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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1941)
TIIE NEBRASKA! rage 4 dwiuwL and ClbojuL By J. 3Iiller HERE WE ARE, another sum- ' mer school full of romance and gaiety. There will be many excur sions to South Bend, Omaha, the Turnpike, Beach, and pleasure spots around Lincoln. We shall do our best to keep you well informed as to what is taking place and why. All who wish to do a little informing please stop in at the Daily office. Some people will not appreciate this but, the intelligent people will recognize the literary value of this column. DRIVING UP to Omaha nearly t ery weekend to see Pi Phi Max ine Fuller, beauty queen, is that Kappa Sig man about town Bob Sinkey. It seems that Bob wants to get a head start on the rest of the boys next fall. We sincerely hope that Bob doesn't get swick. WHOA! Ray Trienan who is sup posedly pinned to Frankle Haber man. Alpha Chi, was taking in the Student Union dance last Fri day night with a mighty strange looking lass. Who is going to answer for that? TIGER JAVVN Mason ATO, gen eral big shot, inc., has been giv ing Kappa Marie Anderson the treat. Summer 'school is a won derful time to bring four years of college romances to a thrilling climax. I wonder if John ever checks her in. the check stand. Hi! Ho! Sliver. Who will Kappa Sig Jimmy Evinger hang his pin on this year. Last year one got away from him and he almost had to make a trip to Central City to get it back. HARRY riTOMTOLY, '40, coach at Geneva last term, is going to get away from it all and go to medical school in Omaha next fall. Good luck. Harry. Speaking of Omaha, one Margaret Reming ton of Kearney State Teachers last year, is here getting ready for the University hospital next fall. PAT PRIME, red headed Alpha Phi, is spending her vacation in Florida. Looks like there will be an authorized government airplane flight Puerto Rico to Florida about the time Pat arrives. And Tat has Bob Hageman's Kappa Sig pin. Tch! Ten! NOW FOR A PEP talk. We must keep up the reputation of this co educational institution. You boys and girls are going to have to start mixing it up for there are entirely too many stags in the grill. Let's show a little fire and do a little dating or this column will go to pot. (Steamtfief Sportswear For Summer Fun This Mayflower slack suit is for you sun and wind cirls who know that summers are made for Rood times out of doors. Reasonably priced, this smart suit comes in the EN mm two tones of uJMh brown and belffe. GOLD'S Thirl flttf, Clarh . . . (Continued from page 1J to become general counsel of the Midwest Refining Co. and then became director and vice presi dent. When this company came under the control of the Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, he became a director and vice president of the latter company at .Chicago in 1923. In 1926 he returned to Den ver as president of his original corporation. During this period he was also director of many asso ciated companies and was engaged in many federal and state inves tigations of the oil industry. Taught at Hopkins. In 1928 he discontinued all busi ness connections ana unaeriooK graduate work in political econ omy and political science at the Johns Hopkins university where he received his doctor's degree with Phi Beta Kappa honors in 1931. He then became professor of eco nomics at the University of Den ver and in 1934 he joined the Uni versity of Nebraska faculty in the same capacity. In 1937 he returned to the University of Denver as a lecturer in economics. Songfelloys Wednesday The Songfellows, popular male quartet of radio station WHO at Des Moines, will appear on a summer school sponsored concert Wednesday, at 8 p. m, in tne Union ballroom. There is no ad mission charge. The quartet will present as a special feature a medly of their radio arrange ments. Starting out during their uni versity careers at Illinois Wesle yan, the quartet became a favorite request for programs in that ter ritory doing occasional broadcasts for the Chicago stations, WNAQ and WBBN. They have made many recordings and joined the staff of WHO after their graduation three years ago. Stuart Steelman, Richard Black, Harris White, and Keith Booth make up the quartet. They will be accompanied by William Aug tin. All were former students cf Dr. A. E. Westbrook, now director of the university of school of fine arts. , Moritz announces 27 teachers posts for UN graduates The following teacher place ments were announced by Prof. R. D. Moritz, director of the uni versity department of educational service: Klleen Kealf, Greensboro, X. C, Wom en's eoltoge. Arnold Held, Randolph. Crura C'hrltiiuigon, liiUhmola, la. Alberta Tlmman, Rrninaril. Hetty Jo Hnillh, Hrokrn How. Herbert Hlllmiin, Aliinworth. Knmry Austin, I tiia. Evelyn llunnuh, Tekamnh. Kulh lliiuuVr, limiitl Island. Helen Klnlt, Itiuidulph. Krancht Cash. O'Ni'lll. Malcolm McMillan, Willing Water, Iturbara ll.ilc, llrokrn Ituw. Beatrice Mrtieelmn, Ciiirlnda. In. Vermin Tlinniin, lletitliiK ford. lola Schiuwr, KellrvUtt. I'earl Jnnriii, Witiinetu. Wllnia .Morrison, Lyons. Marrlon (libson, Scotia. .ot Chlpman, Omaha. Allcfl Holnirs, Ravi'iina. Kulh Hylund, lllinllnirlon. iruinla l'liede, llroki-n How. Annette Kvkhlnd, Silver Or. Si' I ma Sehnltter, Oxford. Harlan, Campbell. Helen Kversman, Muruork. Choral sine class starts tomorrow: Westbrooh directs Students interested in choral singing are invited to attend the first meeting of af class directed by Dr. A. E. Westbnook at the Union in 315 tomorrow fit 4:30 p. ra. The class will ityeet twice a week on Tuesdays and) Thursdays and will present a coicert at the close of the short sufomer session. No credit is given for the work, as it is intended Mr volunteers who are interested in,' such extra-curricular activity. Cornell university has mow than $435,000 available for Us new 1250,000 recreational and atMetU program. BUCK'S Coffee Shop WeU of Nebraska Bookstore Meals 20c and 25c I Cream and Fountain Service Professor of psychology and ethics at Ohio university from 1892 to 1894, Dean Le Rossignol became professor of economics at the University of Denver in 1894. In 1911 he joined the faculty of the University of Nebraska and from 1913 to 1919 was director of the school of commerce. In 1919 he helped establish the College of Business Administration and be came its dean. 'mr . . . (Continued from page L) nx, liernice Jensen, kuui Alice Johnson, Lenore Mae Kitrell, Rose Alyce Kitrell, Rose Phillips, Betty Slama, Dorothy Slama, Beth Stage, Madeline Thomas, Shirley Wilson, and Jean Ann Wright. Sing patriotic songs. A flag demonstration was held under the direction of Mrs. J. Bri- erton Townsend, Americanism chairman of the Auxiliary, and assisted by John Andresen, Irving Dana, jr., Wesley Jespersen, Joan Kautz, and Frances Gunderson. Billette Trombla of Lincoln pre sented a military tap, and the pro gram closed with the audience singing "God Bless America." The assembly was arranged by Mrs. Townsend as vice president of Girls' State. Accompanist for the dance numbers was Mrs. O. D. accompanied the other numbers. Trombla, and Mrs. R. D. Stage Music student gels iiinmierscholarship Betty Jean Horner, sophomore music student in the University of Nebraska Teacher's College, has received a summer work scholar ship to the Bennington, Vt., school of the arts this year. She will spend July and August at the school studying composition for the dance under Norman Lloyd and Louis Horst of that institU' tion. Miss Horner has accompanied the Orchesis dance group at the university for the last two years and made most of the arrange ments for the recent spring Or chesis recital. In addition to her study at Bennington this summer, she will play for various dance groups there. WELCOME Summer Students Send your cleaning to old reliable Modern Cleaners SouKup &. wettover 21 G. Tel. 3-2377 WxiAoAckino v J .....1 ' 1 "v ICE CREAM At Fairmont Dealers Luscious Maraschino Cherries in Fairmont's famous vanilla make an ice cream that looks delicious is delicious! Try some today. FAIRMONT'S Smooth Cream ICE CREAM GIFFEN BEAUTE SALON Ben Simons 5th Floor Reasonable Price$ C Expert coiffure shaping VC "Styles Ahead of Styles" iss Agnes Beaute Shoppe Shampoo and wave . . . $ 00 Manicure . . , .....$ .50 ADD TO YOUR CHARM AND BEAUTY AT NO HIGHER PRICES 23122 2-6971 ! i IS IdraiL'i JaiLn Center SSh I I J (M 'Q SPECIAL UK J ( mem i . 4i XMMSm nunn L i mm mm r i t&m&i a . wmhimivx i Bi r i wa JsiKii i v iim i hi n i i v it- 4 f 4 t7qe;?i 1 1 M An excellent purchase made by our buyers now in New York of the favorite summer dresses. Cool, crisp spun rayons sheers crepes dotted Swiss ging ham. Perfect fashions for the office class room and dressy occasions. Mademoi selle Shop second floor. HOVlAND-SWANSONj