner time yesterday when they discovered that all seniors had disappeared, and they didn't stop until they had strung seniors' sheets and pajamas across 16th street to the Phi Delta Theta house, and had received permis sion from the AWS to lock the seniors out of the house when they returned. To make the stunt complete, the evening bus to Omaha was too big for the bedclothes barrier, and half of the sheets and pajamas hung from the hack of the bus as it sped down 16th toward Omaha. Jean Reed Weds FBI Employee it Buffalo, N. Y. Jean Rood was married to Don Moore at St. Marys on the Hill, Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 23. The couple are honeymooning in New York City and are staying at the Hote4 Astor. They will make their home in Buffalo. Mrs. Moore was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta and attended school here last year. Moore was a member of Kappa Sigma and a law student two years ago. He is now employed by the FBI. ADRIINNI AMIS f , many fralning come In hr job at v.'1 v " Chairman of h lnv mitt of Hi Horn l.gion. A carton of It a mighty w.lcom. gift for tho mn in camp. St $: " .':. : :-:;:v'.-.v:v-- -: : :. xAKv j- ' - .ft n ii rr" iii ilhrtiifiW'nwriffl-i'ir wnnifniffltfrv W5 Follow the lead of Adrienne Ames and send ihe men in the camps the cigarette that's Definitely MILDER and BETTER-TASTING f''f ' Everything about Chesterfield 't is made for your pleasure and conve- nience . . . from their fine, rightly blended tobaccos to their easy-to -open cello phane jacket that keeps Chesterfield always Fresher and Cooler-Smoking. Buy a pack and try them. You're sure to Wee them because the big thing that's pushing Chesterfield ahead all over the country is the approval of smokers like yourself. EVERYWHERE YOU GO Liccitt I Mum Tmicc Co. I 1 9 Help Your Beauty Queen Candidate!! (Buy. jjdivl 42 COtPWDiOjStKIiro See a Tassel or Corn Cob