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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1941)
Wednesday, October 22, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN 3 JVL mil J By Bob Miller Rule changes have been occur ring year upon year. . .The reason for these changes can be given by Curt Riess of Esquire sports staff... "Of course they changed the rules last year. They always do. It keeps football safe from ever being thoroly understood by the paying customers (and by the players as well)," was the Riess comment. There have been five important changes made this year due to an increased demand for them . . . The first four are more important than the last one but there are days on which the last one has a very de ckled effect on the outcome of a game... The following is h sum mary of the changes : Number one: A player may en ter the game at any time thruout the game instead of only once in each quarter... He may communi cate with his teammates as soon as he gets into the ball game... This is a change from the rule that one play has to elapse before the substitute can speak to the other ten players. Number two: Whenever a pass is incomplete on the fourth down behind the opposing team's goal line, it is not ruled a touchback this year... When it was ruled a touchback, the ball was brought eut to the 20 yard line. . .This sea son things are different, the pass is just the same as any other in complete pass and the ball goes back to the line of scrimmage and the opposition takes over from this spot Number three: Contrary to what has gone before, this season it is permissible to hand not pass the ball forward at any spot be hind the line of scrimmage. . .This change permits something that has been done anyway for ten years or so without violating the rule forbidding a forward pass to be made from a spot five yards behind the line of scrimmage. Number four: If the kicking team touches the ball inside the opponent's ten yard line after a punt, it is ruled a touchback and the ball is put in play on the 20 . . .This does not permit the mem ber of a kicking team to let the ball roll close to the goal line be fore downing it... This would force the defensive team to take the ball from that point and would give them little or no chance to run with the pigskin. Number five: During the last two minutes of play in either half, if the team in possession of the ball (having used up its three le gal 'times out') takes time out to make a substitution the referee will signal for time to begin as soon as the substitution is com plete... The referee is required to notify the coaches when but two minutes of play remain in each half. This concludes the major rule changes for the 1941 season ... Of "' VK ff DISTINCTIVE MODELS i-CV----' SUITING EVERY A s ,r i I PREFERENCE. FILTER f -' . -t,-. - L' - MAKES PIPE FUNCTION 'Sml---'- SUPERBLY f i) V i I, -i ' 111 1 11 "" " Teams Fight Way Into Big Six Conference Leadership t Huskers, Tigers and Sooners HIU 81 X STANDINGS. W. L. T. Pts. Op. Nehranka 2 0 0 46 0 MlKHcmii 2 0 0 74 13 Oklnhoma ....1 Iowa State 0 Kantian 0 KannHH State 0 0 0 16 2 0 13 ."3 1 0 2 0 0 32 0 51 Confirenc Knult Ijtut Wok Mlxnourt 3 Iowa State 13 Oklithnma 16 Kansas State 0 Nonmnfrmire Kexnlts ljt Wfk. Indiana 21 Nebraska 13 Marquette 33 Kansas 7 Conference Games Thin Week. Horn Tram. Visitor. Score. Missouri Nebraska 7-20 KanRiis Iowa State 0- 7 Nonronfrrrnre flames This Week. Home Tram. Visitor. Seore. Oklahoma Santa Clara 13-33 Kansas State has an open date. By Bob Miller. With Nebraska and Missouri tied for the league leadership in the Big Six conference at two wins and no losses, the games this Saturday will see a general shake up of the entire six teams." Missouri and Nebraska will get together down at Columbia to de finitely decide the leader and this is the game that will more than likely produce the final winner. Oklahoma ranks on a par with Dom teams but thus far the Soon ers haven't registered. A general analysis of the top teams: Mizzou First. Missouri: Pre-season dope indi cated that Coach Don Faurot's Ti gers would be a threat and so far this season they have been con firming the reports. Nineteen var sity regulars returned when prac tice started. The Tigers with Har ry Ice and Bob Steuber have a consistent ground attack without much emphasis on passing and they depend upon the T formation. Losing only to Ohio State this season, Missouri has turned in de feats of Colorado, Iowa State and Kansas State. In the two con ference games, they have run up a total of 74 points while giving up 13. If the Tigers can pass the Huskers Saturday they should go on to the Big Six champion ship. Huskers Close. Nebraska: Coach Biff Jones has a lot to do this season if he ex pects to get the first spot in the conference. Winning over Iowa State, 14-0 and over Kansas U. 32-0 placed the Huskers in the un enviable spot of the over-lord. The results of this were seen only too plainly Saturday against Indiana when the end situation stuck out like a sore thumb and the fullback position was not on hand to fill up holes that the course, there is the one concern ing the use of three balls on a day when playing conditions are bad... This insures the teams that they will get a relatively dry ball and it wU no more necessitate the official wiping off the ball after every play. Notice department: Lincoln high Central did the expected Friday nipht in winninir over Northeast. 13-6... It was played before the largest crowd in the history of Central a oval and was complete in every angle. Hoosiers were making in the Ne braska line. If these obvious faults are not corrected and if the in jury list mounts, Nebraska will have no hope of coming out on top. The Huskers operate off a varia tion of the T with single wing backs in the majority. Sooners Strong. Oklahoma: The Sooners are the question marks of the conference due to the fact that they have only appeared against a second di vision team in Kansas State. In Junior Golding, Coach Dew ey 'Snorter' Luster has a high scoring back. They work off of a different formation wherein the backs lineup in the shape of an A. The system has worked however and it turned in a defeat of the K Staters, 16-0. This week Okla homa meets Iowa State and it will be a . little easier to see how the Norman team with a new coach at the helm will come out in the Big Six. All indications place the Sooners on a par with the Ti gers and Huskers. The Sooners meet Santa Clara in a non-conference skirmish Saturday. Lcamie Leaders In Barb Football Face Owl Team Competition in Barb football is on the last lap, with two teams battling for first place in League II, and first spot in League I still within the reach of three teams. A. C. B. C, always a strong con tender, appears to be top team this year, having the best chance in League I, with three wins and no losses. The nearest competitor, Ag Cafteria, fell before the triumph ant boarding club boys last Thurs day, 6-0, and is out of the run ning unless a rejuvenated Owl team can conquer A. C. B. C. as it did the Baldwin Hall team, 12-0. Pioneer Coop, in League II, staged a last minute drive and beat Stratford, the league leader, to gain a tie for first. The playoff promises to be one of the best games of the season, as both teams have small, fast men. Some 15,800 Wisconsin high school students will be guests of the University of Wisconsin at the Badger-Syraruse football game Nov. 1. CHICAGO $8.75 Kansas City. . .$3.20 Des, Moines . . .$3.50 Omaha $1.00 Soo City $2.60 " I Mizzou Plots Husher Loss on Saturday A Nebraska football team badly banged-up by bst Saturday after noon's encounter with Indiana has been working late this week in preparation for the all-important conference game with Missouri next Saturday at Columbia. Prospects of a victory over the Tigers were somewhat dimmed by the fact that three members of the first eleven may not see serv ice in the Huskers' third Big Six game of the season. And in the meantime, down in Missouri the Tigers were groom ing therntelves for Saturday's game with a crushing 39-13 de feat to their credit handed to the Iowa State gridders at Ames. It was the same Iowa State team that Nebraska defeated 14-0. Missouri's Backs. The great combination in the Tiger backfield, Steuber, Wade and alternating with Ice, may be considerably weakened unless Red Wade, the Missou' quarter, recov ers from an injured hip muscle which has kept him benched and inactive in this weeks practice sessions. Vernon Eowen, who fills the No 2 halfback position has a knee in jury which may keep him on the bench this weekend, while Lou Milla, starting fullback who gave way to Don Reese in the start ing lineup against Iowa State be cause of a bruised hip, will be back in his usual slot. High Scoring Ouftit. In two conference games, Mis souri has piled up an impressive 74 points, while the Huskers were totaling 46. To date, the Huskers have not been scored upon by a conference opponent, while th Ti gers' second team yielded 13 points to Iowa State. Only ten games have been played in the Big Six conference, but from all appearances, the win ner of the Nebraska-Missouri game will finish in top place at the end of the season, if compara tive scores and showings mean anything. Whoop Our Mistake The article about Interfrater nity touch football is yester day's "Daily Nebraskan" er roneously stated that Waldo Winters and Edsel Wibbels were the stars of the Sigma Nu-Sig Alph touch battle. Win ters and Wibbels did not par ticipate in the contest. Tailor-made Travel for College Budgets Whenever the travel bug bites you this fall, you'll find a sleek, modern Union Pacific Super-Coach ready to go when you are! Out-of-town games, parties . , . shopping trips . . . weekends home . . . they're twice the fun and much more thrifty, going the Super-Coach way. Ask about special charter coach rates for group trips. UNION BUS DEPOT 13th and M Sts. I IF Ik wm Playoffs Begin- in IM The first bracket of the championship round of inter fraternity touch football will be filled tonight after the Beta Phi Gam contest scheduled at 4:30 p. m. The Sigma Nus and Farm House will meet to de cide the other finalist Monday, October, 27 at 4:30 p. m. Coaehes Pick Fred Preston Squad Line-up Changed As End Picked Captain With the announcement that Fred Preston, senior end from Fairbury, would captain the Hus kers in their third conference tilt at Missouri, Saturday, the entire . squad moved witn a great deal of fire into the coaches pre scribed work outs yesterday. Prpstnn w h n t W V? has teen start- , ing au me ieit F J side of the line also a starter JJ from last sea son. Standing 6-3 and weigh ing 190 pounds, he commands . respect on the . FRED PRESTON gridiron as well Lincoln Journal as off, Squad Changes. As important as the announce ment above, was the announcement on the bulletin board in the Husker dressing room that greeted the gridders when they came down for the practice period. It was the line-up changes after the game last Saturday that every one has been waiting for. Kathol stays at right end while Howard Marting moves in to fill the spot left by Clarence Herndon. George Able stays at guard and now for the big change. Howard Kelly has stepped up to the first string center spot and Fml Meier shifts to the left guard position to close up the spot left by Herb von Goetz. Schleich, Preston, Zik rnund, Athey, Francis and Bradley maintain their positions. On the seconds reading from right end to left are Ludwick, Bordy, Deviney, Bachman, Meyers, Byler and Thompson. The backs are Simmons, Metheny, Blue and Debus. For thirds at right end are Pro chaska and Hazen; right tackle, Hirsch, Wilkins and Hennings; right guard, Bryant; left guard, Duda and Irick; left tackle Nelson. In the backfield In the number one spot is Jackson, Sindt and Hanson; number two, Cooper; number three, Salisbury; number four, Long. 2-7071 Sfi . ifl n m m m m.