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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1941)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Sunday, September 14, 1 941 FORTY-FIRST YEAR. Subscript inn Raton ai $1.00 Tor Semester or $1 50 fur the College Year. $2.:0 Mailed. SinKlo mpy. & tout. Ki.lered as nooonrt-olaxi, n.Htter at the P""'" l'" r(.lu. Nebraska, unclor Art of ConKrw. March 3, h79. ml at special rate of poxtape provide,! for m fcrrtion 110J. Act of or tiellAuUmHzoa September JO-JS 1 bf'fTJrf" 7777. t n urn Building. Py-2-7IM. Stent -2-7193. Journnl-2 3330 The Daily Ncbraskan j Behind the News V f By Chris Petersen I "Member AMoriiied Colleite I'reaa. Member Nl)rka rreM A iioojM lon J 4 Kenreiieiileif lor Natioiia IAdvertlln nv NMIOVM. AIVHKTISIN tiKHVM'K, INC. 420 MaillMin Ave., New Vorh, N. I. Chicago Honlon l Anaelee Saw t'rnejf riihlixhed Daily durum the whim lear except Monday and fiaturdavn. vacation, and examination period tiy SUKlent of Ihe rniveriity of Nebraska under the ruperviaion of tlie 1 u Il licit tionN llourd. . ierchant ships are problem "r ?f and other non ...... w 1 1 belhperent supplies. "miL' rr.n clos? n the heejJ of Presi. Wtth this added linking In Say, Blithers, my lodge is rushing a fellow by dent Roosevelt's formidable words . , . , ,, , ...... . on the U. S. determination to the name of Marvin Mithermgwell. He s Millicent maintain frecdom of tne seas ,n Mitheringwell's brother and well-hell, you know our defensive waters, came the n- w . imru . . i . ;iu rt t nouncement that another merch- Millicent he he. Who don t know Millicent? I re- . , . . . niltlliail linu utcn eixain ill o 11 i .1 It southwest of Iceland. The Amer ican owned Montana, sailing un der the Panamanian flag, was Well, the rush chairman says to me, he says, ntink a bare 12 hours before the member the night but let's pass that parcel. was all over the campus and you heard about it. mind, it makes it even more probable that the rumored arm ing of our merchant vessels may become an actuality- Newspaper reports indicate that this was one subject of discussion at the conference of legislative leaders and the president on the morn ing of his speech. Before our merchant ships can "Pet. what you can do on this M.therinpwell - nal mo ''f "h . Emphasis on the social The barb council announced yesterday that its social program for the year is the "biggest and finest" ever planned. The council is to be com mended for its efforts to socially aid the unaffili ated students on the can. pus. Sale of "barb bombeis" or barb activity tick ets, to cover all the functions which are planned, will begin tomorrow and six of the cards will be given away at a free matinee dance Wednesday. Tentatively the council has planned three tickets lor the year. The first will continue until formal reason and will include three dances with well known orchestras and five "pigskin" dances follow ing home football games. A ticket is also arranged to include a year's subscription to the Daily Nebraskan. With the sale of the tickets the council an nounces that this year its emphasis will be off politics and on social activities. We hope this spirit will be continued by the barbs and by all other groups on the campus. Loans offered "All women students who need small loans over short periods of time may apply at the office of the dean of women." This announcement was made this week by Mortar Board, women's activities hon orary which sponsors the student loan fund. In con tinuing the fund, the Mcrtar Boards are carrying on their purpose - service. All women students who need small amounts of money to tide them over the initial costs of attending the university buying books and other supplies and helping to pay fees are encouraged to make use of this service. Caps for all this year Every year freshmen men have bought red felt rnps with their year of graduation lettered on in white. As usual, this yeai they will wear the fresh man caps. But this year freshman women have also been given permission to wear caps felt beanies. Every freshman man and woman is expected to enter into the spirit and wear the caps, cards for which are being sold by members of the Innocents society. fellow. Spark a contact, get acquainted, and slip him the button." Just like that he said it Blithers. So I go to work. On Millicent. I decided that would be the psychologically correct approach. So Millicent and I had a coke and we spent our time talking about Marvin, whom it appears is the sap of the family tree. She was in the confidential mood and got quite off on a tangent about "Brother." Her chat on Marvin ran along something like this: Psychologists attend meet Al'A assemblies on IN'orlbtvestern eampiiK Attending meetings of the Am erican Psychological association at ity act of 1939 will be necessary. IaI me refresh your memory on the provisions of that act which applies to the case under discus sion. The law specifically prohib its the arming of American mer chant vessels with anything other than small arms. Pleas, such as that made by the captain of the illfated Steel Seafarer, for the arming of our vessels are going to become even more common and be made with more fervor as our vessels con tinue to sail in writers named bel- ' Brother's associations have always been the Northwestern university Septem- cent by the German govern ber 3 to 6 were Prof. Arthur Jen- ,1lpn. lf i10,,.pVPr ,..prp . u: ,;!.. n.v.inn. iiu'o no- nfiiim,) with m . n . . , ... . t . o" "i. ii noetr we were 10 le oig imimjr j.i.-.j.v,,,. ,,.a ,u..,.... n,,Si i-ror. uonaia i.'ysinger tini fIain waitress, so mother bitterly learned last night when l-r. Hoger Kussell of the univer sitv nsvehnlrip v derm rt merit , ...... i ... u nnu : n t j rj 4 ne orougni ner noine 10 meei me inuuiy. mw from entering waters so designated, our commerce would be limited to nothing more nr less Graduate students who also at- trum MiatMn -.immv. in iv, waitress creature is simply terrible and besides that tended the meetings were Frank western hemisphere Even the she's vice vers. She smokes too much and she fi" IS X and like she told mother she meetings of other psychology The foremost question left open Brother aner me presidents speech is as campus. n trie .Wip-nation of what ennsti. necks too much simply can't decide which vice is versa is basically a fine chap but he's so mixed up with life that he doesn't know which way to turn. I wish you would give him some advice sometime." 1 said that I would. So far, about all that 1 know to tell Brother is that people who don't know which "way to turn have no business in a revolving door. Anyhow, Millicent carried on: . tute. our defensive zone. Opinion st ems to indicate that it may well include the seven seas, part anil parcel. Lack of nnphasis by the president on the subject of the sinking of the Steel Seafarer leads this observer to believe that this zone would not be included, for Entering students who did not now at least. It seems obvious receive cards lor the securing of that to label zones, in which our New students buy 6N' books special price at I . X 1 1 . .ifii "Brother is very witty though. Take last night " s "n sun gei one fleet does not opeiate. as belong- at the special price of live cents ing to the defense category would for instance. He had a wreck with the family cr. by reporting to the student, YMCA be futile. And for our naval ves- and when the policeman came up and asked who " YWCA "ic" r'd intifying M.,s to operate in the Red Sea was driving. Brother said "No one. we were all in Tu'ry' sauT' St'Kk'nt fb,d Z VSl the back seat." The policeman didn't know what Cards were distributed to the 0f)se lmlj we enter tr,e war heart 1n dn sr. ho had to let Brother tra But Brother did freshmen after the entering tests urui .,., r,,, have his spirit of wit seiiously injured the other f.1.1 S,?!,11!? nS a6insl inking in that area will day when he got on a street car and said to the an(j ihe YWCA as an aid to enter conductor, "Hello, Noah, the atk filled yet?" And ing students. the mean conductor said, "Nope, still got room for be the proposed and highly contro versial question of arming our merchant ships one more jackass." Brother still isn't over it. He just hates to be beaten to the punch - especially if it's spiked." I decided that there was no hope for Brother and that he would probably go the other way any way and besides, Millicent's kisses speak the !ang;:ape of love and I was anxious to start up conversation of that type You know how it is, Blithers. Daily issues call for al solicitors Call for volunteers to sell subscriptions to the Daily Ne braskan has been issued by Ben Novicoff, business manager. All Students who would like to earn some pin-money report to the Daily office immediately. New plan provides 3 balanced meals a day in Union Pan-Amer-icn Room for all students six days a week. September 18-30 October 1-31 November 1-23 Only $7.70 Only $18.90 Only $16.10 What More Could You Ask? Tickets On Sale Monday at Union Office 'A Heislratiou-- (Continued from Iige 1.) inent of subjects according to de partment titles is desirable but not absolutely necessaty. Students registered lor military science 1 and having vacant hours cither on Tuesday or Thursday morning should register for a com pany on one of those mornings. Students registered for military science 3 and having vacant hours on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday mornings should be registered for a company on one of those moiTi-ings. The following sections closed: N.U. Students!, Lincoln's Leading Theatres Welcome You With These Grand Pictures! ! Filled Lou How Showing a super SP'fr,(' Bud .,tci LO ABBOTT 4 'Hold That Ghost" with The Andrews Sisters . i and H' Ted Lewis are Rart. B. n. Clx-ni.. Kc. K. M. M. K. M. K. H. K. Math. Mil. yc. P. K. Nural Kc. Speech H'l, 11. .'.1. it '.Ml. II. ma. a. iHI. 1. r. 21. '103. 14. 2H3. n:. 270, iflU. ma. 43. 14". :.3. 3. 3. 10. I. Ill A. I K 1. 11. XII II V A I A. I , e A 1. II P, I' A. Is. I C C D V. VI Freshmen are not permitted to register in the following sections: Kduo. 31 1 u in Edit)'. (S II IV Math. 4t I. II Mod. Lane 3 I H 111 Mod. Unc 13 1 II MWP 10 MWP 11 MV. K 8 MWF 10 MWF 10 MWF ti MWF MWF 10 MWF 10 MWF 11 MWF TYPEWRITERS For Sale For Itt-nlnl Tke Kuyal portable the ideal machine for atudrnt. Nebraska Typewriter Co. 10 So. 12th St. Mnroln, br. riinne i-!ll7 entertainers . Juan i'in Ta MM Now Showing! , SONJAHENIE JOHN PA SUH VALLEY SEREURDE" ill) GLENN MIJIER How Showing! 2 SOCKO HITS! -THE MAN WHO LOST HIMW BRIAN AHEBNE KAY FRANCIS "TIGHT SHOES