The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 14, 1941, Page 6, Image 6

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    Sunclay, September 14, 1941'
Erma Velber, immigrant from sonal art treasure to bring her University of Vermont recently Eight regional scholarships rep.
Vienna oow working as research friends from Europe to this coun- attended town meetings through- resenting a total value of $12,800
Sfn t.. h,ortlcul.ture ,at Michi" try- out the state to further their are being offered for the first tin
ban aiaie couege, is selling per- Political science students at the studies of government. in 1941-42 by Hamilton college.
'."...N t V
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By Boh Miller
V. I .V." 0 .V I. ...I
"Secret" is the pass word that
must be pivcn to get into Okla
noma's ptaetice sessions thest
days. . .Suive Dewey "Snorter'
Luster took over down at the
Sooner stronghold gates have been
tightly locked and guarded lest
some information of what is going
on should gft t alien ears.
Reports that have slipped by
Oklahoma ler.sorship indicate that
the Sooner team will use a great
deal of trusty in their offense
this season . . . Deception will be
uppermost and will feature at
least three tacks carrying a fake
on every play.
This system seems to have sev
eral good features, but at the
same time, a major disadvantage
creeps in... True that of three
backs through the line
pretending: to have the ball and
carry the fake well into the sec
ondary there will be plenty of de
ception. . .And deception is
good. . .
But, while these three backs
are slipping thru the opposing
line, that leaves one back to do
some blocking. . .In every back
field on nearly every play there
are at least two backs blocking
and in most cases three... It
seems to me that what the Soon
era are sacrificing in the inter
est of deception is not fully com
pensated frt by the deception
gained. . .
The Sooner seniors are having
a hard tirr.e keeping their posi
tions from the sophomores who
are catchir.j: on to the new trick
ery at a swift pace. . .Eddie Davis
from Muskrgee is billed as the
most gifted ball-hider on the
squad alone with Junior Golding,
Carl Brewir.gton and Bill Mat
tox, the junior of the last three
named,. . .Look for these names a
little later in the season...
Husks... Al Zikmund is having
a hard tin e this fall ... Al had a
crew cut and since he is blonde
the sun is flaying havoc with his
scalp. . .sunburn you know... In
yesterday morning's practice ses
sion he pulled a muscle in his leg
when he stepped on small Kenny
Simmons... It was the same leg
that was broken in last year's
Rose Bowl gct-to-getlier; Kenny
wasn't injured on the mix-up how
ever. . .
During the Friday afternoon
drill period a huge cheer rose from
the vicinity in which the linemen
were having, blocking drill... Rea
son for the ovation was Francis
Liek who rammed one of the
tougher piere9 of blocking equip
ment and snapped off the steel re
lnforcement . . .The piece of equip
ment has been moved to the side
lines to. . .recover.
Yesterday's games
American League.
Cleveland (5) at Washington.
Chicago (4) at Philadelphia
Detroit (5) at New York (3).
St. Louis (2) at Boston (7;.
National League.
Philadelphia (4) Chicago (5).
Boston (0) at Pittsburgh (1)
New York ) at Cincinnati (1).
Brooklyn (1) at St. Louis (0).
Team's score folloowt name.
Union dining
room, cafeteria
open for service
Main dining room at the union
opens for luncheon, for the year on
Monday, and board tickets will go
on sale at the union office. The
cafeteria opens Thursday for
luncheon and dinner. Students can
get breakfast in the corn crib any
time. Learn to Dance
Call for Appointment
Residence ltt$ D Si.
Fhene t-mt
M . , ii .-3. II fV y J
KT : O9 i jAty w 'A
V :J tl y v
fi f- ffy
Row 1
Row 2
At thoun in vertical rout
Jietty Cox, Don Stcelf, farllia Whitclioa.l, Jack Moore.
Alice McCampbell, Gene Whitehead,
Row 3
Tat Knuth, Nick Douvas, Mary Bird, Betty Ann Green.
Row 4
Betty Krause, Peggy Lemon, Alex Mills, Joe Kirsohenhaum.
Row 5
Jerry Thompson, John Mackey, Mary Jean MeCai lliy, Marvin Athey.
Cmmput SkopCorg Short Millinery , , , 4th Flu
lmmg World Shorn . , , Sri Floor Comput Mm . , . 2nd Floor
Lois ScofielJ, John M.Cailli.