Page 4 m. THE NEBRASKAN COwkwL and GbouL WEDDINGS AND ENGAGE MENTS are in the news this week, although the month of altar sprees is officially over. Via air mail and Galesburg Illinois, conies the an nouncement of the engagement of Marion Cramer, Kapa Mortar Board, and Bob Aden, Beta Inno cent and last year's Cornhuskcr editor. The wedding will take place some time this summer. ANOTHER ENGAGEMENT OK INTEREST to Nebraska students SHORTHAND W 30 DAYS Tprwrttine. KNkkr?tlnc, SrrrrUrliU and Inlrnitvr prflJ (mirnet liny and Kvenln SrvMonn Individual Instruc tion, t.rrtg taught alwi. Air eondi I luncd clasriHinio. l'hivnr t-tlhl. Dickinson Secretarial School 218 InMlranrf Hint. Uth O SI. WE USE SOFT WATER"" H A I R Merle Stainbrooke, Mgr. Franks Barber Shop U 1306 0 St. T 1, 'III SURPRISED t tb low pricf of ur smart new G3UEN WATCHES Always tlie best value per dollar expended, Grucn Watches arc now presented at rww low fricit . . . Now you tin purchase a genu ine Grucn, tlx Prccisi Watch, for as little as $247$ ... and obtain smart styl ing and precision craftsmanship in On of many ,hc h,ht de' n.w GRlr rel Let ui STYLES of low "w you. as J24 75. Convenient Terms If Desired GARDNER 1220 "O" & SONS 1220 "O" is that of Sylvia Epstein, S.D.T, and Henry Greenburg, a Phi Ep from Iowa U. Two others who have decided to go and do it, and this is a big surprise to everyone, are Alpha Chi Dotty Wind and Phi Gam Bob Windle. Pinned only last spring, they're being married in August. PLAYING AT being a hired man this summer is that old Sig Alph man-about-twon Alex Mills. He whipped into town the other day, brown as the proverbial In dian, and full of big plans for en tertaining his visiting gal friend from the East. INDESION of the past seven days is that of Sigma Nu Frank Day and that beautiful blonde school marm, Betty Weaver. Could it be that Mr. Day got to thinking rather fondly of his last winter's flame, Theta Betty Jean Peterson ? RAVE NOTES COMING THIS WAY concern the two big bands which are dated to hit this part of the country in the near future. Maestros in question are those hot boogie-woogies, Charlie Barnett and Woodie Herman, sporting some of the sweetest jive we've heard in a long time. Summer school students are in for a big treat no matter which way th;y turn. NOTES FROM MY LITTLE BROWN BOOK: JUST WHAT is the deal between Bob Krause, Sigma Nu, Chi O Zoe Wilson, and Kenny Holm, also Sigma Nu? From what we hear, Zoe seems to have been pretty much left out of the deal. Too bad, Zoe. You're playing with hot fire when you plav with Sigma Nu's. WE'VE BEEN RECEIVING REPORTS that Sig Alph Walt Rundin is mighty displeased with camp life. No Freddie's, no politics, no Ker rigan, and no Vodka. He should le one of the artillery rats sta tioned in the Ozarks at Fort Leon ard Wood. 40,000 men and no girls. JIMMIE YOUNG, scheduled to talk at the Union Monday night, spent 13 years in the Orient, and 61 days in a Tokio jail. While in the clink he had to borrow U. S. Ambassador Joseph Grcw's fnr coat in order to keep from turn ing into an icicle. Sounds good. THE SUMMER SUN smiles fa vorably on Tri Delt Ruth Ganz and A.T.O. John Jay Douglass. This is just one of the romances which seem to grow more and more torrid with the weather. WE WONDER just how things are between Alpha Chi Jane Jor dan and that man whose pin she wears, Sigma Nu John Dean. AND TO END IT ALL. Look for a changed woman when you .see Theta Becky Wait next fall. She's summering it at the highly no torious West Yellowstone, where men are men and women are glad of it. -V.R. Colgate university has been pre sented the 1,000 volume geological library of the late Dr. Albert Perry Brigham, former president of the Association of American Geographers. C I. 1 Comment after my last column seems to be summed up in the caustic remark cast this morning that I must have been "whittlhV with a dull knife." My only de fense is some "woods" are petri fied. However, tiring of such Ir relevant people as Mungus, the fungus, and Munchie Crunchies, we feel much like writing a little on little bits upon which you can't write much. After years of research, the ul timate decision regarding defini tion of a coed might They are like cigarettes; they come in packs; hang onto your lips; make you puff; go out unexpectedly; leave a bad taste in your mouth; but still they satisfy; and are rec ommended by eminent medical au A woman's face used to be her fortune. Nowadays, it's the drug gist's. And while we're face to face with this subject of faces a right snappy comeback for the fellow who asked you if you have a new woman might be, "No, she's the same old one with an FHA loan." Being lazy and no good and everything all wrapped up in one package, we've been looking for a job where we can live off the fat of the land. Having found it we shall soon go into girdle manu facturing. And when I start that business I think it shall be in Lincoln. After all, the Smith Bros, got their start in a one-hoarse town. A frosh of wit wanted to know if a neckerchief is the president of a sorority house. And then we went on to explain that a sorority is a group of girls living together in one house with a single purpose to get more girls to live in one house with a single purpose. Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder. Fifty-two cards in a deck. Peroxide makes the hair grow blonder. Your head is above your neck. If one and one could equal three. May we interrupt this spe cial bulletin to bring you the pro gram regularly scheduled lor tins time this time. Oh well, today the businessman who knows wWh way to turn is the one that makes revolving doors. Home Cooked Meals AT LOWER PRICES CLOVER LEAF CAFE 1227 R Special Dinner 25c More vacancies than teachers MOLLS TEACHERS AGENCY 408 Sec. Mat. 2-4336 Coaches ('ommrrr ial Teachers Manic Home E. are especially needed. LEMON PINEAPPLE July Sale of COmncnA. ShostA. FAMOUS MAKES ... .prii," ami fettle. Black, llu, lirown, vtliite and combi nation. Kit), patent ami saltan I ine. Suilalik for into-fall-wcar. SHOES with BAG to raauh. GRIG. G.50 Tf and 6.83 ensemble RHYTHM STF.P SHOES, Orijr. 7.30, Cj sale 3D DIC'KERSOX and RICE O'NEILL Shoes. Orij. 8.75 to 10.50, sale $7 Wiimtti'i Shoes Second. Floor. m.LLER Films on Mexico shown in Union Two sound films on Mexico were shown in the Union last night under arrangements with the Pan American Union, Washington. D. C, made by the university's de partment of modern languages. According to Prof. J. E. A. Alexis, department chairman, the films were part of a cooperative response to increased interest in Latin American countries. The title of one film was "Rollin Down to Mexico," and concerned a trip by automobile over the new Pan American highway from La redo to Mexico City. The second film was "Native Arts of Old Mex ico," and showed pottery and tile making, leather work, weaving of figures out of straw reed, basket making, wood turning, and other handicraft, Bengslon attends eonvo iif Chicago Dean Nels A. Bengt-son of the Junior Division will be in Chicago this week as one of 40 experts from the United States, Canada, and South and Central American countries invited to participate in a series of round-table discussions sponsored by the Norman Waitc Harris Memorial Foundation at the University of Chicago. The foundation is planned to promote better understanding of interna tional affairs and this year it will take up the subject of "The Po litical and Economic Implications of Intei -American Solidarity." Dr. Laase speaks at Wyoming convo Dr. Leioy T. Laase, acting chairman of the speech depart ment and director of the Univer sity's speech clinic, was the prin cipal speaker at a University of Wyoming speech conference June 23 and 24. Professor Laase gave six talks and demonstrations dur ing the two-day meeting, includ ing in his discussions the place of speech in school curricula, recog nition and treatment of speech difficulties, and improvement in reading and speech development. More than GOO rural California physicians are supplied with cur rent scientific literature by the University of California medical sc hool. Ltudents, faculty and widely known guest speakers recently participated in a conference on vital social problems at the Uni versity of Rochester. Chancellor John Cabbcrt Bow man recently completed his twen tieth year as head of the Univer sity of Pittsburgh. A rare map of Italy, the work of H. Moll in 1714, was recently presented to Fordham university. University of Minnesota em ployment bureau has placed nearly 1,200 NYA students in campus employment. Massachusetts State college is seeking to change its name to Uni versity of Massachusetts. it ,jO' 1 Sh&hboL You'll like the piquant flavor combination of fresh lemon and crushed pineapple, frozen into a smooth, sweet-tart sher bet. Try it today. AT ALL FAIRMONT DEALERS FAIRMONT'S SmojoikCMom. ICECREAM A SPECIAL COURSE h acq. AUGUST 4 Business training that will prepare you quickly to enter the great field now open to skilled wrokers. Unufual demand in both private and public work. Ask about thi special otter. LINCOLN SCHOOL of COMMERCE 209 No. 11 W. A. ROBBINS, PRES. 2-6774 Lincoln, Nebr. 7 GREETING CAKUDS For Family Sweetheart Friends A LARGE SELECTION FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE EASTMAN KODAK STORE 1221 O SiunrrutfL Studwfou! Eat- in the air-cooled comfort of the ft I J J Just South of the Temple HAMBURG! mi c::oiu,j2ff cox coma sivicts Commission obligations cease for men when they are con scripted into military duty... Now these new advantages are evpenencea guiaance are constantly at your command, w nu mn ncynvu'ing sitfic our Tieia, Ne- DAV1S SCHOOL SERVICE 643 Stuart Bldg., Lincoln. Nebraska