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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1941)
Thursday, October 2, 194V DAILY NEBRASKAN By Helen Kelley 8 1 1 Candy, More Candy. -.,.4 incs were roally the thine Monday and we missed two very important ones. . . Virginia Tu"" Tomiska and Eddie Mmr provided the sweets for Virginias friends at the dorm ... Lovely and useful was the black and god box in the form of a Theta kite which held canly from Betty O Shea and Jack Morrow, Fhi Psi .A candv passing which duin t take place" was Polly J Taylor, Alpha Chi. and fnu r o. thev didn't come across, the Aios decided to do something about it so thev tied Phil up in the Alpha Chi' front yard and poured dirtv water out of a garbage can all over him. And another thing it rained that night. Remember.' Pins. have blossomed O -v .-.- nine fourth... Dick Ely, bigma w... hung his cross on Bmalinc Wees- . r . . IAD Viae ner ..And Jean loikt, ., brought out her Sig Alph pin and chained it to her own pin. bhe has had said pin for quite some time, but the donner is in Cali fornia so she has had it in hiding Seen riding around the campus recently in a blue convertible have been Jean Ferris, KD, and Jerry Mayburn, Acacia. Wish they would take time out to pass candy and cigars, say the sisters... Pledges. TKVv.r new nledcings have been announced by Ren Bukacek, sec retary of interfraternity affairs. Ralph Johnson and Fred Adams have pledged Delta Upsilon and Melvin Sahs and Duane Meoller have joined Beta Sigma Psi... The new AGR social chairman is Floyd Hansmire. He is at present busily planning a houseparty for Saturday night... Last night the Chi Os had an exchange dinner with the ATOs and the Pi Phis and Farm House celebrated meir scholarship ratings with din ners. . . House Party. The Sigma Delta Taus are having a closed house party this Saturday. They are using a vice versa theme so the girls are sup posed to cut. help the fellows off with their coats, etc... A few of the dates are Becky Silver witn Buddy Goldstein, ZBT prexy, Esther Fox with Larry Gaven man, ZBT, Cclia Friedman with Sheldon Kaufman, ZBT, and Shirley Weiner with SAM Max Pros t ok. Letters. The postman has time to ring only once before Frances Dren guis, dorm prexy. is at the door. The reason a letter from n SAF. now at St. Olas, Minn... Beverly Krasne, SDT, and James Shanberg, ZBT, won t say for sure but it looks steady... Did you know that Wilma Monecypm-i, dorm social chairman, and Max Pullev are two of the steadiest of the steadv?... The big rush is being given Theta pledge Dorothy Thiessen by Betas Bob Mun-Me(-nrthv. pledges and Stan Smith active. . .Joan Met calf Theta, had a visit from Charlie Harrison, Sig Chi from Washington U in St. Louis, last weekend. Charlie is now attending Omaha U, but will probably come to UN next semester. Sneaking the other night were the Sigma Chi pledges. They went to Omaha and didn t get until mnrniner. And I do II, Mil. v..v.. r-i , mean morning;---f a. m &pikib marriage rumors, Georgia Kolar, u-oQ nelt.i is back in circu lation since Bill Milek left for tl'iu'aii snms Pond to see the Nebraska spirit coming from the freshmen in their rally last night ... A good appelizer for tonights big rally. AWS Holds Activity Mart For Women Calendar Thursday AWS mart, Ellen Smith hall, 2 to 4:30 p. m. Football rally starting at the Union, 7 p. m. Law College Smoker, Law building, 7:30 p. m. Kosmet Klub, N Club rooms in Union. Saturday Sigma Delta Tau houseparty, chapter house, 9 to 12. Alpha Gamma Rho houseparty, chapter house, 9 to 12. Sunday Union Variety Show, ballroom, 4 p. m. Alpha Phi tea. chapter house, 3:30 to 5:30 p. m. Wait! Have you heard about. Styles ahead of styles in the Coed Shop of Hovland-Swan-son's on the third floor, the new center of collegiate shopping de light will prove the popular buying spot for Husker coeds. To be featured in the Shop are dresses both for dress up and casual occasions at lower prices, but of such outstanding value that you won t be able to resist trying and buying. What better examples could the shopping lassie una um the hundreds of distinctive stylings -found in the $7.95 to $9.95 price range. And, oh yes. speaking of the ci,, onH tho stvlincs tha. add to your "omph"", tonight is red letter date in me apF'"c"1 books of all style consicious women on the campus for from 7 to 9 o'clock, such best dressed people as Pat Cooper, vivacious tv. y.innd and snarkline: Pat Her- min'crhans- "twin" Marg Jones. Theta; and petite unafiliate Norma Westfall will model many of the Mmrviis favorites in the Coed Shop. So don't forget to put down in your "must of Musts" list the style show you've been waiting for. You'll be classy and correct in your clothing if you tawe yom cues from the style parade at Hovland's tonight. This new and exciting Coed Chnn u-a made especially for you. The decorative theme in this newest of nooks is definitely col legian with its woven mats and wails beladen with action pic tures of football players plus shots of such sports centers as the stadium and colliseum. This is your invitation to see the place where styles are made. Be right in the swing of things and plan to attend your style showing tonight at Hovland's. Adv. Board Invites Coeds To Annual Affair Saturday Afternoon Complete plans for the AWS mart to be held Saturday after noon from 2 to 4:30 in Ellen Smith were announced Wednesday by Betty O'Shea, chairman of the an nual affair. All women students are invited and may attend be tween those hours. The mart is designed to show women students ways to spend their leisure time and to interest them in campus activities. All ac tivities on the campus which are not strictly academic will have displays and representatives to discuss their organization with those interested. Activity Representatives. The WAA will be represented by Susan Shaw, Jean Hazen, and Ruth Ann Robertson. The Tassels' representatives are Jane Dalthorp and Virginia tord. Representatives of the AWS are Janet Hemphill and Rachel Ann Loch;of the coed counselors, Mar ian Cramer Aden, Harriet Talbot, and Carol Chapman; the YWCA, Frances Keefer and Marie Anderson- the University theatre. Fhyl- lis Welch, Marie Anderson, and Mabel Jean Schmer; the Prairie Schnooner, Tony Nocita; the Corn husker, Larry Huwaldt and Alice Louise Becker; the Daily Ne braskan, Marjorie Bruning; and the Awgwan, James Lipsey and Melvin Tannenbaum. Rally Songs, Cheers The Cornhusher (Vmiwi -ninnln', hnyi, lonl' yon hrar thai nolw l.lke the thunder in llw Hkl. How It rolli. along In the Ml ld "' For tlie on ot Nebrakl. Now It's wnnlnn near With a rising cheer That will sweep all foes awaf. So, with all our vim, We are bound t win, And we're going to win today Chorus. For Nebraska and the Soarlet, For Nebraska and the Cream Tho they go through many a baill Our colors still are seen. So In contest and In victory We will wave them for the tram And "twill always stir a CornhusLer The Old Scarlet and the Cream. The iVeir Locomotive Rah! Rah! Rah" Rah! N-r.-RRAS-KI Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! N-F.-RRAS-KI Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! N-F.-BRAVM Nebraska Field Song Fiehl! VIkIiI! l tht! For the Scarlet and Cream. Weil all fight like mad For the team. Smash thru that line We're wilh you all the time. Touchdown, Nebraska 1 ! Rah! Rah! Rah! fio Nebraska, pile lip that score, We've got to take this game We're out to win We never give In. Fight! Nebraska! right! Chant l!Rh! N-Rah! V-N-l- l -rMy, N arslly, Ne bras ki. Ne-bras kt. l -C-l -n-l er-ver-vrr-sl -ti -e-hras-kl ! Oh-my! tin fiang fio! n-k! b r! a s k-a! 5-kI a!kA!: nfbras-ka Former Prof to Teach At Brooklyn Polytecli William H. Ruten, former as sistant professor of practical me chanics at the university, has been appointed assistant professor of industrial practice at the Poly technic Institute of BroMyn. Ruten is a graduate of the Uni versity of Michigan. Men's Pep Group Initiates Two New Members Initiation of two men, Preston Haves Siema Nu. and Jim Shel ley! Delta Upsilon, highlighted the Corn (Job meeting iasi nigm in thp Union. Taking the place of Bob Ross, j Delta Tau Delta, and Cal Menzer, Zeta Beta Tau, the new actives were the next high ranking nioHcps of those not elected to memhershin for last year. Ross and Menzer did not return to , school this fall. Porn iVihs also started work on the sales of subscriptions for the Awgwan. campus numor maga zine, and the Daily rseorasKan. Spcrial Noon-Day PLATE LUNCHEON 25c Theatre Galls 8 P.M. Tryouts Tryouts for University Theatre will be held at 8 p. m. tonight instead of 7:30 so as not to conflict with the rally planned for the Husker-Cyclone game. According to Clareno Flick, student director of the Theatre, the tryouts are for the entire year and not for one particular performance. All students are urged to try out. However, due to eligibility reg ulations only those students with 27 hours for the two pre ceding semesters are permitted to act in the plays. On The Level Fellows . . . "r;f- v. For Campus Wear ?: t V ft V u Uovcrts in natural colored Covert, blue, or brown, for that offhand, upper clansman smartness. $2650 to $400 O Tweeds for the Outdoor Man who prefers a suit with a soft, deep nap. Ask to see the popular Colonist Tweed. $2300 to $4500 O Flannels especially in grey, for up-to-the-minute smartness. See Varsity-Town's color-on-color flannel or their bold glen flannel. $2650 to $3750 We'd like to have you drop in and chin a bit with the boys on second floor about Campus Clothes for this winter. The new Saturday Evening Post Poll of campus clothes from colleges all over the country is available for your use at any timein our second floor Men's Clothing Department. 7" y i, 1 - t M y2 Vrivv Sale 19r PROPHYLACTIC HAIR BRUSH $1 SIZE WILDROOT With OH Both for . 89c Vaseline Hair Tonic 63' New Complete Stock AMITY BILLFOLDS $00 to $500 BOYDEN PHARMACY Stuart Bldff. f . All Mia W, OTUW RHYTHM m Ml and his O.QCtSSftA NO ADVANCE IN PEIECE