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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1941)
i Thursday, May 1, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN Mr. Darroiv-Mr. Duck! A Dialights Songstress makes debut 1 ww'v Public affairs 6:55 p.m. Bob Trout and the News KFAB. 8:45 p.m. News of the World KFAB. 10:00 p.m. News Tower WOW. Drama J 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. WOW. City Desk KFAB. Aldrich Famil y V A V 7 Wry - ...n.1v. , y-. T mi;njiliiriiir inn fii lmiwiiwr1 "m miii iiiiujjjJ Gerard Darrow, one of the three quiz kids who were such headaches to Jack Benny a couple of weeks ago, realized a long time ambition when he met Donald Duck (and Clarence Nash, his mouthpiece) at a party Walt Disney threw for the youthful brain trusts of radio in his studios during their Hollywood visit. Dial Dope Harassed leader Jimmy Dorsey is a bustling maes tro these days, with his band ful filling three different engagements a week. One is hearsal and ii . .. .... f ine jmcu nap- f Tiv RirthHnv 0. Ties," two a few weeks engage ment at New York's Strand y theater, and three, dance sessions at the Pennsylvania Hotel's Cafe Rouge. Burns inspires When Alec Templeton, blind British pianist now starring on his own program, "Alec Templeton Time," visited the broadcast of the Kraft Music Hall recently, he re ceived an inspiration for a piano theme which he may use on his guest performance on the show, come May 8. Templeton was completely en thralled by the discordant notes Bob Burns wheedled from his bat tered honkey-tonk piano. After the show, Alec sidled over to the venerable upright and began to idly run over the keys. Crosby, Connie Boswell, and John Scott begged him to show Burns what really could be done if a fellow applied himself diligently to the (ft jy-c 133 So. 13th 1 K mmm f COCOflNUT J S 4 the lightweight I I 1 iccHi'M task. Fascinated with the decrepit relic, Templeton gave an im promptu concert built around "The Arkansas Traveler," Burns' walk-on-theme which he called "Back in Arkansas." He may repeat the take-off on his forthcoming ap pearance. Dots and dashes Parks Johnson's Vox Pop pro gram is campaigning for an offi cial vice presidential residence .... Over 10,000 fans sent in name sugges tions for Blon die's new baby. . . . Jimmy Wal lington started in radio as set builder but was made announc er before he could warm up soldering irons. . . . Mrs. Roose velt has one of L a n n y Ross' new friendship rings .... Alec Templeton is writing a violin concerto for Henry lemicnka. . . . Drama Friday night, always a big night for drama on the air, sees William ALL MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE OR RENT NEBR. TYPEWRITER CO. 130 No. 12th t 2157 HAT SHOP 2-3033 i' ' ) -f--iiiii i FEATHER Ofl weights ; oy They're light and irv. You'll like ' Variety 7:00 p.m. Music Hall WOW. 8:00 p.m. Rudy Vallee WOW. 8:00 p.m. Glenn Miller KFAB. 8:15 p.m. Professor Quiz KFAB. 8:30 p.m. Charlie Ruggles WOW. 9:00 p.m. Fred Waring WOW. Rceltimes NEBRASKA: "Las Vegas Nights," 1:00, 4:05, 7:10, 10:15. "Michael Shayne, Private Detec tive," 2:35, 5:40, 8:45. STUART: "Sea Wolf," 1:00, 3:12, 5:24, 7:35, 9:48. LINCOLN "Men of Boys Town," 1:00, 3:11, 5:22, 7:33, 9:44. VARSITY: "Penny Serenade," 12:00, 2:20, 4:45, 7:10, 9:35. VARIETY: "Turnabout," 3:11 6:34, 9:40. "Naughty But Nice," 1:09, 4:42, 8:06. CAPITAL: "Back Streets," 1:00, 3-.5-L 6:48, 9:42. "Two Bright Boys." 2:44, 5:38, 8:52. JOYO: "Santa Fe Trail," 7:10, 9:40. Towell recreate one of his great est characterizations on the Camp bell Playhouse. Powell will appear in Robert Lord's "One Way Pas sage," as Dan Hardesty, a fugitive from justice in the United States, who got as far as the Orient be fore the law caught up with him. In the same role opposite, Kay Francis, Powell's screen success in the movie version was some thing short of sensational. University of Georgia art de partment drew up a check of 25 feet long, by means of which uni versity sororities made a donation to the British relief campaign. Kappa Alpha Theta sorority re cently walked off with the scholar ship cup at Washington State college for the fourteenth time in 16 semesters. .onDiTDeers Not Towles Orchestra Cornhusker Hotel Sat., May 3rd Admission $1 per Couple Presenting Engineers7 Sweetheart All Students Invited Plenty of Fun for All yfc, k j iiii::: '"M-ummX AiMm, NpMM ii y." v. AifaMtt. V .v. . . . .. i- Lovely newcomer to the Columbia network is 19-year-old Lynn Gardner, raven-haired songstress of the new "Silver Theater Sum mer Show," starring Ed Sullivan, noted Broadway and Hollywood columnist, and Will Bradley's orchestra. Bradley discovered Lynn singing in a night club in her native Union City, N. J. University of Kentucky is add ing ,a course in advanced sales manship. Dan Nupen, former ski orderly to King Haakon of Norway, now is coaching the Middlebury col lege ski team. He taught Crown Prince Olav and Crown Princess Martha. John Kirwin, 6-foot 6-inch 230 pound freshman at Ohio State university, wears size 20 shoes that are 16 inches long and nearly 6 inches wide. A collection of some 500 land and marine shells from all parts of the world is the latest gift to Harvard university museum of comparative zoology. Diamond Rings And many other Beautiful Quality Gifts to Please. Locket and Chain from 2.50 up Bracelets from 1.50 up Key Chains 1.00 up Cuff Links 2.00 up Sartor Jewelry Co. 1301 0 St. Lincoln HaOD Applications due for Simon award Application blanks for the Jo seph Simon scholarship to be awarded next year are available in the office of Dean C. H. Old father. Applications must be filed with dean today. The $100 award is given to the outstanding male student in the present freshman class who has demonstrated fine qualities of manhood, moral force, scholastic and athletic ability. LINCOLN'S LEADING THEATRES! NOW! It was a Raw. . Romping. . Frontier Town!.. .'til a gal with a I.nw Cut Gown stepped in to make it wilder and funnier! "The Lady From Cheyenne" LOR ETTA YOUNG ROBERT PRESTON EDWARD ARNOLD All Seats Till 6 P. M. 28e UAIRJ NOW! Greater Than "BOYS TOW Spencer Mickey TRACY ROONEY "MEN OF BOYS TOWN' All Seals Till 0 P. M. 2Xe NOW! 2 Smaih Hit,! "LAS VEGAS NIGHTS" with Tommy DORSEY and His Orchestra -Plu$ Co-Uitl- " MICHAEL SHAYNE PRIVATE DETECTIVE" with LLOYD NOLAN Always Seat for 20 NEBRASKA l