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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1941)
Sunday, April 20,1941 frdiioJimL QommsmL . (BullsditL DAILY NEBRASKAN Council's . . . Clean election stand ... Takes victim The Student Council judiciary committee made a bold move yesterday, when Bob McNutt, Union candidate for business administration, was ruled ineligible because of a violation of Article 4 of the Student Council election rules. McNutt's ejection resulted from material appear ing in the NEBRASKAN, which was printed without his knowledge, without the endorsement of his party, and without the intent of any person to publicize his name for political purposes. Such action is severe; and to Bob McNutt, who was altogether innocent of any violation, it was & calamity. But looking at it in the broad perspective, the action of the Student Council was commendable. For it smacks of the sincerity with which Council members are trying to make this spring's election the cleanest one in many seasons. It is apparent that the ruling prohibiting the printing of any material backing any candidate or the publication in writing, typewriting or type of lists of candidates by any party will be met with severe action. And more important yet, the action of the Council yesterday establishes it definitely as a non-partisan cham pion of clean elections enforcing election rules to the letter even though such enforcement rules out a candi date of the party which was responsible for the council man's election. A display of this impartiality in the enforcement of law, we hope will be accepted by the factions as com mendable of the governing body of the students them selves, and of a body that has final say in disputes of this kind. Should the decision of the judiciary committee be accepted by the Union faction in this light, there should be no longer cause for questioning the integrity of Council members on other decisions they have made in the past or may make later this year. Hats off, therefore, to an energetic Student Council, whiJi first profited by the squabbles of last fall, set strict rules for this spring's election, and is now enforc ing those rules v .h vigilence impartially wherever the evasions of them arise. Are we suckers? The DAILY printed rather nasty letters last week, coming from groups charging the NEBRASKAN itself with incompetancy and graft. Rather scandalous state ments were made tn those letters, which no evidence was presented to support. Those letters were run, however, to prove that this paper is the voice of all students, and that no statement even though it concern the DAILY would be stricken from its commentorial columns. In a meeting before a member of the publicHtions board yesterday, however, the group making many of the implications could not or would not support them with proof. Accordingly the DAILY has been forced to conclude that the subscription program is being made a political football over which this spring's election may be fought, and that every effort possible U being made to identify this paper with Greek sympathy. Convinced of this fact, .he DAILY feels that it is justified in refusing publication of all letters aimed pri marily at arousing political antagonism and in return will refrain from antagonizing either party it-self. The bi-partisan Student Council elections committee is publishing today questions and answers explaining all angles of the subscription program. The questions they are answering are those turned in by DAILY readers in response to a request for such questions by the commit tee in the NEBRASKAN several weeks ago. Tie an swers given therefore should cover all questions in the minds of prospective voters. We now urge that bias be removed, and that the question of universal subscription be considered on merit alone. The DAILY will not carry a torch for the Couneii program; and hope the opposition will likewise not carry a torch against it. For the money involved in the pro gram is that of an individual and it should be his decision alone whether he wants an all campus newspaper or not. That Union staff! One can be over critical of groups that may mean veil, but we think Kosmet Klub has a just gripe with certain members of the Union, office staff. For frames and positions for signs advertising the Klub's spring show were yesterday denied members of the Klub, even though they had been promised them more than a week ago, and despite the fact that the Klub has build its advertising program around them. The Union some time ago gave permission to Kos met Klub members to have painted ant) framed in the Union workshop advertising banners, one of. which was to be plaoed on the corner of 14th and R. These signs were made, and the one was placed on the posts in the agreed position. That first night, however, someone kicked a hole in it and it was necessary for the sign to be returned and a new canvas made to cover it. Before the new sign could be made, however, the Klub was instructed that despite previous promises, the posts for holding the sign must be used for other pur poses, that the Klub must get stakes of their own, and that the very frame used on the first sign was no longer available. If the Klub is to get advertising in the way planned, it is now necessary for them to build new frames and to delay work on these signs until the university shop opens Monday. The aggrevating part of it all is that had nobody kicked a hole in the first sign, the Klub would have used the. original frame as was promised them. Perhaps the Union is justified. But Kosmet Klub is griped. Commentorials . . . from oar readers Bob McNutt ineligible; apology by sports staff DEAR EDITOR: Last Friday, the sport page carried a column by ex-sports ed Jim Evinger in which he spent his words discussing one Bob McNutt, a lad whose almost sensa tional climb to the top in Husker football marks him as one of the outstanding sophomore men this year. Bob's good work doesn't stop on the gridiron. His average is consistently in the upper eighties. His faith fulness and ability to get things done in other extra curricular activities equals that which he displays in football. In view of that record and the personality of the big 230 pound tackle, McNutt was nominated by his faction to serve as a candidate for the Student Council post from bizad college. In a review of candidates for office by the Student Council judiciary committee it was unanimously agreed that if he was elected, Bob would be fully capable of holding the office. He was fully qualified as a candidate and had an excellent chance of winning the office. Then on Friday, the column concerning Bob and his brother Lynn, appeared on the sports page. It was a good column that was interesting and gave credit where it was due. No thought was given to it in reference to the election. Friday night and Saturday morning, it was brought to the attention of the Student Council judiciary commit tee that the column was in direct violation of the Student Council election ruling on publicity of candidates. There was no intention on the part of the sports department to use that column as a publicity plug. We were writing on Bob McNutt, the football man, not Bob McNutt the Stu dent Council candidate. However, regardless of inten tion, the column's purpose could be diverted by any party interested in doing so, to the extent that it would appear as out and out publicity for a candidate. Faced with this problem and working under the stringency of the Student Council ruling which, as in last fall's election, must be enforced to the last ditch, the judiciary committee of the Council last night was forced to disqualify Eob McNutt as a candidate. This stipula tion is clearly set forth in the election rules. Bob McNutt's name will not be on the ballot Tues day. It will not be there because we forgot about an election ruling which says "No printed, mimeographed, typed or otherwise published material in behalf of any candidate shall be permitted except the impartial an nouncements of the candidates appearing in the press, after the filihgs have closed. Any candidate violating these rules either in person or through his supporters shall thereby become ineligible." It's not Bob McNutt's error; no blame can be laid on the Student Council, judiciary committee (they hated to even meet to go through the disqualification process); and it does not represent a premeditated action upon the part of the opposing party. Bob has the sports depart ment to thank for that major oversight which beat him before his name even got to the polls. May the god of sports journalism make the next chap who holds down the sports ed's chair remember that there are such things as election rules. Oris Petersen. Dear Editor: Way out in the Coloiaiio mountains, near e.le of a high cliff, there once wanueied old cow. SI lingered there and gave birth to a fine little bull calf. But the little bull's wobbly legs betrayed him when he made his first few faltering steps, and he fell, head fiist, over the cliff to the locks far below. The old cow loo!;ed the situation over and started down the mountainside, saying to herself, "Well, a little bull can sometimes go a long way." It stems to me, dear editor, that you have made a little bull go a long way in your campaign for unrrwsul subscription. You have advanced a few reasons for uni versal subscription, among them: 1. Other schools have it. 2. It would benefit the university. 3. A bigger and better paper could be printed. 4. Universal subscription is the only way Nos. 2 and 3 can be accomplished. 5. 1 Present subscription rate would be reduced. The DAILY ha advanced all kinds of facts and figures to prove these statements, mostly true and un refutable facts and figures. But to me it means this: 1. The DAILY NEBRASKAN will receive $5,200 from the purses of UN students. 2. The DAILY NEBRASKAN will be benefited. f i Behind ' 1 ; lit '-i.' I J !' the Pll News j Battle of the Atlantic Recent concentration of interest on tb struggle in the Balkans and in North Africa has tended to obscure the main issue of the war the battle of the Atlantic. Losses in Greece and in Africa unquestionably are serious, but gains or losses in those areas will not decide the ultimate outcome of the war. The Germans can defeat Britain only if they are so able to command the Atlantic as to cut the life-line that is bringing them the munitions, the food, and the implements of war that make possible the continuance of the struggle against the nazis. That this life-line is seriously menaced, there is no question. The Germans in March sank ships at the rate of at least 100,000 tons a week, and since the start of the war they have sunk more than 6,000,000 tons of shipping and have damaged a very large additional tonnage. Britain is building new ships at a rate under 1,000,000 tons a year, and the United States is building at a rate no greater than that, if as great. The 1940 construction in this country was 349,000 tons not even enough for a month's sinking at the March rate. The 300,000 tons of German, Italian and Danish ships seized, if put into action, would replace only three weeks' supply of German sinkings. The United States is making strenuous efforts to step up the construction of shipping. The 10 year program of 50 ships a year, launched in 1938, has been accelerated so that the 500 planned-for ships will all be off the ways by the end of 1942. These will be augmented by the con struction of 200 "ugly duckling" standardized freighters during the same period. t a 8 c . . ft llcsa&u-: By CJins Petersen 3' I. THE GLAMMER-JAMMER For men only and only a certain type of man. She can t distinguish between the appeal of Betty Grablc and Gertrude Lawrence. Her perfumes all Lave names like "One Night of Madness" or '-Lost Virtue." She thinks of her wardrobe in terms of lingerie and bathing suits. Kas 13 pairs of red sandals and 20 dozen black chiffon nihties. Chocol.ite-colored nail lacquer. Turkish cig: r-eltes-which .she detests- in seven foot holders. Her eve ning gowns are so decollette that, in the closet, they nwt be pinned on the bangers by the hem. lier heart to as tig us the all outdoors, and just a, exclusive. Will never learn that male profs aren't fair She has baited her hook for tn- butter and eg; ir.r.n stid has never leorncd that be is exlliict. Has two clirtnces for marriage: an individual from Cincinnati nameu Glutz, small, dark, and drafted or a titled ref ugee who, having shitted his habiU-t fiono the Mvulm llouge to I .con and i:doic's winti lo do th'iif," tl.e Amerie-sn way. I'll fcladly -rant you points 1, 3, 4. and 5. I ll not elaborate my arguments, as you have, lv superfluous a:d borcsome explanations, but li t tlv n&7 s-t nd, short and self-explanatory, ns Sherman's ! ' ii.tion of w;r. You ni;y interpret them as you pl" Subscribe number 821. The Daily Nebraska!! (fi,iui Nni.Kixi 1m Than 7.(100 UiiVnf tOmiTH lEAB. FUi, art fl.M Pr Srinnifr or 1 1.." for lk ' tear. .'.." Mi'rd. Smilr ropy, & rnU t.aKrod a raad-l. mailer at Ik piflir in Lincoln, Nebraska, nnder Art of tonr,ir. March :t. IK,!), and at tpcrial rate of n.Maie pravldrd for iu ru llf):t. Art of October .t. I'M? Aolhoriira Srntrmktr ! lfT Office Cimb BetMinf Da t-iltl. Mihl T--.H1. Jraat t-jUiS Mrrabrr Akorialed Cli(iala l"!. ltMS-41. Mirabn Nebraska rTm Asportation, I94S-4I. corticated for National Advertising kr NATIONAL AMVLRIISINtt gLBVICK. INC. ! Madlon Ave., Nw Tark. N. V. rklrai Bom en l.e Angele 8a franriy fublWird frailr dariat In arhool ai tt"l M.ndaja n-,S" rdayn, tai allons, and r lamination priodi kr Stadonla of tor i "- rr.ltji of Nebraska and.r the taarrvMoa of Ik raallallaaBara., dil.r Bauart Maaar .Ci a. Marti Ld " Ma..,,., tdit,. Mary Karr.taa. Taiil "n.ila Idilor , " "'" Neat Editor !. Mortoa Mariofcla. t art " Mar)rtraninr. nk Stklatcr. ttoa Bowr AtiiatiRl Baatacit Manrftra NaTieaff, Barton iai