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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1941)
Sunday, April 20, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN 5 Dr Monday, April 21 5:00 Tassels meeting, Union room 313. Barb Council meeting, barb office, Union. 5:30 Psi Chi initiation, Union room 315. 6:00 Towne club dinner, Union parlors A and B. Faculty men's club meeting, Union parlor C. Psi Chi dinner meeting, Union parlors X and Y. 6:30 American Association of University Pro fess6rs melting, Union parlor Z. 7:00 WAA mass meeting, Grant Memorial. 7.30 Delta Sigma Delta meeting, Union room 315. 8:00 Psi Chi lecture, Union ballroom. Towne club meeting, Union room 316. Tuesday, April 22 7:00 a. m. Ag YMCA Bible discussion group meeting, room 302 ag hall. 8:00 10:00 Spring election polls open on ag and city campus. , 10:15 Honors convocation, speaker Rabbi Stephen S. Wise. 12:00 5:30 Spring election polls open on ag campus 12:008:00 Spring election polls open on city campus. . 12:00 Honors convocation luncheon, Union par , lors XYZ. 4:00 Newman club meeting, Union room 316. 4:00 6:00 Mortar Board Marriage Course, Union ' parlors XYZ. 5:00 Union Graduate students coffee hour, faculty lounge. Ag social council meeting, ag hall. Interfraternity council meeting, Union room 313. 6:00 Qity campus YMCA cabinet supper, Temple Y rooms. 7:00 Sigma Eta Chi meeting, Union room 313. . League of Evangelical Students meeting, Union room 315. 7:30 Danish film, "Denmark at Work," Union ballroom. - ' Phalanx meeting, Union parlor B. Barb Interhouse Council meeting, barb office. Wednesday, April 23 12:15 1:00 Concert by Lutheran chorus of She boygan, Wisconsin, Union lounge. 4:00 YM-YW personal relations commission meeting, Temple. 5:00 Union matinee dance, Union ballroom, identification cards admit. AWS board meeting, Ellen Smith. 6:30 Dental faculty meeting, Union parlor A. 7:00 Orchesis meeting, Grant Memorial halL Gamma Nu Theta meeting, Union room 313. 7j 15 Corn Cob meeting, Union room 316. 7:30 American Society of Civil Engineers meet ing, Union parlor Y. Red Guidon meeting, motor truck lab. and place Spring election Tuesday; all students vote General spring election for Student Council, Ivy Day Orator, Publications Board members, Ag Executive Board members, and candi dates for Innocents will be held Tuesday, April 22. Polls will be open from 8 to 10 a. m.- on both city and ag campus and from noon to 5:30 p. m. on ag campus and noon to 8 p. m. on the city campus. All students must vote on the campus where they are registered. All students must present their Identification cards at the polls. No voter should relinquish hia identi fication card to any person. Union brings Danish picture A Danish government-released film, "Denmark at Work" will be shown at the Union at 7:30 p. m. Tues day, April 22. This full length feature shows every day life in Denmark before the war, explaining its co operative system and show ing its natural resources. It is free to students. WAA holds mass meeting WAA mass meeting, for merly ' scheduled for last Tuesday night will be held Monday, April 21 at 7 p. m. in Grant Memorial. All women are invited to attend. The program includes pre sentation of the Intramural representatives, WAA coun cil members, and the sports board. Sheboyganites to singJiere The Lutheran Chorus of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, will present a brief concert, Wed nesday, April 23 at the noon hour in the Union lounge. Composed of non-professional singers, this chorus la now on a spring tour of the middle west. Time ftaid place' deadline 2 o'clock Thursday Compiled by Daily Nebraskan AWS and Union Thursday, April 24 12:00 Ag YM-YW luncheon forum, home ec room 302. Sinfonia meeting, Union parlor Z. 5:00 Gamma Lambda meeting, Union rocm 313. Towne club meeting, Union room. 3 IS. Barb Activities Board lor Women meeting, barb office. Ag Union matinee dance, student activities building. 7:30- Christian Science students meeting, Union room 316. Friday, April 25 12:00 City campus freshman and upperclassman Bible discussion group meetings, former museum. 4:15 Book Nook news broadcast, Union book nook, station KFOR. 9:00 Union dance with Henry Mattison and his orchestra, Union ballroom. Saturday, April 26 9:30 State' Nutrition conference, Union room 315. 10:00 12:00 Second session State Nutrition con ference meetings, Union rooms 313, 315, 316 .and parlors XYZ. State Nutrition conference luncheon, Union parlor A. Afternoon session State Nutrition confer ence, Union room 315. Orchesis meeting, Grant Memorial. Union contract bridge tournament, Union faculty lounge, register at Union check stand. Kappa Phi dinner, Union parlors ABC. Theta Phi dinner, Union parlor X. x Barb dance, Union ballroom, barb activities card or 10 cents admits. Kappa Phi Initiation, Union room 315. 9:00 Kappa Phi dance, Union parlors ABC. 10:00 Palladian meeting, Union parlors Y and Z: Sunday, April 27 10:45 a. m. Lutheran chapel service, Union parlors XYZ. 3:30 Vestals of the Lamp initiation, Union parlors B and C. 4:00 Lutheran student association meeting, Union parlor X. 4:30 Newman club meeting, Union parlors Y and Z. 5:30 Lutheran student association meeting, Union parlor X. 12:15 1:00 2:00 6:30 8:00 See the Nebraskan bulletin for late announcements and changes Nash speaks at psychology meet Monday Fmilblic invited to hear dkcussion of reading problems in Union Dr. Bert A. Nash, director of the educational cUutc and reading laboiatory at t!ie University of Kansas, will deliver the annual lecture sponsored by the Nebras- Texas School of Alines Coeds travel four thousand miles for poll on their beauty then claim superiority quired title by challenging any Weather American contender for the "Crown of Beauty" champion- Fairer warmer is- predicted for ship to an actual contest, the de- today. The lowest temperature tails of which will be announced which was predicted for last night later. was 35 degrees. EL PASO, Tex., April 18. With polls being the fad, students of the Texas School of Mines pulled a fast one, by sending their coeds over 4,000 miles to poll opin ion on their beauty. After running the gauntlet of public opinion from Oklahoma to Hawaii the students claimed the mythical American Intercollegiate "School - of - Beauties" champion ship. Statesmen, talent scouts, and the men-in-the-street all agreed that never before had they beheld such a collection of "all-American beauties" on any campus, in com parison to its enrollment. First beauty poll. The beauty poll, first of its kind In the annals of college history, carried reports that "the Mines' girls made sailors in .Pearl Har bor, Hawaii, forget the Pacific belles and the shadow of war, to look and marvel at the coeds from the El Pso school." , Talent scouts representing ma jor Hollywood motion picture stu dios added their voices to the "glamour poll" when they ex claimed that the coeds in a body exclaimed that "the Southwest's has given El Paso and the College of Mines more than its share of pulchritude." Casting their affirmative votes in the beauty census, the scouts . concluded that "the campus teems with beautiful girls who are su perior in loveliness to any coed organization we have had the pleasure of contacting." The college has formulated plans to defend their newly ac- Your Drug Store Brtttr have a mack before you take In that ihow tonight. Ort good food and prompt service at oar fountain. ALL MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS FOft SALE OR RENT NEBR. TYPEWRITER CO. fjVj It Starrs TODAY, Lincoln!!! ( Sly , Fj Our Big, New Bargain 4 0,l,o, Policy That's Bound to .,v. -j 1 1 Meet The Approval of v$' 'j PVV I f The Entire Family! tef III Two of the Biggest (t "A I Return Hits on Every C Single Program! 'NGE Roge iUt2 vi New Policy Price$! 4 xiYct" ,5e 20e - . Bert A. iMash . . . speaks in union ka Chapter of Psi Chi, psychology honorary, Monday at 8 p. m. in the Union ballroom. At the meeting, which is open to the public, Dr. Nash will dis cuss "Some Approaches to the Problem of Reading Difficulties." The speaker is professor of edu cational psychology at Kansas and received his Ph.D. degree from Ohio State University in that subject. ( His talk will center around read ing difficulties of all grade levels with specific reference to college students. Professor Nash is a member of the American Psycho- lugicai association, CMgma ai, rra Delta Kappa, and Pji Chi. Members end guests of Psi Chi will attend a dinner at 6:30 in par lors. XY of the Union at which Nash will be a guest preceding the lecture. Reeltimes Nebraska: "The Texas Rangers Ride Again," 2:23, 4:54, 7:25, 8:36. "Free and Easy," 1:13, 3:44, 6:15, 8:46. Stuart: "Dr. Kildare's Crisis 1:28, 3:35, 5:42. 7:49, 9:56. Lincoln: "The Great Lie," 1, 3:07, 5:14, 7:21. 9:23. Varsity: "Pot O' Gold," 1:35, 3:40, 5:40, 7:45, 9:45. Capitol: "Comrade X," 1:57, 4:33, 7:09, 9:45. "The Gay Caba leno," 1, 3:36, 6:12, 8.43. Variety: "Convoy," 1:20. 4:10v 7, 9:45. "Melody for Three," 2:45, 5:30, 8:20. . I am Time to get out your picnic clothes and have THE EVANS slick them up for those little jaunts "back to nature." Our expert laun dering and clean ing makes them look (ike new. Owl Pharmacy 130 N. t-tU7 148 No. 14th F Phone 1-1068