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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1941)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Sunday, September 14, 1941 '4 Society Notice: Bill Marsh, tall, dark and handsome! Frank Keefer, one of the Trl Delt Mortar Boards, wont to the YW Estes Conference last spring very much that way about Frank Scudder. But while she was there she met Bill Hall and now she has sent Scudder his Sigma Nu pin. The anti-Mason club has a pros pective new member. Marie An derson, Kappa, is getting a bit soured about the way Johnny is stepping out on her. Where have we heard about that before? Betty Holtorf, Delta Gamma, who was a campus belle last year, has settled down to become en gaged to Paul Brown, Sig Alph of two years ago. The wedding is to be some time this fall. It's all off. Off again are Phyllis Welch, KKG, and Bill Conner, ATO. She gave his diamond pin back last week. Bill is a mod student in Omaha. A uniform always gets 'em and Wendell "Count" Bayse, ATO, is back for two weeks in his pretty white ensign outfit. He hails from Chicago naval reserve and is wait ing here till he is called. Of course, he was already gotten by Tish Trester, Theta, before he had the uniform so all the rest of you gals .will have to sit back and look on. Have you seen Harry Rinder, Beta, walking around with Vir ginia Hay, Kappa? They say he even holds her hand, so it must be pretty serious. The one, the only. Pickles, Kappa Sig Butterfly, Hines claims again to have found a girl he will reject for all others. She attends Doane and answers to the name of Hope Ward. On the QT, however, he had Z. date Friday night with someone else and called a certain Pi Phi to ask for one. Several lassies are hoping that Bob Ferguson, DU, will either Shave or wash off that fuzz. They haven't decided which it needs but they definitely don't like it. May be it tickles. Virginia Sack, Alpha Xi Delt, was in town Friday and Saturday renewing old acquaintances before poing back to the University of Southern California. Speaking of renewing old ac quaintancesthe girls just finish ed their rush week and now the boys are at it. Maybe everyone can get together next week but so far one or the other has been busy making new acquaintances and getting pledges. Personally, won't you be glad when it is all over and everyone can settle down to good eld routine school life? Tours- (Continued from Page 1.) on the tour itineraries which will last one half hour. Explanations will be given on different facilities of the buildings inspected. Ending the tours at the union, the new students will be shown through the entire union building, according to Pat Lahr, social di rector. Although many have in spected the campus and union the tours should prove valuable in as sisting the students around the University plants. Attendance is required for these inspections according to Don Steele, president of the Corn Cobs. About 40 will be included in each group. The tours will continue Tuesday and Wednesday, begin ning at 8 a. m. on these days. Fifty cameramen attending a SJiort course at Kent State uni versity got a practical workout on action pictures when a fire broke out near the campus. . FOE TOUR j DANCES PARTIES I Have a New I WURLITIZER AUTOMATIC PHONOGRAPH j Installed ) nith the Latest Records CALL j THE HICKS RADIO CO. j rKICES REASONABLE j 2-6118 1422 O St.) Helen Kelley, Phone Daily Office or Former social worker is new Y W secretary Mary Lockett, graduate of the University of Oklahoma and for merly employed by the state of Oklahoma in the department of public welfare, has been appointed MARY LOCKETT . . . replaces Esther Ostlund new university YWCA secretary. Miss Lockett fills the vacancy left by Esther Ostlund, new social di rector of women's residence halls. Mortar Board and Phi Beta Kappa her junior year in college. Miss Lockett did graduate social work at the University of Okla homa following her graduation. She has been YWCA regional di rector and the YW secretary at Southwestern Teachers college in San Marcos, Texas. Annual YM-YW party scheduled Monday evening The YWCA and YMCA will en tertain all new students at a party in the student union ballroom Monday evening from 8 to 11:30 p. m. Mr. and Mr. Ralph Copenhaver will lead in the games which will be followed by dancing. The YW-YM party is an an nual campus affair at which stu dents get acquainted and meet the presidents and the secretaries of both organizations. Students entertained by YMCA at steak fry The University YMCA held its first party for new students Sat urday afternoon at Belmont Park where young men entering school were entertained to a steak fry. Touch football and other games were played during the afternoon. s f - 1 lr, J ; I i ,f ' V !: 1 W r to , 0UPPLIE0 For Gredt, High School fir Unfvmity Leather Zipper NOTE BOOK glittery foptr W $1 ;$ .95-$3.75-$4.50 m, tt&Zpdx 1 it fc-reijClppJ Kot. Book. MMfcr.. ,' M mm mwTS . l'lm i - "W Society Editor Nebraskan I 2-7545 Summertime news reveals many weddings Titterington-Pfeiffer Kay Titterington and Russell Pfeiffer, Alpha Gamma Rho, were married this August. Pfeiffer was vice president of Alpha Gamma Rho last year. Miller-Cramer Jean Miller, Gamma Phi Beta, and Lieut. Dave Cramer, Acacia, were married in Byers, Colo., July 27, 1940. Mr. and Mrs. Cramer are living in Brownwood, Tex. Emerson-Pansing Lulubol Emerson, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and Thomas Pansing were married Saturday, Sept. 6, in First - Plymouth Congregational church in Lincoln. Pansing was a law student at the university. Gorton-Fredricksen Mildred Gorton, Chi Omega, and Sgt. Carl Fredricksen were mar ried July 5. Mrs. Fredricksen is from Crawford, Neb. The couple are living in Arizona. Rubnitz-Fraenkel Josephine Rubnitz, Sigma Delta Tau, and Steve Fraenkel were married this summer. Mrs. Fraen kel was a Mortar Board here. Fraenkel, a refugee from Ger many, was the house guest of Sigma Alpha Mu for three years. Last year he received his masters from the university. YM groups hold annual parties The university YMCA will hold stag parties Wednesday evening on ag and city campuses for all men entering the university. Games and entertainment on ag campus will be under the direc tion of Ralph D. Copenhaver. The party will begin at 7:30 p. m. in the activities building. The party on city campus will be held in the YMCA room in Temple building. The entertain ment will begin at 8 p. m. Refreshments will be served at both parties. Alpha Chi Omega picnic held at Coryell" s Friday Mrs. L. L. Coryell, jr., enter tained members of Alpha Chi Omega at a picnic supper in the back yard of her home Friday evening. About fifty actives, pledges and alumni were present. Lincoln alumni attending the picnic were Mrs. John Grainger, Miss Marcella Mason, Miss Clara Evans. Mrs. Walter White and Mrs. L. E. Finney- Gamma Phi Betas picnic in Pioneer jtark Actives and pledges of Gamma Phi Beta enjoyed a picnic at Pi oneer park Thursday evening. About twenty-five were present. mi, m I ' M M, School . Fountain PINS v DvnMe UK faint A t ta4 Serviceable Pen at I OTBra rbfi at. it . . ' ; ' ' ''" .') 'fl ' " ' m V'. I Ounce Bottle f Ink 10 fukdli .le np Note ........ lte S3 Supported by advertising i rt Independent,' paper, appears Making its initial appearance on the campus Monday, "The Inde pendent." unofficial publication for unaffiliated students, will be distributed in various buildings during the three days of regis tration this week. The new barb council social program was featured in the four column paper, and The BABW open house was also Included. Primarily, the barb paper is be- Badges- (Continucd from Page 1.) rectors but Mortar Boards, Inno cents, fraternities and sororities promised their backing. Every student known to the reg istrar, including freshmen in the junior division, has a "Howdy" badge awaiting him bearing his name, home town and class. The badges will be distributed during registration on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and any student not receiving a badge can obtain one from the supply left blank for that purjwse. Printed in scarlet and cream, the badges are Nebraska's most ambitious attempt to make a fiiend out of everyone. When you wear a "Howdy" badge you typify the spirit of the year. Grad presents book to alumni library Dr. C. E. Lively, graduate of the university, has given an auto graphed copy of his book, "Rural Migration in the United States," to the . alumni association library. Professor Lively who is now pro fessor or rural sociology at the University of Misouri received a B.A. degree from Nebraska in 1917 and an M.A. degree in 1918. unofficial barb on campus ing distributed to freshmen and new students this week to ac quaint them with barb activities and organizations on the campus. Advertising supported the first issue, a four-page edition. On the third page of the In dependent is an article which ex plains the barb council, barb union, council, and the barb activities board for women. "Homey plan3 Intramurals," on the same page, describes the barb athletic program. Fourth page of the publication contains two columns: "Dope from 307," commenting on the barb po litical party and the student hous ing problem, and "Cherchez La Femme" a society-chatter column. Second page is devoted to an edi torial. Staff of the Independent has been selected only temporarily, and anyone interested may file for a position at a staff meeting in the barb office, 307, union, Thurs day at 5 p. m. Plans for future issues are indefinite. Record crowds inspect museum during summer Record crowd.? during the sum mer succeeded in filling Morrill's guest book with names from such countries as China, Argentina, Portugal, and Canada, as well as signatures by persons from every state in the country except Ne vada, Mississippi, Delaware and Virginia. An estimated 7,500 inspected the museum's noted collections during state fair week, with visit ors entering the building at the rate of approximately 100 every 12 minutes during the hours the building was njwn on Labor Day and the preceding Sunday. Start right! Have swagger (port for all-temtitcr gaddinj! SQUARE-TOE ;k or "WALLED TOE" ! Iher-hee!ed oxford oi mooth POLISHED CALF! Bouncy CREPE SOLE GAITERS. ..TU- COLOR "MOCSr Rich ANTIQUE. BLACK... TU-TONESI AND 3.95 Street Floor. WS T A T 1 0 N E RS J ) U I H t R & S 124 .0 SUeeU IfnccrafilB mm ! Mfe i .in . i ' r""'l" . ,": " 1 1 ' ' ... in