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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1941)
Sunday, September 21, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN 7 uskers Mix-it-up in Lengthy Skirmish H Biff Sets Gridders In Action Athey, Bradley, Metheny and Debus Are Leaders in Hour, Half Practice BY BOB MILLER. "Scrimmage today" was the word passing around the Husker dressing room Saturday afternoon while shoulder pads, hip pads and helmets were being donned in preparation. And scrimmage it was, for after the Biffer had Kent the grid ders thru some c a 1 i s t henics, pass practice and play run ning he sent his first team out to do battle with the third team. Given the ball on their own 30 battle and Mar- ryy' vin Athey, the s o phomore ,v; - q u a r t e rback marvin athey from Wauneta Lincoln Journal. was in the driver's seat. His first act was to connect by the aerial route with Dale Bradley for 10 yards and then for 20 yards. Not content to stop there Athey next pitched another strike for 17 yards to Bradley. Then and only then was he content to have Vike E x :-. -i. jr . . . o i.vvxV-:.- CCV 0WY ltl$TX Students at the University of California at Los Angeles will have & chance to study contribu tions of great philosophers to mod-1 Kansas State students have ern culture in a new course or- ceived 16,647.25 in loans so ganized this year. I this fall. Dewey Luster Takes Charge Line Presents Problem; Rack field Speaks for Self NORMAN, Okla., Sept. 20. A brilliant backfield operating be hind an average line, that's the way Mentor Dewey "Snorter" Lus ter's Oklahoma Sooner first eleven lines up as it hurries to ready its attack for the Oklahoma Aggie opener here Sept. 27. O k 1 ahoma's mercury-geared backfield com bination equals any in the na tion for speed and deception. Carrying the pigskin for the Sooners in the seasonal opener will be Marvin Whited, 190-pound senior fullback and blocker; Orv Mathews, 162-pound slippery quar terback; Jack Jacobs, 165-pound triple-threat tailback; and Joe Colding, 175-pound sophomorf w-ingback. 5 ' lark iHruk. rar.D methoty wayne blue Courtesy of Lincoln Journal Francis take the pigskin thru the middle for 12 yards. When Vike deposited the ball, it was but four yards from the goal and Athey took it over on a quarterback sneak. Vike Lights Out. The ball was brought back to the 30 again and Vike hit his right tackle for 11 followed by an Ath ey to Ludwiek pass good for 20 yards. Athey next showed his sprinting prowess around his own left end going for 20 yards and falling yards short of the goal. This time Bradley took it over with a plunge off tackle for four yards and a touch. On both touch es, Francis' kick for the extra Iint was good. Metheny Leads Seconds. These two teams were given a breather and the seconds and the fourths paraded out. On the first play from their own 30, Fred Me theny dropped a pass into Howard Debus' arms and the former Lin coln high athlete galloped 60 yards untouched to score. On the next exchange, Debus tossed to Metheny for 23 and then Wayne Blue crashed thru and mtide 15 yards in several tries. A pass, Metheny to Kathol, netted the seconds 15 yards and Me theny s end sweep was good for all of 18. Blue finally carried the fourth team across three yards to score. To score the next touchdown, the second team used Hansen, Debus, a nass from Metheny to Debus, FOR YOUR j DANCES PARTIES j I Have a New WURLITIZER AUTOMATIC PHONOGRAPH Installed J with the Latest Records CALL J jTHE HICKS RADIO CO.! IRICtS REASONABLE (2-6118 H22 O St. Line Lacks Experience. The Sooner starting line this fall lacks the excellent material of the famed Sooner forward walls of 1937-38-39. Line tutor Lawrence "Jap" Haskell has been using Dub Lamb, a junior who played behind Bill Jennings last year, and Soph Jim Tyree at ends, Roger Eason and Howard Teeter at tackles, Ralph Harris and Mitch Shadid at cuards. with lankv Max Fischer at center. A real challenge to the Sooner coaching staff's talent is develop ment of the second t. earn line. The second team line includes five men who didn't see action last year, Tackles Plato Andros and Chad Vallance, Guards Clare Morford and Dick Beopple and Center Jack Marsee. Work on Defense. Having devoted the first week's practice to improving the Okla homa striking power, Coach Lus ter and his staff have been concen trating more on improving the de fense instead of the already-competent offense. Oklahoma was a mediocre defensive club last sea son with a distressing habit of buckling late in the game to opponents with an abundance of reserve power. It's Coach Lus ter's problem to develop a com petent line. The backfield can take care of itself. two good plungea by Blue, a sec ond pass like the first and then Blue rushed 12 yards to score. Debus Makes Conversions. Debuse converted both times. The firsts were recalled and with in a few seconds had join across two more touchdowns with Fran cis gaining 35 yards in three plays. Wayne Sindt dented the scoring column on a five yard reverse. Francis took the ball and went the 25 yards needed for the sec ond touch. When the fourths tried stopping the seconds, they found Blue and Debus too much for them with Blue carrying it most of the way and Debus tallying on a 16 yard sweep. To gain the 25 yards for the second touchdown, Metheny called Blue twice for 22 yards and De bus for three yards and a score. Defense and offense alike showed marked improvement in the fray and coaches' humors also were on llie upgrade as another I result. i1 Young: Successes start those bacte-to-sehool days jst right Clothe that are styled with elewT w de tails . . . and with that smoothly flat tering fit which makes yoitr figure look their very smartest Everythin want for sports, campus ana dress-up occasions is iclded in our . start wrs bow; Ml M -Tvr collection. I fllP 111 ii ml rsVr in! V2 -- 1 1 7951995 V Collect . . . two piece frocks for casual and campus wear in lovely, soft, warm fabrics. A bright collection of new Aulnmn shades. 795-1495 Collect. . . . date dresses in Fall's most flattering new silhouette both one and two-piece stylet galore. Unique little details that mean real indi viduality give these frocks a charm most unusual! Collect . . . exquisitely bright clear suit styled with youthful verve and smartness which eollegn girls will applaud. Besides monotones, there are gay plaids and tweeds for knock-about wear! 1495-2295 GOLD'S Third Floor. re-far