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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1941)
Thursday, May 8, 1941 8 DAILY NEBRASKAN M ii J" ' I " JCcunfujiA. tvith Mary Adelaide Hansen fn voit'rfl tnmulmnv Jhy Schick with Gamma Phi ... j - - 0 Frances Hans. about the column yesterday, it was written by Dixie Davis, erstwhile Nomination for Sigma Xi gore-hound of two years ago. Back ' for a visit ovar Ivv Dav. she trot candidacy is Gamma Phi LuJean the old ven to make a few side- Gibson. At Engineer's Night last lin comments about the euvs and week-end, Staff sets last calendar deadline Last edition of "Time and place," the campus calendar, published this semester by the DAILY, AWS and Union, will appear in Sunday's edition of the NEBRASKAN. It will cov er all events between Monday, May 12, thru Sunday, May 25. Deadline for all announcements is 2 p. m. today. Phone or bring all announcements to the DAILY office. Bell- the aeronautical engi- ; . cals Now however she's out look- neers had a contest to guess how era into owners Aiinougn me gaia. inow, nowever, sne s oui iook ....... ,y . InnH has Wn stab zed the noou- ing for the managing editors be- Iut e,sl " wuum ik ii " " hin'hv cause thev fortrot to Eive her a break a beam that was on exhibit, latum has not. and ownership by LauHt miy lorfcoi 10 t,ive jiei a nerqon Piiessinp- closest waq absentees is forever a menace." by-line yesterday, and yours truly le person guessing closest was , narti cul ar case the crouo Is busv exnlalninir to med school awarded a free airplane ride. De- An lms particular case me group Graduate papa that ah? was St- P all the brainy men on the learned that some large un ts of f the Phi Rho partv Saturday campus, it took an "arts and scl- 40 or 50 sections were actually at the Ph. Rho party Saturday. p'laygirr to gucss thc rjght yieldIng no m0re return than c i. r. . weieht' smaller units of only two sections. Speaking of Dixie, weislu- ..Tne answer to hia. Dr. Bell however, did you see that cozy fore neiv pledges stated, "lies in readjustment." It tete-ia-tete luncheon yesterday in to is up to our department to provide the Union? Back in her college on the campus, and the Pi Phi's information, through research, days, "Dix" used to go with DU and Fiji's are the lucky groups. wnicn will aid the group in stabi- Porky Neurenberger more than Mary Ellen Mennich is new at the izati0n." just occasionally. Now that Gam- Pi phl house, while the R Street other problems now under ma Phi Louise Epplnger has boys nave buttons on Joe Martin, study deal witn housing, health snagged him off, however, to the Frank Wolfe, Maurice Dingwell, conditjons, and the cost of medi- tune of a pin and candy passing, Ed Copple, and Don Ross. cine "yVhen these problems are the two gals evidently couldn't . attacked by every group of the miss the chance to compare notes I icmc postmortem, American people, our own demo- mutual interest, and all that. Dut still rating mention, is an ac- cratic process will solve them," count 6f the Delt-Phi Delt picnic Bell said in conclusion. liominaiion jor Uliiritcina at Crete last Sunday. Occasion for romance to beat all others is that settling peacefully the old contro- of Alpha Chi Jane Jordan and versy over tnat infamous Missouri Sigma Nu Johnny Dean. She got Bel1 ownership was decided by a his pin last week, was tubbed by Softball game. The game was won tKe Alpha Chi's on Monday, and, in tne mud by the Phi Delts, to surprise of surprises, passed the the tune of 18-11. candy Tuesday night! But that ain't all Wednesday she left for More netc officers Washington, D. C, where she'd among the Greek groups-Beta's got a civil service job! All of elected John Stoddart president, which must leave poor Johnny in Jack Stewart vice president, and sort of a daze. Harry Rinder as steward; Beta n, . , . Sigs will be presided over by I tnhangings make neivs, Floyd Walter, Louis Sprandel is and the Sig Alph's lost two of vice president, Herbert Baumann their's this week. Harold Osborne treasurer, and Arthur Austin sec- went all the way to Washington, retary. D. C, where Theta Sis Faulkner 7T, : RAMI- i- , Women students at Louisiana nUUM is in scnooi, 10 nang nis pin. uzzie, . .... . incidentally, will be leaving in just Stte "!"vcrsity led the men in a few weeks for the army air oastic average for the first se- corps. Walt Rundin, having lost mester bv -165 Srade Pomt3- his pin in Simon s Beauty Salon once upon a time, hung Millard Cluck's pin on Pi Phi Mary Ker rigan. Cluck doesn't know whether to be happy or not he's been try ing for a long time himself to hang the danged thing on Alpha Phi Shirley Heldt, but with no success. Now he's realized his fondest hopes, but it's on the wrong girl, for him. Summer sales jobs now open to students Students interested in sum mer employment who will sell an article of national interest on a commission basis are asked to inquire at the Student Employment Bureau, room 8 of administration. Flan to Lunch or Dine in The New Pan American (Formerly THE CAFETERIA) OPENING MAY 12. STUDENT UNION Another candy passing that hasn't been officially and pub licly announced is that of Tri Delt Maxine Taylor and Sigma Chi Don Marler. And new steady deals are those of AGR Les Reid and Sigma Kappa Delores Storjohn, and AGR ceeerccceeeeecceccccccco MOTHER'S DAY Sunday, May Nth Remember ALL of your mothers with our Greeting Cards Beautify your love for your own mother by spreading the joy of Mother's Day so it embraces the mothers of your mother, father, children, wife, husband, friends and every lovely lady who has bestowed motherly kindness upon you. Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. 1221 O Street erececccceceeceecceceee nl ? ' . ft -H' ill - ' I y m , t. a n : if,' l l(E HE WOOES SNDHRhrt V0IC6 OveR Long Distance ON loni Distance Niht Rates are in effect 1. I If IVIoderii language students present German play German students will present the one-act play, Jugendliebe, in the Temple theater at 7:45 p. m., May 15, under the direction of Dr. Lydia Wagner. Sponsored by the department of modern languages, the cast in cludes: Frau von Rosen, played by Lu cille Laird; Adelheid, her niece, Marjorie Johnston; Heinrich Roll er, Norman Sundberg; Ferdinand von Bruck, Kenneth Klause; Hilde brand, the gardener, Burton Thiel; Betty, his daughter, Marilyn Maxey. A musical program will be pre sented along with the play. Ad- . mission is free. Methods of restoring lost power " ' to paralyzed limbs by assigning are being studied at the University new jobs to unimpaired muscles of California medical school. Torhe announces debut of 1941 Comhusker The 1941 Comhusker yearbook will be ready for distribution May 19, according to Avery Forke, busi ness manager. The book this year uses "Memories of College Days" as its theme. Colors are blue and yellow and are used thruout the book. Many informal pictures are distributed thruout the pages. Minor sports have been given a bigger play this year and a two page spread of the Rose Bowl game and Nebraska delegation will meet the reader's eye. Books are still available at five dollars, altho the price will go up later on. Buy Your White Palm Beach from f- ff nniu PALM IEAG fi Q dates, proms, parties. ..for mix ing with odd slacks for sports... for casual and more formal eve nings. ..for now and all Summer ...for coolness, comfort and style. Washable, too. See them at your clothier today. Pastels 775 and deep tones, too. JL Palm Beach Evening Formalsfwhite jacket and black trousers), $20. Palm Beach Slacks, $5.50. And by thc same summer wear socialists thc new Goodall Tropic Weighttop value in lightweight tvorstcd suits, $25. C00DALL COMPANY CINCINNATI ii hi m i i im t32S0 Prizt Contest. Se your clothier jor details.