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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1941)
8 DAILY NEBRASKAN i i K- JlapsdtufA. Marian Cramer 4, fl Social calendar for Saturday night included the traditional Siy Ep blues party held at the Cornhusker with the music of Johnny Cox and his orchestra. Couplings included Dwight Clem ens and Alpha ChiO Janice Gold smith, Bill Eoles, and Dee Gee Kappy Homer, Norm Hibbard and ChiO Barabie Lee. The AOPi "Horse Show" was the notafcle party down sorority row. Eula K.-iding was there with SAE Dick Fate while Bunny Chapline end Jack Clarke divi dede their time, spending half of the evening there and half of their time at the Kappa Sig Conscrip tion party. Romantic rumors have it that Alpha Phi Dotty Tip ton of the "Ecy Meets Girl" fame is now goin; steady with SAE Dick Spelts. TLtre is another Sig Alph who is row free lancing it for it seems ;rxt Theta Betty Mae Klopp has decided to divide her time these toys and is no longer on the Ftffxy go-ers list with Leonard Jcctlson. Toivne cluh members hekl their tpring formal Friday night :.t the Comhusker. Jeanette Hu'iterd was there with John Wages?, Eleanor Crawford and Kenneth Worth, Dorothy White and Jim Young, and Palla dians Virginia Mutz and Hugh Stuart wtre a few of the couples seen havirg an especially good time. Warm tceather brings other things besides picnics and spring fever. Witness the various serenades which the girls heard the other night, or the an tics of the Sigma Nu's who tied John Mackey to the pillars by the front door of the Delta Gamma house during the wee small hours of the night. The situation be came even more embarrassing as the spotlights pointed . out the fact that John was illustrating what the well dressed Sigma Nu wears in the dorm. Then there is the story of the barb picnic scheduled for Saturday afternoon which was held in spite of the deluge, indoors of course! Cinching things are the two diamonds which have just appeared on the campus. Kappa "Mickey" Morrow is now wearing a sparkling diamond given to her by John Rassmussen a Phi Rho at med school. Clar risse Purdy has a tell tale ring on that certain finger given to her by Innocent George Gostas. This is ' really no surprise for these two have been doing a mod ern Romeo and Juliette scene for quite a while. Hospitalized for appendectomies are Alpha Phi's Barbara Jones and Eleanor Berner and Kappa Marge Clarke. Add to this those other cases men tioned a few days ago and we might almost call it an epidemic. Council amendment The amendment to the Student Council constitution, to be voted on by all students at the general election Tuesday, contains the following previsions: Amend Article IV, Section I of the Student Council constitu tion to rtf.d: The composition of the Student Council shall be as follows: I a Each undergraduate college or school wishing a repre sentative on the Student Council on the Lincoln campus shall have one member of the Student Council regardless of size. Such a member shall be elected from the majority sex and shall be the sole representative of that college until the membership of this sex shall have leached a total of 601 and not to exceed 1,200 when an additional representative shall be allowed, or until the minority sex shall have retched a total of 201 and not to exceed 600 students for which they shfll be allowed one member on the Council. When the minority g?cup has a membership between 601 and 1,200 it shall be giver another member. Either sex having 1,201 to 1,800 shall be, allowed a third representation on the Council. Minority Sex 201- 600 receives 1 601-1,200 receives 2 1,201-1,800 receives 3 Majority Sex 1- COG receives 1 representative 601-1,200 receives 2 representatives 1, 200-1dC receives 3 representatives One nun and one woman from the Graduate college. , Previous to each Student Council election it shall be the duty of the judiciary committee of the Council to check the enrollment for the secend semester of that year and to ascertain the number and sex of representatives from each college. I PERSON Playing for Dancing The ini Cornhtiiber ( Yearbook ) I Ciprtfr. . and Will r PRESENT f the 1911 BEAUTY QUEENS In Brautifvl Presentation t '.S'-vK'': at the " 3rd Annual STUDENT UNION Annivertary PARTY WED. APR. 30 t n---1 ii - " 1 1 ADMISSION: Gentlrmen i riu .13 Urf. Tax $1.40 .59 I J dim 11.00 Tolaf Per Couple AMD HIS WORLD FAMOUS ORCHESTRA Featuring SNOOKY LAiNSON LYNN, LOU, & LEE PLUS SPECTACULAR FLOOR SHOW!! GET YOUR TICKET NOW See "a Cora Cab See a Staff Member f 1941 t'nrn tansker Senior Council r at the Student Union Offiee. V N IVKItSITY COLISEUM Spring Election Candidates Following is a list of candidates for the offices to be voted on at the spring election Tuesday. "Barb" represents unaffiliated students. "Greek" represents affiliated. , FOR STUDENT COUNCIL Seniors at large (all students vote) Vote for two Gilbert Hueftle, Barb Fred Meier, Union Blaine Sloan,' Barb Donald Steele, Union Vote for two x Norma Jean Campbell Margaret Forrey Miriam Rubnitz . Maryellen Robison Ag college (all ag students vote) Vote for one Randall Pratt, Union Jerry Skoog, Barb Vote for one Alice Louise Becker Eleanor Crawford Betty Ann Tlsthammer Arts and Sciences (all A. & S. students vote) Vote for two Robert Alberty, Barb Roy Buram, Barb Preston Hays, Union Lawrence Huwaldt, Union Vote for three Marjorie Bruning Doris Dobry Jean Echtenkamp Virginia Emerson Laurel Morrison Marylouise Simpson Bizad (all blzad students vote) Vote for one Jim Webb, Barb Vote for one Margaret Fowler Dentistry (dental students vote) Vote for one Kenneth Holland, Union Bob Settell, Barb Engineering (all engineering students vote) Vote for two George Campen, Barb Norman Kuska, Union Elden Mathouser, Barb Franklin White, Union Fine Arts' (fine arts students vote) Vote for two Nina Armstrong Marion Jones Elizabeth Ann Roberts Pat Sand Law college (law students vote) Vote for one Thomas Brogan, Barb Kenneth Holm, Union Teachers college (teachers stu dents vote) Vote for one Robert Bramson, Union Robert Luebs, Barb Vote for three Elizabeth Bursik Margaret Hoppert Betty Jean Horner Betty Marie Wait Norma Watkins Graduate college (graduate stu dents vote) Vote for one Charles Oldfather, Jr., Union Ted Roesler, Barb Pharmacy (pharmacy students vote) Vote for one Ed Chait, Union Wallis Wimberly, Barb IVY DAY ORATOR All men regularly enrolled in tree university may vote on this Eugene Curtiss, Union Robert Simmons, Barb PUBLICATIONS BOARD Sophomore member (to be voted on by all freshman students) Vote for one Mark Hargrave, Union Frank O'Connell, Barb Junior member (sophomore stu dents vote) Vote for one David Marvin, Barb Fred Mctheny, Union Senior member (Junior and sen ior students vote) Vote for one Dorothy Jean Bryan - James Selzer, Union BARB COUNCIL Seniors (all unaffiliated Juniors vote) i Vote for one Eileen Fey Virginia Mutz Juniors (unaffiliated sopho mores vote) Vote for two William Green Vote for two Janis Marietta Hagelin Lorain Will Sophomores (unaffiliated fresh men vote) Vote for one Robert Dewey Henry Marvin Robert Schaufelberger Frank Smith Vote for one Marjorie Holmes WAA AG COUNCIL Ag college women vote President Vote for one Ruth Fairley Lois Riggs Secretary Vote for one Eleanor Jacka Carol Kitzinger Marguerite Lipscomb Treasurer Vote for one Mary Dennis Barbara Firley Lucille Wolford Publicity chairman Vote for one Jean Humphrey Beverly Kindlg Lorna Weyers 1 Candidates for Innocents so ciety, automatic subscription to the DAILY NEBRASKAN, and an amendment to the Student Council constitution will also be voted on at this election. Poll shows Lincoln residents oppose US entry into war Lincoln citizens are,about evenly divided in their opinions regarding the attitude of the present admin istration toward entry into" the war, but nearly 75 percent of them oppose such entry, according to the latest in a series of polls being conducted by university psychol ogy students. The percentage results, which were reached by the same scien tific sampling methods as the Gallup polls, follow: 1. Do you feel that the present administration favors our entry into the war? some time ago favoring U. S. en try into the war was reported as 17 percent, whereas the present percentage in this city is 25. The figures indicate that among groups of older people there is more sentiment in favor of U. S. entry into the conflict. Ex-service men as a group were most in clined to believe that the present administration favors U. S. entry and. also the most pronounced group to favor it themselves. Hoick to abstract articles for medical publication Dr. H. G. O. Hoick, associate professor of pharmacology in ths college of pharmacy, has been ap pointed as a regular abstractor for Biological Abstracts, published at the University of Pennsylvania under the auspices of the Union of American Eiological Societies. He, will condense articles pub lished in the Weekly Journal for Physicians, official organ of tlia Danish Medical association in Co penhagen, Denmark. Won't Vn No Know I'nder it years of aire 50. Stf.I lt.7 39U49 yeara of age 37.9 41. S 17.3 er 49 yeara of axe 4H.9 39. S ll.T .-ervlce men .... C5.7 2X.9 6.1 .o rx-orrvke mrn 4J.9 49.S M.2 ten 51.4 41.9 1.9 Women S9.S S. H I '(tal 49.1 S9.I lon'l Yr No Know I noVr 9 M. . j,i :t9 to 49 24.1 75.9 9.9 Ovrr 49 29.4 79.1 S.I r;-iiervi-e mrn 42.9 97.1 9.9 Non rx-rrvlr mrn. 2S.9 77.9 9.9 Ma 11.3 9.U Women 19.8 77.9 9.9 Iota M.4 79. I.S rrapatioa. The national average taken Mary Pick ford appears on Guild Theater tonight To express her thanks to the Screen Guild Theater for its ef forts to benefit the Motion Pic ture Relief Fund, Mary Pickford will ma'ke one of her rare radio appearances on the final broad cast of the theater series tonight. Stars who have appeared on the Screen Guild shows have donated their salaries received for the ap pearances to the fund to help care for needy members of the film industry. In this manner, over $800,000 has been contributed to the fund since the program first went on the air three years ago. Melvyn Douglas and Joan Blon dell are co-starred In tonight's last broadcast in a radio adaptation of the comedy film, "Hired Wife." Roger Pryor will be heard in his usual role &s director and master of ceremonies. . ' FT. . 111 L Qay Cool SLACKS Dress and play In a Slack Suit These trim slack suits are just the thine for your cam pus jaunts. Expertly tail ored, in fresh new shades for sprint and summer wear. ool, crisp materials, raber- dine, poplin, and spun rayon. You'll be set for summer in these. In all styles and sizes. Designed for active coeds For your leisure moments 95 to 10 95 Sports Shop Third Floor