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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1941)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, October 7, 1941 j j Helen Kelley, Society Editor j f WOCIGL y . Phon Daiy Nebraskan j i ' Office or 2-7545 J Over the Weekend. There were things doing over the weekend besides the game. Marie Hossack, Pi Phi, came back with a Phi Gam pin from an Ames student. He is Ray Freeman of Omaha. Marie doesn't have a pic ture of him yet, but promises a close view at the Iowa U game. . . Fay Parker, Delta Tau Delta bachelor treasurer, had two dates this weekend. And they were both with Kay Tunison, KKG... Another pin hanging, and quite a surprise, we hear, was Harriet Magnussen, Theta, and Malcolm Dow, Phi Psi . . . Leave Her Alone, Dick. Poor girl! Dick Childs, Delt, promised his nurse he would stay away from her for a whole week so she could study for her state board exams. But he just couldn't do it and went back in three days . . . Sort of a new combination is that of Jean Miller of the dorm and Ray Treinan, Phi Gam.... Gamma Phi Ardia Freeman has Louis Daiger's AGR pin. She got it Saturday night at the AGR house party... Jack Conklin, Sig ma Chi, has really been giving his girl in Ashland a rush. He went down to see her Sunday, sent her roses yesterday and will see her again Saturday. She is a school teacher there. Maybe the rest of us could take a few les sons ... Triangle. An eternal triangle which prom ises to be really eternal is among Betty Bonebright, AOPi, and Sig ma Chi's Stan Martz and Fred McLafferty. . .There are several house parties coming up this week end. Among them will be the Pi Phi party. The question is, just who Margaret Koupal will be taking. You see, she went to the AGR house party with Inno cent Don Steele and is going to the Farm House fall party with Howard Mengshol... Who's. Can you tell me who's Sigma Nu bracelet Mary Lou Holtz, Al pha Chi prexy, is wearing? We've tried and tried to find out for you but nobody knows. . .Ellene Politis of Howard Hall is getting a rush Calendar Wednesday. YWCA cabinet meeting, El len Smith hall, 7 p. m. Kappa Kappa Gamma tea, Chapter house, 3:30 to 5:30 p. m. Saturday. Alpha Chi Omega house par ty, chapter house, 9 to 12. Gamma Phi Beta house par ty, chapter house, 9 to 12. Pi Beta Phi house party, chapter house, 9 to 12. , from an aviator from Wayne. He is leaving for Canada to join the Canadian air force soon... Mary Jean Lauvitz, Gamma Phi prexy, has a very interesting necklace from Honolulu. It is made from chicken feet which have turned to coral. One of her two army boy friends sent it to her... Practically all the pledges from practically all the fraternities were in Omaha last night. Fra ternities represented were Phi Gam, Kappa Sig, Sigma Nu and AGR... If they'd gotten together what a party they could have had. Towne club members received candy again last night, and his time it was really a surprise. Jane Sherburn passed the sweets. She's wearing Bob Frish'a ring now. 1 Camera-Shy ? There's a hustle and bustle in Rudge and Guenzel's photo de partment these days with all of your friends getting their Corn husker pictures snapped before the deadline. And everybody is hurrying to get in on Rudge's spe cial on photographs to be sent home to mother or to be given to the current flame. Set in mod ern scenes and featuring a large variety of frames, these picture portraits, either tinted or plain, make a swell gift. Don't forget to have your picture taken before that deadline. It only takes Rudge's a few moments to get a nifty picture of you. Adv. Hunger movements in the empty stomach tend to stop under hyp notic suggestion, according to Ronald K. Scantlebury of Wayne university's college of medicine. Added emphasis on home eco nomics training is expected to boost enrollment of women stu dents at the University of Cali fornia college of agriculture. In Union Sunday . Barber Shop Quartet Stars In Matinee Flickers Show . . . With Peanut Vendors. Pianist More than usual confusion will reign at next Sunday's old time Union Flicker show. To the usual noise of hisses and cheers and the ballyhoolng of butcher boys will be added the close harmony of a barber shop quartet. On Sunday, Oct. 12, at 8 p. m., the Union will dust off the files to bring out two old, silent movies. On the program are two come dies. Harold Lloyd stars in the first," Grandma's Boy." In the sec ond feature of the double bill. Buster Keaton will take the lead In "Sherlock Jr." Popcorn! Peanuts! The white-coated, long-mus-tached butcher boys will add to the general confusion atmosphere by selling their peanuts and pop corn during the performance. And Russ Gibson, music maker for last year's shows, will be on hand again to play the "piano nuckelodion." During intermissions, while the reels are being changed, the "Ten nessee Tramps" make their debut. The identity of the tramps is some thing of a mystery but we can tell Barbs Nominate Student Council Representatives Barb Union will meet in the barb office of the Union to night at 7:30 to nominate stu dent Council members to take th places of Blaine Sloan, sen ior at large, who is resigning, and Ted Roesler, graduate stu dent, who did not come back to school this year, Barb Union President Dave Marvin an nounced last night you, confidentially, that two of them are building custodians for the university. They are a barber shop quartet. By the way. it's all free! Sinfonia Gives Annual Reception Sintonia gave its annual fall re ception Sunday at 3 p. m. in par lors Y and Z of the Union. A mus ical program was given by Broth ers Price, Genzlinger and Ulmer. After a welcoming address by President Sturdevant, Professor Wishnow, faculty sponsor, gave an address citing to the fresh men and entering students the cultural and musical advantages of the middlewest. Delta 0 micron Initiates Three Delta Omicron, national music sorority, initiated three new mem bers Wednesday, Oct. 1, at the home of Dorothy Huffman. The initiates are Roma Biba, Edna Sutorius and Virginia McNeil. Two of the music faculty were initiated as patrons of Delta Omicron. They were J., Dayton Smith, new vocal instructor, and Ward Moore, director of the fresh man ROTC band. ROOMS Clow In; boy. $T.OO too. 61 No. It. i'hone J-SIM. Former Students Visit Several U N Departments Dorothy Veon, Fern Veon and Thelma DeForest were recent vis itors of the commercial arts de partment. Dorothy Veon (June '35) is an assistant professor of business education at George Washington university, Washing ton, D. C. Her sister, Fern, a '38 graduate, is in civil service work there. Thelma DeForest (MA '38) is teaching in the business educa tion department at Fort Hays State college, Hays, Kas. Ellen Dittmer, Patricia Watson and Erma Deines, 1941 June grad uates of the teachers college com mercial arts department, are working with the FBI. Ellen Ditt mer is in Chicago and Patricia Watson and Erma Deines are working in Washington, D. C. Frances Bodlman, class of1 '39, is with the FBI office in Omaha. Kenneth Eglehoff (Jan. 42) is doing fingerprint work with the navy department in Washington, D. C, and teaching business edu cation in evening school in Balti more. . Ann Sheridan, the' screen's "oomph girl," attended North Tex as State Teachers college and later taught school in the same state. Seeking the Cause Inquisitive Reporter Meets Fellow Sardine in Mall Hole BY MAXINE LYNN. "Walking along the mall one day, in the merry, merry month of October" I fell into that hole in -the-ground, which probably would be better described as a tunnel. How my falling in ever happened I'll never know for the dimensions of myself and the tun nel differ exceedingly, but sudden ly there I was in the dirt, the grime, and the slime of the more realistic side of life. Granted a sardine-can I was in fair position to vie for the station in life held by that inenarrable fish. This was one of the few suitable places for swearing and I would have done that grand thing had I not resolved to restrain while yet a child. I picked myself up, rather squirmed like the one and only I vied to be. When my head finally protruded a foot above ground I found myself facing a fellow-sardine. He looked about like I knew I must, so with the relieved feeling that comes to one finding he is not in a sinking boat alone, I al lowed curiosity to open my grimy lips. Unsatisfaction in conversation. "Where am I?" I queried. "Here," said he. ''Indeed, and what is here?" I had let myself in for the first answer. . Unearths Answer "We are," was the agonizing: reply. Falling into the hole was enough but this . . . "Could you inform me as to the future employment of the tunnel?" "For heat," quoth he. "From h ?" I had slipped on that one and so had my temper. "From the University heating; system." Had my wits failed? Had this disciple of the Silent of fered, volunteered or what have you, an answer? "Heat for what?" I bargained for another revealing answer. With a vaguely disquieting, su perior air he thus accounted: "Wo are usurping upon the inviolable sanctities of those numerous deities and devils of the lower re gions to disintegrate a path thru which the passionate warmth ot precious heat may flow to" yonder newly-acquired collegiate building known in this metropolis as Bn croft school." "V Uni Theatre Wants Student Salesmen WANTED Student salesman for University Theatre tick ets on renumerative bais. Apply at the University The atre office Thursday after noon between 3 and 5. PATRICIA COMMON of Dallas, Taxat an af Amarlca't prattiatl colUg girli r J ( 1 t W 1 A to ''', ft If' T, 11 on the campus- ,0 si ne They'ro cheering Chesterfields becauso they'ro MILDER COOLER and BETTER-TASTING oiTd enjoy reading "Tobaccoland, U.S.A.,' or hearing a lecture on Chesterfield's cantbe-copicd blend of the world's best cigarette tobaccos ... but the best way to learn about Chesterfields is to try 'em. You'll find more cigarette pleasure than you ever had before. Yov'8 join f.V ntHon who say WITH MS ITS CHESTERFIELD . . . V Ucorrr Mr a Inuxi Co.