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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1941)
Sunday, September 21, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN 5 Nebraskans Are Treking To Class Again . . . ir 4 - i v III It y . i V&4 r TT T - v'-" , S-n - v. A 1 1 " - ' t t ) J- -4 , TT o '1 - C'liirvsv l Linnln Journtil. The cameraman, in these two shots, caught a small portion of the 4,676 students who enrolled for classes at UN Thursday morning. In the picture at the left are five coeds who seem to be enjoying the return to campus life. Left to right, they are Janice Suckstorf, Valdene Heese, Jane Griffin, Shirley Hopkins, and Eleanor Marcy. The picture at the right, whose subjects bear an amazing resemblance to members of an African Safari, really shows a com mon scene on the campus, the long, long trail to. a class in sosh. 1 Organizing Advisory Committee . . . Regents, Legislature Initiate Nebraska Chemurgy Project Invitations have boon sent to 74 Nebraska men representing va rious interests in the state to form an advisory committee for the newly formed chemurgy project which has been set up by the board of regents and the legisla ture. The project, headed by Dr. Lee L. Christensen, is to discover what Nebraska farm products can be utilized into profitable industries. Working primarily with plastics and synthesized products, the Ne braska chemurgists are mainly in terested in the possible use of Nebraska's grain sorghums in the starch and fermentation indus tries. Included in the survey will be an examination of the needs of the defense program in order to determine what kind of industries can work successfully in the state and what other states climatically and agriculturally the same, are doing in this field. The committee is composed of men representing the various in dustries in Nebraska who will, through correspondence, relay in formation pertinent to the project to the executive committee headed by C. Y. Thompson of West Point, university regent. Thompson stated, "It is especial ly desirable that the advisory com mittee members forward to the chemurgy project office all the suggestions they may have about the scope of the work undertaken. In this way the program may be made of the greatest use to the people of the state." A permanent office with labora tory facilities is now occupied by Dr. Christensen in experiment sta tion hall on ag campus. Dr. Chris tensen is a recognized leader in chemurgy both in the university and industrial fields. He was granted a leave of absence from the University of Idaho, where he is chairman of the department of agriculture chemistry, to do re search here. Other members of the executive committee appointed by the board of. regents are: Senator John S. Callan of Odell, president of the legislative council: Chet G. Mar shall of Arlington, president of the Nebraska Progress associa tion; Carlyle Hodgkin of Lin coln, farm editor for the Omaha World-Herald; and Frank Robin son, Kearney stockman. Dr. Chris tensen is executive secretary for this committee. The stated purpose of the spe cial appropriation provided by the 55 legislature of Nebraska in L. B With 74 Outstate Men urgy fund to bo used under the direction of the board of regents. The advisory committee which will aid the executive committee may be enlarged as the work pro gresses to provide the representa tion necessary for a sound action program. The list of men invited to serve at the present time follows; Chris Ahnott, llinnla. R. C. Acton, fcottsbluff. C. E. Alter, Alma. I. R. Alter, Grand Island. Chnrlen 1). Amnion, Lincoln. lU'lmur Anderson, LrxtnKton. Frank O. Arnold, Fiillerton. Huyh Aslimore, Lincoln, W. W. Burr, Lincoln. Alen G. Uurtc, Lincoln. Glenn Burton, I'aMon. John Callan, Odell. C. J. Claaasen, Omaha. John D. Clark, Lincoln. John B. Cook, Scottsoluf f. Ted Currier, Morrill. J. E. Davidson, Omaha. Donald K. Dcvrics, Lincoln. Harry Dickinson, Omaha. Henry Kausch, Hastings. O. J. Ferguson, Lincoln. Krank Kogarty, Omaha. George Gross, Valentin. Ole Hanson, Orleans. J. M. Harding, Omaha. Wayne Harless, Bridgeport. Ben Harrlnfin, Krunklin. Neil Haskell, Laurel. Carlyle Hodgkin, Lincoln, Bryan Holmes, Miltmrn. Arch Hosterman, Brownvllle, R. M. Howard, Flats. Donald K. Howe, Omaha. Joe W. Jarvls, Omaha. Max Junkln, Smtthiield. Walter Klrkbride, Omaha. Andrew Kopperud, Omaha. Henry F. Kuhl. Plalnvlew. Val Kuska, Omaha. Tom Leadley, Lincoln. K. H. Lewis, Lincoln. Wayland Magee, Bennington. D. C. Malcolm, Imperial. Chet G. Marshall, Arlington. J. C. Meese. Ord. W. E. Mllltier, Lincoln. Chhli Milllua, Omaha. Phil. Moore, Omaha. W. B. Morton, Beatrice. E. M. Neubauer, Orleans. Jay Person, Wauneta. Otto Pfeirer, Klkhorn. Kmil Placek, Wahoo. E. C. Reed, Lincoln. Karle O. Reed, Omaha. Krank Robinson, Kearney. Marshall Ross, Gibbon. Kmmett Rosslter, Hartin(ton. Bruce Russell, Omaha. Gua Scheele, Dlx. W. H. SchellberK, Cmnlia. George Schmidt, Alliance. William Snyder, Paxton. Martin Stelnhart, Nebraska City. Paul Stewart, Omaha. Morton Taylor, Columbus. C. T. Thompson, West Point. L. W. Titus, Holdrege. Merle Townsend, Fremont. Emll Von S-ggern, West Point. Howard Walgreen, Elk City. Frank Walker, Waverly. Fred 8. Wallace, Lincoln. Wm, T. Young, Kimbal. All Makes of Typewriters Special Student Rates BLOOM TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 1$ EJaD IFacEnnllity Member or Department Assist ant Can Afford To Be Without IT flu IlDanfly, MelbimsIkaiDu Merely Fill Out This Coupon and Send It With $1.50 Through the Campus Mail To Ben Novicoff, Bus. Mgr., The Daily Nebroslcon, Student Union Bldg. r COUPON n Nome . Bldg. L Room $1.50 for the School Year 462 was "To provide for research into the use of agricultural prod ucts and by-products as raw chem Pha 1-5258 Jtt N. 11