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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1941)
Friday, April 18, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN ( ; : Behind j tL News JZ RR hostess third speaker on AWS series Pat Lahr needs coeds for Pershing Riflemen Or.lal - 0!on Balkan bailie field At this writing- the outcome It the titanic struggle in the Balkans is still undecided though the end seems gravely near. The Italians were asserting late Thursday that the entire British Greek front was collapsing; but Reuters, British news agency, de clared that the line, though under heavy pressure, was still intact. Reports from the Larisa sector, scene of some of the bloodiest fighting, declare that the Germans are .recklessly throwing away men in their ceaseless attacks on the. Australians who are bearing the brunt of the defense of the area south of Mount Olympus. Athens reports still declare that the An isacs are holding fast, and there was an intimation that the allies were making a "do or die" stand. Meanwhile the wai in the west flared to new heights. The nazis unleashed one of the heaviest air attacks of the war against Lon don Wednesday night, and one which the Germans declared to be, the biggest air raid of all times." Convention continued from Page 1.) the Newman club is Joseph Shaughnessy. According to the Rf;v. D. E. Cooper, delegates will be lodged in homes of local Newman club members and their friends. Dele gates are expected from schools in Iowa, Kansas. Illinois, and Mis souri as well as Nebraska. The program: ATRII. 1. I p. m. t t p. m., flo, Hin 31 V H j.. m. ;nTtiimt. M. Mmrr ('M4rl hull n h CIO n 4 KthfT V A. ttffr, lo lrT chilln; dancing. APRIL 1. S . m. M kt W. Mary' Ctbral, Fftthrr l. F.. 4Mprr, wlebrwit. :4J a. m. Tlmt r union, t'ntoa, PP mnl f commit tm, wit I HM ni) chairman. 1 p. m. Cmltnn.tlHi of dt" . rtA !( mi commlttw rrportn, dMirnmmt. 4 p m. Tour of both pimiiPW. :RII . m. Bnnoiwt. I'nioM b 1 1 room. t p. m. ,ntTltnmmt ai4 tfaarinf, CTO hall. At'RII. JO. a. m. M ft SI. Mtrj'i Cathedral rhaiixt. lather I. K. "Tr, w-brl. rprntr (Htmmunkn will rrwulvrd. If, . ro. HnrnktftDt ta 'ath4ml bad. I:lft a. m. Hrlrtwn of firm ml firm mt Ural inn of tlw l4t convention. lt::i p. m. Trip U Team. The Luftwaffe rained death on the English capital for eight hours, in which 400 nazi planes dropped more than 100,000 incendiary and high explosive bombs. The German high command de clared that the raid was in re prisal "for the English destruction of the cultural and historic center of Berlin on April 9." Aside from the question that might be raised regarding the cultural significance of Berlin under the nazis, the statement is interesting in that it is one of the few admissions of damage by the RAF that has come out of Germany. Only five German planes were reported brought down by the English anti-aircraft guns and fighter planes. This evidence of German air superiority in the west, combined with the rapid march of events in the Balkans and North Africa makes impera tive a speeding up of the adminis tration's strenuous effort to ac celerate the flow of munitions and other implements of war to the beleagured enemies of the nazis. Arts honorary selects members Speaker on the third of this year's AWS series of vocational guidance lectures will be the head hostess of the Burlington railroad lines, according to an announce ment made yesterday from the dean of women's office. The host ess will speak in Ellen Smith next Thursday afternoon on the sub ject, "Positions Open to Women in the Transportation Business." The dean's office has received several letters asking about women who who are graduating this spring and their qualifications for filling certain positions, according to Dean Hosp. In accord with these inquiries, she says, this lec ture series is being sponsored. The first two speakers on the vocational guidance series were Royer, noted Hollywood fashion designer, and Miss Katherine Clayberger assistant editor of the Woman's Home Companion. Lutheran students meet Sunday in Union Lutheran students will assemble in a regular service Sunday at 10:45 a, m. in parlors XT of the Union. Rev. Erck will preach on "Im plications of the Resurrection." There will also be a choir re hearsal at 4:30 Saturday after noon at 1325 R street. Pershing Riflemen from four midwestern states will arrive in Lincoln this afternoon, but only 110 girls have signed up for dates with the 140 visiting members of the crack drill companies that will compete here for awards in their annual national Pershing Rifle regimental drill meet Girls are needed for the grand regimental ball in the Union ball room tomorrow night which will climax Saturday's competition. A stag banquet will precede the ball. Pat Lahr. social director, of the Union, is the person to see for a date with the men. She has all the necessary information including Lutheran choir presents concert The Lutheran choir of Sheboy gan, Wis., will present a short concert in the Union lounge, from 12:15 to 1 p. m. Wednesday. The choir is directed by Martin J. Bangert, former Nebraskan from Seward. Members of the group are non-professional singers who devote their spare time to this work. The concert here is one stop on their spring tour through the mid dle west. The singers have gotten part time leave from their regular jobs to make the tour. names and heights of all the fel lows. Makes final plea. In making a final plea for girls to sign up for dates, Miss Lahr again pointed to the action of Ne braska males when the Stephens girls were here recently, as ex amples of real cooperation in treating guests of the university. She asked that girls follow the example. Arrangements have been made to house the visitors at the coli seum with cots secured from those used during Boys' State on ag campus. Milek will lead. Preparing for this competition for the past two months, the Ne braska company, headed by Capt, William Milek who is also chair man of the arrangements for the meet, will begin Saturday morning with competition in rifle marks manshin at Andrews hall and for crack squads on the stage of the coliseum. In the afternoon, platoon, squad and individual compets will be held on the field west of the coli seum. Following the competitive drill, a regimental review will be held with all of the companies parading before the national com mander of the Pershing Rifles, Warren Day of the Nebraska ROTC. - All of the companies are plan ning to leave Lincoln Sunday morning. Fraternity elects Laase to honorary membership Thirteen new members of Alpha Rho Tau, honorary scholarship fraternity in the school of fine arts, were announced at the school's regular Wednesday after noon music recital this week. Dr. Leroy Laase, acting chair man of the department of speech, was elected to honorary member ship in the fraternity. The highest average in the fraternity was 92.28, earned by Blanche Larson, one of the new members. Those elected to membership were Ada Charlotte Miller, Mary louise Baker, Jon Pruden, Albert Gregory, Betty Joe Koehler, Blanche Larson, Alden Marvel, Imogen Mastin, Thomas McClure, Harriet Pugsley, John Turnbull, Adele Wenzlaff and Lynn Wolfe. Initiation and banquet honor ing the new members will be held on May 7 at the University club. IT'S TIME I As WEAR THOSE PERFECW HCAVEMY SHOES This exclusive pattern and last fcy Paradise has been Imitated but never duplicated. With the patented TaBfO pump feature. WHITE with Bine Turf Tan Black Patent Iff Jili --a "WORLD OF SMARTNESS" and. Onlif 95 Felt to go 9 round the clock", dressed up with veil, or frankly sporty; dark and light eolors every one with a gay independence that is conlageous. hdJL 195, 3.9S including grass straw s, smartly tailored Millinery Send Floor. LeC$ go to rmilHlPAtllt: for ParadUe Sperlalorg