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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1941)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, April 18, 1941 Colonel announces semester non-com military promotions Jiamfuidu 8 r ' " Promotions and assignments Of cadet non-commissioned officers in the University ROTC for the rest of the semester were announced recently by Col. C. A. Thuis, com mandent. In addition, Delbert D. Spahr was named lieutenant colonel, executive, in the field ar tillery. Following 14 thl romnlete list Of following B ine complete list ui promotions, ciiecuve jiiuucuiaicijr . INFANTRY. Company A : First Sergeant; Harold D. Jourdan. Platoon Sergeants: James K. Bush, Walfinn Nellmn Guide Sergeants: Ivan Ponedel, Quentln Nelson Squad Sergeants: Robert Devlney, Don- ald Howard, Gerald Bernstein, Dale Brad- ley, Carl Anderson, Harry Goldstein. Corporals: Jerry Dullng, Anthony Ciml- no, Kenneth Elson, James Hallock, Wil bur Mumford, Allen Carver. Guidon Bearer Sergeant: Robert Passer. Company R: First Sergeant: Robert Stone. Platoon Sergeant: Donald Macy. Guide 8ergeant: William Zlnn, John Dean. Squad Sergeants: Edward Robinson, Conway Thompson, Fred McLafferty, Frank Smith. Corporals: Maurice Demmon, Austin Rashid. Lester Buckley. Guidon Sergeant: Marlowe Abnor. Company (': First Sergeant: William Ottman. Platoon Sergeant: Robert Cohen, Robert Bowles. Guide Sergeants: John Douglas, Gene Bradley. Squad Sergeants: Robert Schlater, Leon ard Chadek, ' Benjamin Kohaut, Joseph Dresselhaus, Aubrey Stevenson, Charles Arpke. Corporals: Jack Rokahr, Robert Bram son, George Culwell, Fred Metheny, Rob ert Fast, Willis Robinson. Guidon Sergeant: W. Kepler Harding. Company 1): First Sergeant: Harold Hopkins. Platoon Sergeants: Donald Young, Rob ert Harkins. Guide Sergeants: Roy Shaw, Harold Swan. Squad Sergeants: James Bell, Reuben Jensen, Eugene Reece, Gerald Dunlap, Phil Pegley, William Kupp. Corporals: George Schappaugh Homet Pederson, Joseph Rodgers, Richard Baker, Herman Hahler, Cliff Eaton. Guide Sergeant: George Coulter. Company K. First sergeant: Bukacek, Lorenzo A. Platoon sergeanta: Kramer, William S. ; Patterson, Robert R. Guide sergeants: Reed, Clyde E. ; Deyke, Vern F. Squsd sergeants: Luers, Walter H. ; Koop, Randall A.; Forcado, Richard A.; Hyes, Morris D. ; Boyden, Henry B. ; Newcomer, James E. Corporals: Clea veneer, J. M. ; Rice, Thomas D. ; Mackey, John S. ; Herre, James R. ; Johnson, Charles L. ; Stoner, Lee H. Guidon sergeant: Nelswanger, Carroll G. Company P. First sergeant: George, Robert L. Platoon sergeant: Cashen, Joe P.; Wil kins, Frank L. Guide sergeant: Glllls, Robert L. ; Pal mer. William H. Squad sergeants: DeBord, Robert K ; Doweli, William F; Swanson, Warren M. ; Brown. Albert L.; Bursik, Donald U. ; Kantor, Phillip W. Corporals: Glnn. Robert F. ; Peterson, Byron; Venable, Phillip; Peterson, Deane; James. Everett L. ; Devoe, Lowell. Guidon sergeant: Johnson, Francis R. Company O. First sergesnt: Nordland, Nels A. Platoon sergeants: Hauptman, Charles M ; Plllsbury, Curtis B. Guide sergeants: Ross, Donald R. ; Lam bert, Clifton F. Squad sergeants: Porter, Dale O. ; Put ney. Richard W. ; Malashock, Irving; Wahlstrom, Leland N. Corporals: Saunders, Leo A.; Torgerson, Malcolm S. ; Alberts, Marion; Hull, Wil liam L. Guidon sergeant: Kleager, Clifford D. Company H. First sergeant: Pettit, Aubrey R. Platoon sergeants: Bush, John; Bauer meister, John A. Guide sergeants: Knudson, Curtis E. ; Old field, Les H. Squad sergeants; Meyer, Milton W. ; Brogan, James F. ; Wlthrow, Taylor N. ; Albln, Don E. ; Strahle, Ronald H. ; Ebe ling, E. Max. Corporals: Byler, Joseph E. ; Varner, B. Douglas: Harvey, Dale R. ; McNutt, Rob ert D ; Vellch, Ralph W.; Pulley, Max L. Guidon sergeant: Weesner, James E. Company I. First Sergeant: Ronald Rebal. Platoon sergeants: Lloyd Downing, Rich ard Wilson. Guide Sergeants: Elton Dohrman, Gor don Campbell. Squad 8ergeants: Gordon Tonbroeck, Welaon Frankforter, John Haberlan, Mark Allen. Corporila: Charles Becker, Walter Bonn- Use FAIRCUOtl ifllRY PB Milk-Ice Cream -Butter Special Flavor tor April Vresh Strawberry tee Cream FAIRMONT CREAMERY CO. Phone 6-2326 enblust. Tony Nocita. Guy McDonald. Company K. First Sergeant: Paul Kern. Platoon Sergeants: Robert Wallln, Pres ton Hayes Guide Sergeants: James Wehrman, Wil liam Yoachlm. Squad Sergeants'. Bernard Swanson, Ward Freeman, Robert Ross, Donald Nel son. Corporals: Theodore Green, Hal Bosser- man vvne uinmilj. Annur muer. Ouidon s,rgeant: Edgar yvestervelt Company I.. First Sergeant: Jesse Doyle. Platoon Sergeants: John Latenser, Sher wood Larson. Guide Sergeants: William McQuillan, Klcnard ueliatley. Squad Sergeants: Howard Robinson, John Peters, Glen Hennlngs. Donald Mc- Carthey, Robert Grovert, Edward Mala- shock. Corporals: Richard Berg, George Cun- nigham, Wayne Slndt, Nathan Eastman, Frank Matoon, John Critea. Guidon Sergeant; Edgar Nevlna. Company M. First Sergeant: Francis Kubltachek. Platoon Sergeants: H. Ray Herr, Her bert Longren. Guide Sergeant: Dale Hurley, Frank O'Neill. Squad Sergeants: Forrest Brunson, Wil liam Goldlng, Eugene Irlck, Lowell Rickey. Corporals: Lloyd Nan, Frererick Erick son, Leslie Dienst, George Blackstone. GuidJn Sergeant : Eugene Hoops. FIELD ARTILLERY. Battery A. First Sergeant: Alien Zikmund. Staff Sergeant: Donald Roth. Sergeants: John Fltzgibbon, Robert Guenzel, George Heyne, George Neater, John Osborne, David Walcott. Corporals'. Allan Artman, Raymond Buehler, Harry Burgess, Paul Eveland, Gervaae Franke. Homer Leymaater, George Lobdell, William Loeffel, Archie Madsen, Hugh Ruttman. Paul Sand. John 8auttor, Dana Turpin, Jim Van Landingham, Don ald! Warner, Samuel Wiggins. Battery B. First Sergeant: Lyman Moell. Sergeants: Hugh Sawyer. Coi'Dorals: Howard Chapln, Richard qwuihih, Don Probst, Rudolph Soder- holm, Paul Toren, Elwood Yost. Battery C: First Sergeant: Van Every. Russell M. Staff Sergeant: Stuart, James H. Sergeants: Bridenbaugh. Stanley K.;Her rlngton, Robert B. ; James, Charles R. ; Reed, Hamilton F. ; Skoog. Harold A. Corporals: Dewey, Robert E. ; Holland, David G. ; Hopkins, Herbert: Kennedy, Albert R ; Kintz. Doyle O.; Lugn. Alvin; Madsen. Ivan L.; Miller, Robert; Mint horn, Martin; Minthorn. Murray; Potter, Brooks L. : Roehl, William A. Strain, Al bert E.; Whitney. Lloyd R.; Wilson, Don ald E.; Witte, Erwyn E. Battery D: First Sergeant: Danlelaon, Edward R. Staff 8ergeant: Stubbs. William J. Sergeants: Brooks. Joseph B. ; Hilgert, Don B.; Yerkes, Walter E.; Huwaldt, Larry H. Corporals: Bartley. Ernest R. ; Gotf red son, Howard; Mayfield. Robert; Peterson, Carlyle; Provost, John: Saxton. Norval; Sharkey, Douglas; Townsend, James. Battery K: First Sergeant: Woods. Thomas C. Jr. Staff Sergeant: Johnson. Richard B. Sergeants: Bradshaw, Victor A.; Brown, Harold J.; Chambers. Richard H ; Foe, SAT. APR. 19th DICK TIPPEfl and His Orchestra Direct from HOLLY CLUB Adm. before 9:30 1 l) JL I C After tUC H . rs Adrian A. William E. Ross, Stanley D.; Klrtrell, Corporals: Alcorn, Leonard; Bratt, Curtis Lynn; Boasbery, Conn, Julie; Doll- ing, Harold. Corporals: Eisenstatt, Phil; Harklns, Ray; Hughes, Clayton; King, Keith; Mc Call, Allan; McGee. Harry; Mlers, Wil lard; Pearson, Fred; Schwartz, Glenn; Shamberg, James; Van Horn, Dick. Battery F: First Sergeant: Marcotte, Robert L. Staff Sergeant: Alberty, Robert A. Sergeants: Caldwallader, Miles E. ; Gritz ner, Verne B.; Kathol, Gerald J.; Thomas, Oscar E. ; Wilson, Max E. Corporals: Backman, Vernon: Beckford, Robert D; Boldt, Elwood; Boom, Roger; Davis. Don: Farmer, Garland; Gooding, Jack: Hartnell. Thomas; Huffaker, Dil lard;' Kusek, joe; McBroom, r. Clark's; M..r.mith Kenneth! Remmenaa. Georei P.: Riven. Art; Schanfelberger, Robert ; Thompson, Elmo. ENGINEER. Company i: First Sergeant: Wiles. Stephen . Staff Sergeants: Claphan, Eldon E., Piskas, Charles I. Sergeant: Lovick, Edward, Jr. Squad: Johnston, Richard W., Carter, Lyle A., Dahnke, Leonard L., Glover, Rob ert G., Jensen, Omar B. - Sergeant: Chambers, Glen D., (Guidon.) Company B. First Sergeant: Wllllts. Lee O. Staff Sergeants: GUI, John W., Lantz, Kenneth D. corrals: Egger. Fritz w., Martinson, t uhiac u narad h iianar Paul E., Manion, William R.. Coleman, Edgar L. Guidon Sergeant: Davidson, Daryl E. Company C. First Sergeant; White, Charles T. Staff Sergeants: Sehnert, Paul L., Lob dell, Wlllard R. Squad Sergeants: McMasters, Howard M., Skar, Norman D. , Murpln. Paul E., Brochtrup, Leo A., Wlttmusa, Howard D., Seagrin, Dick. Guidon Sergeant: Clark, Jack. Company D. First Sergeant: Rodgers, Donald R. Staff Sergeants: Anderson, Roger D., Jungman, Robert E. Sergeants: Stutt, Charles A., Doyle. Ed ward P.. Cox. Francia L., Bevins, Robert W.. Gardner. Mark F.. Butcher, Paul C. rhr : Crltchfield, James R ther G. Guidon Sergeant: Zimmer, Jack A. Engineer battalion Color Bearer, Ser geant: Walter Stewart. Norwich university is about to begin construction on a mess hall that will include facilities for a college store and recreation room, AV Q,eOX ,0c0 vi lr fi If '',ITI1 Tomorrow night will really be a red-letter occasion for campus parties. What with spring formals and house-parties and picnics, there shouldn't be a soul around except members of the Kosmet Klub Kast. who'll be rehearsing in order to make that . . t . show starting next Tuesday really worth your money. At any rate, the Pi Phi's will throw their an- nual hayrack ride (ed. note, to Margaret Koupal; in case you're wondering who your date is, it's Liu Jim sneiiey. see oa. cod jw.c- Ren Bukacek and Alice McUamp Nutt for the return of that lost t,eu be doing quite a bit otK4 date book!) commuting between the Kappa Sig Everything blue but the mood will keynote the Sig Ep's eighth annual Blue Party at thn f 'Mnriiioir a vani m a r ki i Biles will be dancin' with DG Kappy Horner, while Johnny Shields will take DG Pat Ainlay. Out Broadview wayf you'll see Theta Xi Dale Anderson with Delta Gamma Jean Ann Don- ley. Lowell Michael with Alpha Phi Peggy Hallstead, and Norris Schick with "cover-girl" Roberta Estev. at the Theta Xi SDrine for- mal. Alpha Xi Deltas will be welcoming back alums for state convention and Founders' uay Danquei tomorrow. sspeaKing of such .what power is this that Kappa Sig Leon Hines has over Alpha Xi Marian Whitney? Seema the lad made a long distance call with Mary Adelaide Hansen requesting her presence last week end, and she was right at his beck d M it waa juat ni, A. . , . . appendix that had the strange at- traction. ctioni.;n0 ni Kanna SiV speaking Of Kappa SlgS, vou'll see Bob Gillis with DG Betty j . . ' LoU Waechter. Dick Bere with Alpha Chi Marge Stewart, and Bill Robinson with Theta Barbara yorK at their conscription party tomorrow. Bill and Barbara, Bob Sinkey and Betty McMillan, and domicile and the Theta houseparty. To round up . . f house-narties thU - weekend, if you stop in at the AOPi shindig you'll see Marcia Beckman with DU Jack Rathbon, and Janet Shaw with Sigma Nu Bud Johnson. Columbia, Missouri, feems to be a popular spot for fraternity conclaves ATOs, Phi nd no the y" Jfon? the Farm House journeyed Stephens- waiu xui nit; uig inci.iiigi na tional conclave, yesterday. House Mother Mrs. Francis Pelton ac companied the group. Qn fjie cfc Ust have been Bettie Cox, Leon Hincs, Phi Psi Dave Flory. and SAM Norman Harris. They're all minus their appendices.