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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1941)
Page 4 THE NEBRASKAN 8 Wflsm: By Chris Petersen STRADJEDY. I have a friend by the name of Mort Levin and here's the way he looks at Hitler. To summarize, he thinks Hitler should be beat around the bush but who wants to summarize? Hitler is up the creek. His war machine is just about as full of life as A Bach fugue. The carburetor doesn't carb, the differential doesn't differ, and the motor doesn't mote. All of which is evidence of the above. Major Field A. Bunt is talking through his brass hat. He says: "An enlightened bundersnatch marching on a country life that of England when coming into contact with their vorpal womraths will certainly result in a frabjous day for the Hit ler war machine." That is a lie. The Major should be stood in bed. War is not a clam bake. Men do not like be ing made into swiss cheese and dislike being sur- RECORDS AT WALT'S The la rent atock of phonofraph rec ord in Lincoln, Victor. Bluebird, Columbia and Drcca included. Also tee oar Portable Phonofrtphs. f 10.50 and Up. WALT'S 1140 0 St. Lincoln More vacancies than teachers MILLS TEACHERS AGENCY 408 See. Mat. 2-4336 raobe Commercial Teachers Matic Home Ec are especially needed. University Notes rounded by blood which is their own after being shot in the belly. The soldiers waiting to invade are now tired of playing poker. Hitler had promised them a hunk of nice invaded territory and now he is not living up to his promise. The money which a soldier gets is too little to have a good poker game. Thus Hitler is having trouble. In case if Hitler should not surrender which I doubt, he will take ten divisions of Panzies into the southeast part of Madagascar to liberate a German minority there which is comprised of a blonde bus boy at the International Hotel and a 70-year old beachcomber who complains that the people there do not pay him for over tide. This military ma neuvre will make the USSR sore who will see it as a threat to their supremacy in the Pink Sea. On the other hand, Churchill is no dope. Churchill is not up a creek. I am not suggesting that Churchill has never been up a creek because he has. He and I have been up the creek a lot of times playing spin the milkbottle with Marie. Ma rie has not been up the creek for a long time either. We flipped a shotgun, Church and I, and George married her. Now George is up the creek. But not Winston. Nor me. Yah, there ain't no doubt about the fact that Hitler is up the creek. Nothing to do now but wait for the spring floods to get him. In the meantime, I'll try the four ball in the side pocket. Clements, state supervinor of vo cational agriculture, Dean F. K Henzlik and Prof. K. O. Broady of teachers college attended a meeting Friday evening of the Rural Area School associa tion at Cairo to consider the or ganization of a work program for students in small high schools. Also attending from Lincoln were Myr van B. Canon, graduate assistant in the university department of school administration, and L. D. L E IY1 0 N PINEAPPLE You'll like the piquant flavor combination of fresh lemon and crushed pineapple, frozen into a smooth, sweet-tart sher bet Try It today. FAIRMONT'S fd5t SmoolLfrwurL ICECREAM AT ALL Wows SHOES Spring and summer foot wear, in white, black, blue and brown. Short lines. LOT 1. (MUG. ft.7.", to 1 ().:(), last ,.ri-, s $7. Ki O'Neill and DhIhthoii. Salt- J LOT 2. KlIYTIIYI STi;i hhors, originally A 7.50 ami $6. Salt-, pair "i i JaM f lit II I M ft (kllr U'llja 4af YilVI'f TV MIOKS, originally :..'() ami 6.1t.. Last s Irirr, $.". Sa!V, pa!' Women's Shoes Second I loor. 01 1 HU e PA; The Worm turned Teachers of educational psy chology in Nebraska colleges will meet Monday at the Student Un ion with Prof. D. A. Worcester, chairman of the university depart ment of educational .psychology and measurements, for an infor mal discussion of introductory courses in educational psychology. Eleven institutions have indicated that they will send representatives and others are expected to attend. The short session of the univer sity summer school closed Wed nesday, July 16. The long session will continue thru Aug. 1 Mrs. Lenore Burkett Van Kirk of the music department faculty, operatic soprano, was featured on the Nebraska regiment's band con cert July 13 at Camp Robinson, Ark. She is the wife of Major Rolla C. Van Kirk of the 134th infantry. Warrant Officer Mar vin J. Bostrom,' who was graduated from the university in 1933, was band director. SHORTHAND IN 30 DAYS Typewrit Inc. Bookkeeping, Heeretarlal and Intensive Mpeeial tonnes lay and Kvenlnt; heMton Individual Intlror tlon. tirrnt taught aluo. Air condi tioned rlanruomn. Phone t-t 161 . Dickinson Secretarial School 21 Innuraore Bide. 11th O Hta. WE USE SOFT WATER" The Summer Nebraskan The Summer Nrbraskan li published weekly each Friday and given away free to all students and faculty memberi of the University of Nebraska. The publica tion ha the authorisation of Prof. K. D. Moriti, director of summer school. STAFF. Fdltor Paul E. Svoboda Editor's MiUstant Joba 9. Marker Business manager Betty Dlxoa A so FROM p.m. v..tV ' 5 i , A VARMtR BROS. Hir, :.h - Dennis MORGAN Jane WYMAM Wayne MORRIS Arthur KENNEDY 3S H A I R C Franks Barber Shop U 1306 0 St. I Merle Stainbrooke, Mgr. A SPECIAL COURSE Id Ssijin. AUGUST 4 Buinei training that will prepare you quickly to enter the groat field now open to skilled wrokert. Unusual demand in both private and public work. Ask about this special offer. LINCOLN SCHOOL of COMMERCE 209 No. 14 W. A. ROBBINS, PRES. 2-6774 Lincoln, Nebr. 7 SCOOP! "Cockeyed Sailors" Eat- in the air-cooled comfort of the AK1BUR Just South of the Temple GEPi for Family Sweetheart Friends fl A LARGE SELECTION FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE 1 EASTMAN KODAK STORE mt O M M FR WROLUiENT FOR COLLEGE STUDENrfT Comm.ssion obi Iq itlons ce;.se for men when they nre con. HCr.pted into military duty... Now these new advant"n"i a?e off.-.ed by the s.imo reliable service who.e f.ic.liti", an-l experienced oui.l.-ince am constantly at your comm ., Nt binsk nnrt all nuighboring Btntes our field Write tod.iy. DAVIS SCHOOL Sl'.Itvif 'r. C11 Slinrt r.ldci., L Inr.nlr), Nebr.iKk.n I