The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 25, 1941, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Page 3
i V"
Wislif ul thinkiiisr produces a
dream of four Cornhusker foot
" ball teammates nnd standouts of
the 19 tO season holding down their
respective berths at the opening
of the annual All-Star grid classic
this August 2Sth in Chicago's Sol
dier's Field. We of the middlcwest
who have witnessed the perform
ances of Alf-wn, Rohrig, Luther
vand "Hippity" Hopp over a pe
iiod of three playing years are
well convinced of their talents and
capacities, and do not hesitate
to predict that if their supporters
vvill place a qualifying number of
ballots for them htey undoubtedly
. will give the Profcssoional Cham
"pions, the Chicago Bears, a taste
of the brilliant type of ball mani
fested in the Big Six conference.
In fact these four boys should
be able to do a little instructing
on how to meet and cope with fa
mous Model T formation as they
Twill have unlimited knowledge
which they gained from those
TKRM PAPERS nnd thesis typpd at
reasonable prices. Telephone Ruth liurii
riam, 3-1114, 1322 South 14th Street.
LOST - Srh.icffi-r pen 'n Women's I
of snirlrnt Union, Monday. Call 6-25.r9.
i. Reward.
For 25 years we have furnished
rent cars to summer students. 24
hour service, no red tape, low
rates. Your business invited.
1120 P St. 2-6819
You Can Afford a Fine
GOOD Watches are not
necessarily expensive. We
feature at all times such na
tionally famous Watches as
ILTON In scores of attrac
tive styles for both Men and
Women. Choice of white or
yellow Gold with many
models priced as low as
Conrrnient Credit at nationally
1220 -O- 4 SONS 1220 "O"
rr4lT' til
1 v
They're new! Sine a on of sweatera! So new,
oft and colorful that they'll put a lilt In your
lifel In slipover and eardiean styles, wear em
ulth sUcka, V kklrU for a strkUy casual look.
Stanford Indians last New Years
day. A 11-American guard. Warren
AllV.on, is fiureiitly running in
eighth place with the National
ballot at !H),);,K votes, as Herman,
"the barrel" sits in tenth position
with 119,382. Nebraska fans, let's
get behind these four boys with
bushels of ballots and reward them
for their three years of hard
fought competition under the Scar
let and Cream colors with berths
on the 1941 All-Star lineup. It
will be the first time in the history
of the contest that four boys from
one school have dominated the pro
gram. Wibbels may do it.
Magic and manpower constitute
a combination of strength rarely
found in any human being, even
an Aryan, but when they are dis
covered to be working haid-in-hand
for the good of one individual
the world usually sees a new
champion of some kind. In this
case these two mysterious forces
seem to be working for advance
ment of the sporting realm's dis
cus record held by Indiana's
Archie Harris. Casual remarks of
a year and a half ago that a cer
tain 21 year old Comhusker
twirler would fling the platter to
an all time high arc becoming
more numerous as well as trace
able now. "N" man Ed Wibbels
seems to be the man foremost in
the minds of all forecasters to
shatter Archie's existing feat of
171 feet.
Edscl's colossal heave of 16G is
only 8 feet short now. All the
while the mystery of his magic
and manpower are growing and
helping him in his easy workouts
behind the stadium walls. The
exercise this summer have been
none too strenuous, but only con
sistent, in that several times the
old plate has sailed to distances
of 1G0 feet with not too much ef
fort applied. Ed's magic lies in the
speed of his complicated windup,
which working in coordination
with the manpower found in his
massive shoulders and arms, will
someday within the next two or
three years catapult the old disc
to a distance somewhere on the
other side of 174 feet, and the
name of Ed Wibbels along with it.
World series dope.
By word of the mouth of that
doctor of forecasters, that dean of
predictors at thetender age of 19,
that czar of Sixteenth street prog
nisticators, Jim "Sugar" Roberts
fearlessly asserts that the Yanks
and the Dodgers will lock horns
next autumn in the world series.
With the heavy artillery guided
by that sage of baseball, oj Mc
Carthy, bringing another pennant
home. Eor the sake of argument,
Mr. Roberts can be reached at the
625 No. 16th, phone 2-4988, any
hour after 8 p. m. daily.
Ah! Parting.
Parting is such a sweet sorrow,
said Shakespeare as he made his
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Chosen queen at the 1941 Food Retailors picnic was Virginia Ford of Lincoln, center. She was named
a Cornhusker beauty queen at the university last year by Artist George Petty. Chosen from a field
of 22 contestants, Miss Ford was awarded a cash prize. Betty Jacobs, right won second and Jane
Newman, left, won third place in the competition.
usual 10:30 p. m. nimble spring
from any front porch on 400 Uni.
Terrace, and tripped gaily back to
meet his fraternity brothers at the
Tabard Inn. Those are my senti
ments too as I wind up the last
article in a series of several on the
negative state of athletics during
summer, pronounced simmer,
school at the University of Nebraska.
eQi&S'We Yjehraihai Jailiion Cent,
Mr. Swanson, who personally supervises the buying and sell
ing of all our Furs, months ago combed the fur markets and
purchased the finest furs at advantageous prices which
have since soared to great heights. In accordance with our
policy, every dollar he saved is passed on to you. We advise
early selection because of money saved and the fact that
first coats are always the finest.
You may budget your payments over 3 to 10 months with
initial down payment deferred until September. Your coat
will be stored until Fall without charge.
And so amidst a downpour of
salty beers. I mean tears, I am
wading back to the keyboard of
my trusty Underwood to express
my appreciation of the tolerance
and leniency displayed by the
readers of this columny. You may
not know it all of you out there
in that vast realm of rabid readers,
but iit's the little things in life,
like facetiously confusing my
Lincoln Journal.
name and face, when seen in
"Sosh" with that of Grant Rice
or Paul Gallico, that give a
budding sports scribe, such as yers
trewly, the strength and courage
to stagger blindly onward in an
attempt to carve his niche in the
venerable journalistic walls of old
N. U. There is not place like Ne
braska, and we'll see you next
Ttrl nr.