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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1941)
'4 DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, May 6, 1941 AV," y Jijnp&hwqA. ;, with Mary Adelaide Hansen The Taus Just about got drowned out and washed away on their picnic at Linoma Sunday. But a good time was had by all, especially by Paul Miller, who cracked the jack-pot in the slot-machine. Theta Toni McQuistan was with Tom Miller, while Rube Jensen took Gamma Phi Lougene Everson instead of Martha Bengtson, with whom he's been seen quite a bit lately. Another pin has changed sweaters, and this time it's the Phi Psi shield of Bob Milder; Tri Dolt Mary Martin Tunks being the proud wearer since Sunday night. Alpha Xi Delta alum Fern Steuteville stopped off this week-end, and probably dis played a new diamond given her by Jack Wilson, with whom she went last year. Jack was just graduated from Kelly Field. The Fiji's entertained last night at a fancy dinner in honor of Paul Reddy. Paul not only skipped off to get married last week, but he's also leaving right away for New York and thence to Panama, Canal Zone. The DU's have thrown their hats in the big political ring now. Forsaking cam pus politics, they're now sporting a huge double sign urging passers-by to support one of their alumnus who's running in the city campaign this week. The Sig Alph's really threw an elegant dinner dance at the University Club last Saturday. Favors were crested Jewel boxes with watches set in the lid. Surprises among the cou ples attending were three Kappa's. Ann Craft, who's going steady with Beta Peyton Pratt, went with old friend SAE Bruce Duncan, who's been working in Ann's home town. Dune also brought along his roommate,- a Beta at Knox, and Shird Hoffman went with him Phi Psi Bob Rydman having gone out of town. To complete the trio of Kappa's, Ruth Haney was there too, but not with Sigma Nu Stan Truhlsen, with whom she's sup posed to be going steady. Speaking of the Kappa's they really celebrated the lifting of that unfortunate ban on their social privileges, and threw a plen ty smooth banquet out at the Country club! Everyone's getting set for a big week-end, what with the Triad on Friday and Jimmie Lunceford and the Sigma Nu "Gold Rush" party on Saturday. Speaking of Triad, chagrined was no word for Beta alum Ross Alex ander who blew in from Fort Leav enworth with his date and another couple last Saturday evening. The gals were all dressed up in formals and everything. Ross, not having heard of the changed date, was pretty unhappy over the whole mix-up. Big breakup of the spring is that of Pi Phi Georgia Walker and Beta Stan Huffman, he of the matching car and hair. They're no longer pinned, and the word is that it's all def inite and final. By the way, did you see Stan's car on the Beta side porch the other day ? Delta Gamma Joan Beltzer dashed off to Salt Lake City this last week to a province convention. Alpha Chi's formally pledged Dorothy Filley and Carlene Hohensee last night. Congratulations! Liston is speaker on third marriage conference today Margaret Liston, of the home ec department, will address the third in a series of marriage con ferences sponsored by the AWS today at 4 p. m. in Union parlors ABC. "Can I Afford to Marry?" will be Miss Liston's topic. Both men and women students are invited to attend the meetings, which are de signed to help students prepare for marriage. ROTC units hold third parade today Presentation of shoulder insig nias to the Pershing Rifles by Frank Williams, Lincoln business man and member of the 1894 Per shing Rifle company will feature the third parade of the ROTC to day at 5 p. m. All basic and ad vanced ROTC students will take part. Spencer publishes article Prof. R. C. Spencer of the physics faculty has an article on "Operational Analysis of the Dif fraction Grating" in the March Journal of the Optical Society of America. Gamma Alpha Chi sponsors essay contest Entries in a nation-wide critical essay contest sponsored by Gamma Alpha Chi, women's national journalism-fraternity, must be sub mitted by May 10, according to an announcement made yesterday by the Nebraska chapter of the fraternity. Subject for the essays entered in the contest is a criticism of the advertising value of a coast-to-coast broadcast to a sponsor. Essays may be from 250 to 400 words and should cover the en tertainment, promotion of good will, and actual sales value of the program. All university women are eligible to enter the contest which will be judged by Donald Dwight Davis, president of station WHB of the Mutual Broadcasting company. The first prize for the winning essay is a $25 cash prize, and six honorable mentions will be given. Entries should be postmarked on or before midnight May 10 and should be mailed to Mrs, R. Dean Johnson, vice president of Gamma Alphi Chi, 5548 Tracy, Kansas City, Mo. The essays must be typed on 8x12 paper, be single spaced, and are not to exceed 400 words. James Henry Meriwether Hen derson, graduate student at the University of Wisconsin, received a letter mailed in Washington, D. C, and bearing only his name and "U. S. A." as an address. . . SAM meets undefeated DLPs . . . in LF debate Interfraternity debate competi tion nears its climax tonight as Sigma Alpha Mu, conquerors last week of Zeta Beta Tau, meet the only team yet unbeaten in the tournament, Delta Upsilon. A vic tory for the DU's would eliminate Sigma Alpha Mu and bring Delta Upsilon into the finals with Zeta Beta Tau, in which one defeat for the ZBT's or two defeats for the DU's would end competition. Should Sigma Alpha Mu win to night each team will have one loss, and any team may thereafter be eliminated by losing one contest. Should Sigma Alpha Mu win to night, each team will have one loss, and two more debates will be required to determine the winner. If SAM is victor, sixth round of the tournament may be held Thursday of this week, H. A. White, debate coach, announced. The contest tonight will be held in the chapter house of the affir mative team, Sigma Alpha Mu. Defending the statement, "Re solved: That the English speaking nations should make a formal al liance for their common interest and protection," will be Art Riven ' and Harold Margulies. Represent ing the negative will be Robert Chambers and Bud Johnson of Delta Upsilon. Dr. Lawrence M. Price, Univer sity of California, is president of the American Association of Teachers of German for 1941. Modern dance group to hold tryout meetings Orchesis, modern dance organ ization, will begin a series of try outs for women who are interested in becoming members tomorrow night at 7 p. m. in the dance studio of Grant Memorial. According to Shirley Bennet Toman, the group's sponsor, all women students are eligible to at tend the tryouts, whether or not they have had any class work in modern dance. The other open meetings in th try-out series will be held May 14 and 21. After the last meeting members of next year's Orchesis will be chosen. Three Hawaiians traveled 4,500 miles to attend the University of North Dakota. Freshmen must file applications for promotion Junior Division freshmen who expect to attain sophomore standing before September, 1941, must file formal applica tions for promotion. All who have not filed such applications should call at the Junior Divi sion office for the proper blanks and explanation of pro cedures. Nels A. Bengtson, Dean of Junior Division. ( - vJ , ; ' -t mi'.:; V ! fa BEST FOR SPORT Shetland JACKET Gabardine SLACKS SS & (B An -unbeatable combination for smart sports wear . . , sports jacket and slacks tail ored in the Harvey Bros, manner. Plenty of pattern and color choice in both the jackets and slacks ... get yours now for wear all sum mer. Ilarvcy Bros. 1230 "0" St. WTH THE GOLFERS r Chesterfield OtANTlAND KIC! Right from the fee-off, you7 like their COOLER, MULDER, BETTER TASTE Smokers get every good quality they like in Chesterfield's famous blend. This right combination of the best tobac cos that grow in our own Southland . and that we bring from far-off Turkey and Greece truly SATISFIES. Make your next pack Chesterfield. . .you can't team-up with a better cigarette. Everybody who smokes them likes them. SAM (f SNEAD M ::Wt.. X .,..:?::'::v:y'::: - I 4 f H - A V ', 1 McSPADEN V Ks i A - ' : -rs lt- X I '.If... f :::::' :.: .::: : ...:'.;:.:. ' :. :i Copr'ifUt 1M1, Lmsri A Unm Tmx Ct,