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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1941)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Delta Upsilon ivins Sing Lutheran students hear Simmons crowned Queen .4 Barth Sunday Lutheran students will meet for the regular Sunday morning serv ice at 10:45 Sunday morning in parlors Y and Z in the Union. Mr. Howard Barth, for the past two years assistant pastor at Trinity Lutheran church in Lincoln, will be the guest speaker. The student male chorus will sing. Sunday is parents' day for men at the Beta Sigma Psi fraternity and parents will attend morning services with their sons and will attend a banquet for the annual parents' day at 1 p. m. Gamma Delta will meet at 7 p. m. Sunday in room 316 in the Union. The topic for discussion will be "Marriage from a Chris tian Point of View." Rev. Erck will lead the discussion. '' f r ' Jt 1 : t: mLA Lincoln Journal. Delta Upsilon, directed by James Shelley, won the Interfraternity Sing in which six other fraternities competed. For the DU's, Director Shelley accepted the cup given by Kosmet Klub, sponsors of Sing. Teh-yao Wu, Chinese student at Of 704 students at Kan Claire Rorkhtirst college will be host Hamilton college, has started a (Wis.) State Teachers college last May 22 at a national symposium drive for funds to supply textbooks semester, 302 were from Kan on "The Good Life in an Indus- tor Christian colleges in China. Claire homes. trial Kra." J.- - 0 o Irregulars of 3.9S qualities Imperfections plainly marked. Variety of materials and colors. This is your chance to get a lovely Doris Dodson dress, sale starts at 9:30. 1 99 Irregulars of 6. SO qualities Spun rayons and cottons in many smart styles. One and two piece plain. 2" One and two dresses. Stnnes. fisrures and Come early for your choice. Irregulars of 7.95 qualities The imperfections are plainly marked for your inspection. They're just what you need for this spring's parties. Your choice of cottons or rayons, plain or ligurea materials. 399 GOLD'S . . .Third Floor. n tit ism r ' s J Good Housekeeping ... Daily conduct college women jpinion survey Through the cooperation of the DAILY staff, Good Housekeeping has recently conducted a survey of college women's opinions on vari ous and sundry subjects. In the first place such questions as, "Do you want to be raising babies or holding down a good job, or both, a year after graduation?" were asked. "How do you feel about the draft?" and "What part should women play in national de fense?" ere other examples. It also asks questions concern ing clothes and the amount spent on them. Use of cosmetics pro or con is still another section of this booklet which should reveal to Good Housekeeping Institute some startling news. Results of the sur vey will be sent to the DAILY NEBRASKAN and published in Good Housekeeping. Orator- ( Continued from Page 1.) rwould be necessary to earn a liv ing in a post-war world. Blackest assumption. "Then for a moment," he stated, "let us take the very blackest of all assumptions. Let us assume the United States enters this war and that we, the allies, are de feated. If such were to happen, then the only thing we would have to depend upon for our survival for making our way in a new or der would be our education." Curtiss, comparing present-day college life with that of former times, said that "we need look back only three years to see that time the student was spending here at the unljurfsity, he spent in prepar ing ff a lifetime job." Aak result, the college student of thaTMgy diligently applied him self to his work, he said. "Today, however, the average college stu dent has nothing to contemplate in the next few years but join ing the armed forces of the United States, either as a draftee or a soldier. Pessimistic attitude. "The fortunate ones will go in as officers, the less fortunates as pri vates. There has grown up a pes- I I - .1 . Tr yrmHmmm.n.u 3sK X i JT'A t " A. 1 ... svrn till t ' jvw r 1, v-l- : frwM f, A I, -Cv fcfav ,s.S, T lli ftWi1rttt-i-jt-Aa-M'-fl!8 air. .'illtifi.ilfc;ifcif i m m 11 Lincoln Journal. Standing on her throne, crowned Queen of the May, is Jean Simmons. She is surrounded by her at tendants, pages, and train, flower and crown bearers. Chains form processional Sportswear Specials flLJ from MAG EE'S Downstairs $avings $hop Reg. $1.95 Gabardine Sport Shirts S49 A special rayon and cotton gabardine fabric . . . thor oughly washable ... in long sleeve styles ... all sizes . . . tan, blue and green shades. Reg. 4.9S Men's Sport Slacks S98 1 Sport slacks made of fa mous Field Club fabric and advertised in Esquire. Also slight irregulars of $5.95 to $6.95 slacks. In all sizes and colors. Downstairs at ftAGEES i , lfr- i ' Jit: 4 nx i 4 h r l h v n -"1 ( n .-.i .iri ,i 7 i.i' ii . ii .11. J Lincoln Journal. In a procession made colorful by their pastel and white dresses, coeds formed the Ivy and Daisy chains which began the ceremonies leading to the crowning of the Queen of the May. Chanting the traditional Ivy Day song, "We Who Bear the Ivy," they bordered the walk leading to the throne. liiglier than independents simistic attitude toward school tn-.,jonaI .urvcv oliows ... day, a feeling of futility and of m - T .m'SSeplorable - the fYatC 1111 tV IUC1 S SCllOUirSptp our university has fallen greatly the past two years." The reason for concern on the part of university students was the fact that, if war comes to the United States, probably "every able-bodied man between the ages of 18 and 40 will be in it." "We need to look only to his tory to see that wars do not last forever. The longest .we can be lieve the existing war will last is two or three more years, and the taking out of two or three years from the lifetime of the average 18 venr old student will leave him a life expectancy of 40 years," concluded. he For the tenth consecutive year fraternity men in the United States have surpassed independent men in scholarship, according to a thorogoing survey just released by Dr. Alvan E. Duerr of New York City, scholarship chairman of the National Interfraternity confer ence. In 1939-1940 fraternity men increased their lead slightly over the mark for the previous year. The survey is based on the scholastic record of more than 75,- Watch your Follow Arthur Murray's Donee Teachers When girls who dance day and night are enthusiastic about a de odorant, you can be sure it's good ! Odorono Cream meets even the charm requirements of Arthur Murray's busy teachers. It checks perspiration safely for 1 to 3 days. It is non-irritating, non-greasy, non-gritty. Follow the lead of the girls whose jobs depend on daia tiness! Send for your jar of Odorono Cream today! Step J i m rfR $1 W0RTH 01 ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE BOOK end GENEROUS JAR of ODORONO CREAM If the instruction in this new Arthur Murray lance liuok were given in his private studio it would cost Slu! Nee 1 AJire hn ir i To learn! And see how I easy it is to bold your piriner whea ! you bc ODOROiNO CKAAit - L THF ODORONO CO., IN'C P. O. Box A. New York, N. Y. , Send me the new Arthur MurrsrDsnce Book end generous introductory tar of ODORONO CREAM. I enclose 2it to cover printing, mailing and handling. Name.. Clty .State. over enrtre country 000 undergraduate members of the national and local fraternities. A very small percentage of schools with fraternities do not make scholastic reports available. Taking the institutions as a whole, there has been marked im provement thruout the eastern half of the country, but 60 per cent of the institutions west of the Mississippi lost ground, ac cording to the report. The same trends were found in both en dowed and state institutions, and in both types was evidence that fraternity chapters respond def initely to scholastic leadership di rected toward better scholarship. The voluntary imposition by the fraternities of a higher initiation requirement than the university demanded brought Ohio State fra ternities above the all men's av erage for the first time in recent years. Best record. The best group record, accord ing to the survey, was made at Kurman, where the five fraterni ties averaged 25 percent better than the all men's average. Fur man headed the nine schools at which all the fraternities were above the all merv's average: Dav idson, Millsaps, Mississippi State, Polytechnic Institute, Washington College, Akron, Eureka, and Mi ami. Strong gains were ergistered at Minnesota, and Depauw. The Delta Kappa Epsilon chapter at Texas jumped from 14 percent below to 33 percent above the all-men's av erage to lead 25 chapters. SIM SAT., MAY 3rd DOfJ COLBURN with his Commanders EXTRA NEW FLOOR SHOW featuring Pat Herminghaus In her Mexican Danre Adm. before 9:30 2 7e After 40c COMI!G WHEN HE STARTS TOOTIM.. YOUll START ROOTIM -foK V&Jif